Patch notes soon edition
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Season 4 - Operation Red Crow releases Thursday, Nov. 17.
Skyscraper map, Bartlett University map (this one is until January or so), two new operators (Hibana and Echo), alternate uniforms, victory poses for elite uniforms, shield skins, new Twitch model, some portraits reworked, SMG-11 loses ACOG, caliber based destruction, ranked rounds will now last 3 minutes.
>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current Windows, all maps, all modes.
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Post areas where you always get kills
>that drone hole in the kitchen of yacht where someone is bound to be prone
>the corridor on border, if you are on the roof you have a clear view of the corridor and you can drone bait them into it
2nd for based drawfags
Third for GROM in Year 2 pls
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Whether you're new or not, go ahead and check it out and leave feedback by replying to OP, so we can keep the guide relevant
Good operating, friends.
Do you guys want a textless version of this comic?
Sure, why not
wicked headgear
>Twitch doesnt have a pixie cut
God dammit they keep ruining her more and more
Here you go.
servers shit the bed
ughhhh i just want to play ranked on my main again, when will this season end?
I cant take night vision googles seriously
>pussy infrastructure
>5 points from plat
>wake up to play early to get plat due to workb
>forgot to pay internet
>work from.the am to late at night today
Usually takes 2-3 hours for the internet to be turned back on. Damn it.
Is gold high ranked? I see so many golds in my casual games who play worse than me, a bronze.
What's the point of ranked if the rules are exactly the same?
If Casual ever gets the option to choose where you spawn fuck ranked then
Are they're remodelling the faces to have more flexibility in headgear designs? Because I'm down with this.
Also the fact that Twitch looked really fucking weird.
Its like they fucked her up the Recruits Balaclavas looked fine but when you saw hers you thought what the fuck went wrong
Although they need to slutify her more just a balaclava retexture was needed
rank doesnt mean anything in casual, people take it easy and play for fun.
as for ranked, gold is alright. usually they know the maps well but are sometimes too predictable.
>Actually make cool realistic headgear
>people complain about Siege is going down the wrong path
Gold is somewhat indicative of you having a basic grasp on the game. It is still quite mediocre and people in Gold make dumbass mistakes too, but at least they know the basics.
High Rank is Platinum and Diamond.
Anything below Gold means you still gotta brush up on your basics and become proficient (ie git gud)
Ranked in this next season will have rounds that are 3 minutes long instead of 4, meaning attackers can't fuck around as much and gotta get straight to business, meaning roamers wasting time is that much more valuable. Also, you get to choose where you spawn/where you want your objective, and there's more overtime rounds. Also, it's typically not a curbstomp like in casual where you can just rush the objective with your pistol and ace people.
It's really not even worth playing ranked until the game has SOME SORT OF MATCHMAKING.
Because i don't understand why i should bust my ass getting to gold ranked and getting good at the game and then im forced to take a chance on some rank 60 or something.
You need to give me some reason to believe my team mates know what the fuck they are doing. I see a guy who is lower rank than me and i just don't want to fucking play with that guy.
Imagine an operator being able to peek corners with his gun only without exposing his head.
Sounds pretty OP_
In solo queue ranked you pull your own weight, and if your teammates aren't up to par, you carry them - and then you leave the lobby when the game's done and requeue, to try and get different teammates who hopefully can carry their own weight.
In the end, you'll only become stronger.
You're just making excuses for yourself.
Alternatively, play ranked with friends or with the teamspeak, so that at least you have a semblance of communication guaranteed.
It's honestly a mix of people are down for it, but many aren't either.
Imagine if we finally get to see IQ's face and they "glorify" it in a sense. People would go bananas, but then people would go "Hey Ubi, what the hell man?"
tl;dr: Ubi is treading a hard path by expanding characters and their characterization
Pretty sure it's just Twitch having similar headgear to Frost.
Honestly I really don't care about cosmetics and I'd really like an option to show default models for faster target acquisition.
She would look a lot better without the lipstick.
Im sorry for being a fag but these new cosmetics are actually kind of cool
Fuck it. I'm going /goodgoy/ tomorrow.
>In solo queue ranked you pull your own weight, and if your teammates aren't up to par, you carry them
Nah, that's the hallmark of a bad matchmaking system.
Even Overwatch seems to have better MM than Siege, which is saying a lot.
Alright im a believer again those elite uniforms turned me off but then these just turned me back on
Hit diamond 4 days before the season ends and I couldn't be happier. More excited for Echo than anything else that's coming up, he looks amazing
Echo gets a cryptek face wrap barf
Oh no, it's fine man I like them too.
I just ask that the R6 Team can keep it at a solid medium. Cosmetics are cool, but don't go overboard with them. If I can no longer recognize that I saw Frost zip past a door or Ash busting down a window, then we have a problem
I didn't disagree with you that the matchmaking is bad. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter. If you're competent enough, you can single handedly win and slowly become a force to be reckoned with.
But if you don't want to do that because it's too hard, that's fine.
hibachi doesnt even look japanese.
she doesnt even look remotely east asian either.
god fucking damnit ubi you had ONE JOB with the nip ops
I wonder if one of these new unifroms are gonna fuck up some hitbox
Elite uniforms possibly
These other ones are just recolors
Surely you mean Habanero
>If you're competent enough, you can single handedly win and slowly become a force to be reckoned with.
Sorry, 1v5s don't sound fun and the alternative, running 5 man stacks, is also shitty.
There's a reason why LoL separate solo and team queues.
Desert Clay looks pretty neat.
What the hell happened to the samurai balaclava though? We get some stupid snake shit instead?
