Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Buy sfv

please buy Skullgirls

>people want Marvel 4 more than CvS3 or a new Darkstalkers

Why doesn't SFV have cool color variations like Third Strike?

>focus attacks
>hd combos
>max mode
>In one game

lmaooo you guys are so silly

I want a new anime fighting game IP with original characters do not steal. Not like it's gonna happen, but if I gotta wish for something that's my candidate.

Capcom would fuck up a new Darkstalkers, but I would love CvS2 or a new Capcom only versus game

When will hugo and poison make their way into sfv, I want a reason to buy it

do you really have to fucking ask mate

it's fucking sfv made by capcom, that's why

Fuck, meant CvS3

I'm still baffled that colors cost fucking money in SFV.


buy mai & mai

is it true that nofap makes you better at fighting games?

I see you've never played an asw game.

that would explain some things...



When is something interesting happening?

I'm waiting for more smash related drama desu. I havent heard anything from them in ages

I am honestly pretty worried about the future of Capcom because SFV is doing so terribly right now.

Maybe this is karma finally coming to bite them in the ass.

>local finally show up where I am that doesn't take hours to get to
>it's for smash
End my l

You can actually edit colors on PC. If you are willing to do some work, ofc.

who has the most stylish combos and set play in xrd

dead angle xx yrc xx frc xx uninstall and never play again

also known as "the flaming kermit"

ive seen a couple smash players play melty blood or skullgirls at my locals

>there are people that dont main hugo

I've seen people bring SFV setups to 20-30 man Smash locals and there's at least 2-4 people playing. Also this

Japan is quite xenophobic. They don't even like Koreans being in their country.


No. Why do you think the winners of majors are usually weirdo virgins instead of married men?

*throws psycho ball at u*

*thows kof xiv sale numbers at u*

nothing personall..

why are you throwing nothing?

>Gill is added to SFV and his CA is Resurrection

How would you feel about this?

stop samefagging peter

t. combofiend

>TFW no retro costumes for characters in SFV


When they do stupid shit at the wall.

>SFV nominated for esports game of the year


There is like 3 ugly Alpha costumes.

>for some reason they decided to put in that god awful police Chun Li instead of Alpha Chun
>couldn't be arsed to make a Bison with a short coat, cape, and black hair for the flashbacks

shut up goober


shouldn't you guys be memeing about ono in this case? peter actually likes xrd and kof

Where the fuck is the info for KoF XIV? I want to find King info, but no dice. Is there a discord or something?

calm down combofiend

play guilty gear

Found 8 guys to play SFV with at a Smash event. Don't worry, they're not the boogeymen you've been led to believe they are by kappa kids. I even got a guy to play Virtua Fighter with me, somehow.

game is dead user.. not even memeing..

But I literally just got bodied by Mexicans 10 minutes ago and remembered "Oh yeah, have to study her new shit since I'm out of practice"

Forgot that Dreamcancel existed, actually

>finally get out of silver
>gold is the same shit


>mfw i pretend to be a smashbab while shitposting sfv sometimes
more fun than playing shitty fighting games desu

SFV is more fun than any other fighting game you fucking nigger. You're just too busy sucking your dad's wrinkly balls. Oh wait, your dad is probably dead because you're allowed to play gay games that aren't SF.

>tfw you play smash, play other fighting games, shitpost sfv, and sniffpost

living the dream desu

>fighting games


i'll play when lol fighter is out
*brofist you*

as someone who asks for kof14 games here and has experienced death of game play/discussion on 4ch, believe me when I say you should find people who play and add them on your friends list now. I'd be surprised if there were any new players that come on a month from now. at most you'll get that poor fag saying play kof when ever someone says play blazblue or whatever, even though he doesn't own a ps4.

now that's not saying the game will be dead or that no new info will come out, but it is on extreme life support here.

This. My dad would beat the shit out of me whenever he saw me playing Arcana Heart or Dead or Alive. He called me a faggot and said stuff "what's this stupid shit? You better not bring this into my house! When I was your age, we played Street Fighter, not girly games!" every day until I improved myself and made me the man I am today. I am quite grateful.

>get hit by random Ibuki all kunai throw
>ten thousand years get picked up into super
Kek what a retarded looking super cancel

Frame data was recently released.

>Hit gold
>Suddenly get nothing but Ultra Bronze/Silver players.

Was literally fighting better players when hovering at super/ultra silver.

see my dan scrubshitters

Yes there is a discord. The link is in the SNK general.

Not too anime but not so barebones and restricted like SF.

Around UNIEL/KI levels of cuhrazy

Ibuki in her natural state

>beat some laggy shitter in casual battle
>search again
>get the same shitter now lagging at super sanic speeds
What was that about SFV being an alive game with a healthy playerbase in every mode again

>getting bodied by a waifufag
Is there a worse feeling?

If anyone here plays Alex and has ever lost to a necalli could you let me know how

>beat a guy the first round
>the second round, he sits there, doesn't do anything, and lets me beat him
>get matched up with him again
>sits there and lets me beat him both rounds
>get matched up with him 3rd time in a row
>he disconnects during the loading screen

Why are people online such pussy-ass bitches?

Getting bodied by a good waifufag.

>losing with necalli
t. wifi johnny

Any fighters I can play on a toaster PC outside of emulation? Pic related, I guess.

>80x60 and you can still see the state of the game at all times in perfect clarity

sfv btfo as usual


Killer Instinct is surprisingly toaster friendly
Probably because it's a first party microsoft game

>Windows 10

Different guy, but what is your definition of toaster spec-wise?

Holy shit it looks bad.

Middle of the road shit from 2011?
Or are we talking like actual toasters here

What did you expect when you asked for a toaster game?
It's fun, though


Prebuilt from around 2006

Ah okay, thanks. Yeah I was talking about computers

Well, technically my device isn't completely shit spec-wise, just okay. i5-4210, 4GB RAM, GeForce 820M. For reference, it can run BL2 on medium settings fairly smoothly.

You have my condolences.

A browser game is worse than emulation.

Teen Titans Battle Blitz is fun, though

>people complain about tag 2
>as if they won't complain about the same shit and not being able to tag crash anymore in 7

i love sfv

isnt playing the same song over and over again going to get old really quickly

sonna bakana..

>tfw nobody plays Dead or Alive 5 on Steam in Australia

Just fucking kill me

>MLP game
>Its just a GG clone
Goobers confirmed for ultimate faggots

I got banned for posting a picture of him on here. Felt bad

The hell are you talking about playing the same song over and over? Do you not understand what is happening?

It's not like GG at all though. It's like SG.

That corner super animation looked so unsatisfying. Hope they touch it up some before release.

have they improved upon this music system?
it's been a year

So did I, and since your link is broken I'm assuming it's round 2, rip me. Odd how it's always giltyposting



Fuck, am I becoming a furry? I actually kind of like Velvet's design.

>whiff meaty throw and get wakeup thrown twice in a row
Please god of active frames save me

Hyper Dragon Ball Z>>>>>>>>>>>>>SF5

Even mugen-nigger kusoge is better than capcom's games.

Someone say Psycho Ball?