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One Tamriel/Update12 is finally here! (October 18 for consoles)

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>Platform poll:

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How are Dark Elves in this game?
Can I be a battlemage or spellsword or whatever they want to call it effectively or am I stuck as mage OR warrior?

Are there fun Dwemer dungeons in Morrowind, Skyrim and Hammerfell?


Yes it does, and a lot
Disregard the carebears, it's not even about min-maxing, the boosts provided by racials are significant enough that you WILL feel like you are underperforming when you go up against people of a similar level of skill with a race appropriate to their build

the dwemer ruins are awesome in this game. still more Skyrim style than Morrowind, but unique in their own way. and yes they're all over the places they should be.

Friendly reminder that this is legit

>How are Dark Elves in this game?
Cunts to each other when they're not cunts to other races.

>Can I be a battlemage or spellsword or whatever they want to call it effectively or am I stuck as mage OR warrior?
Depends on what you mean by "battlemage" and "spellswords". if you want to be a special snowflake that's amazing at everything you're shit out of luck. If you want a pretty brutal melee mage, then DK is up your alley.

>Are there fun Dwemer dungeons in Morrowind, Skyrim and Hammerfell?

>How are Dark Elves in this game?
aesthetically they're more elf than dark but you can still ash them up and make them haggard as a dunmer should be. the npcs you'll meet all have the shitty highborn english accent though.

>This was almost a yea ago
Zenimax really have to start pumping out these DLC's.

What are the optimal races for each kind of build then?

Whats DK, deathknight? Does TESO have touch spells and stuff like games before Skyrim did?

I mostly just want to be a melee dood who can back up and do some range attacks or self healing, maybe some stuff like soul trap to enchant my weapons with, you know be mostly focused on melee combat, but able to keep some distance between me and my target if I need to.

why are all of the races too fucking stupid to reverse engineer dwemer stuff?

The Redguards have guns and working on airships.

They do have the Dwemer capital in their region though.

Go for a magic templar or a dragon knight
Cool melee abilities that are still magic based so you aren't gimped by using them

I wouldn't be surprised if they simply didn't knew how to apply it in ways that a spell wouldn't do better.

DK as in Dragon Knight. Users of Akavir thu'um, people spitting fire or venom depending on if you're more of a magicka-user or more of a "we wuz snakes n shiet" guy.

Is there something I can do to increase FPS? Both my GPU and CPU usage are very low and I'm barely getting 40-50 FPS. It drops to 35 when there are a lot of people on screen.

>mass production of weapons and armor
>transportation for non mages


Bikini armor mods when?


I'm not saying that wouldn't be useful, I'm claiming people in TES are stupid.

>this game only has four classes

Is that right?
That seems like a tiny amount of classes for an MMO

>tfw you friend wants to play Aldmeri dominion instead of the cool factions

Transmogrification would be nice.

Really nice.

>Inb4 its patented by ActiVision BlizzarD

Aldmeri Dominion is the cool faction tho, just look at that fucking eagle

>That seems like a tiny amount of classes for an MMO

Exactly my thoughts.

There should be 90 instead.

9 races = 90 classes

Or someone makes an extreme super hardcore VRMMORPG instead.

the 'classes' are incredibly broad, they're basically archetypes like the classic TES trio of Thief, Warrior and Mage, but divided more like Healer, Wizard, Warrior, Sneakyshit

AD is worth it for Raz

I wanted to be a Dunmer Dragonknight though.

Don't even know what I'd play as in AD.

Sorry, I hadn't seen that.
>try it
>got +30-40 FPS and the textures are now beautiful
Thanks based user(s).

Get the explorers back and you'll be able to play as any race in any alliance.

Faction doesn't even matter anyway, races are what's important
Unless he wants to play AD just for the sake of being AD, he should be able to find a good race for whatever role he wants to perform

>All those enemy models they're sitting on/potentially scrapped
At least we know where all those development bux are going.

How much is that?

He likes the races in the AD. Will we still be able to play shit together if we're not in the same faction? Or is there much to play together in the game anyway?

isn't that redundant now anyway? is there anything preventing me from just traveling to the other faction territory and doing their main quest from the beginning?

