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dead general
>dead general

jack is pharah's dad

>when you figure out sombras spray pattern and realize she's actually a beast

I think we can all agree on this to be the correct hero tier chart. Mainfags, goldtards and yuropoors need not apply.

d.va is unkillable unless you have zarya

powercreep in Overwatch is worse than MTG

fight cancer with cancer, just overbuff everyone until everyone makes you want to kill yourself playing against them


He is the dad of all of us.


pretty memetastic

>when your ult saves the game

Simply beautiful.

My goodness, there's so much complaining about D.Va in this general.

What exactly are you having a problem with? She's not that hard to kill.



I agree except I'd put junkrat in C or leave C blank and put torbjorn in D but that's so minor it doesn't really matter

Only thing keeping D.Va from being S-tier is Zarya exists

She's not hard to kill if you're playing against shitters or have a zarya

For user who requested the cat/dog76 dump:


76 destroys her very hard.

True, we should be complaining about Widowmakers who are killing everyone with 2 poorly aimed bodyshots

>You can hear their footsteps but you don't know where they are


when november ends will they turn into straight white males or something?

How do I use helix rockets? Do I use them to initiate or to finish?

>when your ult kills most of their team every other push

What part didn't you understand?

misfits has always been a second rate team
the fact they won a major tourney just because they overused a single tactic shows how terrible blizzards balancing is

>that Smugberry
>tfw PTR buffs actually went through to kive
Why is she so perfect?

It's good to see you again, user! I'm curious, other than Reaper76, what are you hoping to see in First Strike?

>tfw I realize I play all B-tier heroes because I'm a special anti-hipster
Except tanks, who plays that unless you're literally a vegetable lmao.

>Every single comp game I have to play Reinhardt or Zarya because everyone is a genji main or healslut
Where's the fun? I hate how essential Rein is at this point.

What tourney/tactic? I saw them against Faze but I don't watch mlg much so don't know if that was a random game or a tourney.

Trashy Hana Song!

>it's another game decided by nano boost genji episode

Everyone told Blizzard this was going to happen. Did they listen? nope. They think this is okay.

Aim at their ankles. That way it can direct hit but even if it doesn't, they will still take splash damage


doesn't matter, as long as you land direct hits with it.
play more pharah, and you will be using it on cooldown and doing max dps

Have faith. We will get it this month. Micky wouldn't lie.

Anything other than action sequences. We need more domestic shit from all the characters, like in the Halloween comic. We need to see their dynamic with each other and how they became like a family as Ana claims.

I'll love her anyways.

When's the next pro streamer event thing? Cause its going to take until they start abusing him before they touch their golden child.

Best ship forever

>d.va holding volskaya choke alone
>our sombra never once thinks that she should maybe hack the d.va so she doesn't matrix
>instead tries to flank upper where a mercy and pharah are at 24/7

sombra players

>9 overwatch heroes vs the entire cast of tf2

who would win?

they heavily used the beyblade to win the overwatch open and since it was somewhat new at the time people weren't used to stuffing it
it was very high reward with low risk

she already is

9 genjis

how is the weather in shitpost town?
i've heard it's raining JUSTICE

>reinhardt and winston not vegetable tier
top kek user how about you off yourself dumb carrot

How to fix pharah

>Give her 250 health
>Make her rockets deal splash damage and have knockback
>Allow her to rocket jump and actually go fast
>Remove fucking jump packs
>Remove concussion blast
>Remove clip reloading

>Enemy mercy tries to fly away
>Intercept her with a rocket, kills all her momentum
>She goes into panic mode and tries flying again, dives right into my knockback shot that pops her up into an airshot
All those hours in TF2 soldier really paid off, Phara is fun as fuck

i wish tumblr woud agree so that they'd keep their filthy hands off of my pure boy Hanzo

I think we're probably going to get some action stuff just based on the previews. You're right, though - I'd love to see the characters interacting in a canon space, I hope they have a lot of it!

