/vag/ - Vanilla Server General

Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie. We're currently waiting on server release.
>When is the release?

An announcement has been made on the valkyrie forums.
>OLD NOST PVP (Name: Nostalrius PVP)
will be released in a month. This has all your old level 60 chars for nostalgias sake.
>NEW NOST PVP (Name: Elysium PVP)
Brand new server, will be released 3 weeks after old nost.WE WILL BE ROLLING ON THIS SERVER !!!
>what faction are we rolling?

Most of us are going horde in
Some people are planning alliance and are discussing the guild name/new guild leader


>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: nosg krog wpsg elyg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Druids!!

First for old pvp server

you stupid fucking RETARD stop copy pasting the old elysium website god FUCK kys

Daily reminder that no matter how good the server is that Nos won't be able to live up to the hype.

It will be overrun with Chinese who will make leveling impossible, general and trade chat dead, and ruin the AH.

Reminder that the fresh realm isn't Nostalrius, it is Elysium. If you want to play on the real Nost come to the old server.

YET AGAIN salty cucks couldn't make OP post with fresh links. HOW THE FUCK are you expecting someone to join your shitty guild if you are THIS retarded?

What am I supposed to do while waiting for Nost 2?

I'll play on whatever server has less chinese

first for sodapoppin singlehandedly killed nost

talk to hamish on discord he is lonely

try killing yourself since nobody likes you anyway

Play retail
Play Hellfire when the lvl 70 thing happens

Nost was already filled out the ass the very first hour it launched, it was shilled everywhere even before streamers


>scotcore W H E N ???


thanks, you. people riliable like you're self are a diamond dozen.

Streamers only broaden to a much larger audience.

read old discord messages

who is this totalbiscuit looking fucker anyway

I never got to 60 on old nost. How did you guys even farm for raids? Even just leveling there was lots of competition for mobs.

holy shit this is good
the part with glurf is especially accurate as well after seeing the splinter discord

Was blacklisted a good guild? Are they going to return to old nost/fresh start or nah?

If only Corecraft were here...

>yfw you are not Merove

nice image faggot

Enhance shaman or shadow priest?

I'll be mainly pvping, and with either one getting into a raid is as a token debuff.

I may also roll Female Orc Rogue

>you will never get cucked as hard Merove has been cucked

>that file name
Thanks for the laugh

how do shot bow

>he doesn't know


Kek what a fucking joke of a man, why did he even try to set himself as a GM for a server that comes out in months


Why would a clown like this even think he could be GM of a Veeky Forums guild?

Gonna make a rogue. Best rogue race?

Is this real life? Can someone post an invite to his discord?

Who gives a shit about any of this? Who the fuck cares about life anymore? Koragon LITERALLY recorded and uploaded a video of him eating his own cum.

>Horde PvE
Orc > Undead > Troll
>Horde PvP
Undead > Orc > Troll

>Alliance PvE
Human > Dwarf > Gnome > Night Elf
>Alliance PvP
Human = Gnome > Dwarf > Night Elf


some horde fukboi all the alliance clique seem to love, one of the best warriors on k2

Does shadow priest spec uses the same gear as holy? Can i use the same gear for holy and shadow in pvp?

>shitty cliquefag and attention whore containment guild
Good riddance lol

holy gear as a ton of mp5 on it which is useless for pvp.

t. merove

>not rolling the worst rogue anyway and still killing people with your ninja skills without the crutch of WotF


>You cant send messages of this type unless you're level 61.

What kind of shit is this again?

Kek this list holy shit lmao.

Horde pve
Horde pvp

Alliance pve (if you go dagger put human last)
Alliance pvp

Guess again.

Gonna laugh my ass off when your shitty guild falls apart in 2 weeks

t. indi


come on now tucky dont be rude

>Horde pve
>Troll first
>Alliance pve
>NE that high

Retarded cuck spotted



nost had 5k+ active always on line in the first few hours of its launch

>ninja looter

no thanks

Does the NE stealth bonus from shadowmeld apply to cat form as well?

The part about alliance not needing rogues during raids is so fucking retarded, and the fact that he raided as a boomkin and says shit like that triggers me even more, I am unironically not joining anything related to that imbecile.

Yes, it should.

That's false. Launch had 3.5 - 4k on launch day and during the first week it dipped down to about 2.7k on american nights/european mornings


yeah adds +1 to active stealth level

>that high
Nightelves have highest base agility so they are better than the rest by very little. Other than that alliance dont have useful pve racials outside of human sword spec so theyre about equal.

>avatarfagging once again

>post a random image that turns out to be the image and avatar fag here uses
>the finalflash wannabe that sucks up to Merove immediately shows up to try to fit in as an avatarfag too
I'm glad Merove is killing himself so you'll end up with no where else to go faggot


Just above everything Merove says about raiding shows how little he actually knows about it

He won't be day 1 GM thats for sure

Are Warlocks fairly rare on both factions, or just on Alli?

>undead warlocks

once upon a time on k2 there were two horde premade warrior "cool kids" who streamed crabs and rhox.

rhox was a loud and brash american who screamed whenever he killed someone, he shitposted all the time on /krog/ and on reddit as well

crabs was a dry and depressed scotsman he would shitpost as well but everyone seemed to not care about it. since some knew him from nost

since they were both in the same premade their contrast became a bit of a meme

what 'bout orc warlocks

Rarer to be sure, not as rare as ally warlocks by far though. Leveling warlocks on ally is hell on earth so if you want to roll ally be aware of that.

Not much locks in alliance since they get cucked by horde.

>Horde PvE
Orc > Troll > Undead
>Horde PvP
Undead > Orc > Troll


How is it harder to level a lock on Alliance side?

tagged posts here?

What's a better abbreviation for orc warlock, orclock, warclock, warlorc, lorc, or work?

you didn't even play the server obviously lol

If you are doing quests in a contested territory there is for sure an undead rogue stalking you waiting for the right moment to kill you. Also wotf.


>mfw that stupid fuck Merove still hasn't kicked our alt accounts so we can keep making oc of his autism

Just so you know +stealth increases pretty much never work on private servers. Did extensive testing on old nost and kronos and they both do absolutely nothing to mobs at least.

I always called them orclocks


launch peaked 5k


I'm going to play as a night elf druid and try to make lots of friends.

Look at the filename. March 1st, about 12 hours after launch

Clearly YOU didn't play on launch lmao

Reminder that the alternative to Merove is the Nihilum clique that will cuck you out of gear and it's filled with erp fags, video related.


>filled with erp fags

you say that but then you see Lumi Karu spamming his fucking cat girl pictures all over the place

>he took a screenshot one minute after server crashed for 5 time during one hour

>why are they bullying this guy D=
>balance druid wanting to be gm

nice baseless claim. Have any screenshots to prove me otherwise?

>tfw no big daddy glaston to carry you in hots as varian


hes a 30 year old completely out of touch with Veeky Forums as well

Glaston is the most based man I have ever met in my life


Light's blessing friend. Smite all the heathen scum to the twisting nether.

Kon'nichiwa /vag/!

Neko-chan desu. Would anyone like to give me pats while we level together on Nost 2? Nyan! :3

I promise to be a good kitten.