Your character will always be marked as a member of that faction and PvP as part of that faction.

the only thing you wouldn't be able to do together is Cyrodiil pvp. the faction territory stuff is all wide open right now. pictured: orc and bosmer grouped together in AD territory

but it doesn't actually prevent you from doing any pve content afaik

Dunno, it's in the crown store. But know that you can start as a dunmer in the pact, do the tutorial, and just take a ship to the Aldmeri Dominion and never give a flying fuck about the pact ever again.

>isn't that redundant now anyway?
If he's playing as a friend he'll probably play PvP with him. And PvP is the only place where alliance matters any more. If he's only interested in PvE then yes it's redundant.

Yeah my friend wants to do PvP. I never really care about PvP in any MMOs, but then again I'm not much of an MMO player anywhere, mainly because subscription fees are a bullshit scam. How is the PvP in this game?

I was looking at doing a fire damage based dunmer Dragonknight, wanted to do a mostly melee guy with some magic ability too. How are Khajiit for Dragonknight? Or Altmer Templar?

Not too interested in Nightblade but sorcerer could be a cool option.

>How are Khajiit for Dragonknight? Or Altmer Templar?
Both are great. A Khajiit dragonknight do best in putting all his attribute points into stamina while using magicka skills to buff himself, while an Altmer templar is best off putting all his points into magicka and use the aedric spear class abilities to fight in melee.

Is this whole "One Tamriel" a good thing? I've never played the game before, but to me it just sounds like it would kill any sense of progression.

I was very skeptical but actually it's not bad. you can roam from zone to zone which I liked to do anyway to stave off boredom from being stuck in one area, but you can actually do the quests no matter where you go rather than constantly being on the run from welcome bears. there's still world bosses and elites that will stomp your ass in if you don't know the area so it doesn't feel like Oblivion's hard level scaling. I've yet to run into anything that felt like scaled bandit bullshit but it might be an issue.

It's not as if you're max level out of the gate or have all skills unlocked.

How many characters can I make?

Is it a real hassle to manage characters, if I wanted to have like an Altmer Templar, Dunmer Dragonknight, Breton Sorcerer and Argonian nightblade?

8. You can buy more slots. Not a lot of hassle since you can use your bank to transfer stuff between characters.

I want to fight in melee and have summoned things. I don't mind not being "best tier" but is this idea viable? Especially for soloing or leveling content?

So a sorcerer with armor and melee weapons should work right?

What should I spend the 500 crows on? The starter pack seems nice.

How is leveling between them? Is it really worth it to have to go through all that?

Do the different classes and quest-lines play different enough to be not too terribly repetitive?

Raz is a top lad.

>can use any weapon
>can morph skills
>quests are not kill x y amount of times and engaging
>can steal shit from people
>decent voice acting
>nostalgic as fuck music
>decent character creation with thicc and loli options

I just realized that if this game had been buy to play since launch it would've smashed any other MMO to the ground.

But of course being Zenimax they decided to jew out on people and got bitten in the ass for it, serves them right.

the horse alone definitely makes it worth it.

Stam sorc with a clanfear.

Lads, tried the game out during beta, didn't like it all that much.

Seeing as now it's on a huge discount, is it worth picking up? Can someone list what improvements it had since launch?

It's free to play right now on PC and PS4, so try it before you buy

so i've got the base imperial edition, but no DLC
the gold edition of the game is on sale for $30, includes the 4 DLC packs.
but it wont acknowledge I have the base game already, meaning I'd be buying the game twice.

is there another way to get all four DLC packs for like 30$ and just add it to my imperial edition?

you don't get 1 Gold from killing bosses anymore

Level 1-50 are individually, so are the skill levels. That can be done in a day if you know what you're doing. Champion points, that's basically extra levels on top of the old ones, are shared between characters.

>loli options

also I thought it was always b2p, am I wrong?

you can buy the DLC for 5500 'crowns'. comparing on steam, Gold edition is 25 EUR, while 5500 crowns are 21 EUR.

Yep, it's called guilds and glory or something like that in the crown store.

