/dg/ - Destiny General
Alpha Team
Will search uptown, and Gold team searches downtown.
Any questions?
Joff Team
>no qt bf
>New Overwatch Character
This is why the threads are slow. Destiny's popularity comes in spurts, everyone will rush back for SRL. What's left of RoI? Nothing, all the content was exhausted a couple weeks back and FotL was the nail in the coffin for a lot of people with it having no content.
that is cute
Supremacy is the worst.
I remade my huntard so if anyone wants to grind on the Crucible quests get at me.
post pucci
>cat starts kicking the fuck out of that lizard who's just minding his own business
all cats being put to death when
What is the best faction?
Future War Cult.
How is Titanfall? Just a shitty as the first one? Worse? Better??
>fruity faggots
pick one
>when you cause a wipe at Aksis by falling off the edge
Anyone doing the raid?
stop stealing my thing user
Its okay. Multiplayers meh but the campaigns good.
This CoD sucks balls pretty bad but we knew that going in and the remastered is what people are really playing.
Battlefield is surprisingly good given that they've casualized it as much as possible.
Sombra's broken as piss so she's pretty fun.
did you say, raid. any raid
I want to do Wrath for the shader.
I might want to do KF for Yasmin, I deleted my old one.
I'll join if you're on PS4
so 2/6?
>Virus"I swear it's not my connection"loth
3/6 it is.
I'm up for it i suppose. Lemme go make some coffee.
I sent everyone an invite.
I'll go
>do Undying Mind
>no skeleton key chest at the end
this shitty RNG has gone too far
Corb "I did a connection test" inek
so are we blacklisting Optimus and Matt now, or?
stop shooting all the basketballs
he's a basketball american though, its in his blood.
So I joined a LFG KF Heroic...
Oryx's a bitch, ain't he?
hardest encounter the game has had
its a minimum 10 minute fight where everyone has to keep their shit together.
I just wanted to get the fuckin' King's Fall quest done; should've done normal, holy shit
>tfw thread is dead because anons are playing games
Destiny itself is dead lfg is nonexistent
The game is dead because Bungie doesn't know to create valuable content and these two months have popular releases and two holiday sales.
>when teacup snapchats you
sh-should i get my navel pierced? does it really look cute on boys?
>when no one ever snaps you because you spend all your time playing VIDEO GAMES
no it's disgusting and a big turnoff
i have a nice smooth tummy. im not gross looking or hairy at all. also i like boys
>Complayin about skill based matchmaking being garbage.
>First, we identify a pool of available players with a good connection to you
>Within that pool, we choose players closely matched to your personal skill rating
Yeah, no, that doesn't sound like SBMM at all.... faggots.
regardless you can hurt yourself badly with those piercings they may look okay to some but if it gets caught on something youre fucked
then go ahead and explain the incredibly huge discrepancy between Y1 PvP games and Y2+ PvP games in terms of skill and average K/D.
>Note: Skill is not a factor in Trials of Osiris. You are matched against players with good connections and similar score cards.
bullshit I match with 8 cards all the time when I start off
What are you even talking about?
>turns out its a normal 30
what else are you faggots gonna complain about??
Fuck off, nobody gives a shit about your fanshit shill.
The trailer is similar to Staten's Desitny
Really? I haven't checked it in actual years, but is it hard to find people for raids even?
probably not, people come and go in this game
What do femboys eat?
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false molars are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false mortality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command comes to all you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the fax. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
>Me r gay haha xD look at me Im so cute I love boys btw haha, did you know Im gay? Wow why do you critizise me for being gay, btw im gay. Im not dEgeneRAtE I only like to get fucked in the ass, btw im gay, and like to suck dick. LiTERALly nothing wrong with that lmao haha ur so wrong. Its called love you rasisct homophobe. Let me love like I want, btw im gay, Im not like THE OTHER gays, btw, im not a degenreate I just want to love and im not a degenerate. GAS the kikes, haha see, im not one of the degenerate fags I am just a normal gay. Boys are so cute btw haha I love black cock it makes my ass hurt so much and I cant walk after it, btw im gay. I dont use being gay as a way of escapism because of my shitty life no Im actually born gay I have never had any romantic feelings towards girls haha, yea the times I felt romantic towards a girl it was just me being dumb young haha Im gay and i will be gay forever haha boys are SOOO Ocute I want to rape them. I love being gay ahhahahaha but Im not one of the degenerate ones remember that so dont critizise me.
I dont judge
cum obviously. i basically live on cigarettes and my own semen
Post Webm
Is it still good to start this game or am I late to the party, Taken King bundle is on sale in psn
you can't play the new content with just the Taken King bundle and this is the first patch of the game being dead. so you're probably a little late.
Any raids? Reply within 10 min pls
Plenty of newbies joining in still. Just don't expect much traffic from here to help. Ambient of LFG sadly.
>He fell for the Gjallahorn meme
>custom games
gjallarhorn is fun
Yeah I won't be spending 50 bucks on this.
the collection will be 30 on black friday
Best buy. I'd recommend getting it then. Even the most causal of players will get their 30 bucks worth of time played.
How much work is making a weebum?
its easy, you pig posting retard
Thanks bud
Takes me about 20 seconds