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Are we getting Wood elf waifus?

H-hey guys, what's going on? G-glad we'll finally be able to see each other on the 8th for some regenerating, no-armor, splash damage monstrous action, r-right? I mean, the DLC IS 20 bucks after all. CA wouldn't fink out and dash everyone's hopes about the last remaining unfinished army, would they? SURELY not CA!

Demoghorgon, prince of poopee

>trade off between better armies or "Winning the game"
>implying any of us actually go to victory conditions and dont just quit once the game gets boring.

Unless there is a special cutscene the choice is easy.

>magical cavalry

>Morghur FreeLC lord starting in Athel Loren and Lore of Life / Jade Wizard for Empire
>360 fire and shooting on the move.
>Can only build buildings in Athel Loren, a bunch of shit elsewhere.
>Picking between Orion and Durthu completely changes how you build your armies.
>super sniper hero (LUMBERFOOTS).
>New campaign set in Athel Loren.
>This fucking beautiful as fuck start location.
>All those cool units
>Fall of Man style ending battle.
>All that other shit on the steam page.

Holy fuck i'm hyped.

Why is it still three weeks away?

My only fear is that the wood elf campaign will be too easy for an understander

who lead Vaul's anvil, crag halls of Findol and the bottom land?

I'm hype for NEET elves

Vaul, Findol and a mad fuck

I bet you can't micromanage for shit never mind work a ranged infantry based army like a Hun army whilst handling magic as well. 9 times out of 10 wood elfs will get fucked online.

Wood Elves are perfect for meme compositions

So what's the next historic total war in a couple of years?

I hate to admit it but Warhammer made Total War great again, they made all this cash and already have the history one planned out

Where did you get the 4k screenshot?

leak points to a 'Victoria Total War'. Not sure if that is good or not though a railway system would be great for moving armies across continents etc which was a massive issue in Empire.

Sure karl franz is our Trump.

Get a load of these faggots

>shitting on charlemagne

Charlemagne was great, but it wasn't too in depth. They could've expanded the factions a lot more and it would've been nice to have more objectives like building cathedrals, aiming for a relationship with the pope or spreading paganism. Sure the ideas were there but they weren't manifested as gameplay. Warhammer has spoilt us in that regard, this new oak of ages objective looks very interesting.

Let the whine
Meanwhile the dlcs keep being a success

>"Wood Elves won't quite be the last, but it'll be the biggest."

Well fuck.

>Lore of Shadow and Life in a single patch.


So they better announce that new expansion soon.

New World sequel around the time as the Old World edition. February.

I'm guessing we'll get one more Lord pack or something in January.

Hope the empire/vampires get their hands on those lores quickly and not in some rivalry pack or something

The FLC array has a new empire hero alongside the new lores, so that's a no given like the lore of beasts.

Who knows about the vamps though.

considering how Lore of Life seems to be the antithesis to death, why do vamps get it?

Hi everyone.

Just a friendly reminder here that this little rapegoat almost destroyed the entire wood elven species by doing literally nothing.

keep rollan

>fucking pontus

Okay, tell me. What is /twg/s deal with Pontus. I keep seeing this meme all the time but what does it mean.

Playing as him and burning the Oak of Ages with invincible Chaos Spawn is going to be so sweet.

is there any way to stop rome 2 from running in the background when you close it?
besides manually going into the task manager and closing it

Empire would get life and shadows, vamps would only get shadows (on their vampires, necromancers.. etc.). Poorly worded.
Technically vampires can take anything EXCEPT life through forbidden lores as I recall but that doesn't really matter

>"The Wood Elves have unique tech trees..."

Somehow beastmen are going to be so much more enjoyable to play.

>almost a month away

Why is this allowed

G... guys, that interview

They are willing to add everyfucking race in a clusterfuck of a giant map

g... guys please.. help me, I won't be able to come back to Veeky Forums after this

They announced the combined trilogy when the game was first announced. All 16 races are coming, and so are a hundred other factions and hundreds of units.

I hope you have a fucking supercomputer.

This is the best part.

Now if they would only make better maps.

Doubt they will make one single fuckhuge map. That would hit perfomance something fierce.

they said it, for fucks sake. WHY

Threadly reminder
Athel Toralien
Sith Rionnasc
Kor Vanaeth
Athel Maraya
Athel Numiel
Tor Alessi
Thank you

So I guess without Wood elves getting seasons introduced that means we might not see any of the other proposed mechanics getting introduced with other factions like pestilence with skaven or a food mechanic with ogres.

What do you think?

