/bfg/ - Battlefield General

SMLE Edition

Last thread: >Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: The platoon feature (tm) isn't in yet for bf1, we'll post the info when its out.

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

DICE is looking to add quitting between matches, loadout editing in the main menus and other features that should have been in at launch, soon®

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)


Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like to examine her SMLE parts if you know what I mean.

Here I wish someone would make like a free BF1942 or BF2 remaster on UE4 or something like it just so we didnt have to depend on the swedish cucks and JewA

I'd settle for a good Planetside server emulator myself.

Battlefield has always been a poor-man's replacement for PS, as far as I'm concerned.

>mfw retards think operations is something brand
>mfw underage shitters dont realize its just a slightly modified conquest assault with gay behemoths in a casualized as fuck bf game

Planetside is not BF1942 or 2. Besides its a completely different can of worms with its own autistic ideas and problems.

>tfw keep coming back to this game like it's literally BC2 days
Anyone else feel the same?

>Guys, guys
>What if we brought back Conquest Assault
>But we completely removed any ability to pick what server you play on, and just randomly threw you on one.

Why do people fall for these memes?

gibs me dat seiba

I finally succumbed to becoming a cancer in the servers



>clear a choke on my own by backraging
>think my team of alleynading monkeys is gonna push through
>they dont realize it's been cleared unless I physically show up, walk through the alley theyre nading and demonstrate that the enemies been pushed back
>enemies are back because theyre slow as fuck

I dont even know what youre on about

forgot image, fug

Operations is, for the most part, just Conquest Assault mode.

Except when you pick Operations in the menu, the only choice you get is whether you want 40-player or 60-player mode, and which map. There is no server browser. There are no filters. There are no maplists. Just picking your size+map and then rolling the dice.

It's mind-bogglingly retarded.


As much as I like Planetside, they feel like two different games to me.

Oh that. Well in that case I agree and like I said its just a casualized as fuck BF game so thats propably why. Even more than BC2, BF3 and 4.

>I voluntarily gave my schekels to EA and will continue doing so to prove something on a faceless north korean propaganda discussion bureau


Yeah nah

>my excuse for being poor is that I don't want to give juice any money

Both Forgotten Hopes and Project Reality were for free just to remind you and just to name a few.

>dice finally add the options to quit between matches and customize your loadout in the menu
>basic shit that should have been there at launch
>the loadout screen is missing a ton of gadgets and extensions
>the quit button doesn't work
I'm no game developer, but how hard can this really be?

>still playing this shit


>I unironically gave my neetbux to EA for an unfinished piece of shit

Oh, they are. Which is why I said that BF was just a poor man's replacement. BF is and always has been, largely, Domination Oh And Also There Are Some Vehicles I Guess. Planetside committed much more heavily to being an actual Combined Arms combat environment, and the bases were just leagues beyond anything BF has ever done.

I'm also talking about PS1 of course, not Battlefield 3: Auraxis Edition.

I've also given them more than 100 hours as well. Does this bother you?

Having to "one up" anime posters on a finger painting board didn't influence my decision to by bf1.

But the mad posting from poor boi's that still play bf4 is a plus.

>he's already played it
>he isn't still waiting for a stable release

>mfw going prone in an alley in amiens and mowing down niggers left and right with an lmg

But its pretty finished

Plus you have no room for that statement if you bought bf4 on release.

literally the only two things I was hoping for in the patch and neither of them work

>mfw clearing multiple squads with my laser benet mercie telescopic


Matches like this aren't even fun.


>no scope on the rifle
>trench periscope
Shit picture tbqh, doesn't accurately represent the hillnigger lifestyle.


Post pro calvary webums

I thought this was pretty great when it happened.
Can somebody that's not retarded like myself make this into a webm?
I can't get the file size below the limit here.

Use WebM for Bakas, you Baka Marimo

fucking hot

nude version where

Best I could do on the mobile app.
Idk why people said I would get banned. I have over 100hrs using the swastika.

>there will be a new revision tomorrow
>don't have any skins to sell to try and get the Pancho Villa skin for the 1895


>sitting at original spawn in AA truck
>on hardcore

What kind of human being does this?

