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Get in lads

Volkmar or Belegar play through?

I want to loot Athel Loren

Belegar is actually unique and challenging


Lizardmen DLC when

>Let's be honorable and save our dwarfen friends in the north
>The welcoming party looks like this
I guess I should have brought friends. I'll find out how it goes for Karl tomorrow. Good thing he has lightning battles

Which do you enjoy more: righteous smiting or some umgi zealot with an ugly green thing on his chest?

>expected to actually enter a GW store if I want Grombrindal

Ratmen when?
They have been disappearing enough people already.

>mfw I have to become a fat neckbeards cum slut and AoS playing partner to get a grombrindal code

We'll always be friends, won't we, Gobbla?

I can't do it can I

>All those flagellants

You're fucked with that marauder army


>Go into GW to get Grombrindal code
>There's literally like, a dozen full-length novels based on that garbage, void of a setting Age of Shigmar

I have not given either faction much attention, i have beat Empire once on Legendary which was pretty fucking un-fun because i never was able to test out different units.

Not beaten Dwarf campaign i found them boring compared to GS. I think i need to give them another go and maybe just play it on normal or hard so its not dealing with 100 wagghh armies with nothing but miners and quarrelers.

>Tons of flaggelants against an army of mostly low-armor infantry

There's no way you're taking that.

Maybe you can take the win off the back of your skirmish cav if you're real lucky

Micro the shit out of that skirmish cav and you could pull it out.

just like at the movie theatre, woooooooo!

Cmon Vladdy

>try to pick up Grombrindal code
>give GW bouncer entrance fee
>already down $30
>purchase Grimbrindal for $249.99
>try to leave
>GW bouncer blocks the way
>tells me minimum purchase is $599.99
>look around
>begin picking up miniatures at random
>neckbeards begin snorting at my purchases
>start talking esoteric shit about their stats
>one guy laughs hysterically when I start mixing factions
>just want to get out
>pay for my overpriced molded plastics
>approach exit
>bouncer demands $50 exit fee plus tip
>don't have $50 in my account
>allowed to leave but now in debt to GW
>interest rate causes debts to exceed student loans
>now in indentured servitude to GW

>walk in
>see a bunch of guys playing on the tables
>employee sees me
>I grimace expecting to be harassed and sales pitch
>just greets me and asks if I need anything in particular
>surprised, I say I just came to get the Grombrindal code
>says sure, goes to the counter, grabs like five of the slips and hands me to me
>I ask if that's okay, and he waves it off

I ended up buying a Skitarii codex while I was there just because I felt the store deserved a purchase for going against my expectations. Though I was planning on getting it (online) anyways.

It's used to it! Wooooooooo

>tfw you'll never have a monstrous mouth as a visor

>yfw when you realize Orcs and Gobbos are mushrooms

games workshop employees are generally cool dudes.

They aren't. That's 40k lore

>Playing defensively as the green skins
>Playing defensively with savage orcs

no it's true for fantasy too

Nah, mate they did it to WHFB, too.

Have a rat to feel better.

I don't think that's his visor...

I think it's cool. It makes sense that such a violent race breeds by releasing spores after death. No wonder they like fighting so much, cause natural selection would have selected for violence in their species.

I see GW have you guys working after hours.

Does anyone know how to stop crashes for Shogun 2 with Windows 10?

verify cache

making complimentary comments about GW online counts as overtime

Considering that they are engineered by the Old Ones seems like a reasonable way to go about reproduction.


What's it gonna be?


Settled but they can only settle in their woods and have pseudo Horde mechanics outside of it

That didn't work. It got to the splash screen before any of the cutscenes then just crashed

delete the install folder and reinstall also delete the preferences folder in app data roaming creative assembly

Posting Skaven as they are the next race after Tomb Kangz that need to be added.


user, I...


Settle and new wood regions will open up in the forests of the old world.


Hi /tv/.

They had better fucking not be horde.

I hope they'll be a horde, just so the elfposters will commit a mass suicide.

They'll be settled in their forests, but can turn other regions into forests through a UNIQUE elven tree corruption mechanic that spawns a "GREAT HUNT" army after you get your fightiness up

this tbqh

Elfposters must die. The quality of their funposts isn't even good.


However they will have a combined encamped/ambush mode that will have bonuses to recruitment times and ambush ability when in forested terrain.


Yeah, and it means a limitless supply of soldiers to fight Chaos.

why are those graphics so different

>opening cinematic will only include first 4 factions


That didn't turn out so well though.


Should the leak be believed then that means Tomb Kings are next.

Or are some of you willing to wager Skaven is our next surprise?

>All this ratposting

Wood elves don't want Athel loren to expand tho



Yeah, well there were a lot of fuck ups.

Rats, eh.

uh what?

it's fabulous

Getting in


I have a feeling tomb kangz will be a while senpai.

What of it? Not going to rat me out, are you?

I want to be dominated by a best elf!

Can someone post the radious copypasta for me?

