Robot Waifu Edition
Robot Waifu Edition
There I fixed Ghostblade.
Please don't kill Shen even more.
Just give it 35 Lethality and reduce it's cost or smth.
1st for disabled waifu
>Privilege comes with sacrifice
What if he was privileged once, had her family killed by villains, decided to murder every one of them, lost her emotion on the way, and is now just a killing machine with no feelings or mercy because she's now what she became what she wants to get rid of?
>35 lethality
Youmuu's is now insta buy on anything even remotely AD
Who has the better body: left or right?
>malphite's passive is now a negative
>supports with shield abilities will now get their adcs killed
>barrier is even worse as a summoner spell
that is the most retarded thing i've ever seen
I mean we have alot of items like that already, what's the issue?
braum is a fucking mischlen man
The issue is Jhin and Lucian dealing true damage to anything with less than 150 armor
Camille has a nice design imo. It's simple, while also making her stand out. Similar to Ekko.
Her personality is lacking however. Seems like a copy of Diana.
idk where the fuck people are getting the idea that she's sjw. Is that because she says the word "privilege" one time. That's a legitimate word and the context she was saying it in made perfect sense. You guys just love to find reasons to yell "muh sjw riot boogyman". She seems pretty cool, and I'm willing to bet she's going to have a fun kit.
Is she amazing? No. She's no Jhin/Asol, but she at least seems like a decent addition to the assassin lineup. Also, side note, I wonder if she's going to be AD or AP.
>They're playing dnd
>Karthus can understand bard.
>Jayce cant roleplay for shit.
>Bard is scared of demon poros.
This is too adorable, I love it. I want more of these kind of interactions between characters, even if noncanon.
Pretty sure she's a bruiser senpai
But user, robots and cyborgs are devoid of emotion and compassion, just like an SJW.
Oh yeah they could just stack like 3 of them and deal true damage.
Maybe we could make it a unique passive Lethality like Blood thirsters life steal.
Sej has gotten alot of Skins lately. like 3 in the last year or so.
Camille's hydraulic hips probably allow for thrusting beyond what a normal woman is capable of. While Orianna may also have these it is clear she's a bit of an older design that was made more for ballet instead of combat. Camille fights with her legs so it's not unreasonable to say most of her tech is in her hips to keep her fast and stable even while performing acrobatic kicks. In the comic she dispatches a robot guard who just fired at her before he can even take a shot with a single axe kick that goes past his partner. This means Camille should be able to apply similar force in repeated quick succession at her hips. Because she's made of metal she would literally crush your pelvis with this amount of force in a few strikes. If she would to ride a man cowgirl his pelvis would literally shatter within 3 seconds. His dick however, would experience nearly a ton of hydraulic robot booty pumping him down faster than any other girl in league.
i'm still mad that she looks so skinny in her poro rider skin
i wanted a thicc musclegirl but she's a fucking twig.
At least you get skins.
half the champs i play haven't gotten a skin in 3 years.
skin doesn't do me any good if I don't want to use it.
default sejuani is closer to the appearance I want so that's what I use over that shit skin.
I'm interested
Has Zaun always been a part of Piltover? I thought that they were two different city-states.
Get help.
send help
I am literally shaking, Riot.
as far as I can remember, Zaun and Piltover are part of the same city.
Zaunies are the "lower-class" and Pilties are the "upper-class"
Riot doesn't even know their own champs
He shock blasts through his acceleration gate, not hyper charge
>when your support feeds and your team blames you
>When your carry eats every skillshot and your team blames you
The worst is when your team gets caught out and you get there while everyone is half dead and they ask "why didn't you do anything?"
you better back the fuck off, orianna is my wifu
Nah it's even worse when you say you're gonna buy an item and 30 seconds after you are at the base they decide to engage themselves.
What is this on her hips? Its some terrain ataching hooks like Attak on Titan?
Wouldn't be surprised if that was the inspiration
How the fuck do I play Taliyah holy shit
She feels so useless before you can buy Rylai's
E feels so fucking clunky
I did well today user?
>Playing Ahmed Sue
guys peep my ranked match history today
we won a 5v4
Is Lane pressure Nasus the proper way to play Susan?
>Lane pressure
Nigga you need farm
they are separated by a gulf
And I wish you memeing fucks would kill yourselves
>He doesn't know about Quasus
>tfw Riot changed lore from zany cartoon hodgepodge fantasy to Muh Serious and Deep pretentious hack YA Fantasy.
Gotta go with the times huh?
Quas pointed out that bitches don't win games and started playing Nasus like he wasn't a bitch.
He got two accounts in the top 100 in record time.
That's not canon.
Panth for sure. braums tits are bigger than trynd's holy shit
Robot women scare me.
>5 dodges in a row
>flex queue
No one cares about your flex rank, stop dodging like this queue matters.