For people wondering how Wood Elves will play, 1d4chan has a pretty good section on tactics for each of the tabletop factions giving a run down of what units are and how they're supposed to be used. It's obviously not a 1:1 translation to TWW but it's still handy if you know nothing about a faction and want to learn roughly how they're supposed to work.


>Wood Elf army is a micromanaging oriented one
Wood Elf AI factions confirmed for dying off sooner than beastmen

>Alliance with Karak Norn

>Literally PooPooPeePee: The Lord
>The dreaded, overflowing pissjug that all NEETs fear

Get on in here

>Next game in February

Nigger you fucking delusional.

We'll be lucky if we get it March/April

Which interview?

It's good that CA are being more ambitious with DLC and campaign design
It bodes well for the other content that's yet to come, the only problem is that it makes the vanilla stuff look quite tame in comparison

He said announced







Wood Elves is the biggest DLC they're going to be doing for this game, which means nothing but small shit for the rest of the cycle.

The cycle won't be another half year with that kind of policy. Remember that the New Content team haven't been working on the new game, they've had a massive team working on it since May.

Why did they make Volkmar so fucking shit?


>Wood Elves is the biggest DLC they're going to be doing for this game

Which means they could still cram in a race pack that doesn't include a campaign, like the ones they've announced they were doing way back when they told us how they're handling DLC

Rolling as well

>tfw we soon get to bring death to Athel Loren

FUN WOOD ELF FACT: Assuming they're staying faithful to the tabletop all Wood Elf spears and bows will be AP weapons to represent their uncanny accuracy.

>No lizardmen DLC announced



>Karak Norn allies


I want to see some stats
If they really are all squishy as hell they should hit like a truck

What's likely to be the last bit of DLC before the expansion?
Army painter?
Minor faction getting fleshed out, like Kislev (seems unlikely)?
Legendary heroes?
Something that isn't DLC at all and just includes some campaign improvements for the vanilla factions?
None of the above?

Legendary heroes probably

SO...uhhh Bretonnia when? Fucking has been half done since release. JUST GIVE IT TO US YOU GREEDY FUCKS

Hopefully they'll re-balance all LL.

There's no reason at all to take a normal Lord, aswell as some LL like Kemmler and most vanilla LL are useless compared to the FLC and DLC ones.

>The Wild Hunt is here

I am hype

We've known this since BEFORE the game launched user. Are you new here?

If I decline an ambush will my army go back into ambush stance and be able to ambush whoever passes next? Playing Legendary Rome 2 and Carthage pushed its 5 stack across my route before moving its 2 full stacks.

What's wrong user? +5% Campaign movement not good enough for you?

That's what the switch to DX12 and 64bit is for, in principle
And, if they can get this clusterfuck to work, the benefits will show in later games too

Yeah, Vlad changed the game entirely. What's that, a army-wide Vanguard buff? Sure as fuck beats some measly 5-10% campaign movment buff, or a equal percent reduction in upkeep for some units.

Today is finally the day

What is the fucking point?

I have no problem with shit like that, but the problem is compared to other LL he's insanely good.

Atleast Skarsnik/Ghorst share the same poison shit, but Grombrindal is fucking insane and I'm worried about the general game if it continues this way.

Don't overuse that, it'll lose it's potency if you can't get a fairly big amount of 'wat's each time from people who have yet to see it..

To make it slightly easier to sue for peace if you're losing a war.

Making factions less likely to declare war on you. I got it pretty early, and managed to avoid more than one war with Empire factions, so that they all became friendly when I fought chaos. Then I could pick them off at my leisure while spreading corruption.

What are the best skills for Grombrindal? Like the skills leading to lightning strike. Most of them seem pretty good.

>When you should be reclaiming your ancestor hold Karak Eight Peaks but instead settle grudges in Bretonnia.

Max combat skills

Yes, I figure he's a combat beast, but I usually get lightning strike first to make reinforcements fuck off.

So /r9k/ vs /jp/?

Vlad von Carstein

>When your holds are so fortified, the greenskin AI doesn't know what to do with its armies.

More like mannlet von carstein




I like both army movement and +exp because they're faction wide, then some red skills before combat. He doesn't really need max combat skills, because he's sufficiently good already.

>his new oak of ages objective looks very interesting.
its literally what the slavs had to do in Attila

time to play a literally who faction! i dig the colour scheme

>not using Southern Realms

>expecting me to play as the squat monkeys

It's practically brand new

How do you know they're allies?

god dammit marius
I don't know who's grudging who anymore