/revog/ - Revelation Online General

The last shitpost of CBT1 edition

Last day of the first CBT is on the 17th!

>What is Revelation Online?
Revelation Online is a Chinese Xianxia-themed F2P MMORPG with a large amount of diverse content for any type and level of player.

>Current News

>Official Links


>/revog/ Guilds
Kings of Darman
High Command

• Calculators
Skill Calculator: nogaruka.net/revelationonline/
Stat Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrJOLoJsO-Cqgo7BPZ8YZFFyq6JM9BWQRf2Rgv3tXTY/edit#gid=448077723
Soul Grid Simulator: ro.my.com/forum/thread/14531-the-soul-grid-simulator/

• Guides
New Player Guide: dulfy.net/2016/11/03/revelation-online-new-player-guide/
Gearing Progression: dulfy.net/2016/10/13/revelation-online-gearing-and-equipment-progression-guide/
Soul Grid: dulfy.net/2016/10/21/revelation-online-soul-grid-guide/
Friends and Mentoring: dulfy.net/2016/10/18/revelation-online-friends-and-mentoring-guide/
Reputation: dulfy.net/2016/10/27/revelation-online-reputation-starter-guide/
Skills and Talents: dulfy.net/2016/10/30/revelation-online-skills-and-talents-guide/
Crafting and Life Skills: dulfy.net/2016/11/02/revelation-online-life-skills-and-crafting-guide/

>Can I play now?
If you have a CBT key for the English version, you're all set for the first test on 11/3. If not, your only option is to download and play the Chinese version, which is currently in OB. Information on how to play the Chinese version is in the FAQ.

>Steam Group

Previous bread:


1st for akuta

delete this



who akuta

finding lots of cool places on the last day

like a huge desert full of swords

and a factory also in the middle of the desert

please come back from /mmog/ for one last thread

post elins


nice general

dead thred of the ded game lmoa
>ded comfy cuck guild
>no eu guild at all
>5 posters
wow this game will be huge success kek

>game screenshot general

It's literally a shitpost thread. We've moved back to /mmog/ until the next beta.

no we didn't kill yourself shill

there is still time left

Okay, have fun staying up to bump your dead thread then.

post cute boys


why do you have to be such a downer

this is why no one likes you

what the h*ck is this

guys i forgot to doclaundry so o ran out of underwear and my nut sack just got ripped open a bit in my pant zipper

its bleeding a little scared to look and tear it further. do i go to hospital before a nut falls out?

fluffy clouds

my grandma made cookies but shes old as fuck so there was a little hard thing in one and it chipped my tooth

i put a piece of chalk up my ass and it broke down to powder and now my shit is discolored

had spaghetti last night for dinner and i sneezed and a noodle came out my nose
its half out my nose and i can pull on it from in my mouth too so i just kind of left it there to play with later

if i eat popcorn kernals will my belly acid pop them?

Thanks for the lovely end to CBT1.


for you.


im so lonely

I'd be happy to forcibly kiss you too!

i don't want your pity kisses.....

I'll get them elsewhere then!

stronk independent womin
can't wait to carry my huge cute small vanguard and kiss him and then cuck him with chad mc tyrone mc blademaster~

So what is everyone going to do at the last minutes of cbt1 9 hours from now?

I got into a shitty 2* godmode group that kept dying to the last bosses aoe so I just logged out without saying anything, the end.

h-hanging out with my best friends from /revog/...

...yea haha........ f-friends....


fuck, cheese sticks are good

youre a fukin midget

I'm a normal-sized fuccboi, thank you very much.

youre not good looking enough

I would obviously sleep with my plush
Shame I haven't seen you all guys I'm sure you are fun to play with !

fun sized~

alright guys legit pop a stiffy poke a small hole in your dick til a bit of blood starts to come out, just a drop or so then sprinkle salt on it, make sure to get a grain into the hole

never came harder

upgrade ur wings u mong

it's nearly end of beta you fuckwit why bother

made apple pie for thanksgiving but used pears instead of apples
my dad is gonna flip xD

I did it 4 u qt

if youre pre op you can warm peaches in a microwave for about 15-20 seconds and use them as breasts. the viscocity ia on par with real tits

alright so guys i really want to swim in the english channel

any tips?

legit pepper steak is the best food to exist
put aone biscuit gravy on that shit and woooooo

pee cock

page 9

page 9


shut up ftard


me irl

Just stop replying, let this die


You ruined it you faggot page fucking one what have you done

11 unique posters

I used the calculator on my compoter and did 63 (number of posts) divided by 11 (number of posters) and got 5.72

this means that you are all shitposting way too much

impressive user now stfu

user be my wife

but I already logged out

Maybe next beta