Tera General - /terag/

Cute comfy elin edition

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imgur.com/a/jkhac ------------> bunch of random stuff (detailed mod list and porn.)

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Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous thread:

Post drawings

does this count?

headpats are cute but notelin/10

I just triggered Danicia with a comment about NEETs, apparently she thinks NEETs are a protected group or something.

this elin needs a headpat
and I do too ;_; today is a bad day aaaaaaa


I want headpats too

They have a lot of SJW working at Enmasse, thankfully they don't have much impact at all on the game so it doesn't matter.

I have a ciwen drawing but it's a bit too lewd to post

I can pet you if you want

Do it pussy

no! its of my character and I don't want that all over /terag/

Servers are up!

more kirin art

Aren't they in Seattle?

Seattle is cuck central.


What about them?

the tft statics are comprised with them

They make up the elin population.
Which is the say the entire game/thread.

they're very good at hiding things

I want an Elin to hide my cock in their cunny

Finders keepers!



>all these shitters that don't have vm8

get the FUCK off of my game you SHITTERSSSS

You just told at least 97% of the player base to stop playing

100% of TFT too

good riddance

Good. Hopefully they quit all video games forever so they can stop shitting up my other games as well.

TFT best guild

shut up re.choa


>tfw re.choa will never whisper super dirty things to you as you stroke your cock to them

your guild is shit and you're a shit reaper tbqh

i wish they looked good first

okay, thanks

why would you want that

Because lewd elins are the best.

cute Elins are better

What about cute AND lewd elins?

What happened to teradps.io?

Pure cute is better

moongourd is the new thing now

is the guild info in the pastebin current?

sorta, only TFT in MT and Dump in CH aren't very dead

Teradps was hacked so someone from /jp/ took over and made Moongourd.

is there a way to get the mats for Ambush aside from doing pvp? like how for starfall, the mats were available from bg credits, etc


ah whoops, aside from doing pve* is what I meant to say, sorry about that

I think you can get some of the mats with bg credits

I see, one last question, do the ambush mats also happen to drop out of the bg lootboxes, the ones you get for doing the daily? Like the cs or kumas one for example

Yes but the chance is abysmally low. You'll likely have to do at least some pve if you want to make vm8 sometime this year.

alrighty, thanks for the help user~

Sad that there are so little ERP sluts lately

i'm on CH. looks like Dump has a password.

i don't suppose i could ask any kind anons here about that password~?

Blame all these fapfags.

Password to apply? Read the pastebin.

oh that. i thought it was an actual password like 'faggot' or something.

It's something like this, just change the Tutturu for the name of an officer and you are in

Oh sorry, the pastebin is a little out of date. The new password is "Cute is the most pure bunny." Once again sorry about that and look forward to seeing you in the guild!

ask misiu


Installing the game atm. Tanks any good in pvp? If so which class should I pick and if not then which class is good for pvp?


Just don't install.

Good contribution my man keep that shit UPPPPPPPPPPPPP

There's only one reason you should install Tera, and that's for hot ERP.

Dance for me

are you a cute elin?

what about elins

I think a long while ago someone from Dump made a really good performance .ini and put it in a pastebin. Anyone happen to have it?

I don't know where the general ini file is but there's a guide by bernkastel on several fixes you can do for performance.

when all people do anymore is just run around wanting a quick shitfest of fapping and dirty talk the ERPfags are gonna fuck off to other games or stay within their ERP circles.

no real wonder there aren't many left.

Good night /terag/!

i love you bj

i like to do detailed erps

Last time I tried to get a good ERP going it the guy just fucking finished and logged in the middle of foreplay.

Or it could be that Tera is just a dead game.

The game might be, the ERP is not. There's plenty of it around just not in this general anymore.

Even the ERP is on life support. Don't act like Nymphomaniacs basically disbanding and Lumbertown becoming more like Ghosttown is the fault of the less than half a dozen fapfags from these threads, because it sure as hell isn't.

Nypho disbanded? I was wondering where they all went.

And Lumbertown was part the work of drama whores, which is going to happen always been ERP manchildren, and part the devs skipping Lumbertown entirely along the quest chain. You never have any reason to go there throughout any quest line anymore.

They didn't officially disband, but all the remaining actives members left to either join Forbidden (gross, I know) or form their own little tight-circle niche guilds.

I've never gone to lumbertown for ERP. Found more than enough in velika.

How exactly are fapfags preventing you from finding erp?

does anyone have the parlor maid mod link? the one that fixes the panties and stuff

do not listen to
They are removing equalized gear from Fraywind canyon so PVP will become hopefully active again

I play solo so I've never played Civil Unrest, could someone explain to me why there seems to be less and less guilds participating every week in pretty much all servers?


Yeah, it's not like everyone already moved on. They're definitely all coming back!

>statfags in PVP
Jesus christ if the lag wasn't bad enough, not even being on equal grounds is going to finally make me quit PVP entirely.

bye, since the equalized gear killed it anyways
who fucking cares what you think when everything is worse

>since the equalized gear killed it anyways
Yes I understand that people without skill want to grind away their badness. Now people interested in joining PVP wont be able to without being shat all over due to grindlords unless they too grind their dick off in the second most boring part of the game.

Yes, this is brilliant. This will definitely not kill the PVP scene even further. Fuck off.

>pve faggot complaining
nothing of value was lost

>reading comprehension
Good job.

you mad kiddo?

PvP is a privilege for people with low ping, I can land a full combo with my warrior and do 0 damage because of desync bullshit

what a weirdo

that's never happened to me

There is realistically 2-3 guilds per server who can compete in CU. Any PvP hero with gear+skill tends to flock those guilds. Anyone else is just fodder who never gains anything by playing it.

Good night, /terag/!

My bad user, I declined your app because I didn't read the thread first to see that this happened. If you re-apply with just Veeky Forums you'll get in.

I want to get a bunny elin pregnant, any takers?

Where at

I'm a Castanic male if that helps. Would rather not drop my name here. I want this to be a long, ongoing roleplay where I'm with you every step of the way along your pregnancy. I want us to RP you finding out that you're knocked up with our baby. I want to RP you having morning sickness, getting fatter, experiencing cravings. I want us to bond.

And then I want you to give birth.

I think this could take place over the course of a month. If you're interested, hit me up. IGN: Cengin