/mhg/ Monster Hunter General

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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dreadking is the strongest wyvern

second for depression

This artist is colorblind isn't it?

I, for one, welcome our new lion overlords


What off-topic garbage is this?

thats not a wyvern



Steve has finally been dethroned as the edgiest monster in existence. Also is anyone else livid about the Raths always jobbing to shit tier literal who monsters? The only flagship worth a salt to Rath is Lagiacrus.


Capcom really jumped the gun with this piece of shit. I can't even try to suspend my belief for this retarded piece of shit.

my problem as well
magical bs like blight bursts and elemental control you could let pass, but this is just jumping ship on monster design

I'm not saying its too anime or bad, just that it doesn't belong aesthetically

A blast from the past


the mainline needs to either go full frontier or not.

This halfway point feels like shit.

3U player. What's statistically the best way to farm Uragaan Scute+? Capture or kill?

I've been doing Feel the Heat for a while now and gotten 1 Scute over three fucking quests, the desire sensor is fucking with me.

An ancient evil has awakened

What went right for Steve?

Dope as hell

Shit taste


But then we wouldn't be able to hunt together anymore...

I don't hunt with faggots

It's a cool monster with a neato design, an interesting gimmick and some excellent animations. Also, all of its weapons look cool.

Hope you're ready for the return of Basarios.

It's also pretty good for an Technic-type monstie in Stories

I didn't give you permission to agree with me or support my views.

>they literally gave it stats comparable to gold and silver raths in stories

There is no "go frontier" there is Monster Hunter and Frontier has always been Monster Hunter too.

>retards who can't press 2 buttons at the same time

You're not getting it. Frontier is an adjective now for 'thing I don't like in MH' sort of like how the word edgy is used now.

Steve is a Rath done right. Which only makes more sense once you realize Astalos uses the same animation rig.

damn shame his weapons are all outclassed in gen

Then never play online again. It's the surest way we won't hunt together.

Will Generations Ultimate have an Anglosphere only server? I'm so tired of trying to understand what these Euroshits with their weird runes are trying to say. If Japan can have a Japan only online why can't we have an English only online?

It's 2016 and the Trump timeline get with the times Capcom god dammit!

MH isn't such hot shit in the west that Capcom would dedicate an entire server so that a couple furry twinks from /mhg/ can play separately from the frenchies and the south americans.

That's more the fault of the existence of Deviants and Blast. Deviants themselves are a good concept that was executed really poorly, but Blast and Slime were a mistake that should have never been added. The amount of high-raw Blast/Slime weapons in existence makes one wonder why elemental/raw weapons even exist when nine times out of ten, a blast weapon will come out on top.

Also, fuck Capcom for changing Teostra to Blast and still not bringing back Lunastra. Would've been a perfect excuse.

>Frontier has always been Monster Hunter too.
Fuck off, shill cuck.

Steve weps are outclassed by absolute readiness.

Shut it, keep your headcanon to yourself

>Anglosphere-only server

If it was an option, then yes please.

Gen room up lads


Don't you mean Absolute Crutch?

Not gonna happen mon ami.

Is Aria in there?

Anyone else lose their Village Kirin hunt in Gen?

I've run it 4 times and now it doesn't show up anymore.

I tried runnin about 4 harvest tours to see if it would come back but so far it hasn't.

What the fuck? I just need 1 more fucking horn. Is there a low rank kirin hunt in guild?

elder dragons rotate, yes it's stupid

I'm not your friend, buddy.

Do I need to beat whichever elder rotated in? Or can I just keep spamming harvest tours until it cycles back?

tours don't reset it anymore, but quests will make it change

That's a /v/ buzzword overdose if I ever saw one

I'm not you buddy, pal.

I'm not your pal, guy.

I'm everyone's friend!


I wish I still had friends

This looks baller as fuck, I can already predict all the gunners whining because of being carted by it.

i'm pretty sure its gunners that whine about most monsters, even though they can ignore a monsters ai 90% of the time they still cry everytime a dreadking megafireballs them

>tfw trying to make a hammer set that out performs dreadking+tigerx hammer

help me mhgen


>Dope as hell




Please stop shitposting.

Here you go. All the help you need:


How is that post "shitposting"? It's talking directly about the game and the huge problems with it.

even with a hacked talisman I'd still use the dreadking set just with critical eye +3

Crit eye with hammer? Why?

Anyone willing to help me out with Triple Toady Terror? I can manage one Hyper Tetsu but 3 of them is just giving me ulcers.