Echo is secretly into monster girls
Like I said, if it sounds too hard for you, stay away. Some people are turned off by the challenge, but I like it.
It's Hibanana
It's weird to complain right now when Siege always had some things out of place, like the Spetsnaz ops or a fucking boat in the middle of the ice. Hell, people still complain about the GSG 9 wearing jeans.
At least with the full body customization some headgear colors won't look stupid.
That's probably the only downside of her new face. It's not that bad though.
So In solo queues do you dominate premades all day? If youre steamrolling through them then you playing very incompetent players, ranked shouldnt be grinded until you feel confident enough to take on 5 people .
>running 5 man squads is shitty
Explain the logic behind this for me please. How is playing with 4 other people from the teamspeak or just your friends "shitty"?
I half expect you to use "tryhard" in your reply. Because, as we all know, winning is bad.
I am staying away. But it's not a matter of hard or easy, it's bad design.
As long as you admit it's heavily flawed and not conductive to ranked queue, we're good!
>mfw Navy seals with woodland or all black BDUs
Because queues aren't separated.
No, I don't. I have games where the randos and I share the workload evenly, there are games where I do badly, and there are games where I do great. Point is, it's a steady climb up. Getting fucked over by the matchmaking is mostly a meme. If you do well, you're rewarded and you climb. If you're not doing well, you're not climbing up.
We're good
The game isn't big enough for queues to be separated. Wait times would be even longer than they already are. I'd be okay with this being implemented if Siege surges in popularity next year or something, but I don't see it happening. Besides, you're treating stacks like they're inhuman or something. You can still beat stacks with randos, and it feels pretty good when you pull it off. Clanfag tears are delicious.
Are all the elite uniforms bulky as fuck? Kapkan doubled in size and Thermite's legs and hips did too. Twitch's tan uniform looks bulky as hell too. I feel like that's gonna affect hitboxes or clipping through shit
>The game isn't big enough for queues to be separated.
I thought it had a really active playerbase, like 30k on Steam alone?
Regardless, there's a reason why every game with a respectable MM system separates queues.
They probably don't have a nude model, so to avoid clipping, they have to make the apparel bulky AF.
Compare 30k players to the size of other games with separate queues, and take into account their population and queue times, and you'll see what I mean
And if you find an example where the game is of comparable population and the queue times are fast, then I'll tip off my hat. Like I said, I'd be fine with Siege having separate queues, but the reason I think it's not happening is that they don't want to split off the community and have even longer queues than we have now.
There's also other problems to take into account, like for example Ubi can't into servers. Or Uplay as a multiplayer platform, in general.
Did they remove echo's blue hair?
Kapkan has always been a fatfuck
you fuccin goobers it's Hedorah
>inb4 I unironically call Hibana the smog monster every fucking game
30 minutes, you impatient fuck
Don't call me Shirley
It's not a meme if the game sacrifices proper matchmaking for quick matchmaking. The disparity of ranks between players in a ranked match is ridiculous at times.
Gonna tell you guys something if Hibana decides to use her charges on normal walls and this applies to thermites if they use them on normal walls
You can shoot though the wall wherever the charges are priming and destroy the charges as a result
Seems like the shape of the models are more or less similar. Kapkan was always bulky, and while Thermite has baggy pants, he also loses the bags on his sides with the new outfit.
where are they posting the patch notes?
but he still has the red bag on his back
>at times
Yes, which is why I said it's mostly a meme. Sometimes it's not a meme, like say if you get a platinum stack when you're a bronze solo queuer. Although I've never seen something that extreme happen.
And even in that scenario, if you lose as the bronzie, you won't lose many points at all. If you win however, you get lots.
We're definitely on the same page that Ranked is fucked and needs fixing, but I feel that the people that say it's unplayable and not worth bothering with are taking it a little too far. But hey, maybe I'm just more resilient to getting tilted, I dunno.
Take a wild guess, bro
Well then, looks like I have a new main.
I can't imagine how expensive the body uniforms are going to be seeing how a single non-seasonal headgear costs anywhere from 12k to 30k renown, assuming the body uniforms can be bought with renown
Some might 12k but the seasonal ones will be cheap
goddamn hibana looks so shit
instead of giving her balaclava like echo that would work with the hood they give her a fucking meme gas mask
I thinks its been proven that those construction gasmasks work alot better than most real gas masks
Stop! I just wanna relive the Socom days and you're giving me some hope. Next you'll say Blackbeard is going to have a full squeaky black scuba operations infiltration outfit to go with that 25k headgear he has.
That doesn't explain anything but Oni girls are a proud traditional monster girl.
I mean his drone is called Yokai
Red Crow trailer
I'll never forget the nightmare of being a Seal on fish hook.
yeah probably but it looks lame regardless
Depends on the model and type, that type is simply a respirator and won't do shit against anything that isn't fine dust.
>Those cinematics
Yo this shit is hype
in an hour i bet
Lookslike theyre finally investing more money on the game. Dlc operator videos when? Maybe year 2 will have videos.
I think it was the fact that the balaclava was made out of leather and the mouth/eyeholes were to small which made me think of it as a gimp mask
I'm glad hitachi is ugly, she can replace twitch's old ugly status.
Are there unlock videos for doc operators? I got starter edition and have only been able to buy base game.
Is the Thatcher EMP just out of range of Echo's drone from ceiling height?
>Server Error in '/siege/en-US' Application.
>The resource cannot be found.
>Server Error in '/siege/en-US' Application.
>The resource cannot be found.
>Server Error in '/siege/en-US' Application.
>The resource cannot be found.
give her a frost mask and she would be qt
ffs ubi get it together
This isant like one of my Japanese animes