/vag/ - Vanilla Server General

Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie. We're currently waiting on server release.
>When is the release?

An announcement has been made on the valkyrie forums.
>OLD NOST PVP (Name: Nostalrius PVP)
will be released in a month. This has all your old level 60 chars for nostalgias sake.
>NEW NOST PVP (Name: Elysium PVP)
Brand new server, will be released 3 weeks after old nost.WE WILL BE ROLLING ON THIS SERVER !!!
>what faction are we rolling?

Most of us are going horde in
Some people are planning alliance and are discussing the guild name/new guild leader


>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: nosg krog wpsg elyg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:


druids a best

How do I level up a Paladin?

new ally discord when?

You'd think a 30 year old would compose himself better.

Who is making the new ally discord?

S A L T Y D O G S !






Who is leading the new ally guild since Merove exposed himself as being incapable of being leader?

Stop this.

Literally every poll shows the Fresh Server with a substantial lead.


>Because Paladins have no buttons and every specs for conc which was broken on Nost for leveling
>You hit your seals, conc and just auto attack.

What was broken about Consecrate?

I don't understand how I "sperged"? I unbanned Indi because he complained to me that he was banned for no reason, so I looked up his message history and there was nothing wrong with it.
I continued to unban him because it was stated everyone would be allowed (except for Koragon and Ogtucker) as long as they don't cause drama. (Banning Indi for simply being "Horde" is really stupid when there are lots of Salty Dogs in that discord anyway.)
Until Merove threatened me to stop, then insulted Nihilum and started blaming me for everything.
So I left.

Man that really sucks, and I was so hyped about being in a guild with Indi and Grud banned
apparently not having them means not having a Veeky Forums guild because we don't know what to do without them.



Rogue looks so fucking fun.

>yeah Lndi and Grud are banned! Finally I can suck FF's dick in peace!

>Nice we banned Lndi! Now we can go back to worshiping Karu and FinalFlash!

the hypocrisy is crazy

Reminder that I, Lumi Karu of < Pepper Cats > will lead us to glory as the druid class leader.

Does more damage than it should. Rank1 is really good damage for the mana cost.

kys faggot

What post on /r/wowservers/ will get me the most downvotes?

No, its the fake poll you are talking about. Brainwashed much vg?

Can you stop pretending to be me? Thanks.

>he woke dad

>Merove is so paranoid he hates Madti this much

no wonder people are already making a new guild

It's literally the latest poll senpai

Nice edit though :)

whos leading the non-merove alliance guide?

holy shit he is getting so desperate to keep his illusion togueter

>this is the faggot using my nost general images
kys you fucking cretin, dirty fucking wukong player

Nice guild!

Why would FInalflash a know ninja not be banned??

hopefully an autist and not a normie

where is flappynoodle when we need him

because merove is a double standard retard who doesn't know how to run a guild hence everyone organizing a new one already

Horde discord:





he also steals from guildmembers

Hahahahahahahahahahahah what a fucking joke, has he even played with Veeky Forums before who the fuck is he

He raided as balance in shit normie guilds that cleared content slower than DiF pugs.




not when i'm around

that was just a meme. i sent him a rocket helm after my dungeon.

thanks FF, you always make my day better



Kill yourself faggot

what class do I play to have the best chance at getting into decent normie raids

>30 year old Balance Druid trying to run a Veeky Forums guild

no one actually thought this would work right

You have been banned from talking in Veeky Forums for 300 seconds.

>Mana Igniting Cord

jesus christ why do guilds waste gear on idiots like this

you cucks realize he is only trying to get GM so he can raid balance and loot himself bis items like this

Fury warrior.

>i sent him a rocket helm after my dungeon.
if you did, it was only because you posted that and everyone called you a faggot.
if you were just annoying it wouldn't be that big a deal, but you're annoying and also kind of a shitty dude.

that puddi is a guy right? if not thats an awfully manly girl

Druids are garbage. Why would you ever cuck yourself and ever roll one?

lackin them resists but still pretty up there when it comes to hitting and finishing.

