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Will We Or Won't We Edition

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>Appmon Episode 7

>Digimon World Next Order English Trailer

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Will Ai be relevant to the plot?

Digimon X human sex is god's gift to the universe

Nice timing to start a new thread I think

Yes when she gets kidnapped by Juujin

Too early to say.

At a guess... yes. Same with Wato.

I want to have lesbian sex with Lilithmon.

She's going to be the pink ranger of the team.


I want Bastemon to sit on me.

>The fish in N0 are just realistic fish

I don't like that. They should've made them more "digimon world"-esque designs. Like, maybe the fish is pre-cooked and breaded, despite being wild and alive

And Yuujin as green ranger. A proper Sentai team.

>She's not in CS or N0

just kill me

I want beastial spirit sex with Kazemon

Exactly. It's gonna be great. Now I'm just trying to imagine what Appmon Ai would get.

I accept Izumi-chan, too

Catching up on Tri now and just finished the school festival episode. Can someone kill that fucking Cat and it's whore already?

She didn't even take off with the fanbase and get porn drawn of her. all she has done is steal air time from any attempt at a story.

Taichi and Yamato being at each other's throats and Joe having to balance his real life with his chosen children shit is interesting. It explores a new angle. Palmon being a retard while Mimi whacks off guys under a cafe is not.

I'm not asking for miracles here, just tell a goddamn story about Digimon instead of making 3 movies based on filler anime episodes. We have the beach/spa episode, the school festival episode and I guess next is the family member who's a bit old and crazy comes to visit episode.

The Digimon emperor returning in some form and Digimon going berserk is an interesting story. You can go so many angles with that and yet here we are with 20 minutes dedicated to jerking off to Not!Hooters which even the hentai artists didn't give a shit about no matter how hard they tried to push it. It's not like Digimon hentai is even that popular to begin with. Hardly any of it exists for apllimon at all.

Tri, I'm not even angry, I'm just disappointed. Can you try at least evolving beyond Adult levels when you're trying to stop something from killing people?

If the fan theory about Yuujin having Charismon is correct, wouldn't Ai most likely have another one of the fusion components for God grade appmon, such as Beautymon?
Maybe they need the full power of two Appli Drives to access God grade, like how Double Xros worked.

I wish I could have the water and wind spirits or the code key of lust to become a qt womon.

Yeah I'm guessing Beautymon would work out just fine for Ai.

Are you currently watching the third movie? Things get shaken up a bit there and from the looks of it the 4th movie onward is going to be different then the first 2.

>Can someone kill that fucking Cat and it's whore already?
No bullying Mimi's waifu and her pet cat.

>just tell a goddamn story about Digimon instead of making 3 movies based on filler anime episodes
The films take place in the human world and the kids are just living their lives with their mons back in their lives. Shit like school festival is natural and they wanted to hang out and welcome MeiMei as a chosen.

>I'm not even angry, I'm just disappointed.
We're at 3 movies now with 3 more to go.

>Can you try at least evolving beyond Adult levels when you're trying to stop something from killing people?
They do go past adult in Movie 2 and 3.

Is there a single Digimon that could defeat Takatomon?

>meicoomon's tamer is named Mei
>Mei is also Meicoomon's verbal tic
>Also Mei calls Meicoomon "Mei"
Jesus fuck they made the names confusing

I just finished episode 9 and leeching the rest now. I'll watch them in a bit.

But kids living their lives is not what I watch Digimon for and no one else does either. If you want slice of life you can get your pedo fix in 8 shows a season. I want animu godzilla with kids as cheerleaders.

>I want animu godzilla with kids as cheerleaders.

Don't worry. As of where Tri is currently, all the filler slice of life shit is finished.

Thank fuck for that, I'll continue watching my good man.

Botamon with shotguns

Is he going to fuck her?

It's just redundant. It's also hiding the fact that Meiko is Meicoomon's other half that keeps her in check.

You're gonna love movie 3 then.

>If you want slice of life you can get your pedo fix in 8 shows a season
I'm going to need some names, user

spoiler about the last 5 minutes of movie 3. It'll make you happy

They go back to the digital world, while MeiMei gets left behind in the real world

Go to anichart, look at anything not Gundam or Bubuki buranki this season and you're looking at majority of it being slice of life.

Do they still make V-pet digivices?

Takato has the sexual drive on an eldery man in his death bed, so not likely.

She'll find a way. Be it Hime-chan or Gennai, she'll find a way to get there and ruin everything.

>to get there and ruin everything
Is Maymay as much as hated we think she is? How is the general conception of her in Japan?

When did you guys get revived? Is this like a "Digimon never truly die" sort of situation?

that doesn't sound like the best idea

They don't like her either. They feel like she takes away from the development of the old cast.

About a month and a half ago. We took a few months off because no Digimon news. Now we got plenty of news going on now so coming back was the best choice.

We also have an animoo to talk about every week.

So you want less character development and relationship building for monster battles? Why can't we have noth?

>They feel like she takes away from the development of the old cast.
She does I admit but I don't really care for her or like much. She is pretty much a plot device with a cat.

Oh neat, I recently started messing with my old Digimon World DS save. Nice to know there's still a spot to discuss Digimon.
Seven Demon Lords and ChronomonHM are bullshit.

The Appmon game and anime revived the threads.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Just because they are jobbers in the hands of those characters doesn't mean they will job in the hands of a more competent person

Thought he had two necks for second.

How far are we along anyway? I've only seen the first 2, maybe 3 movies.

