OWG overwatch general

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3v3 Road/Ana/someone else is boring as shat


>Watching competitive matches
>Same maps over and over because they always ban everything else

>Tfw ERPing as a D.Va
>Turn down normies who don't even have a twitch account
No hacks required!

Why is she soooooo Smug


I'm out of the loop, what's Mistral doing in Overwatch all of a sudden?

Someone come play HotS with me
I want to be fancy genji

How do I get good at Dva? I got gold damage often but people said if I have gold damage as Dva I'm actually not doing my job as tank?

Look at this French blueberry sniper.
>tfw no qt smug to hug


So this season is pretty much over

The meta isn't established so its impossible to do anything right now because people are doing random shit (your team and theirs)

I can just practice my bad heroes right?

>always be the first one to get into the game
>insta pick sombra
>3 people leave

>OWG overwatch general
>can't even copy the entire fucking OP
This is what happens when fatass Redditors try to do anything but lurk.

It depends. She can be used as one of two ways- flanky tank similar to Winston, flying around behind and outbulking the hanzos and widows, or ever since the defense matrix overhaul many people play her 100% as a mobile defense matrix, just to stand in front and soak up hits. It's up to you how you want to play. I like to play her as a hit and run distraction/squishy picker. If you drop behind and start spamming "EL OH EL" while peppering then disappear over the top of a building you're going to start pissing people off.

You shut your whore mouth.

Sombra and Zarya should switch hair

If you have gold on DVa then someone else is not doing their job.
Besides, gold damage on DVa is easy since most of the time your ult will be walled or shielded and that will add a lot to the counter without achieveing anything.

There's no metric for a successful D.Va outside of how many upvotes you get after a round.

It's relatively easy to get gold kills and damage because you're plinking away at a lot of people. Adapt to your team comp - if you're lacking frontline presence, help your team push with DM. If there's a Blueberry bullying you, bully her back. DPS struggling to take out supports? Help them focus them down during a push.

D.Va's not a conventional tank, you're better off playing Rein if all you do is just DM down a choke.

Everything about this patch is bad

I think VS AI counts so it shouldn't take too long

>this OP
What the fuck are you doing, retard.
Can't even copy and paste?


Enemies don't hear voice lines though.

I do not like 1v1. It's too personal, and I feel bad when I kill the enemy.

t. meta slave who can't think for himself

What did they do to Ultimates? Slower charge?

who is her father ?

Lets bully Sombra!

Was pretty fun making her.

but that's not true
I dislike the meta, I dislike competitive, that's why I hate this patch
6v6 arcade as it used to be is almost exclusively played by people wanting to try sombra or people who want to play full torb gimmick teams. I want old quickplay back.

Some random guy who isn't important

pls do not bully mexican orphan who had to do god knows what to get by

It was a wild night, Ana herself doesn't remember

Pharah her own father

So you are saying trolling with stacks is not fun when there is nobody to troll.




Actually the opposite, learn to read

full team stacks aren't good
having two of one hero is beneficial sometimes
I think you should have a limit of two of each hero max, one is a little excessive

The new D.Va speed feels so good.


never mind the OP but at least fucking use the /owg/ tag you fucking redditor cunt

SO are YOU guys implying that ANA would fuck with no condoma random, unimportant guy and let him cum inside ?

I highly doubt the patch is going to change the meta much aside from fewer nano reapers and a lot fewer nano reins but winston and genji are still going to be a thing.

Zarya is stronger now, Ana is just as strong


Best skin for best girl

Doing matches for Genji Oni skin

EU, AldoYaldo#21975

Los Muertos or Augmented?

and link the previous thread too please

>overwatch community is so dumb people are smurfing with LLLLLLLL instead of ||||||||

>ult charge supposedly nerfed
>genji still ults every 30 seconds

Why do you faggots are so butthurt about the new quickplay?
I really can't understand what was so good about choosing more of the same characters. Majority of times just fuck ups teams, making quickplay a mess full of trolls where one of the teams stomps the other.
Ok not being a metacuck, but even in quickplay I want to actually play a decent game

no yes

>brain damaged autismo can't even copy the entire fucking OP
>can't even link to the previous thread
>OWG overwatch general
Kill yourself, useless cunt.

Fuck this patch, nothing but mercies and pharahs and 76s in comp. Mercy is so fucking OP now, she literally took Ana's place. What can you do against a fucking pharah/mercy combo flying around.

So does the weekly rewards thing only apply to arcade mode and not quickplay?

Is this accurate?





Will we get new hats in S3?

Pick your poison

>Widow who snipes from spawn and is too afraid to leave and risk getting killed
>Hanzo who picks a hallway to spam down and makes no attempt to combo his ultimate
>Bastion picker who insists he's OP and face-tanks poke in turret form without concern for dying
>D. Va player trying desperately to get his chievos
>Autistic attack Symmetra player

>1v1 mode where favour the shitter exists

really fucking hilarious

I don't understand the logic behind this though.

Why is she able to hack Reaper's ult, but not 76's visor? Or Symmetra's ult? And so on.


>who is her father ?
Based on my extensive in game voice interaction analysis, the three most likely candidates are (in no particular order)
Daddy 76
Reinhardt "12 inch terror" Wilhelm
Jesse "I'll be your Huckleberry" McCree

Wow that's fucking stupid.

Althought Hanzo's is a little weird
She can hack him while he's winding up to ult to cancel, but anytime after that is a no go

So is Sombra good or bad?

What do these grey rectangles at the bottom left actually mean?

>finally will build a decent PC next month so I will stop being a consolecuck

>on the other hand other than paying another time for the same fucking game I will lose every event skin because blizzard is full of Jews


she jams everything, but she can only interrupt channeled ults, this isnt a new mechanic, everything works this way
like ulting a weebing genji wont make him put his sword away but we wont be able to dash anymore either

how to fix sombra

>Hack takes less time to do
>Hack can be continued even when damaged
>able to disable dragon blade, nano boost, Dad vision, Tranquility

>everyone locks in DPS the second the selection screen opens
>i pick lucio for the sake of team balance
>DPS are trash
>can't win
Never going Lucio again. Would rather play a fun character and lose than support morons who can't aim or use their brain.

>she cant hack mei's little robo

keks in spanish


There is no favour the shooter for McMeme flashbang.

>godlike with projectile heroes but shit with hitscan
>1st match is widow




Shows the popularity of each mode

>Ana and McCree conceived Pharah when he was five years old

How popular they are. Most popular (3v3 most likely) says "Most popular" there instead.


Only cowards pick meta heroes

All they'd have to do to make her a viable pick is have her ult actually disable those it should.

Dragonblade, Visor, Bastion ult and Mei ult should all be disabled by her.

that would give her a reason to be picked instead of how it is now where she is horrifically situational and if you win that game, you were already going to win anyway due to her being less effective than any other offensive hero.

>Don't consider myself a lucio main
>Have most time spent playing lucio cause the teams instalock dps and tanks

It's infuriating being a healer and getting medals for elims in a loss. This annoyance has not subsided since I started playing.

Mercy bros and sisters ww@?

>hacking a sword

>A sword wielded by a guy who literally almost all robotic parts
Your move

You can't hack the Dragon

it works the same way a stun does, I agree with you though

post yfw she apagandos the luces

>The dragon becomes me
Even so the dragon is now controlling a robotic body.

Write it about what Mercy really likes.



>can disable Reaper
>and McNoon's pistol
>not 76, Zen, Symmetra, Dva, Mei....

It doesn't make sense at all if it's supposed to be "hacking"

that genji skin is actually garbage
why would anyone ever use it
