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Visual Novel General #1251

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

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Reminder to pirate everything from Mangagamer!


JOPs are welcome

>All those stories
>all those characters
>they literally all got retconned in a fanservice fighting game that nobody played to make room a shitty manga to somewhat make sense

Holy shit. Why did they think this was a good idea?




Is it true I can skip Cartagra and KnS and go straight to KnS2?

She can't be sad, she has a cat. You can't be sad if you have a cat.

No, you can skip Cartagra, but of course you need to read KnS 1 before KnS2

Jesus christ I forgot how absolutely absurd Yumiko's route was. I think more visual novels need to embrace the stupidity as much as Grisaia did.

Since there was discussion about Shuffle in the previous thread I'll ask a bit more about it.

How good is the romance in it?
Plenty of lovey dovey or is it all formulaic garbage?

Shuffle is THE generic moege.
There's absolutely nothing special about it.

Just finished Euphoria, what should I read next?


It's absolutely garbage. It's just, really, really bad. I ignored the thread's warnings before I played it, and my standards are still recovering a couple years later. Don't waste your time.

makina's was worse desu

Is there even anything better than this?

That's actually why I'm bothering to replay GnK at all. I remembered I quit Makina's route 20 minutes in because I couldn't handle to piss loli-daddy roleplaying shit.

Let's hope Fujisaki is going to keep these standards in his new grisaia. Its all-ages, so possibly will be toned down, but man can hope, right?

Even with all the fandiscs and sequels? I enjoyed KO and Koirizo and those are considered to be bad.

I'm pretty fond of heroin myself.

KO and Koirizo aren't actually considered bad by most of the thread, just rather generic. Shuffle is legitimately painful to read at points. I was serious about my standards being permanently damaged by it. It's just that bad.

The sequels aren't anywhere near as bad, although they're still not good.


Alright I'll take your word for it.

Out of curiosity can you give me an example of the bad parts that caused "damage to your standards"?

I'm not him but Shuffle is actually just mostly really generic too. The thing that separates it from, say, Koirizo is that it's also really dated. It doesn't do anything new because of how old it is.

It's still too boring for me to read but I wouldn't say it's outright bad the way Koiken Otome is.

The writing is godawful throughout, but there are segments that are so unreasonably campy, mostly the stuff involving the kings and/or any of the attempts at romance stuff.

To put it another way, Shuffle has the "honor" of being the only vn with an anime adaptation that's better.

Just play it and suffer like the rest of us.
and blog about it.

While Shuffle is indeed shit, there are other cases of anime adaptation surpassing than their VN source:
White Album 2 IC
FSN Unlimited Blade Works

Yosuga no Sora anime is also glorious.

You could, but both of them are pretty decent, so I'm not sure why you would.

Maggot Baits.

I like lolis.

KNS has guro in it. Kind of icky, that.

So does KnS2 dumbass.

That's kinda the point of the whole series. Get attached to the characters, then feel bad when they're all murdered horribly.

Sure, but I'm just noting that sexualized corpses bother a lot of people and is a reason to skip them.

If you are bothered by that kind of stuff you'd skip the series as a whole.

>not liking guro
Pleb detected

I remember when I said that Kirby sold the Subahibi translation, but nobody believed me until Moogy confirmed it.
People still don't believe that KeroQ is planning to release it for Steam.

I get all the stimulation I need from seeing a young couple daring to hold hands. I get pretty heated up when they consider that they might even kiss after getting married so I have to stop reading until I can cool back down.

KnS3 never because 2 sold like shit.


InnoGrey are too busy with all-ages yuri.


Kanon is and will always be kamige

What are some VNs with ridiculous butterfly effect choices, like the one in YMK?

Most of them.

What are they still waiting for anyways, the translation was done, right?
All they were missing was tlcheck and editing for the last route.

Was them "selling" their translation pretty much just them taking some money in return to never release a patch so KeroQ doesn't lose out on sales if they ever decide to do it?


