/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin hearthstone.
The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:


Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:


Come here if you want to search for card artworks:


Search by artists:



Other urls found in this thread:


Play The Elder Scrolls™: Legends.

Post waifus.


Moving here


Holy shit Soul Grinder is amazing. Literally blocked the fuck out of everything a havenfag tried to throw at me, and I kept bringing him back with other cards every time he did manage to kill him.

Are you really going to bump this shitty thread?

Dunno man I just chose one and posted in whichever. What's shitty about this one in particular?

Better than that other one with discordfaggotry.

It doesn't have his circlejerk faggotry in the OP so he's buttmad about it.

A thread war is going on right now so shitposters are vying for control.

No, it's thread wars, the killer of generals. I hate the Discord faggotry too, and the /hsg/, while funny, really isn't that important, but you guys are being faggots.

Unless jannies directly intervene, discord posting will always cause thread wars.

Doesn't help that shitposters and people directly from the discord put that their information along with the hearthstone thread in the OP fuck with everyone

>implying anything is wrong with the hearthstone meme


>bumping your own thread
lmao you lost get over it

How do I pilot a Storm Haven deck? Tips?

Just hit face my man.


There are many things wrong with the hearthstone meme.

Sure kiddo, keep bumping your shit thread. We all see the IP count.

Not my thread but you sound salty you discord shitter.

I already said discord is retarded. Making another thread and then pathetically bumping it is worse, especially when you're a hearthshitter.


Dude arena gives darkness evolve packs

is it limited or permanent?

It's a promotion, so not permanent


MILF Kokonoe?

Can someone post a cheap bannermeme deck? I need it for my dailies

>Cheap bannermeme deck
As opposed to the really expensive Banner deck?

One day I'll make a control Royal.

>40k deck lose to 11k deck

you know user that bannermeme is already cheap


That basic ass roach combo wasn't worth a webm

>cheap bannermeme
Is this some kind of meme?

How long does it last

But it was my first basic ass roach combo.

40k banner deck when?
Now that would be a real meme deck

Just give me a list you fucking cucks

Alwida's command is a little expensive. Kinda.

Its called Control Sword

3 banners, 3 floral fencers, 3 quick blades. Fill the rest with whatever

did you really play against a havendeck running 2 hare of illusions?

Probably until the latest expansion comes out. So a little under 2 months

Can someone help me with a private match quest?
The room id is: 76443

Here you go, a cheap banner deck


When is the finals of that RAGE tournament they had i think last month?

Bannerets, Gunner Maids, Floral Fencers, Banners, 1-2 Olivias

Banner is basically the nickname for an evolve synergy deck for sword.

It ends some time on the 30th this month.

Any news on more alternate portraits in the near future?

3x Banner
3x Floral Fencer
3x Centaur
3x Quickblader
3x Novice Trooper
3x Ruthless Assassin
3x Maid
3x Conscription or Avant Blader

fill the rest with whatever

You need 3 maidos and 2 avant blader/conscription.

And then filter for storm and shove everything that has 3 or less PP into there.

Thanks man. it's a good thing I already have all the legends needed

We should be getting a set at the end of December which is the likely time for the new expansion.

Before anyone starts being bothered by "one set an expansion", keep in mind that the game hasn't been out half a year yet and we're going to have something like about 5 sets in a year at this rate where most of them are never seen.

I've added Leonidas and Olivia to my banner and I'm satisfied with results.


you forgot the Aurelia x 3 user

>3 Banners and Leonidas's Resolve on board all at once
>Quickblader turns into Genesis Dragon

Thank you!

Do games even last till turn 10+?
I don't think I've ever had that happen.

oh hey, your MMR caught up with you

He's lying

but can you TALK TO THEM?

I mean, I'm not particularly social myself but not having the option is actually bothering me quite a bit.

I've been rused

Le intern man of interesting posts.

This is one of the moments in card games I live for, only forte can save him. I was so scared hitting the end turn button.

Well shit, what do I do if I run into an afker? It's only unranked, but I'm trying to grind out win missions.

So I saw some people run ding dong in midrange dragon and I tried it but it seems shitty.
I Always mulligan it away if I see it even against aggro

Is there a point to ding dong other than combo decks?

I'm unironically bad and get run over by every single deck.

Got a my 2nd satan from a pack from dailies, what do?

Cash in on that 2k


when are kys'ing you'reself?


If you average 300 vials a pack, and 25 packs every 15 days which is all your login rewards and 120 vials of rupies a day, you make 7'500 vials every 15 days, or about 15'000 vials a month!

That's a new deck every month! If there's an expansion every 3 months, you can build a luxury deck every expansion before even considering score rewards or pulls that could be described as decent!


>tfw pluto possess one of your fairies

Still, I am hesitant on dusting him though since he still sees some use if anything

I know it was one of you who just spammed emotes as Vampy when surviving by 1hp. You're a faggot

I'm thinking that it takes a fucking eternity of grind to get anywhere.

>Limited Emotes per turn
Shit game

>MOMposters are multiplying

You can't really grind shit except for score rewards. It's waiting for login reward + dailies.


Just two more Cerbs and Howls and I'll have decks for 6 classes.
Mate, I made CSword, Mid-sword, Banner, Bats, Elves, Garuda haven and Face Dragon in about a month of play time without spending any money on the game

will the new expansion make dirt rite good?


>Tfw game winning combo in the first 2 cards

I still don't get how a deck with Remi, Master, Juno and Calamitous does fucking nothing in the meta.

What's with this reddit tier translation?
I'm sure with that look she isn't the type to talk like that.

Because the rest of the followers available are trash.

Its mainly because of the need to have both earth rites and activators in hand to play earth rune effectively. Very often either of them becomes a brick if you dont have the other component

Well, if anything I foresee that maybe in the next expansion, Rune might get some sort of Prism Priestess that fetches earth rites instead

Because other classes got better things. And you can't tutor anything beyond spellboost.

>Play based Seraph Haven
>Queue into an elfslut and deny them out of having any board presence whatsoever the entire match by chaining board clear after board clear

Elves. Not even once.

What's a great Bannerscrub list? I have been trying a couple and I'm not so much of a fan of the ones I made.

>tfw you like how this card looks but can't justify putting it in your deck

The 3PP slot is severely lacking.
Like the other user said, something like Prism Priestess would be fantastic.

Left or Right
Already have 2 Deathbrands