Misuse of Police Equipment edition
Misuse of Police Equipment edition
Udyr and shyv are good with fervor
and by good I mean useable, which no one else really is
Does this mean Kog was biomechanically engineered to be as cute as possible?
>Malz nerfs disguised as buffs
>changes were "neutral, because we can't give Malz any direct buffs because his laning is uninteractive"
>don't attempt to legitimize jungle Malz even after you admit his laning is flawed
Convince me to not get project Kat, lolg
I love Lissandra!
Will you buy some of her ice cream?
she has all of your favourite flavours.
>Not going Colossus on Dyr
No, they are both shit with fervor. Fervor is good on Kled, Fiora, and Riven (but CotC is even better on her). Udyr uses CotC and Shyvana uses stormraiders
I didn't say colosses wasn't better, I just said fervor is good. Fervor is actually better if you're only building like 1 damage item and going tiger, but colossus is broken right now, and builds that use that should be built more.
Is Ezrael the "change your experience" of ADC's? Every single one
-Almost 0 damage at end of game, last one I played with had less damage than Janna.
-Somehow the most deaths despite having on one of the safest kits in the game.
-Passive aggressive as fuck, WILL blame entire team for loss no matter what.
I'd rather have a Riven AND a Vayne on my team than one of these chucklefucks.
tfw kindred is thunderlords now
He's the best!!
>Shyvana uses stormraiders
Man, I don't even know how he got that way. He used to be so unpopular and people who played him generally knew what they were doing, but now he's the tool's champ of choice. What happened?
How do I into Vayne?
I always die too much on her and can't kill people
Sandstorm is still her best skin, get that one instead if you haven't already.
Also it looks mediocre in-game.
Move and Report this one
Vayne is about geometry and mechanics. You need to be able to orbwalk properly to use her or you'll just feed.
>How do I into Vayne?
with some china rod or something
Nepu Nepu NEPU!
>lulufag thread
Literally worse than Lissfag threads
Don't push your disgusting fetish you fucking faggot, can't wait until Trump forces you degenerates into the therapy you need. Deranged faggots.
Kill yourself, that image makes me feel physically ill.
Hey /vvvirgins/, why aren't you supporting vvvortic and cyberbullying gnarsies the furry??
>it's an "enemy Ezreal uses E hyper aggressively for engaging and DPS" episode
>it's an "Ezreal survives purely by positioning well and isn't dependent on E to live" episode
>caring this much
Your thread is getting ignored and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Don't push your disgusting fetish
says the guy who posts lulu
report whoever tries to enforce a second thread like this lulu guy
>It's an "Ezreal threatens to blow us all to hell before E-ing out of a window into the enemy team" episode
>Caring I'm being forced to look at that disgusting shit
>Caring our shitty community is broadcasted to the rest of Veeky Forums as a bunch of mentally ill furry homosexuals
Of course I care you fucking nigger
Kill yourself
I'm not posting Lulu though, are you blind?
Stop kink shaming Volibear, he is a respected memebur of the police force.
niceday, lolg!^-^
its bad
>It's a "I'm the only straight guy in the thread" episode
okay im out fo tonight fucking faglords
is it a boy or a girl?
>Lumping furry barafags with regular homosexuals
Don't insult me like that, cunt
What champ can I play where I split push all game
Hard Mode: No Tryndamere
i'm here
Well I'm not autistic so I don't care
Nasus, Jax, Hybrid Kennen.
Singed, Jax, Nasus, Quasus.
>caring whatever the outside people think of fucking Veeky Forums
do you talk to your friends about this shit or something? Do you think some fox news report is going to come along and do a special report about the anonymous fapper known as Veeky Forums?
Shut the fuck up. Go back to your autistic youtuber.
any strong pusher from sivir to zzrot heimer or morgana
it's whatever you want it to be! ^-^
>Being gay
Am I ruining your safe space libtard?
>those new fucking shadow isles images
MORDEKAISER VGU WHEN? Motherfucker would look sick as fuck.
>I'm not autistic
idk man it sounds like you're the one who's board is ruined.
>who is
>>Caring our shitty community is broadcasted to the rest of Veeky Forums as a bunch of mentally ill furry homosexuals
^ the shit people care of
>shen does negative damage
nice game
Could anyone please tell me how to access Veeky Forums chat? Some people were asking in the last thread too, is there no way to do it currently?
I am here too desu~
If you care about this game you have no ground to stand on with that statement
Gnarsies, stop getting angry, you're a furry, and you're irrelevant and without a youtube channel xD
Breast waifu!
Xenomorphs theme > shitty """horror""" monster theme
New Void RULES
I hardly post in the thread other than giving advice or questioning dumb shit when I'm bored
>Vel'Koz was probably one of thousands of identical scouting and analysis drones that flew around literally disintegrating everything in site
First Win Of The Day Bonus no longer applies to ARAM or Bot Matches. You must win a game of normals to get the 150 bonus IP.
do not fuck the lamb
How can I remove a .esp file that's been scripted in without doing a hard reset?
My waifu keeps glitching out in the same spot and I want to remove the mod before adding it back in somewhere else
Thanks tesg
>Shit taste
Does anyone know? Please?
install ublock
so good*
>no breeding or sona posts finally
"hurr durr im the only straight guy here!!"
which one are you?
the furry or the necro?
What the fuck is this shit? After a long-as-shit day, sometimes I don't want to play for two or even one full game. Bots was such a quick and easy way to get it out of the way guaranteed.
>assblasted straightfags get mad over one OP when every other is some lazy waifupost
look I dont even like the fur or bara shit but the guy made the thread first and id rather post here than in a lulufag thread
I fuck Yordles personally, only the female ones though
Only if you lack imagination
Even then you need at least enough to competently engulf your dick in cleavage!
Who are you talking to?
Pretty sure everyone stopped talking about it and now you've decided to sperg out about it, again.
>Easily kited champion with a lot of damage for easy proc.
>Pick the keystone that makes it way harder for her to be kited.
What's the problem here?
It might not be better than cotc but its certainly not bad on her.
Apply some logic user.
Go there or shut the fuck up about your mental illness, this is a League of Legends thread
You have good taste my man~
>blow all skills on a low health cannon minion under tower because I'm afraid to lose it
>still fucking lose
you have the worst taste of them all then
It's one autist, calm down friend
>easy proc
shyv can only build two damage items max now and as you said, gets easily kited, she'll literally only be able to proc it from minute 20-30 or if she's really fed until late game. I mean yeah, if it procs it's fantastic, but she's not a burst champion because SOTA is gone, meaning she can't build more damage than she could before.
Says the poster of worst girl in history.
>Posts Nep
>Talking about taste
replying to bait this large almost feels criminal but here's your (You) regardless
Why did they nerf The First Win Of The Day?
it's supposed to my only justification to relax in a game of bots.
She only needs to get 30% max hp damage on a squishy to get it going. That's like 600 hp, thats easily bursted through.
xth for Rumble
xth for Azirbro, wherever you are
Riven is a good girl
uhm, I didn't post Blanc
Say what you will about the games, but don't talk shit about my wife, Neptune, ever again or I'll make you regret it.
>try to auto minion
>auto gets canceled because reasons
>try to auto gain
>it dies before auto hits
Oh, also stop blowing everything on it, instead check your auto damage and the turrets to figure out if it needs to get hit more to kill or if your auto is enough.
Beware the hand holding
This whole lore update stuff is so nice I love it. Ekko made me sad, he deserves to be happy and I wish his character the best. Zaun is best city, fuck pilities.