very nice edition
>Useful links
>Patch Notes
old thread
very nice edition
>Useful links
>Patch Notes
old thread
I want to cum inside Kled
1st for lolg's new /pol/ waifu.
3th for bullying and tormenting Lux
How hard is it to find a cute chubby bearded boyfriend that plays league too?
So whats everyone's opinion on the Support Singed debacle?
what did he mean by this
very cute bfs
Does lolg have a club in league?
Shit I don't want to be the first poster because I'm not a meme poster but whatever.
So is ezreal the best adc at the moment? I've found difficult to win against Ezreal + (Karma, Nami, etc) duo lane and I've noticed a lot ppl using ezreal lately even DL being humiliated by him now makes me feel good I thought I was just being bad.
>waifu autists calling Camille more /pol/ than Azir
Can they stop already. She is eye candy but you think whores can't attract men and be feminists?
P sure Vayne is the best adc by virtue of her murdering tanks
Why is Sona befriended with XinZhao and Taric?
Daily reminder to KILL all waifuautists
Damn near impossible.
Everyone in this thread is skinny as fuck, can't grow a beard, and don't actually play league but still comes here to shitpost about it because there's nothing better for them to do.
New champ is gonna be an assassin
>High Mobility
>Quick combo
>Likely R is a point and click similar to Vi
>she has a fucking Shield
Taric goes to the mall with her. Xin's her beta orbiter.
Vayne Rework
Stats: Now scales more evenly throughout the game, otherwise stats are shuffled to match the kit.
P- Increased movement speed towards enemies
Q- Tumble, now actually moves her hitbox with her, but doesn’t have bonus damage.
W- Passive: Every 3rd hit deals true damage
Active: Lay down a circle of salt, enemies in the circle take %health damage from passive. Walls of the circle work with condemn.
E- Now checks if there’s a wall before it knocks back.
R- Splashes cone in front of her with holy water, enemies hit take increased damage from her, and she gains bonus movespeed toward them from her passive, also tumble makes her invisible.
Reorganized her abilities so you have to actually stand in shit to get bursted down by her, plus solidified her concept as someone who hunts creatures of the night, and not just “hand crossbow lady”
Circle of salt(W) is slightly bigger than nasus’s circle
Condemn has a cool little harpoon that pierces through the target, then if the harpoon hits the wall a string comes out to drag them to it.
Splash cone is about auto attack range
Highly suggest reducing auto attack range to be lucian tier, even if that means giving her better stats.
Circle of salt(W) has a cast time where she does a quick twirl
This is from a year and a half ago
No assassin should be AP for the sole fact that lets em build fucking Zhonnia
I-I'm a skinny boy with a thight boipussi, d-does that work?
Wow I do all of those things, but I actually play League
wow u work for riot???
She'll fucking DEMACIA you if you do. You can't act out your sick fantasies on someone with massive flesh-melting light lasers.
So let me get this straight:
Camille is the Batman of Piltover?
Why do we have so many
Communication is the key here.
Did he let people know what his plan was?
Did he signify that he wasn't going to be in lane with the ADC and tell him to play safe as he could?
If he did then he's clearly not at fault, because if he stated his intent someone could have either objected or dodged, and really if you're alone 1v2 in a lane you should be hugging your tower for all its worth.
Now if he was just going in and leaving lane without saying anything that's his own problem.
Its not an issue on role moreso than a communication you see.
I'm all for new strategies or ideas but in order to keep everything effective you HAVE to coordinate with your team.
dude is an autist that constantly abandoned his ADCs into hopeless 1v2's, he also would play ADCs the same way and go smite and leave his support in a 1v2.
He would also say he is doing one thing in champion select to get the team to agree to his strat, and would then do something radically different in game.
His Singed support w/r was at approx a 30%, the rest of his 50%~ w/r was from playing normal ghost teleport top Singed.
He was not threatened for not buying a sightstone, he was threatened for fucking over literally thousands of players over the course of his 2000 Singed support games.
When the Rioter directly called him out on saying he would do one thing in champ select and another in game, he backed down like a little bitch and said he understood why he was warned.
Also just for fun here's a Vlad rework from around the same time, wasn't too far off actually.
Satisfying things about Vlad:
-Instant damage
-Lots of sustain
-Destroying minion waves with E
-Low mechanical complexity so you can focus more on kiting since he’s short range.
