You are a shitposter, but you are my favorite shitposter, you stupid cunt you ruined Fallout 4 and you'll ruin the next Elder Scrolls I hate you and hope you die vomitting blood.
Mason Perry
why did you remove >Remember to report and ignore all shadowverse shitposting from /svg/ from the OP?
Leo Rodriguez
Play Shadowverse
Landon Fisher
Really makes you think.
Bentley Turner
Great Mind Control Tech and Sylvanas counter.
Jace Bailey
sick ironforge rng firebat
Luke Watson
Nathan Torres
I'm fucking ready for Reno mage
I'll still call it Reno when he rotates out, might even play wild with Illuminators and Duplicate
Parker Nelson
>fire lizard wew, it's like an 11 year old designs a game episode the text is just as cringy
Nolan Anderson
Firebat has had the most insane RNG and topdecks
Jaxon Diaz
and people say frostwaker is bad
Angel Gomez
>4 posts out of the first 10 post of a new thread are shilling other games. We're off to a great start.
Logan Jones
>Best starting hand in all 6 games
How many Blizzard dicks did Amaz suck to get this RNG?
Cooper Gomez
>mage plays blizzard into blizzard into flamestrike
Liam Evans
>steals taunt with brawl + sylv
I forgot how much of an RNG fiesta actual constructed games are, all I've been doing is casual for quests
Dominic Turner
>rig streamers' games so the more casual audience thinks this brawl is a good deal
they wouldn't
Carson Wilson
Who is gonna get the better run lads? Firebat Warrior at 4-0 or Amaz Lock at 5-1
Landon Butler
Post happy boards and hands.
Joshua Howard
>Could be 5/5 deal 3 take 3 Nah let's not print decent cards
Angel Gutierrez
firebat is the better player but his deck is worse my money is on the bat
Jack Foster
I'm watching a guy going 9-1 right now though, my money's on him
Adam Diaz
Meanwhile HS flavor text. >So Reaver. Much Fel. Wow
Hudson Hall
Should I stream a Heroic Brawl run? Would you guys watch that?
Christian Wood
firebat is about to go 5-0
Josiah Ramirez
Luke Young
the point is that you kill whatever you want, then get rid of it with an Evolve or give it to a sylvanas.
Levi Ortiz
name him
i would if kolento or trump aren't streaming
Gabriel Gonzalez
Yeah, tends to happen when you mongoloids can't contain your shitposting in your own general.
David Brown
I would. I will mock you constantly, though. Don't take it personally. I'm just a venomous person.
Owen Smith
>because they spent precious gold on their run they have to rope every turn when losing and make the most defensive play even though they can no longer win God everyone in this brawl is such a bitter fuck, I wonder if the ladder is less cancerous right now
Hunter Gray
its worse than flame lance or assassinate, which see no play
Leo Fisher
This card ruins Sylvanas' shit to the point that it might see play just for that purpose.
Oliver Young
HS's flavor text is ethier god-tier or reddit, never a middle ground.
Elijah Perry
Hello /hsg/ please rate my OC card, do you like it?
Julian Peterson
Except it will see play in Arena. It nerf evolve from 4. And it will see play with Thief Rogue. It's overall a great card.
Jeremiah Turner
Love this card so much. It's as close to a neutral spell as we'll get.
Alexander Roberts
I had the pleasure of managing 30 angry /hsg/ posters in a "meme deck" tournament that ended in a Freeze Mage v. Handlock match.
I know exactly what venom is like and am looking forward to being ridiculed.
Solid point. I'll look for a good time to set up tomorrow-ish.
Cooper Allen
>mage card >rogue card You've got to bare in mind this is a neutral card
Austin Gray
>And it will see play with Thief Rogue.
Liam Miller
>there are literally dumb enough people within THIS VERY OWN THREAD who are wasting all of their gold on "paid brawl" right before an exapsion is released
Brandon Cooper
bomb lobber was literally flamecannon with a body
Caleb Murphy
Any streamers going at this brawl with Priest?
Nathan Brooks
not that I'm aware but if anyone then zetalot
Cameron Campbell
>"This is too intense" >When Blizzard rigged every RNG in your favor
I want to punch this guy in the throat
Gabriel Hill
Austin Powell
Also, it's the Cursed Blade to Malkorok, the Big Time Racketeer to Moonglade Portal.
Blake Carter
RDU is at 7-1 with priest
Jayden Allen
That's not something to be proud of. Stop trying to garner attention faggot.
And I'll maybe tune in tommorrow but don't think it's because I'm looking forward to it or anything, I just have nothing better to do.
Daniel Stewart
If you guys want to have fun, play Reno Shaman and pretend that you are midrange until the late game.
mfw Secret Hunters think they have lethal
Joseph Evans
It seems pretty strong. But user, it's spoiler season. No more OC just for now.
I'm still salty about how that tourney went down. I don't blame you entirely but you know how try hards will try hard.
The theme of Golden Lotus will ALMOST CERTAINLY be based around stealth and bouncing cards back to your hand.
Something to keep in mind in regards to Bomb Squad.
Brandon Baker
the EU tournament was better t. aggro shitter
Sebastian Thomas
zetalot is at an event and wont be streaming again till monday sadly
Levi Price
I hope we see a Rogue card "Gain a random Neutral card". It could be okay.
