/hsg/ - Hearthstone general

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First for card design

How is your heroic tavern brawl going bros?

2nd for yugioh

Post your brawl results guys.

play hearthstone! :D

fuck i hope he goes live soon

where the FUCK is reynad??

Play both ^_^

He said he is setting steam delay. Should be any minute now.

>that new leper gnome

What the hell were they thinking?
Leper Gnome with +2 attack for +2 mana. Absolutely fucking garbage. Magma Rager of the expansion. Hate fuel for when you unpack the 20th one in 19 packs because it's fucking common.

where is that cuck reynad?

is he waiting to get 12 wins before streaming so he can look good?

xth for Team 5 incompetence

He said 5 minutes on twitter

This is oc right?

the best part is that they dont change the old ones.

It's perfectly fine if they want to change the wording, but god damn it change the old one as-well.

leaked cards off a german site. it triggers the effect - doesnt just bring a magical deathrattle minion to the board

Does Yugioh have instants like magic the gathering? Or is it all secret crap like HS?

So...I won't win my free packs every week?


>Guys! I posted it again!
>But now I changed my post to not get called out on the bad wording!
Fucking madman.

Yes a lot.
For example Exodia don't have infinite atk when you have the 5 cards is auto win

neck yourself m8

Yes, they're even more autistic. You have speed spell 2 spells, monster effs and traps, speed spell 3 traps (counter traps) and "speed spell 4" stuff which can't be reacted too but aren't actually faster.

So yes instants but with tiers of instants, and you can only respond to an instant with an instant of equal or higher level

I am just the messenger. Guten Tag.

That's not what I meant. I was thinking of spells you can play during your opponents turn.

fake and gay

this was the real leak

>So yes instants but with tiers of instants, and you can only respond to an instant with an instant of equal or higher level
Magic had something like that at some point with "Interrupt".

Glad they stopped doing that. And yes there's also split second but its not the same, its actually very few cards.

Quick Play Magic.

Also Trap Cards.

You have to set them on your field in your own turn though, so your opponent will know you're up to something.

They are called traps. It's like a secret that you activate when you want. Also there are quick spells which you can play during your opponent turn I believe.

Yugioh has instants that activate from hand, instants that only activate during your turn, traps that activate on your opponents turns, traps that can activate on traps, traps that can activate on traps but can only be reacted to with traps that react to other traps that activate on traps. So on, so forth.

A lot of MTG players bitch about Yugioh being a simple game but the truth is that Yugioh's biggest problem is being way too pointlessly complicated.

>Day9 winning with dragon paladin

>You will be able to use your WoW gold to but HS packs


Blizzard is genius.

>Has already lost twice.

So is there a "force of will" in yugioh? Or is that why the games are all combo-centric?

Post happy board states

>That feeling when opponent can't stop emoting but then you drop your win condition and he goes silent

Rey getting in the brawl, its time boys

Can't you buy wow gold real cheap from gold farmers?

>The madman he's playing now is using FULL C'thun hunter

what is the exchange rate? isnt gold in wow worth a lot more, for example its really hard to get 100 gold in WOW compared to in hearthstone


>Streamers getting assblasted and tilted left and right

I love this, specially since they were so adamant about how Heroic Brawl was awesome

Counter options in Yugioh are way stronger than Force of Will.

Most card games borrow enough from Magic that it's fair to compare mechanics and deck types to Magic, but Yugioh's really different enough that you shouldn't think of it in the same context. There're a lot of "combos" but calling it "combo-centric" is kind of misleading because it's less that there're combo decks and more that those're just play routes decks take in addition to their actual strategy.

Questing Adventurer Murloc C'thun Hunter

>Rogue STILL has no Deathrattle weapons yet
>Rogue STILL had no reason to justify Blade Flurry nerf
What's on your wishlist this expac, /hsg/?

Team 5 clearly doesn't have the confidence to design good rogue cards, so at this point I'd be fine with them rereleasing oil and blade flurry.