-Ult finishing people off
P: Gains health for how much AP he has. Gains AP for how much health he has.
Q: A quick, satisfying spurt of blood that looks like a giant version of his auto attack.
-The skillshot moves extremely fast.
-Stops on the first target it hits.
-Deals good damage, but has a high health cost.
-Has a short cast time
-Bit longer range than live Q
W: Trollpool, but without health regen, put that power in his E instead.
E: Lifts his blood orb into the air, gathering blood an increasing amount of blood from nearby enemies.
-About the range of live E
-Has a range indicator thats a cool little red circle
-Spell effects look like his live E, but the blood is going out of his targets and into his sphere instead of the other way around.
-Draws blood four times, (takes as long as about 4 E casts on live if it had no CD)
-Castable while moving.
-Is channeled.
-Heals more since it’s AOE, but his other abilities cost more health too.
-If it doesn’t hit anything then it doesn’t get stacks.
R: Live R, but swap the damage increase for an execute effect.
The main problem with Vlad is that he had poke and sustain on the same ability. With this rework he would need to eat minion waves to keep his poke up, pushing him up if he wants to dominate lane.
You also can’t hold E stacks any more, so enemy champions would either have to stand in or watch you charge up the whole thing so they have time to react to his crazy damage.
The high health costs for spamming his Q and high regen from his E mean that Vlad has a lot more highs and lows when it comes to health, so there’s a window where it’s a lot easier to kill vlad.
>play Garen
>enemy on 10% health
Is there any more satisfying feeling?
yeah playing a good champion and winning
A hand is always prepared
playing a real champion ?
Nah I don't know man Ezreal looking much more stronger pick now. Of course Vayne might be stronger but she can't do anything if Ezreal is winning the game in 30 minutes.
If someone were to FUG and them JIZZ inside of ZAC where would the SPUNK go?
Would it just FLOAT around?
> Play darius
> 10% health myself
> It doesn't fucking matter because I Q aa pull aa W aa and fucking dunk them from 90% health
Thats what vayne should be
A trope monster hunter with all the classic superstitiony tools and tactics.
>ywn meet Jinx's parents
b-but I need their blessing to marry her :(
Thanks user, now I know why people are voting for assisted suicide.
What should I do about my life /lolg/?
>Play syndra.
>Win lane
>Secure blue buff without any contest.
>Assassins btfo
>penta kill.
>Win game.
Yeah man that sure seems satisfying to me.
put the movement speed modifier on Q so after a tumble hit she gains bonus MS or when tumbling towards a target.
Silver bolts moved to passive which now scales with level. Silver bolts does % missing HP true damage instead of Max % hp.
E change is awful. condemn should be kept as is.
Your new R is awful and should be kept similar to what it is now. Some people actually enjoy Final hour and the whole "DIE IS CAST".
Vaynes R should have the flat AD removed and replaced with Bonus armor penetration up to 50%
end it.
How is this champ ALLOWED to be this busted?
Playing Cho'Gath AP.
>using silence
>walk up to enemy ADC or APC and 1-shot them with ulti
>using silence
>swallowing enemy tanks
>using silence
He'd W it out. Either that or digest it, I bet his body can digest anything. Either way he'd slap your shit in.
Turns out Veeky Forums bigots and tumblr bigots are similar.
Who would have known?
Who /losingstreaktonight/ here? Most days I can go 5-2 or 6-3 but tonight im fucking 1-9 god damn stomp my lane or go even/feed I fucking lose no difference
I have a beard and I play league. I'm about average-skinny build.
tfw no bf to cuddle up to and sleep with
League of Legends!
>robotic yordle welding a giant sword
If I'm reading this right she is some kind of walking blender with capped AD? It reads like a juggernauts kit
There is one for every server give or take. I can add you to the OCE one if you want.
There are quite a few buckaroos between Garen and Syndra that are both good and fun, you goof
Well she's not robotic, she's kinda just been enhanced, she's still very much organic.
Yes I did intend for her to be a juggernaut style champ that can chunk health relatively quickly as well as stay mobile. Like I said, it's still a work in progress.
It would go straight into his womb, dumbass.
everybody is a bigoted faggot, you disagree and agree with certain things, that retarded buzzword has no meaning.
