/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Double the loli edition

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin hearthston /hsg/.
The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:


Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:


Come here if you want to search for card artworks:


Search by artists:



Other urls found in this thread:




Guys I don't think Luna's 18

You're in the woods when this little girl asks if you want to go on an adventure. The only condition is that you have to die. Do you accept?

Luna is the doll

I want to fuck ____

can i get a concede?


I unironically enoy playing Havencraft and i will continue playing it even after the future nerfs.

I only like going first in Luna.

people who hate on haven are just butthurt losers

Explain to her that you cannot go on an adventure if you die since you need your body intact. Done.

None of the other characters ever told her because they had their own issues. Poor Luna

Granblue cards when

>Finish dailies
>Still the exact same rank I was before starting
Might as well have done them in casual, what a fucking waste of neurons.

Cog rune leader never

If I'm too mentally challenged to beat an experienced bot of any class as aggro bats should I just quit now?

Eris does

And shitters

same here brah, I don't even run scripture or aria because they are definitely broken
can't wait for the nerfs which would ironically increase my winrate at the cost of stormshitters' winrate

But doing ranked gets you other bonuses too.

>I don't even run scripture or aria

Hear the dragons roar!

She didn't give her a hug, though. Stupid hag only useful for boobs

Who would lose to the cock first?

>bloodshitter replies every time
like clockwork
you enjoying those 20 turn games, son?

I wonder if I should buy a leader since arena isn't worth playing at the moment.

I am pretty fucking sure take two matches me against unranked
no fucking way these decks are made from random shit

ur mom

I want to bounce Isabelle up and down and get her off a bunch


The card pool is still very small and heavily weights class cards.

>japanese name
>papua new guinean flag

Weebs exist everywhere with internet.


Why do I keep getting matched against A+ Ranks when I play Unranked?

I thought Unranked was actually tied to my rating (C3)

>not playing with some random cool looking 3rd world country flag

>six games going first in a row
>draft an arena deck
Jesus Christ I'm trying to not get mad a video games but I don't think I can.

>absolute fucking nonsense posted
>canadian flag



>japanese name
>palau flag
I have to look up half of the shit i meet desu


People pick flags they think look cool or fit the color scheme of their flare/emblem and not to rep a country.

>Win a private match


Please help me, kind anons!

This is a serious question. I can't even beat a bot with this deck. I've never been able to win a game for dailies.

Am I too retarded for this game?

But I do that

Thank you kind user, I hope many legendaries and 5-0s come to you!




dumb midgetposter

Record your next game for us

Get rid of those midnight vampires and wind god and get some more burn (demonic strike, demonic storm, more storm minions)



Blood pact isn't an aggro card, or at least not without pairing it with demon general

Get imp lancers in there. Midnight vampire's a bit too situational really



Keep hitting their face and force them to attack your followers instead of your face
Don't be stingy on evolves too, a 3/3 bat does wonders especially if you have a DoD at hand

>Dragon cursed you to become a murderous dragon when you want to protect someone.
>Killed friend's fiance and also your subordinate when under dragon form.
>Still use Hear the dragon roars as taunt
What did Rowen mean by this? For someone who has every reason to hate Dragons the guy seems to be really cool with them.

You need 3 fortes.

In arena?

Good luck getting 3 Fortes in take two

the gamepress batblood is not optimal.
3 DoD will clog your hand
midnight vampires are fairly low impact and require bats to actually be alive. lack of storm finishers can leave you without the oomph to close it out.

are you new to card games?
i beat max level bots with a deck similar to that

Also this dude or whatever

>not representing your country
what the fuck is this?

Get your fucking 3 fortes.

Thanks, I'll give these suggestions a try.

Also try to hold dropping your Mini Devils off until just before or after Evolves start flying around
Dropping 2 Mini Devils at 6 and Evolving another follower on the board can really fuck your enemy up, especially since evolving their own follower to answer your devils will mean that they'll be up to 4 face damage just because of it



Well this is pretty hard

I'd fuck 3 Fortes


>implying you could handle it

swipe right

>no pics of Cerberus fucking 3 Fortes with her 3 dicks

wew laddies i'm getting tons of packs today

Who wouldn't.

You lucky motherfucker. I'd go with greedy, so left.


You don't choose the dragon life.
The dragon life chooses you.

Finally, my first 5-0
Was using a janky as fuck deck too.

Topdecked a Giant Slayer to kill off a 5/6 dragon ward for lethal in game 2
Drew Odin and used it against Morde in the final game
You really need a huge amount of luck and for the opponent to be unlucky as fuck.

mini soul devil top daughteru.


>tfw the only person responding to your 5-0 t2 run is a retard

Got my first Lord of Flies so that's nice too.

Lost to Haven seraph healer 3 times in a row...
Do i seriously need Odin in my shadowcraft to even play?

replace the 20g and get more packs quest


Yes, I even had to replace my 2nd Olivia for a 2nd Odin. You have to face reality.

threaten lethal or kill them before turn 9

Do you have the 3 cerbs to enter in the shadowcraft faction?


Reposting the ding dong ad they actually run in japan
This shit is amaizng

Stop playing shitty classes you lolicon

And here's the deck. I forgot Leonidas, he also won 2 games for me due to his sheer size.
White Paladin also saved me on game 1 when I was being aggroed by Forest.

Thanks user! Have a cat.

Only 2 Cerbys.

B-but I'm playing gentleman skellington shadowcraft.

I need 760 vials fast. Who goes on the chopping block?

regarding this...isnt there only 2 pack quests, so rerolling while still having those missions active would mean 0% chance of getting a pack quest am I right

Hand over your souls

Soul Dealer desu