I don't even remember YMK having anything like that, maybe I should replay it one of these days.



School/Shiny Days are the worst. Absolutely random on how to get routes/endings.

He's probably talking about the not cumming during a footjob means bad end bit

Why does this VN cost 45 €?

Because that's what it's worth.

don't get your hopes up. It's almost as weak as mitchuru's route.

Michiru's route is the best one though.

don't you dare insult my waifu


Does Grisaia no Kaijutsu have enough original content to read the Visual Novel when I have already watched all the Anime Adaptions ?

what vn are you going to read now that google translate is native level?

>mitchers route
>anything but trash

It's even more retarded and absurd than yumiko's, except yumikos was actually somewhat enjoyable.

Even hoshimemo true route is superior to it in every way.

Has anyone here read this and is it worthwhile if you like Gen Urobuchi in general but had some pretty negative opinions of that TV adaptation


>new game translated
>lots of japanese warrior girls, one of my biggest fetishes
>endings where the MC impregnates them
>it's censored

the anime was an abomination. It cut it up into thousands of little pieces and just jammed some together, while rewriting the entire plot for every single route.

The only thing that's probably doesn't change much is amane's route, since they spent a quarter of the fucking season on it. I couldn't tell you for sure about that since I dropped it like a fucking brick.

The story is great. And the Ein ending doesn't have that absolutely retarded diabolus ex machina that the anime had in the last minute.

But the DVD format is awkward and unenjoyable, and using passwords as save points is not fun.

It's worth it, but you really need to put aside decent segments of time between each password save point, and call a stop if you don't have at least an hour.

Also, there's some great endings. Like the one where Zwei completely gives up on being a decent human being, and re-brainwashes all of Scythes assassins to serve him, decapitating the entire Inferno leadership in one bloody night and seizing the organization with his harem of hypnotised murder bots.

>main character is a japanese guy on a university trip
>shenanigan ensue, he becomes an assassin
>spends years as top assassin in america fucking bitches and doing cool assassin shit
>decides to quit to go back to japan
>....and be an ordinary high school student
>also his loli aged like 10 years while nobody else aged at all

>character is lauded for great English
>can't even into basic grammar

Steins;Gate spoilers

I'm normally against the whole 'Japanese dude gets pulled into bloody environment and is better at it than anybody else because reasons', as it's basically a non-fantasy Isekai, but the VN does a really good job of presenting it, unlike most such stories. By the end of the story, Zwei doesn't even consider himself to be Japanese and admits that his attempt to live as a High School student was just pathetic escapism.

There's also the fact that Ein, who's arguably the most consistently lethal character, is Mongolian.

well, what really pissed me off in addition to that ending was the baffling shift in tone to high school shit.

Thanks for the info, though. I'll consider it.

I don't really consider that ending a spoiler, given that it occurs halfway through the game and has no relation to basically any other ending.

How can a retard like moogy learn japanese but I can't? It's not fucking fair.

>I don't consider that spoiler a spoiler



what do you use to text hook amatsutsumi?

Look for a h-code. Also there's a way to change the text box to regular adv format, you could see if that helps.

anyone like school days?



it's shit and you should feel bad if you like anything from overflow

thanks, I'll give it a try

did they do something

Reminder to not be racist.

It's not great but it is enjoyable

A lot of people are in denial that the game can be released with no ero.

Have you even read it? The ero scenes are important to the plot.

I'm not the one saying it'll be released on Steam. I'm just saying that most people don't believe it can be done. But Japanese companies are more than willing to neuter their games for extra profit. This is nothing new.

I personally don't think it can be released all-ages in an acceptable fashion, but that doesn't mean KeroQ won't try.


Now what?

Help, her leg is broken.

didn't help and no h-code available but I realized all of my text hookers work if I use the x86 executable instead

Any forums like Fuwanovel that are actually good for discussing VNs and getting feedback?





There is literally nothing wrong with racism.