Was subscription based until they launched on console and the console devs didn't want to play ball with them. They tried to negotiate a deal where people would be able to play their games without xbox gold and playstaion+ or w/e Sony's version is called. Negotiations broke down and they went with the b2p model instead.

that's all four DLC packs for 5500 'crowns' in the item shop?
so it's cheaper to buy it in game by about 4 EUR


Can I also get the twilight whatever one too? Should I invest in some Magicka too for stronger summons?

servers busted?

yep. there is an edge case: if you want to play on both the EU and NA servers, if you bought the game as Gold, you get to use it on both, but crown store purchases are local to the server you purchased them on.

other options: with the discounts going on, it's less attractive, but most of the time, it's cheaper to just subscribe, which gets you a monthly 1500 crown stipend as well as the other benefits (unlimited crafting storage, access to all dlc).

used to be that you could buy a "60 day eso+ with 3000 crowns" game codes on keysites for 15 EUR, but it seems those are now all out of stock. best bang for buck, and if I knew it was going to run out I'd have stocked up. oh well.

the expansions are pretty gr8

You can use the twilight and clannfear at the same time, but don't bother putting any points in magicka, just let them faff about.

The clanfear does physical damage so it would be better with a physical damage build and magika won't help any with melee or physical damage.

The clanfear also gives you a heal if you activate it again so it makes the twilight kinda useless. I think the twilight is for more of a healer role.

Try them both if you want.

not worried about the local server side only purchase.

I think I'll just do the 5500 crown pack to get the DLC, but if that weren't the case, I'm glad you told me about the sub option.

Thanks friend.

I'm getting a Login Error Connection to Server timed out.

servers down? doesn't say anything like that on their website.

EU or NA?

Restart both the launcher and the game and it should work.

Trying that now.

That worked, thanks friend.

Does this game have much for crafting in a well down "this is doable if you actually want to" or is it grindy and impractical like guild wars 2?

The latest patch fucked everything up.

Impulse bought gold edition.

Can't compare but I love the crafting in ESO, only thing that is painful is researching traits, and its not really a grind so much as a wait.

I think picking up crafting things in the world and basically every box/crate/dresser/etc being lootable is 90% of why I play this game, after ESO when I play another MMO and go up to a box and its just a non-interactive prop I get frustrated.

does it come with a horse? if not, grab the 'starter pack' while it's discounted, the initial 500 crowns are not going to buy you anything else worthwhile.

Started playing this today. Does the EU guild accept free trial niggers?

Unlike GW2 you can actually craft to profit if you have the right motifs (visual style) and/or can make the right sets. Because one of the meta sets is grindy bullshit like GW2's ascended - Twice Born Star (a set that lets you use two mundus stone bonuses at once) requires all traits for any piece you're making to be researched and filling out all nine traits is like several months of timegate (the final trait itself is 1 month). You only have to pass that timegate once to get all the traits but it's a hell of a wait the first time and it's why people will pay good money to anyone who can craft them sets so they don't have to bother.

So in a way it's kinda both. It's not overly complex like GW2's method of making a bunch of components and building armor/weapons out of those, it's pretty simple and straightforward and actually worth your time... but it also takes a long time to be a good crafter and unless you're an ESO+ member I really hope you like dedicating bank space or a mule to holding your mats because there isn't a free account-wide mat bank like in GW2.

>mfw 4 mael drops in single run
>they are all decon tier
I couldn't imagine what this is like getting a single drop a run, fuck sake, well I do know people been running it for over 12 months and still don't have want the need

Get explorers pack and pick whatever race you want at AD. Like $1.
I bought mine here (from a vendor who doesn't sell it anymore).
Also, magicka DK works fine as Dunmer, as Stamina you will probably want Orc or Nord or Imperial (DLC).

Palomino horse.

I'm not exactly new but I'd like some thoughts on a few things: I've been playing on and off, mostly soloing and exploring, but reading through these threads I've taken an interest in doing dungeons and being a good DPS. Currently a Champion 110 MagSorc.

>What are some sets I should keep an eye out for?
I'm fond of the Robes of the Hist set, and was thinking of crafting part Torug's Pact / Magnus' Gift / Armor of the Seducer. Should I wait until Champion 160 until crafting? That's the max level for armor, if I'm correct. Also, is mixing armor weights a problem?
>If I feel like I'm dying often, should I use heavier armor or just get better at dodge / blocking?
>Is it a good idea to just pub random dungeons until I understand them? Or is it better to go with a group, maybe join a guild?

And the most important question of all:
>Which motifs / armor pieces are the most Veeky Forums?

good choice, having a blast doing since lvl 10 both Thieves guild and dark brotherhood
Imperial dungeons were good too

Which one of these is better?