Stop, now.

Why is Dragon an element

what would be a higher dps increase when you already have attack up L, white sharpness, weakness exploit and windress/earplugs?

Stop taking about monster hunter? That's what this thread is for. You need to stop. Not me.

There's too much anime. This is a fact. We need a Trump like director to make Monster Hunter great again.

Build a wall to keep the Raths out

Might as well make a brick house around you considering they can just fly.

>tfw Athena's ASS gives you an armor set with the same stats as your current set but it has 20 more defense
Thank you based Athena

Which monster would you like to fuck the most? I personally think that Gypceros probably retains their tightness forever with that rubber-like texture

No, stop talking about how a few words that people used and how a certain monster might look has killed your franchise.

What does that even mean, less anime? Why is that an adjective? What would you do? Go all the way back to Gen 1/2 with shitty clunky fights because 'm-muh realism'? You're that much of a fucking sperg that if anything even slightly fantastic enters a fucking world filled with talking cats and wyverns you have to flip shit on other people who are most likely fans of the franchise? You're so much of a fucking child that you're crying about how 'Frontier' the series has become even though you can barely articulate what that even means outside of buzzwords like 'anime'?

There, I took your shitty bait, now fuck off and die.

>tfw spent a long time making a great set for Akantor Kingsword
>tfw Low Sharpness Modifier is really a thing
God damn what a goof.

1.0 more like 0.6
Yellow a shit

Because "Frontier" is a synthesis of AoE filled, terribly designed, awful looking, incoherent world and tacked on gimmicks, if you're stupid enough to not know what frontier is and means you're beyond retarded.
And yes, Frontier used to be good, because it didn't stray too far from what MH used to mean, and after having lost Frontier we're now losing mainline because they want to pander to an imaginary audience that will buy their games and drop them after one month of playing.

Nice post full of autism. Please stop doing that now. We are trying to talk about monster hunter here in a civil manner.

Everyone know anime jumps and dodges and frontier monsters are the death of good monster hunter. How do you not know this? How new are you? I bet you voted for Hillary.

>He actually thinks MH games were fun before

How do I into HBG

I want to stop being a bladecuck

Then why come in and ruin the series for us, who actually enjoyed it? How would you like if we started invading your favourite series and turn it into something that isn't what you liked it for?

If you're getting into gunner weps, I reccomend you start with either the bow, or LBG. They're a lot easier to get into if you've never touched gunner weps before. HBG is good, it's just tough to use properly, so just don't mess with it until you get the hang of LBG.

/a/ was right about elitism

But phantasy star online 2 /is/ shit.

>going to /a/

>we're now losing mainline
is not even close
to frontier

Remember, mainline will never be Frontier ever at all.
And Frontier was never good.

That's only because the 3DS is too weak for it to be. Just wait until MH5 on the PS4 and you'll see. X is just setting the foundations.

post monster hugs

I miss lao



Just go out and buy a punching bag.

Is LBG effective in soloing village? Should I do it in 4U or Gen?

Do I have to make a lbg for every fucking element?


Not Dragon, not Ice, Fire is not necessary unless you're fighting Chameleos, it makes Royal Ludroth a bitch though. (It's a pain to gun, shitzones)

LBG is pretty good. No, you don't have to make an LBG for every element, I just use a normal type set and that works out pretty well. It's okay at soloing village, but if you do definitely bring cats, otherwise the monster will be all over you.

>AoE filled, terribly designed, awful looking, incoherent world and tacked on gimmicks
Of which none are in the mainline. Next you'll say I'm literally retarded for thinking that, so okay, post examples.

>from what MH used to mean
There you go again. What does MH mean? Why does MH need to mean something that fits nicely into your autistic headcanon, and the minute it doesn't it becomes shit? I'm not defending Frontier by the way, you're just a massive sperg

>drop them after one month of playing
>invisible audience
I'm really at a loss at what you're trying to articulate here. Get your actual fucking point across without resorting to these broad meaningless statements. Are you saying sales have tanked in recent years? That's not true. Are you saying they're not appealing to a cringey shitty little faggot like you? Because I'm fine if they do that.

Yeah that's why you're complaining about filthy "ebonics" and screaming at that one guy who's telling you calmly to fuck off.

>everyone knows anime jumps and frontier monsters
Ah okay, so this is bait and obvious sarcasm. Thanks, got confused there.

Thanks, senpai
One last question. Why is HBG considered harder to get into as a blademaster?

I love Monster Hunter!