/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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are you ready kids?

lmao i say ez after every game just to trigger sperglords like you

>saying ez after 1 round
>proceed to lose the next 2 rounds

sorry what were you saying

this never happened with me
i never say ez after one round

of course you wouldn't, would you you fucking pussy

God, I can't wait for Halloween to be over

The circus menu music is so fucking annoying

shut the fuck up

Looking to cash out most of my shit, what are my options?

Turn off circus then and replace it with the actual halloween music

>not even a gg beforehand

Doesn't surprise me. People are basically counted on to be retarded below open / invite.

>it's a you push the BLU team back to spawn and camp them for nearly 20 minutes but a dead ringer spy gets past and caps the last point in cp_dustbowl episode

At this point, I've accepted it will happen and don't even try to stop it.

How much is your backpack worth? Do you want to sell the entire thing for like 25~30% less than it's worth, or take forever to sell it bit by bit?

>Not having any enginiggers

They were also busy shooting at their spawn door.

>start playing pyro and scout
>enjoying the game
I don't even do that well with scout and i have more fun playing scout than i do as soldier.
I need to replace my mouse. Its old enough the rubber grips are rubbed almost completely away.
Any reccomendations on a good entry level mouse?
Not looking to get too far into the performance zone, but i would prefer better performance than a trackball mouse.

>Almost 2017

Yes, that was the point.
I don't want it.

scout is generally a fun class
soldier is just shoot feet
with scout you at least gotta aim

i have a corsair m65 with the fancy sniper button that i never use

Happens all the time on process and badlands when everyone pushes 2nd and leaves last abandoned free to cap


Posting these TEAM FORTRESS 2 IN-GAME item auctions

>Tell someone to stand on point because it's 75% captured while I go reload
>It's immediately capped even though my entire team is right there

deported to geel

Is there anyone among the more widely known TF2 personalities who isn't a furry, weeb or some kind of fag?

do we still count star as a tf2 personality

uncle dane isn't THAT much of a fag

Post mains


star is a weeb though


he is?

i assume so, in some of his older videos he has anime avatars

thanks bby

TF2 the anime

i have anime avatars and i am not a weeb
he might have been using them ironically

>those shitters that complain that there wasn't anyone just sitting on last, bored out of their mind, just in case

Gimme stuff

who the fuck does this faggot think he is

Fuck off.

>1500 hours
>$4 USD backpack
>Begging on Veeky Forums

hey you talked to me on your raffle :o

Here's a (You) go nuts with it

Hi Dotsy


get a room you two!

Get me a hat first

no, seriously, fuck outta here

>connection failed after 4 retries
>connection doesn't get to parsing game info

Half of you have $200 inventories ;-(


wew another heavy main

u 2

Muselk is nice and cool but we have to live with his overbotch playing!

And? That doesn't mean you can just come here and ask for shit. Do you go up to your local millionaire's house and ask for a few bucks? If you did, he'd probably call the cops.

Says the $4 bp with 1500+ hours

dumb phoneposter

sent ;)

when'd I get to acnlg




>playing kritzkreig in pubs

What if I don't main a class?
I'm just going to post my favorite loadout.

You ever dab so hard, you pass out or die?

Makes for sexier kill feeds, though

hi airplane engi

it's shit

that reminds me of porco rosso

That's some neat cosmetics Mr. Engi!

Logitech has a good budget mouse, I think its the G300s or some shit, but it's like 30 bucks but with DPI up to 2500 I believe.

How would you suggest changing it to make it better?
Keeping in mind that I like the barnstormer insulated combo.
How much is that cardboard plane that I don't actually want, but now want to be even more plane
Thanks mr user!

Ah, call me Anime, I'm Mr. user to my wife's son's friends!

a. its a space shuttle
b. its halloween only
c. its like 15 cents on the market

Oh shit, yea.
The airplane is on demo.
My bad.

Some spells are still working looks like. Purple rocket trails and footprints.

Halloween doesn't end for at least another hour.
Iirc its actually been bumped back to the 18th.

weird, all the items stopped showing up for me

Valve isn't great at the backend.
We'll know what is actually happening soon enough though.

>unlock crate
>Berlin Brain Bowl

>unlock crate
> Killstreak Direct Hit

Fug, this is the 18th time

I could have bought most of the taunts and a bad unusual for that

Why do I keep opening crates

Famalam, if you have dupes I'd be happy to take em lmao

He's sort of like if /tf2g/ was a person.

Zowie FK1 is super solid. I've had mine for a good year and a half now at least. I just wish it allowed the user to enable usage of all buttons instead of just a single pair at once. Completely stupid/huge waste in my opinion.

people keep recognizing me as being from tf2g when i dont even post here that much anymore help what do i do

change your username


enjoy being recognised from tf2g then i guess

>entry level
Any optic mouse would do imo. I have a A4 Tech V5 and it does the job.

team fortress 2 was a mistake

ur mom was a mistake lol

shut the HELL up DOTSY

post these if you're relevant



>Burly Beast added
>still no comfy morning robe

what did i just say

Just use derwintermantle.
Its the closest!(registered logo)

my highlander team is STILL UNDEFEATED

that wasnt me

relevant coming thru

make way

is the game coordinator service down for everyone?

here it is

who here has the lowest sensitivity

who has the highest

nice fucking monitor you big fucking silly boy