A veritable work of its time, Radious mod is an author’s input on the contemporary attitude so critical of mods that they’re often not given a chance at all, a window through which we see the creator’s wish to move his audience, as well as frustrations at the vessels of these emotions being ignored or enjoyed as “low art”.
Attempts at analyzing Radious mod’s implications and unraveling its messages necessitate great concentration and effort, which is further exacerbated when so much of my blood flows elsewhere than my brain when enjoying this mod.
Radious mod is a journey, an embodiment of a search fundamental to our humanity yet abandoned by contemporary society; Radious Mod is the eternal quest for perfection. As philosophers and "understanders of strategy" alike vainly peruse the void of their hollow souls for an abstract ideal, they achieve naught save for casting the community into desecration. Delving further into the hypothetical and the metaphysical only reinforces the misbelief that true beauty lies within. “Homosexuality,” Plato wrote, “is regarded as shameful by barbarians and by those who live under despotic governments, Both of which apply to contemporary society.
"Quod culus tibi purior salillo est, nec toto decies cacas in anno; atque id durius est faba et lapillis. Quod tu si manibus teras fricesque, non umquam digitum inquinare posses.”
As tremors of mirth reverberate through my corpus; my finite faculties discharged; my soul emancipated. Such is the power of Radious Mod. Radious Mod is not everyone’s cup of tea. It is perhaps best treated as a lengthy parable. For the actively dismissive it will hardly make much of an impression other than being an ordinary mod with a cheap attempt at improving the game. For others with willing ears and eyes to match, it can be a novel take on the values and motivations surrounding the genre.

How do I get my game to look like this? Any mods or do I just need a non-potato computer?


I thought reddit rats were a freak accident with Morrslieb fragments mutating rats?

I'm actually going to take CA at their word when they say the leaks are long outdated. The game was a success and the DLC has also been commercially successful for them. I wouldn't be surprised if anything past Wood Elves is different from the original leak schedule. Which is why I could easily see Skaven being next.

>Skaven were one of the more popular armies in TT
>Skaven play a much larger role in the lore than Tomb Kings
>Skaven wouldn't require new areas of the map to open in order for them to be playable
>Skaven offer a ludicrously diverse roster and a unique playstyle

Tomb Kings are great and also have a pretty great roster of monsters, unique cavalry and shock units. But they'll require a lot more work in order to implement them. Plus Skaven must be out before the first expansion, since they'll feature prominently as the main antagonist to the Lizardmen.

going by the timeline where grimgore defeats archeaon by head butting him... well apparently it worked as advertised.

Well Wood Elves were listed as DLC 5 (technically now it is paid DLC number 6 but that's only because King and the Warlord switched places with it), and Tomb Kings is listed as 8, so it should be next.

But that makes me wonder what the hell DLC 7 is supposed to be. In terms of paid DLC what could they offer in between this and the Tomb Kings? Would it be another Legendary Lord pack?

GemFX, look around and find a preset you like ( or make one yourself)

i have a 4690k + 280x, not potato but not even a beast

thx friendo

no problem buddy

have a good day!

>Skaven wouldn't require new areas of the map to open in order for them to be playable

Don't we need places like the Darklands/Lustria for Skaven to be playable? Or do they not have much of a presence there?


The earliest we can possibly get them would be in March. However that would be wishful thinking at best considering what would be involved. So I think we might see them in April at best.

We already have Beggar Nohammer in the game, though.


> terms of paid DLC what could they offer in between this and the Tomb Kings?

RoR for chaos/beastmen, sub factions in the empire, border princes, LLs.

There's a lot they could add to the game at this point especially since they have proven that the shit they said they wouldn't/couldn't do they have done like faction leaders starting in different zones.

Skaven are indeed Chaos beings. Last post wasn't too clear, I guess.

Aren't all Slanneish champions omnisexual rapists?

They have a presence everywhere, but their main city is Skavenblight. You see that swampy land of death near Miragliano on the map in game? Right under there. It's home to the Council of Thirteen and one of the major hubs for Clan Skryre. Clan Moulder has their abominable factories located in a place known as "Hell Pit" and is right under Troll Country. Clan Eshin hails from the far east, way past the Dark Lands, but are currently squabbling for a little slice of Bretonnian mountains known as "Black Crag". Clan Pestilens operates in the Old World but temporarily journeyed out to Lustria and back and Clan Mors fights for control of K8P. Clan Rictus does live in the Dark Lands.

You don't need any map expansions to get them playable for the most part, but we don't even know if we're getting subfactions for all the clans or not.

>RoR for chaos/beastmen
Wouldn't that be free? Considering CA's "No paid DLC, for DLC" policy.

>sub factions in the empire, border princes, LLs.
I could see the sub-factions, but I wonder they would really bother with those before all the main races are in. I mean, I suppose if it is a gap thing it could work, especially if it is for the Empire.

I can see them doing something like Middenheim since Boris is already in-game.

This manthing speaks truth truth.

I dunno man, Skaven seem like more work than Tomb Kings. They can retool units from Vampire Counts for Tomb Kings, whereas they have to build everything from the ground up for Skaven.

Skaven fucked up a lot of shit during the End Times though. They're important at that time period.

Plus Tomb Kings mostly use standard human and horse skeletons, while the skaven will need their own made from scratch and animated by hand instead of mocapped.

Pretty much just skeletons. The overlap between the two is very small.

Still more than Skaven.

As this user mentions, they can use human faction animations and so on. For example bone giants already have their counter parts with flesh, all they need is a reskin, stats and a description.