/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game.
The Steam version launched on October 28th.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (embed) (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

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I want to fuck ____

FUCK Isabelle

Dragoncraft is your true calling in life.

Luna is the cutest!

>sexualizing a widow

Have you never seen Yugioh? He's lucky he only got traumatized.

5th for cowtits

That's the idea, yes

Buy more packs.

post canon sluts that dosen't look like one


>tfw unpacked Forte from a pack

How do i draft properly in Take 2? I always make a horrible deck then end up getting 5 losses

I wish

Is she even considered a widow when she never got married in the first place, just engaged?

People underestimate the pressure in a competitive environment i say

>implying Forte is oppai
>implying she has anything going for her

Is Glow+Smelter the most fun anti-aggro play ever?

I've unpacked two, feels good man.

use the cheat sheet for 30 minutes and then get raped anyways because the cheat sheet can't help you if you're utter shit like me

Is White Paladin good for midrange sword? I find Fervid is pretty useless so I need a replacement.

more like the dork dragoon

>sexualizing a mourning woman

you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to GOD

We'll just dick the sadness out of her

I unironically love the game and the state it is right now. Actual memedecks, netdecks which are not set in stone so every fucking time someone asks for the deck list he's going to get at least two lists, both of which are viable as fuck, tools to tech in, cool cards like Seraph, Dimension Shift or Path to Purgatory, the evolution mechanic, and the cool fucking limited format of take two. I love it.

I also almost never feel salty losing in Shadowverse because it's not literally decided on a coinflip like in some other CCG.

That's my opinion, FIGHT ME

Seraph is NOT fucking cool
Literally have Odin or lose

Well it it is sometimes decided by coinflip because going second has a higher winrate.

I wanna give her morning sickness, if you know what I mean

>muh 4% higher winrate

Seraph costs 8 mana and does nothing on the turn it's played. If the Havencraft deck is able to control the field well enough that you can't kill him even after they essentially passed a turn, you deserve to lose.

> not mourning sickness


>unpacked forte and 2 zirnitra
>craft a 2nd forte
>buy forte hero
>play midrange dragon all day erry day

You're right it is VERY hard for Haven to control the board

I got all 3 of my fortes from packs. She really loves me!

That was the joke, user, they're homonyms. Mourning sickness isn't a thing, but morning sickness is and is pronounced the same. The joke was that he played off the word "mourning" and wanted to give Isabelle "morning sickness," meaning he wanted to make her pregnant.

My feelings exactly. I just sprung back from a sure loss against Forest with PtP out and 29 Shadows, while I was at 5 life, by chaining 3 D-Shifts into 2 Levis and an Emmylou.

>blackened scripture
>priest of the cudgel
>themis' decree


whatever, i just wanna fuck isabelle

I want to be smothered by Isabelle's warm tits!

I have an mission where I need to win a private match. Can anyone help me?

sure! make a private match and tell me what the match id is and i'll concede for you

Me on the bottom

make a private match and post the Id here like a normal person


>The one class with the single best removal options at all stages of the game
>Not able to easily control the board

>no /hsg/ meme
Fucking faggot.

just what I needed.



Should I give up on ptp rune and play dshift

>tfw will never get whipped by BD
Why even live


ID: 59595

hmmm makes you think

>ywn worship Beast Dominator
just fucking kill me now

I can't decide which triggers me more, baldie or Themis.

>1 Haven, 1 Bloodcraft
>2 Warlock cards


Please step on my dick.

i dont get it

s-she's magnificent

Post 'em.

It's equivalent cards that coat the same in SV but one costs double the other in HS.
It's not the exact same as stuff has slightly more stats for mana in HS but it's pretty close.

>1 Good class card, 1 Bad class card
>2 Warlock cards
i wonder why

>playing a bit of midrange warrior after couple days without doing so
>I'm down to single digits health points every game
>win anyway
I love this deck.

It really does

do you lack the ability to think about the uses of these cards

Dark Hole is acceptable thought because YGO doesn't have mana. You can reestablish a field easier after getting blown out. Not to mention you might actually help them go plus.

>What is Wrath of God

>one does face damage in a game where face damage is rare on spells.
>the other clears the board in a game where you get free rush
>comparing these cards to a game where you have 10 more hp and a much higher baseline stats for minions so they aren't even equivalent

Demonic storm costs more because 3 goes further in SV than HS.
Themis costs less in SV because evolution exists and boardwipes are more effective in HS coupled with the fact that warlock spells are balanced to be slightly inefficient to counter the fact they have a built in underworld connections.

if you want to bitch about haven, aria, elana and garuda are key targets for slight downgrades, though elana is on the fence IMO

>There are over 10k people in Master now

What's your excuse, /svg/?

>evolution as a mechanic
>lucifer, satan and beelzebub are in the game
>blatant nazi propaganda
Will Trump ban this game for good so it would not corrupt the innocent American youth?

Relaxing at AA0 to get my face dragon deck the 2 more Golds it needs.

I'm not Japanese.

The only change Elana needs is to make it give no bonus at full hp

I started this month! I'm AA0 already.


im taking my time

rogues creed is a garbage card

ooo, bad luck.

Try left, but keep in mind that you'll want to draft a little more toward the late game.

>started trying granblue yesterday cause I wanted to see forte
>dont get how to play at all after tutorial and gave up

If Cygames doesn't want to reset ranked every month they should definitely do it with a new expansion.

>1-2 more stats per card
>much higher

It's a little bit higher.

>being too stupid to play GBF

Left has a meme card that can win you the game and a very good card with awful art.
Right has an awful card and a good tech card. I'd say Left because you get two things you can actually use without needing to do stupid shit.

i refuse to take decks out of the internet.

Nigga, this isn't HS, it's never gonna happen.

That's his last pick genius.

sure, that's subjective but 2 feels big to me.

I-i just wanted to see Forte
no bully pls.

Why tho
It's much harder to climb to Master than Legend

>Dragonslut Panstlotte
>awful art

says you

>blatant nazi propoganda
Sounds like it's right up his alley! Kek

i wish it would. i don't feel like i belong here but i keep (slowly) climbing.

The one drops are the same, 2 drops have one more stat point
Three + drops have 2 stat points more
It's pretty even

Only in terms of games played

No offense but a large majority of nip players I'm playing are complete garbage

Which Shadowverse girl has the best armpits? I can't decide.



The dork


Cold-blooded armpits