>the water spirit at full power couldn't even beat the biggest jobber in the digital world

It'd be suicide. And for what?

I'd rather have the spirit of ice or code key of sloth and become a furrymon.

That also helps.

And that's pretty boring.

Seven Demon Lords are always dicks in whatever game they show up in.

>Seven Demon Lords are always dicks in whatever game they show up in.
I don't know, they seemed like reasonable guys to me.

Realistically they could just kill everyone, but instead they patiently let me try to beat them before they actually do anything wrong.
All they've done so far is beat up that human that punches Mega Digimon.

Well I mean dicks in the sense of difficulty.

>All they've done so far is beat up that human that punches Mega Digimon.
Masaru was just following his natural instinct.

>Well I mean dicks in the sense of difficulty.
>Hard mode Lucemon in Cyber Sleuth.
Oh lord above in heaven, have mercy upon me. I do not wish to ever go through that again.

I think the one with Masaru (Savers, I believe) and Adventure 2 (Which I don't want to watch ever) are the only Digimon seasons I haven't watched yet.
Is Savers any good?

Indeed. Toei is trying though so I have no complaints. Meimei is tolerable and her cat is cute so I will let that slide.


Savers is pretty fun. It's pretty underrated.

I mean we do have 3 movies left so maybe opinions will change about them.

>That Webm.

What'll happen when Tri is done? Will we just fade into irrelevancy again?

T-They'll make Adventure Quad, right?

Exactly what you saw.

They don't need to. Appmon is doing fine.

>wanting more adventure

Fuck off, i hope they make a new series, which technically it is appmon but since it uses an subset of digimon just for that series, i dunno if i can count it as a mainline digimon series.

Anyways, i want new stuff, fuck the nostalgia baiting

>They don't need to. Appmon is doing fine.

Wait really? How do you know?

Post favorite diggymans.

look at how well Xros turned out

>3 VenomMyotismons.
>3 MaloMyotismons and a fourth that flies into it.
Is Masaru the strongest Digimon?

I don't know about favourite, I like far too many.
This guy is pretty high up though.

So can I preorder N0 at FUCKING GAMESTOP yet? Or is it Amazon only?

Xros Wars was doing OK, until that change of schedule.

Damnit Masaru overfuckingkill!

I have too many to choose from.

>Galgomon melee variant
Is there a sniper Turuiemon?

Even when i enjoyed Xros, i have to say it's really hard to count it as digimon, i would honestly liked if it had the same treatment as Appmon and be a spinoff instead of trying to be THE new digimon series.

Because i'm statting her evo line, this qt3.14

I can't find the site at the moment but as it stands Appmon merch has been selling out in lots of sites and areas and the show has been picking up in viewers every week. Nothing in the top tens but it's getting there.

This guy right here. He's just too cool.

Considering he took out Yggdrasil. yeah I'd say he's too strong.

Gamestop seems to be taking pre-orders now too.

Masaru was holding back.

I've never given much thought to which digimon i like the most actually. I just know that these guys are #1

>you will never be held by your qt kitty waifu

No, I haven't checked the artist's newer stuff yet though.

He did draw this though. Lots of OCmons.

Always liked this guy. It's a shame that he's almost never playable in the games.

>I can't find the site at the moment but as it stands Appmon merch has been selling out in lots of sites and areas and the show has been picking up in viewers every week. Nothing in the top tens but it's getting there.

Oh fuck yeah. That's great. I hope Appmon becomes a permanent third pillar of Digimon

Is that Digimon Heroes game any good?

What are x antibodies?

Yes and no pic related is my main team and its not even that good.
Unless you get lucky as hell with rolls good luck. Or just become a payfag and win.

I suggest just playing heros for the card art alone. And getting to use digimon that arent otherwise useable in any other games.

do we know all the new Digis being added to the Intentional Edition of N0?

Ain't this that Yggdrasil like Digimon chick?

I thought it was a guy this whole time

It's Buddha.

>I thought it was a guy this whole time
I don't really know man.
I just remembered there being a heavily yellow based female Digimon that resembled that picture.

Well budda was a dude shakkamon has to be a dude.

Funny enough Shakkoumon is based on Buhdda but is in fact female.

That would be an interesting left-field option if Iori appears in Tri.

Are you sure about that?

Whoops mispelled that. I meant Shakamon.

Shakamon is male. That's a man's chest.

Maybe it's a flat chest?

No digiwoman has a flat chest

What about MiniSnakeLadymon?


Had to google her name.

If Shakamon had tits that same size (ratio wise) then she could probably hid them under the cloth/collar thing.

The thing I don't understand about Meiko haters is that if they hate Meiko, then why don't they hate Hikari? (muh nostalgia isn't a good enough excuse) She was literally a fucking plot device with a cat. Her crest isn't even a real trait, and her only noteworthy accomplishment is just being a warm body that homeostasis talks through sometimes.

My memory was a little fuzzy, but I found the yellow-ey chick I was thinking about.
Middle art style is undeniably the best.

The hate for Meiko comes from the fact that she takes away time we could be having with the rest of the old crew for development.

So basically, because you hate change. You don't want to see a new character develop, because you'd rather just have more of the old cast. That was the exact reason why many people hated the 02 cast, because they just wanted the old cast.

Not me in particular. I'm just stating what's been said before. Also people dislike the 02 cast for loads of other reasons not related to the original.

Minervamon is designed as a prepubesent girl who grows up to become a slut.