WoW gold is piss easy to make, though 100 WoW gold won't buy one pack like 100 HS gold will

>Goblin knife
>It's a bomb

50,000 gold = $15 I think
I think they're just gonna let the game time tokens be redeemable for battlenet balance

Dunno, I just played WoW for free until lvl 20 to get Liadren and I would say it's piss easy to get 100 gold. I was limited to 10 gold tops and I wasted around 40 gold until lvl 20. I imagine anyone running instances will find getting 100 gold to be a walk in a park.

name ONE card


just a general headphone warning for anyone watching reyfag's stream, dumbass has a delay on and can't tell his mic is broken


ONE card

>Reynoodle has serious issues with mic
>he is on 5 min delay so chat can't tell him
Also he is playing in heroic brawl against guy wit 1 mana charge boar and 3/3 bear taunt. I don't even remember those cards' names.

unleash the hounds and bear trap

Why not random ;)?

Reminder, Blood Manos is playable in MSG

Can't someone donate 3$ to a streamer on his friends list to tell him

>dat reynad delay + mic fucking up
I'm dying

Hmm, well played.

Dude, don't even start with that. That triggers me hard. Konami sucks so much. I hate them.

he is a retard, his mic has been broken for weeks and he even bought a new one, but didnt hook it up

4-3 in Heroic Brawl with Priest

That went better than expected

Sword of Revealing Light

Savjz is basically broken right now, he just lost a fatigue game and cried.

Also there is this clips:

Blood Manos will be playable in the next set, user

then we can finally find out what exactly it does

The chat is fucking cracking me up.


>They make fuss about not changing druid of the claw for consistency because older players
>This is allowed though
Team 5 are retards, there's no denying it now

>Savjz is basically broken right now, he just lost a fatigue game and cried.

Any clip or minute mark off that?

Also, Amaz is pretty broken too

yes any link?

The best part of all of this is that brawl allows only 5 total attempts. All streamers will waste their attempts in one day and will be tilted for the whole week.

There was never any denying it.
Okay, maybe very early on when the game just launched, before any real patches and expansions and shit.

The streamers have several accounts, user.

Serves them right.
Except idiots keep donating to them for losing. Like the mongoloid donating Amaz $50 after he lost. Fucking hell.

I often wonder if anyone who plays Hearthstone actually likes it. I'm only stuck here because I have poor self-awareness.

When I started playing I liked it, but I started hating more and more as soon as I realized the game is awful and the devs are retarded.

I'm like an abused wife, I hope one day they will change, but deep in my heart I know they will be trash forever, and since this is a blizzard property everyone will just take their shit

>reynad's zoo beating these shamans

what, how?

Fight cancer with cancer

nigga I went up to rank 5 with zoo no problemo. You jsut have to play properly, and since a lot of shaman actually play their deck because they copied the list, they dont even time their aoe properly.

>paying 1000 gold

This slot machine is pretty expensive, dude.

>doubting the zoo master, the son of a door, the inventor of cancer itself

its fucking nothing
>mfw the average /hsg/poster doesnt make at least 20/hour

>giving money to a shitty company

Gee, Gadgetzan must be fun for you, right? Have you preordered yet?

This entire chat is underage or poorfag NEETs/students. They would rather play the game for fifty hours to grind 1000 gold than donate blood for 20$ or get an actual job.

>This entire chat
you have to go back

I never buy packs and arena gold is self-sustaining, so eh, why not

I'm a student in a shithole where a good job gets you $25/day, not hour.
So yeah, I certainly won't give Blizzard any of my money.

Its not about not being able to pay the entry fee, I play MTG which is a lot more expensive, its about being an awful mode to lure people with big numbers. Just look at most of the people who entered and their miserable experience, even streamers who were sucking blizzards dick for this had an awful time on it

If I'm paying 10 bucks for a "tournament mode" I expect something well made not just a glorified ladder


Unless I get something for the entry fee, the fuck do I need to pay 1000 gold just to play another standard mode?


Give me some good control warrior netdeck.

5 or higher and I brawl again...

9-3 with tempo mage, should have put in rag over tony

>Rolled 20
Good luck

Higher stakes. I enjoyed it, it was like the difference between playing poker with friends for change and playing it at a casino.

Ostkaka just went 12 wins with zoo and he played mostly vs shaman

Should i fap or not /hsg ?

Nothing good was added on sad panda in the last few days. Nothing to fap to.
You should have rolled.
Evens and I fap.
Odds and I don't fap.
5 or less I fap to gay shit, higher and it's straight shit.