also there's a thicc new champ inc I have mixed feelings I smell hypermobile ad cancer
also there's a thicc new champ inc I have mixed feelings I smell hypermobile ad cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Nasus
second for fuck males and fuck the patriarchy
>tfw your friend snipes baron but we lose anyways because amumu solo ults karma and riven actually does something
new champ is pretty cute
but can she compete with Fiora
CORRECTTHERECORD if it's available.
The nigga in the bottom right looks 10 times cooler than Camille. Why couldn't he be the new champ? We needed a new villain champ anyway.
Post first two row!
Yordle men are pretty gud.
that's the galio rework
Better canonner ship coming through
Im so fucking hyped. Best champ we've had in YEARS
Ezreal is gay
Camille is gonna be shit
Suave bond villain ADC fucking when.
mfw I see the patriarchy ruining the life of another brainwashed girl who was forced to marry the male pig she loves
Who is the gayest champion?
>new champion is a robotic middle aged woman who's about 70% legs
Boring meme
Best fuckin theme right there my dudes
>Privilege comes with sacrifice
What if he was privileged once, had her family killed by villains, decided to murder every one of them, lost her emotion on the way, and is now just a killing machine with no feelings or mercy because she's now what she became what she wants to get rid of
>tfw you win the game because enemy jungler was tanking back spikes for some reason
correct image this time edition
>We could have gotten mettaton instead of her.
Thanks for making me want to kill myself user.
hildawgs are THIS retarded
Who gots the better body: left or right?
>the girl from the comic trains for revenge and joins the league to get back at Camille
Now that would be a nice twist.
>E: Grapple Tether (because the mobility spell is usually E)
>Camille roots herself for up to 0.5 seconds and fires a hook in a line, damaging enemies it passes through and lowering their armour. Upon colliding with terrain Camille is pulled toward it, damaging enemies she passes through as she does so.
>That nami ult
Literal desperation.
So, nobody has yet to posit a reason to buy titanic hydra besides "o-other people build that". think for yourself shyvana players. do you need a splitpushing auto attack reset item? you literally have both of those things built in
baron throws!
i hope camille has a qoute for Orianna
Yeah, pretty much my gut feelings as well.
Only potential saving graces for her now are a fun kit and an in-depth backstory, not this boring abomination of a comic.
Other than that - safe, bland, disappointing and generic.
I wonder if she'll get a cinematic.
>Implying Camille isn't a villain, yet was once a normal Zaunite woman who was then GiTS'd to become an assassin for Piltover
I bet that's her real backstory.
Literally Taric, obviously.
xth for I want more barefoot girl champs like Syndra!
Hey the new champ looks cool.
What if Nyx Assassin was a hero in league
Fuck, I missed the thread limit.
Based on the recent story, I consider Jax to be a guy from an old race who's hobby is to power level weapon skills. He spent too much time getting gud and has no weapon left to max. He decided to level not-weapons too and currently trains his lamp post skill for the fun of it.
kill yourself
they're for FUG
>Nyx hero
you mean counterfeit Anub'arak
Why am I getting this if I've played ranked today, yesterday, and monday, etc.
Also, if solo/duo is currently unavailable, why would I get this message regarding solo/duo?
All I'm able to click on is flex, in which I am playing solo.
Rengar is what you're looking for, excpet Rengar can actually carry
Looks like fisherman
>tfw don't have a video of the time I stole baron with a random blind bard Q and won a losing game
So it's like a Naut hook, except that it damages on its way too terrain and damages again as you dash to terrain?
Reminder that Riot is shit.
Gnar mains of /lolg/, how do I play this lil cutie?
I'm still hoping for barefoot AKALI
literally my mom's timberchain
>ichi the killer
I want a PAX skin so much, is it still possible to get one?
any porn on the new champ yet?
>Camille will never give you a footjob
no thats pax
it is, still couldn't smite properly
if this old hag turns out to be league's timbersaw i'm gonna be so fucking salt
don't quote me ever again unless you have something to contribute with
I don't understand Riot sometimes.
A week ago we got the elemental Lux skin, which is actually well-designed and waifu-pandering incarnate.
Yet this week we get Camille, another bland "stronk woman" trope to appeal to SJWs.
It's like two development teams are at Riot and they're battling for supremacy with their decision-making.
>Search Camille porn
>It's all gay
Quill me.
pax is basically angler with a pacman on the back
that's the skin of legend. it's unironically p garbage
im not a sjw and im hyped for camille
shut your fucking mouth
>elemental lux
pick one
Now this is what I call scissoring :^)
Yes that would be also great
Skin teams don't overlap with champ design teams and they basically have no central leadership either. Hence elderwood LeBlanc and Taliyah coming out at similar times.
This, every fucking line is an elemental pun.
because zeronis knows his shit
But there are other good PAX skins like Sivir and TF's.
I heard a guy sold his account for thousands of dollars because he had Rusty Blitzcrank, Black Alistar and Silver Kayle.
wow! it's like women can be of all shapes and personality and not just dumb bimbos like lux!
What's "the league"?
>steal no champion who hates nature
i miss akali and kalista
It's possible to make a uniquely shaped female with an interesting personality and a good character design.
>Nxy Assassin
It is Anub'arak, Nerubian Assassin, fucking DotA 2 babies.
Would you?
Illaoi is an example of typical SJW tropes done right.
This character is just looking bland and forced so far. But eh, we'll see.
Camille has an interesting design, what the fuck are you talking about?
here's your (you)
back to your pinoy lan house autismlord
Yes, Sherlock, every champion skin event and whatever is done by separate teams.
Kys already
This is Tokyo Gore Police right?
twitch doesn't hate nature
Hey /vvvirgins/, why aren't you worshipping your god and favorite Youtuber vvvortic while cyberbullying gnarsies?
shyvana just ousted koggles. i literally get jungle every game now when i queue, are people that scared of it?
>"bwaaaah i dont like her personality because she isn't a waifu"
let's try to predict what the new champ skills will be based on the comic
>acrobatic dash with her legs that deals damage and lets you jump over walls
>shield/projectile shield?
>throw ropes at the enemy to pull them to you or pull yourself
>ultimate is a breakdance using her leg blades
>the newest waifu has no feet
Into the trash it goes