Puddi is the best looking trap to inhabit these threads.

Dwarf priest.

Are you playing on Feenix?

>balance druid

I'm glad i didn't fall for the Veeky Forums guild meme

Yo FF I know I said play horde a while ago, but I changed my mind, go ally, you're one of the few people here than I actually wanna play with



he wasn't even going to roll a druid

He is going horde on the new server to play with dont wake mom


Why do all the newfag redditors hate our guy Indi? Is it because they're jealous that he actually played on Nost and they don't have their own characters yet?


Merove is directly threatened by people like him because they make themselves look inadequate, so if you're a power tripping GM like Merove you do everything possible to maintain the illusion of control.

Wow Indi is such a cool guy, why isn't he our new GM??

Stop shilling this faggot

Who else is getting ready to park all the names of the faggot namefags ITT

Ah well, life goes on

you can tell merove gets super defensive when glurf was questioning him as well

ff vs lock + rogue
ff vs mage + rogue
ff vs hunter + warrior + mage

stay mad alex

reeee i dunno wtf to do!!! :(((///


I'm already 75% finished with my bot that automatically logs into the server, the realm and makes characters with names taken from a list.
god bless RE
I honestly hope none of you have been planning on keeping any of your names on the new server

make sure you get merove and lumikaru

I hope you take it so I never have to roll on Nost2.

t. Madti

nah, I'm feeding it all of nihilum + /wpsg/ + /nosg/ names since they're the most cancerous
FF, I'll keep your name safe and give it to you later, ur my nigga

ok ty senpai!!!

what did I do?

i just want to play a fuzzy druid and heal people

post the script maybe i can help

It's not a script and it'll be made open-source after the launch when I take all the names

>refuses to steal the name of the biggest avatarfag in the thread

Kek, you probably don't even have a script and you're just shitposting.

>not dicking around and trying out classes / specs on Retro WoW in preperation for Nost 2.0

Inb4 shill, but seriously, if you're not sure what to roll when Nost comes back then go and play there, it's instant 60. BGs are pretty active and so is some PvE I think.

A lot of people I've met there are doing the exact same as me.

youll never kill a lock that knows what hes doing ff, not if his gear is slightly comparable. that lock in the first video has not a clue what hes doing. hes not even using abilities off his gcd, hes like standing and running around like a retard

best a druid is gonna do against a comparable lock is run away in cheetah

post what you have done already I want to see, just a cap

I wouldn't bet on it

i read your words in the discord for a bit. seem like a nigger

stay mad nub

Hey /vag/, Spanknheal here! I just wanted to let you guys know that I absolutely love Orcs! I love warriors too! If I see an Orc Warrior while I'm questing, l often strip down for him and /flirt, such is the combat strategy of a healer! If he plays nice and doesn't cut me, he earns the right to breed me whenever he wishes! My well birthed half-orc babies are a familiar trophy for the horde!

Everytime there is a new server someone makes a claim they are developing a bot to steal names but it never happens, it is just shitposting

How do I get mount money while leveling on a fresh server?

Anyone got a link to the new ally discord?

Get a gathering profesison but dont waste time on it if u out level it while ur questing just drop it til 60 , Loot everything. Especially greys and whites and vendor them if you do not You will be stuck around 50g Short by the time ur 40

ff i like you, im just sayin, face a proper soul link lock

twitch tv/rhoxxx/v/77399195

>soul link
soul link is trash against me, they would just go oom

>knowing wtf he's doing


Alex is so dreamy.

>warlock going oom
I wish you would play against an actual good warlock

go oom? no, youre going to run away, or die. have you really never faced one? i would be embarrassed to lose to a druid on vanilla as an sl lock. how do you even do damage with spells against it?

whos leading the new alliance guild since merove got replaced?

why do you keep asking this question once every 10 minutes?

life drain has 20-24 yards range, i can easily out range it

moonfire and insect swarm, ez

he has, but he would never in a million years post what happened. The only way we'd ever know is if some random lock happened to be recording when FF tried something.
I like FF too but he is full of shit on this and he knows it.