Well I only have my android phone right now. Laptop shit the bed the other day. All of the converter apps have every good settings locked behind a paywall.

pretty sure theyll just come back full circle

>already have the medicine
>want villa as well
>haven't got a battlepack drop in 7 games

>squad xp boost

fuck off I wanted a puzzle piece

at least it scraps for 270


>caring about that petty shit at all
You people are what's wrong with games and why they do things like charge money for the shit.

>I'm superior because I play with a brown and grey gun

but I got it free you loser

No I'm superior because I wouldn't have completely missed the point of my post

Did I say you fucking paid for it? Jesus you fuckers cannot into reading comprehension.

>unlock something in game
>I'm whats wrong

i don't understand sempai, teach a simpleton like me whatchu mean

>LMGs, while better now, still feel a little undertuned.
>Visit Battlefield forums to see what the average player thinks
>Someone suggests one less btk at range across all LMG's to make them more competitive against Medic Rifles.
>The guy is lynched alive for thinking LMGs are not 100% fine now
>Other retards start asking for completely unreasonable buffs that would solve nothing
>Whole thread devolves into a grab bag of Dice dick sucking, git gud, shit flinging, and poorly written forum posts.

I'm an idiot for expecting any kind of intelligent discussion taking place on an official forum.

>official forums

I pride myself on visiting /v/ over this place

now you know why devs listening to reddit ideas is a detriment to every game

Why would you not have a complex gamemode like Operations listed under server browser?

Why can I edit my loadout in the game, but not what vehicle loadout I use?

Why did I give these incompetent fucks my money?

Why is the gewher 98 the best infantry rifle,a and why doesn't the Springfield have an infantry variant?

Because those evil evil Americans elected Drumpf

I think the main issue with lmgs is range.
At around 18 metres they're all doing the same damage.
Hellriegel is pretty much a better lmg in terms of magazine and damage output than the actual lmgs.
MG08/15, Benet Mercie and the Lewis Gun need another 5 or 10 metres of max damages or longer dropoff.
Huot needs a storm and telescopic preset.

Did they remove the puzzle pieces from regular battlepacks? Doesn't show up in the side bar anymore

yes, you can only buy them from store packs

tbf it would make them a little more exclusive


>Want to play bf4 until bf1 gets content
>Every server is dragons teeth + bad final stand maps (all of them)
just kill me

better start saving up your scrap you fucking jew rat


What did he mean by this?

Oh shit /Bfg/!

A black German scout has you at gunpoint and demands you tell him your favorite and least favorite campaign story.

What do you tell him?

The Runner.

The tank one.

They were all garbage, only a simpleton would like any

The Runner

Nothing is Written

>Most bullshit codex
Getting the 10 kills in 30 seconds on the last level of Friends in High Places

>Spend 900 scraps
>Get the shitty Humpack gold skin for the auto 12 shotgun
>random normal box, get the Chancellor 1916.
Never fucking touch the 900 box

>wanted to try Planetside when it came
>shit internet, shit computer
>wanted to try PS2 beta when it was popular
>good internet, shit computer
>finally get into PS2 with a better rig
>game's dying, it's now full of autism forts

Even now I wonder what it was like in the good old days.

Go meme yourself to death you weird fuck. Fucking cringy ass post.

ur garbage

Italian crybaby

Friends in High Places

Prologue or Avanti Savoia

>playing a dead game
>expecting it to be fun

Also enjoy that step learning curve of not knowing player routes and not adapting early.

do you think this site is about posting an anime picture with each and every response and parrot stupid shit you heard?

Plane one for that OH SHIT SURPRISE GERMAN ATTACK OVER ENGLAND!! last mission

>least favorite
Probably sand vagina

>blue skins look better than the legendarys
>I only ever get white and orange


Why do you hate fun, lighthearted discussion weeb?

I'm gonna need a name

>complaining about getting orange

Just scrap it and buy the blue packs

I used to have lewd thoughts about Raven when I was a wee lad

dont think so bub

I mean you would save me the 5 seconds of image searching


the anime is yuri-yuri

I just wanted to give it a proper name for my reaction folder
Better late than never dont let it happen again faggot

Can anyone explain how the elite classes spawn?

>used to


Tank had the most satisfying narrative, and I guess best gameplay for all the sneaking around.

Worst was meme Elite spraying endlessly

you have to shoot in the air 3 times then do 5 jumps in a row, that should make it spawn.

Best was the tank

Worst was Mario and his search for Luigi

Well that explains it. I've only been jumping 4 times.