>attacking Volskaya second point
>five minute long team fight on the point
>eight people minimum on or around it at all times
>not a single team wipe by either side
>we won the point tick by tick
>had the most fun with the game ever

It was so beautiful. The ult charge nerf did wonders.

The new QP is basically just DPS only isn't it?

>In Q for 6 minutes for Mystery Heroes
>Throws me into QP

But why

Return her rocket knock back and increase the splash more

All she needs. Unless you hit direct hits she's useless as shit, mccree is the same but he has a hitscan weapon vs slow rockets

>that reaper

>tfw the increased splash damage is an okay compensation for the no more knockback nerf
feels good i always play pharah on koth maps and i always have 3 golds but i'm only plateuing between 3-3.1k SR so my oppinion might not be valuable

Oh also

>Allow ult cancelling

Yes please


He has been violated by Genji and dozen of other guys ever since they were kids

Depends if you took the class equivalents from overwatch.
Pyro would rape mei, soldier would rape pharah, demo would destroy junkrat, etc.
Because there are fewer of them, tf2 classes are on the whole better in more areas. The only way overwatch would have an advantage is in terms of health as the average is higher.

dat jump jet boost though
also, she's a beast on KOTH

post least played

Show em!


Your post immediately made me think of this picture:
is.Veeky Forums.org/y/1479357728998.png

That look pure to you?


yup. it seems worse than it was before, at least to me

>not shooting one auto attack right before you ult
do you even pharah?

>He has been violated by Genji

>and dozen of other guys

He's pure because he keeps it in the family and is faithful to his brother. Doesn't get any purer

Now they just need to add her purr

Got nothing but 3 white 1 blue since the new patch

Rigged as fuck


>zarya being in your least

no reason to knock away the targets.

So what counters Sombra?

Winston used to be the flanker counter, due to his hp and tesla gun, but Sombra's SMG just tears through him.

>no reason to knock the targets into the corner even more

I know she's good I just never got into her

Anyone in the UK want to get these 15 hero of the storm on easy games done?

Post your favourite hero

Then post your favourite videogame/the one you play the most outside of OW

>Haven't played in a while
>Decide to check out the arcade
>Play all the game modes
>Level up and get a loot box before I even get one of my 9 wins

Now I remember why I stopped playing.

>1 hero qp
>people still don't take it seriously like comp
Where are those people who said things would change?

I know that feel bro. Just play mystery heroes, then you're guaranteed at least some wins when the RNG decides to give you a better comp.

Literally everyone. Fucking zarya and reinhardt who she's supposed to counter wreck her face. Winston and mei are probably the best

Roadhog is the ballinest nigga.
Roadhog can pull a small Korean girl through walls with nothing but a rope and hook.

Can your favorite hero do that shit?

because you suck?

>can't destroy sombra teleporters
>can't unhack healthpacks

Anyone want to double up to speed through the 15 AI HotS matches?

Fallout 2 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3

my bottom 3 are winston, zarya, mercy for QP but Zarya and Winston are pretty high up in comp

>multiple targets
>aiming and firing a rocket that will knock all targets in one direction, not out of your sight and does enough damage to justify delaying your barrage
you're clearly the expert on this subject, though

My favorite hero can drag people into different dimensions

Can your favorite hero do that shit?

I know this is a small complaint but:
Whenever I go to the overwatch main site the default language is spanish, I've changed the language numerous times but it won't stick. I'm not even from any spanish speaking country.
What the fuck do I do to permanently change the language to en-gb/ en-us?

favourite hero is zen in terms of design, ana for gameplay mechanics
favourite game is abe's oddysee


Project M

>Favorite Hero
>Favorite Vidya
Jak and Daxter series


Various roguelikes

>Bullet damage increased from 17 to 20 (17% increase)
>Other abilities untouched
>Goes from the bottom of F-tier to must-have

How is something like this even possible?

>both teams push the payload all the way to the end in drawbreaker rounds with only a minute+overtime the whole way

the "everybody get on the fucking cart and fucking stay there" meta is real and nobody will do it unless they have to

The one time I post for the day and I fuck up a single quote.

>Has utility
>needs damage
>give him damage


r8 my most played