I'll take Veeky Forums over tumblr any day because at least some of them are memeing and the rest at least have some form of wit about them.
Tumblr just maintains its own echo chamber and screams at anything it doesn't like, but thats what makes it so fun to see burn alive when they don't get their way.
>Play Twitch
>Enemy team is full hp and clumped
>They all die instantly
i want to play syndra again without feeling like im abusing the game
>Get 4 man ganked Top for the second time in 15 minutes
>Team still doesn't have a single Tower or a single Dragon
Reminder you can't have any of the female yorldes.
She owns the all.
>sion just tossing aside normies like the raider from for honor.
I've been wanting to write up a kit for a champion that's like Willy Wonka or the Warden from Superjail. Fuck I should go work on that right now
I just played versus a Nasus.
My fucking word what boredom. The fucking lamer built ZZ first, and just pushed all game.
What a fucking loser you must be to play Nasus. My fucking word how incredibly unfun to play against. Then, because of ZZ, he can run away quickly too and get away from any ganks and shit. FUCK im so salty right now.
Mad Hatter?
>Started playing Doge
>MASSIVE losing streak
I'm gonna learn this fucking dog even if I have to sell my soul to do so. Fuck Quasus that is the most boring shit to play.
> 4 man ganked top
>Play Twitch
>Enemy team is full HP and clumped
>Die in 0,1 second
Kys, idiot.
I mean Im chubby, I grow large amounts of facial hair to the point where I'd have to shave twice a week in order to not look like a hobo, and I play League of Legends to the point where I have 3 accounts in Diamond. But the thing is, I'm straight.
BAHAHAHAHA is the only good ult quote. So fucking hype.
kats rework makes me sad
very sad
I was hoping someone could add me to the NA one
>my fucking word
what kind of loser talks like this
>Meteos spamming Demon Vi.
Yeah. That's the stuff.
>Be 850 range away
Him and anyone who defends him are idiots. Anyone that does that deserves a ban
>what kind of loser talks like this
what kind of loser talks like this
>TFW Kat mains can't claim it takes skill to mash all their buttons and wait out R
feels good man
>Enemy lets Daisy hit them while doing nothing as BM
>Their health gets low
>They start to run away
>Get hit with knockup
Once in a blue leaf, the earthworm bests the robin.
>skinny as fuck
I'm an old fat guy.
>can't grow a beard
Okay you got one right, but I more body hair than Chewbacca.
I want to eat Sion out
Mountain out of a molehill.
I dunno man, I absolutely despise Vayne, but her kit is extremely clean. I wouldn't want to change anything, except maybe her passive.
This is therapy.
>Well timed Bard ult with Redemption
My dick hurts
Twitch has some of the best lines
>I grow large amounts of facial hair to the point where I'd have to shave twice a week in order to not look like a hobo
This is literally the worst because shaving is such a pain in the ass.
At least I started working out to work on the chubby part, nothing I can fucking do about my beard
I like playing Master Yi and Darius.
They're strong.
Really strong.
Stronger than all of the other champions.
They don't need teammates.
They just kill everyone by themselves and win games.
I like to win games by playing these champions.
I saw one the other night, and he actually did extremely well, built Rylai's and peeled like a mother fucker. So they're one for one so far in my book.
I don't know, how can Cait die when she has more range without an ulti.
How degenerate can you get? He's literally a slavering, molten corpse.
You should be able to play literally anything as long as you try your best.
Communicating with ignorant twelve year olds is impossible.
Would you let Braum impregnate your waifu?
That's going to work for as long as the enemy team doesn't coordinate to deal with you.
Once they start clumping up and teaming objectives you're going to be a lot less effective.
the last time i met kat as ahri kat began to int after dying a few times, together with hecarim btw, they played reach the enemy fountain
btw their ashe and nautilus were good and they could have a chance to win if kat and the horse clenched their teeth and tried to safely farm
absolutely fucking not
And then if I dont shave it for a week it either leads to me spending $15 at the barber shop to shave it off or spending 45 minutes shaving the thing manually with my shitty razor that ends up cutting my face like 3-4 times.
Don't be such a prude
i'd be begging him to.
You're playing Master Yi when suddenly this guy comes up and slaps your ass and dodges all of your auto attacks. What do you do?