Julianos is pretty cheap and Mother's Sorrow is pretty easy to farm. I use both. Just keep 1/2 heavy piece + boundless armor and if you still find yourself in trouble try defending trait and/or ward. You can also use clannfear for taunt/tank.

They're almost the same thing if you look closer.

Depends on if Stam/Mag or if you're a tank or something. Honestly just looking at them should tell you if it's good or not - look for stuff that buffs your primary attribute and gives crit or weapon/spell damage. Hundings Rage for example is a great crafted armor for Stam characters, as is Julianos' Law for magicka types.

>mixing armor
It is a problem unless you're a tank. Tanks sometimes take two pieces of medium so they can do some dodge-tank nonsense with the medium armor skill, but are mostly in heavy. If you're stam DPS you wear medium armor. If you're mag DPS you wear light. There's no real benefit to mixing for DPS classes.

>dying often
Get food that buffs your health (and preferably, also your magicka or stam), learn tells, learn when to dodge, when to block, and what you can interrupt.
Just watch a video first and know the mechanics, it's cool.

>Veeky Forums
All up to your, senpai-al-lam. I'm pretty fond of Khajiiti motifs though.

Is this game worth getting into? How ded is it? Christmas is coming up and that means playing an MMO again

>LF [Vaults of Madness Survivor]
>have written a pasta to use when I enter the dungeon explaining the mechanic of the first boss
>#1 group DPS ignores text and someone dies instantly
>#2 group DPS isn't fast enough to react to the spoken dialogue and obvious telegraph, someone is killed by a single second of burst + the AoE and DoTs on the boss
>#3 group someone leaves at the beginning and 561cp crown has us "queued" for a tank, 10 minutes later we queue for a tank and I leave immediately
>#4 group DPS kills himself
>#5 group WE PASS IT, DPS with 16k health dies on the titan boss (knocked into fire and killed instantly from full health)
>#6 group DPS kills himself
>#7 (just now) DPS turns into werewolf and fucking falls to his death
There should be a whole separate achievement for completing these fucking challenges with PUGs

>Is this game worth getting into?
In the end it's not worth it. No MMO is worth it. You will play it, you will love it, you will get bored or frustrated with it, you will quit and then you will realise you've wasted so much time. That's the MMO cycle, and applies for every single one out there.

>How ded is it?
Surprisingly, not ded at all. Since OT you can actually see people in other factions, and there are tons of people everywhere. Go to any place in the game that you think you won't find anyone, and you will probably find someone doing some shit there.

Brah find a guild, I don't even do achievements or pledges otherwise.

Of course, I'm just looking for something to piss away my time with.

Should I get DLC, Plus Membership, or skip on them?

Real hypothetical talk for a moment.

How fucked would you be if ZOS decided to either severely nerf proc sets in PvP, or limit their use in some other way? How much gold tempers would you be out? How much time farming would you have wasted? How pissed would you be that you actually have to git gud again?

I'm asking, because ZOS has pretty much confirmed that proc sets will see changes "balancing" in PvP.

Personally, I would lose absolutely nothing, because I'm magicka for life


Craft a Julianos 5 piece, and 3 Torugs- keep the Torug's purple, you'll replace them quickly as you get a monster set/s

Use 5 Light, 1 Medium and Heavy for the Undaunted passive, 6% to all resources plus the 1-piece passives in each armor tree are nice [you'll need UD9 first though]
Apart from that yeah get bettet at dodging and blocking, having a shield on also helps

Join a PvE guild for positive dungeon experiences [mostly]

Can't wait, can finally go back to playing this game, I've got the proc sets like everyone else and within 5 hours I was bored as fuck because there no fucking skill in it and just feel completely hollow.

No reason to get the DLC's if you're subscribing.

Absolutely non since I'm shit at PvP but not that shit that I'm using fotm proc sets.

just get ESO+

all DLCs available, plus additional benefits, and 1.5k crowns to buy useless shit with. or you can save them up and use them to buy DLCs so that they are available even without ESO+

also, crafting bag

I play with proc sets and I still lose to sorcs with shields, minefield, and eye of the storm

I need a female nord clan/title name, halp
the Pornstar, Dragonporn, Dark-Hair, Ebon+something (she is dk tank).

Make sure you use cool characters for no reason like ð, þ or O

Her face.