Other urls found in this thread:
first for no daddy
Look at this hug
how fucking COMFY does that look, theyre so close together
Ez is wearing ssw talons comfy hoodie
I want this
xth for kms
Thanks user
Aatrox buff when???
Riot wont just hire Lendo and let him do tales of Valoran as a weekly gig
dont do it man
no problem
may big tiddies and booty come your way
Real threda
post your main and favorite album
supertramp, crime of the century
Why do people make Talon bish in fan art?
He's more handsome than bish.
The only known bish in the game is Vlad. Maybe Zed and Karthus, if you count the latter's new humanized skin.
I guess Ez could be bish but he's more twink territory honestly.
pls be a qt girl
Bad idea, monthly or bimonthly.
1989 by Taylor Swift
(Reposting because wrong new thread)
Let me say it again, slower this time:
100 armor: You have 100% actual HP, and +100% additional EFFECTIVE HP against physical damage. That means you're only taking half of what you would be with 0 armor.
200 armor: Same amount of actual HP as above, but you have +200% additional EFFECTIVE HP. So, if you have 1000 actual HP and two 1000 effective HP increments, that would mean against physical damage you essentially have 3000 HP, making the damage split 33.3% to 66.6% - thus, 66% damage ignored.
Rammus because fuck you
Lux is _____
thanks senpai i won't
kys no one likes you, your threads or your shit waifu
why dosen't rito lower the price of supp champions? I would play more support of I had thresh or karma or leona and shit
Hey bb wnt sum fuk?
SSW Talon is the most anime spash art for a male in league
at least in the generic highschool anime sense
i wish
Olivia tremor control
When the fuck does her ultimate come out? I have my $32 ready.
no one rember our saviour but he comes for his bloody revenge
beeeaten why foooor?
>Riot would rather take intern tumblrinas to make amateur weekly AU fan comics than actually get a competent team of hired writers and artists to create graphic novels or novel series for the actual lore
Props to Riot supporting their community's fan work by doing this, but I hope it gets better in the long run; this is kind a bad start.
be my bf?
That art style is cancer and I hope it dies.
Odyssey by Home
We /eog/ now?
he could stockpile a couple weeks worth in advance or something. Or they could simply pay him per comic.
Ekko and Darius Trigger me but everything else seems okay
Also wtf is up with gnar's eyes.
I mean after a certain point full tank isnt gonna matter because once they get to Last Whisper theyre gonna run you the fuck over anyway. Full tank is noob bait and almost every character should have ATLEAST 1 offensive Item
That's not how you get the girl
>mfw Nasus is fun again
They should do both imo
>Pic related but also tied with Burial - Kindred EP
Patrician taste
dark side of the moon
post real music
>tfw powerballing into the clenched anuses of unexpecting ADCs to explosive crescendos
are you cute&nice
Twisted Fate
Presence - Led Zeppelin
>real music
nigger pls
this song was around before youtube
nigger please
Lee/Fiddle,hold your colours by Pendulum
they all look like lesbians
>take courage
>build ad
>passive and courage combined with your damage output
French Maid Ezreal skin, when? It'd be super cute.
It has diminishing returns with respect to health
Are the Malzahar changes buffs or nerfs?
Will he be able to clear raptors at level 1 with them?
Bond of Stone or Colossus on Leona?
Goddess/The Altar
depends on your definition of cute, im not girly if thats what you mean
I just want a cute ez skin
Bond of Stone is redundant when you can just buy Knight's vow. Obviously take Colossus.
>pussy-ass singer/songwriter shite
>real music
She likes to go balls deep so
It really is bad. I thought the Scott Pilgrim/Adventure Time noodle arm style that plagued teenage and college kiddo artists some 3 years ago was bad, but this is worse.
Tumblrina art styles in general scream "I can't draw well enough to create my own style, let alone imitate proper anatomy, let me just latch onto the latest stylized cartoon phases and trends."
Why bond of stone when there is literally an item for that?
Just a real hero
Dont they stack?
>Veeky Forums meme in Veeky Forums
Come on riot those hands were barely even touched, the laziest shit
how the fuck do i minimize my friendslist
should i crack it open
Wait is the new client not Air anymore?
Is it HTML5?
Real human bean
>lolg likes Kraken
Look at you guys with your good taste.
>playing adc
>my support is a god and making great plays
>i get super fed because of it
>kill everything
>team is telling me gj
>post game lobby our mid and top thank me for carry
>the support leaves without a word
>like a hero in the night
Wherever you are, know that you were the real carry that game.
They would stack but I'm pretty sure it would not be a full 16% stack, something more like 14.5 or something.
Or you can get the most broken mastery and get a fuckhuge 4s shield.
> tfw dont have friends and rito always remembers u bout it
Aight senpai lets get cringy AF
Describe the way a league champ behaves in bed, in detail. DO NOT pick your waifu.
hardmode: no self inserts
Talon - only fucks in the dark or dim / moonlight. He says almost nothing. Once it is clear his partner is feeling it, he pulls out his blade and holds it to their neck, and says if they scream, he cuts. He never actually cuts, but he wants to mess with their head. always cums on their belly, rarely stays the night.
my waifu is janna btw
Kraken bros ww@
I just listen to random weeb shit on youtube, I don't actually listen to much music
put on some dropkick murphys and play some gangplank
>implying supportmains aren't used to this
Clam Casino's
I also light incense and turn out all the lights, then open my blinds slightly so a single ray of moonlight caresses my visage while I play him.
yea didn't mean your appearance, meant cute personality
I main Sona.
My favorite album is Medulla by Bjork.
Xerath ori jinx fiora noct lucian
Flying Lotus- Cosomogramma
Will write smut/lewds for Spirit Guard Udyr
Renekton: Fucks like a croc. Exactly like a croc.
why did League of Legends get rid of that team builder queue where you could queue up as a middle for example? and you didn't have to call it out
For casual games
I really, really liked that.
then yes
Main: Sion
Album: House of Gold and Bones Part 1 and 2
You know they're only allied because they have the same goals and its better to be on syndra's side ?
Syndra doesn't care about zed or his "Armies" when she can just crush them all is her power.
they turned it into a ranked mode and removed real ranked. Member?
Hello, M, how are you doing today?
These two
Black Holes and Revelations
Because they replaced it with new champ select which integrated draft. They didn't want to split up the queues too much and figured new draft was an improvement in every way.
I miss team builder. The chillest games. Everyone got to play exactly what they wanted. It was really good for trying new things since matchmaking adjusted accordingly when you did.
sounds nice
not that dude, just an user who wrote a lot of smut a few years ago
good shit right there good shit thats some good shit right there RIGHT there
>hear a knock on your door
>open it
>see this
>wat do