Kayden Reyes
no worries none of the cards are good
Christian Nguyen
Pretty decent for Board removal, I doubt the first effect will see play or even combo with Fandrel
Andrew Martinez
So it's shit?
Blizzard printing a large batch of cards in a new expansion that are all shit?
Sounds belivable, lets just get a 3 mana and 5 mana panda.
Noah Anderson
10th win HOLY FUCK
Lucas Lopez
Pretty cool
Should be deal 2 damage to all other minions though otherwise it'll hit itself
Samuel Harris
Yup, 10-1. One of his friends is 11-2 but he isn't streaming
Eli Brooks
/hsg/ Tourney Guy was way too fucking lax with the decks.
Evan Mitchell
>This minion deals X amount of damage to all enemies when it is returned to your hand >When this minion is returned to your hand, draw a card >When this minion is returned to your hand, gain X health
Calm down you turbo sperg, there's any number of things they can do with the
Nicholas Williams
and reddit said 12 wins without 3 losses is highly improbable. guess they're wrong again
Christopher Morris
Nah. Another user said it will be themed around mana fuckery and I believe him. The fake coin, the druid gain empty crystals card, draw card and lego are all themed around that.
Owen Lee
Fun fact : The Youtube channel that uploaded the original Leeroy Jenkins, was sold to a company that make rip off Pixar and Disney animated Nursery songs.
Why are their run so fast while Firebat and Scamaz stucked at 6?
Jeremiah Taylor
Yeah, just like they do any number of things with handbuffing, amirite?
Nope, sorry, just +x/+x tokens for you, have a nice day.
You blizzardcucks will defend anything they shit out.
Levi Phillips
That's the point, I think it would just be too strong otherwise.
Aiden Nguyen
>is highly improbable it is though, these people play this game more than the entire /hsg/ together
Alexander Sullivan
>dude look this one streamer i'm watching is winning Why don't you wait till we have the aftermath statistics?
Carter Phillips
firebat is playing a very slow deck don't know about amaz but likely he's acting like a monkey for 40 seconds every turn
Gavin Rodriguez
I will not disagree. There were mixed perceptions about what the competition was about. I banned Tier 1 decks according to the TempoStorm Meta Snapshot and artificially limited the power of other lineups.
Sadly I let things like "Totally Not Midrange" Mech Druid in through the cracks because I thought things were unique enough. Ah well. Live and Learn. Once the new machine gets right and proper and I find some time, expect more /hsg/ tournies.
Chase Bennett
I'm not even upset to the original group for doing that. Considering how their channel basically got no attention aside from the Leeroy Jenkins video, selling it to a company that produces shitty memes for mad cash was a good plan.
Dylan Baker
>Tavern Brawl: Ladder: Jew edition
So I can go sleep peacefully with 1000g.
Noah Lee
>it's a blizzard boosts streamers' RNG episode
John Morris
>Yeah, just like they do any number of things with handbuffing, amirite?
Oh so you're from reddit, gotcha.
Connor Stewart
firebats has been insane
Luis Jackson
You dont understand.
The card he drew that turn was A CARD. He had to get excited. How else would an average twitch viewer stay interested for more than 10 seconds. There's no gachigasm or memespamming going on, so he at least has to talk in a high voice hyping everything up. I mean what do you want him to do, just stream gameplay?
Leo Barnes
assuming blizzard can always match equal records with equal records (ie. players with same amount of wins and losses) you don't need to wait for anything because in that case exactly 0.65% of players will get 12 wins
Jose Roberts
Yeah it was, but it's gone now.
I'm just excited to evolve it.
Kevin Reed
I just had a guy using the card hovering bug. I thought they fixed this shit? Is there any way you can counter play it? I didn't try to reboot my internet or something.
Xavier Myers
Why is the cuteness of HS cards directly related to their uselessness?
Michael Wood
>highly improbable Yes it is. Are you retarded? Do you know how probability works? If it works anything like arena, then someone MUST get 12 wins. However, that also means a shitload of people have to go 3 or less wins. In fact, 50% of all people won't get over 3 wins.
Here is some arena statistics. The game tends to match people with the same amount of wins and loses. So this is how it looks in arena and how it will look in the heroic brawl. Around 0.64% of all people finish with 12 wins.
Asher Baker
Sounds good, dog. You all better be ready for Kabal-Reno-Dragon-Menergerie-lock.
By the way, I think having a card banlist might work out this time.
Jack Rogers
Gonna bring my updated Reno Shadow Priest next time around. Hope that's OK.
David Evans
no free dust pack this week though. weird they're doing this streamer promotion even when the new set isn't even out. exciting people to play the same old game it's been for months seems stupid
Adam Gonzalez
11-1 stream: tylerootd Last games beginning soon
Henry Peterson
What's the best deck against shaman? I'm looking to do a heroic brawl and watching the streamers, it seems like literally every deck is shaman.
Tyler Sullivan
>card banlist That's what I'm gonna do after seeing the success of Batstone.
No it's not. Make a new deck and have it to me by 8pm tomorrow.
Joseph Bennett
Leo Smith
>watching malydruid Hmm, no thanks
James Martinez
>Mfw no one is getting 11 wins at the moment which is why his search time is so long