/dsg/ Demon's/Dark Souls General

Dragonslayer edition

>Regulation v1.22 patchnotes - Nov. 11th

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Became a scalie

Other urls found in this thread:


first for your late faggot, use the catalog

Second for eggs are food and not ingredients

Any food can be an ingredient

4th for Gwyndolin



/dsg/ regards it as literally hitler
Everyone buys it anyways

More Londor trash and every other plotlines dropped

Eggs are not food


More BB assets
One boss will borrow from Loran Darkbeast and have a camera angle that makes NK Phase 1's camera seem perfectly fine
Final boss will rip right from Orphan and have an autistic moveset that punishes just about everything except summoning


Literally nothing on the serpents or Aldia


But you literally eat eggs. They are a food

it will delve deeper into the story of londor, the connections to the abyss, carthus and the angels
jk, it will add 2 arena maps and a short corridor with a boss in the end


Tell me /dsg/, in demon's souls, whats a good place to pvp and what SL range is best for it?

more rags as fashion
generic boring moveset weapons
more questions asked than answered
series ended on a low note

4-1 at 120, but it's a pretty dead game. Don't expect to run in to too many people these days.

Shrine of Storms first level right when you spawn in.


Use this thread, ignore Luci's thread
Ignore his posts
It will go away when you stop giving it attention

Wait until next years Return to the Nexus event


Where do i get the full DaS2 Design Works?

>that webm
Shit, that was such a long time ago now

They're ingredients, not food

Post more new webms.

Good times


The idea of a maiden slowly mutating into a Pisacha and crying makes me feel funny in a bad plae

Thanks man

>That second stab
What the fuck?

here you go

Yeah, it's worked so well these past 5 years. I'm sure if you keep shit posting about it, it will eventually work.

>update drivers because old drivers were causing artifacting on youtube videos and it was starting to get annoying
>now Dark Souls III runs like ass

Best SL encounter?

just the usual range for the GFS

broken as fuck weapon

Is a mundane run possible in DaS2

Or am I forced to become a Pyromancer until I get the right stats

The final boss will be a Dark-equivalent to Soul of Cinder and have inside it all the protagonists that chose to become a Dark Lord instead of linking the fire. The boss will be a mix of Manus and Orphan of Kos gameplay-wise.

The area of the DLC2 will be a dark city of Hollows and the other sister of Yuria will be the first DLC boss. As weapon, she'll wield a weapon reminiscent of the bowblade from BB.

It's miyazaki netcode actually, unfortunately I posted this in the thread that shall not be named so I can't post it again:

Remove your tripcode.





Or I guess I can nvm lol, mods=gods etc

Does backstep has no iframes in 3? Never seems to work when I try

GFS is pretty much the new washing pole as far as meme range goes

So how do you actually beat a decent washing pole player? Seems like no mater what you do they just outspace you poke you to death.

What the fuck FROM?

>mods removed luci's thread
Not even hotpockets likes you, when will you take the hint and fuck off forever, or at least lose the tripcode

The painter girl is cute! CUTE!

I don't think they have. I have tried it myself and couldn't do it.

Equip a 100% physical block shield.

Any decent shield.

World Tendency is such a retardedly made cool concept. It gives you replay value but fucks up if you're online so it basically killed the already non-existent multiplayer Demon's Souls had after most people moved to next-gen or pc.

How many bugs/glitches have you accidentally run into in DaS3?

I really don't give a shit except for how it ruins old monk.


anyone else disconnecting a lot to day? not on purpose mind you, i'm getting thrown out by the game

What was Seath's plan, going forward? Just ride out the age of Dark while being literally immortal? The fading of the First Flame only barely has any effect on him, right?

I've only experienced these 2 personally, iirc

ck pls go

Eggs are literally the best food after mother's milk

how was seathe mortal if death didn't exist before the first flame

No, you just met Maldron's descendant.


I mean-

You see-

...Damn. Good question.

I don't think I can remember everything

>areas not loading properly
>various graphical glitches
>enemies falling through the ground
>parrying removing your hitbox
>teleporting dogs
>invisible/invulnerable phantoms
>t-pose bosses

>in DaS2 your character holds katanas and thrusting swords like you hold swords in Demon's Souls
Never noticed that. Kinda neat detail.

Oh wait, i fucking forgot some


You say that like it's easy but you need a shield with a lot stability or you'll get guard broken.

Also what do you do if they use carthus rouge or the lightning buff?

No scales means no immortality.

Also Seath is one half of a god from another universe, so maybe he just popped in to fuck over another setting with his divine antics like he did to Verdite.

Maybe he was born in the time between the first flame and Gwyn's attack?



If you get guardbroken by a katana you're doing something VERY wrong.

>No scales means no immortality.
But who cares when there's no death.

>Skeleton rave ball


This is rad as fuck

you're supposed to use the shield to block the running attacks, not stand there eating r1 spam like a noob.

Okay cool so washing pole is totally balanced then. I'm just doing something totally wrong. Good to know.

>Stop clapping motherfucker

no one? fuck my fucking ISP then dude

Honestly I wouldn't mind if an extra boss was just an NPC that switches through all the cancerous metas through the games.
>phase one is cursed DBS and 2kat
>phase two is chain mom that constantly tries to go for backstabs
>phase three is a havelmonster who buffs upwards to 7 times throughout the fight
>phase four is aman in rags using a weapon similar to the beasthunter's saif and a prepatch arcane rifle spear
>phase five is CCS and ceastus in the left hand, but by this point he's barely limping, leading to an easy victory

how come every time i connect through my own router i get tons of disconnects but through my ISP's modem i never get them, does anyone know what setting could be causing this?

How do you get the PS4 icons on the PC version of DaS3? also are there any other mods worth getting before i start?


you literally



your router is shitting itself
how many devices are connected to it?

This is my life now


Pick balance desu

LIKE SOUL OF CINDER????????????????????????


Instead of one boss, maybe have an npc battle gauntlet like that in an optional area.

Playing on PS4.

Haven't run into a single glitch ever in 600+ playtime, except once it took a few seconds for a wall to load in because I raced through an area. Maybe once an enemy fell through the floor after I killed it, can't really remember.

>beating arguably the most OP weapon in the game is as simple as holding L1

You're so full of shit. Stop posting please.

two PCs and two consoles, and two mobile phones
but the only active/powered on devices are my PC and the mobiles
so I need a better router then?

That's not beating it, that's nullifying it. Meaningless in the grand scheme of things if you can't attack back.

LIKE VARG CERAH AND GRAVEROBBER (female) (headless)???????????????????????????????????

Shield plus throwing knives/crossbows

Git fukken gud kiddo

yeah you're right. there's nothing you can do. nobody in the history of dark souls has ever beaten somebody who was using a washing pole.

I liked the DaS2 Ganksquad

I was intense as hell at times, and the music is great

Not by simply holding L1 they haven't