>tfw Veeky Forums chat room in new client is dead because new client doesnt allow for chat rooms
eh nobody spoke there anyways. or wanted to play. numbers wont down over time n e wayz
RIP 2009 - 2016
I just want a cute bf
desu I just ignore all dumb shit they keep adding
it's saying something when literally every single AU your skins come up with is more interesting than your main game
If you mate with Kalista's ghost womb do you make ghost children or human children? Not that ghosts aren't humans when people like Kalista are involved
Excuse me lolg, you wouldn't happen to know which way that low health adc that just ran by went would you?
yordle boys are for SEXUALIZING
>unironically using the chat, or any chat at all
You know what? I miss Team Siren.
Sure, they SEEMED like they were obnoxious, but were they? They were just trying to make a name for women in competitive eSports, and I think that if this community, including /logl/, wasn't so f*cking immature, they would still be around kicking some butt.
They may not have been that good, but what team IS when they first start out? They had as much potential as anyone else, and you all ruined it because attacking them was the easy thing to do. Shame on you all.
I know this wont be a popular opinion, but someone has to say it. You know I'm right, so if something like this happens again, how about we all just try and be supportive to see what happens? Why not just try?
>there's a ranked queue for 3v3
what the fuck, is this new?
How do they work?
Oh i figured im not your type.. Either way, night..
For anyone that's transferred their accounts is it still possible to get this Icon?
Kog is cute! CUTE!
man kled is so useless outside of laning phase.
why would riot think all single target abilities in a team game would ever be useful?
Veeky Forums and /v/ chat are useless cancer anyways
only inner circle fags care about that shit anyways
>Playing D CANE
>Walk into a teamfight
>As I'm fighting 4 people at once (and winning) I'm vaguely aware of the enemy Jhin trying to sneak an auto into my dick
>Flash onto him immediately for the +6
>He Flashes IMMEDIATELY after
I don't want to be the Boy who Cried Scripter, but I'm watching the replay and he Flashed literally a millisecond after I did. Do they even make scripts for this? Or did I play against Faker on an NA smurf?
Something similair to that would be a decent enough backstory.
They changed it. He is now correct.
>People not realizing that she meant the sacrifice she meant is cleansing dirty Zaun nigs that are trying to culturally enrich Piltover.
She's still a shitty character but that isn't SJW bullshit.
The adc went behind one of those two doors over there:
Shaco, you'll notice that there's two guys in front of each door, one of them ALWAYS lies, and one of them ALWAYS tells the truth. You can ask ONE of them at random a single question to find which door your adc went through.
What question do you ask him?
>they were just trying to make a name
>they proved that they werent good and couldnt handle the pressure to be better either
Obvious pasta/bait but that person didnt even stop to think about what they were typing
>but were they?
people were being immature about it, but the team themselves also had an immature attitude that kept them from acquiring a solid fanbase.
at last, i truly see, based "Downloading the magazine at the KFC line" Granny
Love this pasta
>Pilltower is now steampunk deus ex world
They'd be half-ghost-half-human. I know of at least one fantasy novel that did this.
well, he's good a skirmisher, you can still try to find 1v1s, 2v2s or 3v3s outside of laning phase, especially using your ult to start those fights.
but yeah, he sucks in 5v5s compared to a lot of other top laners.
that's just the way he works though.
>when you steal every kill from the carry
They weren't a real team but were advertised as one, of course it deserves ridicule.
They couldn't even get a team of 5 diamonds I mean their worst player was like plat or something, fucking plat.
It's like if Lakers tried to launch a secondary female team to compete seriously with the males but not only would they not even consider bringing in actual good female players they would just pick 3 girls based on boobs, 1 male team players 45 year old mother and a 3 foot high 10 year old and dumped the rest of the budget to advertisement about how serious the team was.
>He complains
>Tell him to last-hit better
you are just a faggot, you need to dive early to get feed and dive after laning phase, dont play like a faggot.
>outside of lane phase
Outsdie of lane phase he can ult in like a monkey and pick a onesided fight with their adc. In lane phase he has to get slapped around by darius for 20 minutes and spend 15 of it dismounted
>When the carry steals every kill from you because there is an arbitrary delay on all your damage
>Sejuani turns out to be a massive nerd
I like this.
>Take bounty hunter on every role
>KS without remorse
I had a break, what the hell happened to Normal Draft.
adc's dont need kills, they have monstrous amounts of farms to push towers and take objectives. They only need to do dps to the team, not kill.
Is Mecha Sion worth it? I love the color scheme and I love mechs but I don't know if it changes his voice lines too much
Removed to force people to play Dynamic queue
Sound familiar?
>tfw lvl 5 mastery with karthus
>hyped that Im gonna be able to rock the new karthus skin as I go for lvl 6
>check bank account
>.25 cents
>automatic payments to power and internet bill
welp another time I suppose
>steal every kill
>tax every lane
>never gank
>never teamfight
>always splitpush
>always win
>tfw the adc is happy with my supporting
>yas "ganks" bot
>comes out of river brush and starts Eing through the wave
>just constantly Eing the wave while jhin and nami hit him
>pings us to death when we weren't even near him to help
>does this twice in a row
Have fun gold starving your carry. retard.