Kled is a high quality husbando edition
Kled is a high quality husbando edition
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I played kled for the first time top lane and it was a lot of fun but i lost
why does she have 2 belly buttons?
A big bust is a must!
The biggest bust is a nice bonus
Kled is an unstable pick.
His kit makes him feast or famine.
>youtube recommended video is faker on reworked talon
>sure why not, should be good
>he's fucking butchering everyone
Kled is fun due to how awesome he is but he isn't broken cancer due to his lack of being an assassin.
>mfw Yordle lore right now
I don't want to go swimming in Lulu anymore.
i fought him earlier and he didn't seem like a big deal vs shen. I just got my tank items and tele'd well and eventually I could just run around and fucking wail on him with my Qs until he had to puss out.
One time he all in'd me and it ended with me chasing him all the way across lane and killing him under his turret while it shot me.
join the discord if you'd like
link is on eyosongive.us
He's the best! (but not best husbando cuz shibs is watching haha)
tldr pls?
People really don't respect Shen's damage early on.
this chart is shit
They made the yordles into immortal, obnoxious, purer-than-thou, mary sue elf race.
Riot just had to buttfuck everything and turn it all into fantasy hack crap.
Yordles and their little pocket universe are just sleeper agents for the Void.
Not even joking. Go to the regions sections under the universe page, read up and the short summaries of Bandle City and The Void. Resemblances are very similar; shit is fishy as fuck.
I feel your pain brudda, i feel your pain.
I dunno I'd rather just breed her 2bh.
>somebody uses meme arrows in your game
New character reminds me of Aigis. I hope she's fun
4 bandits tried to mug Tristana and she kicked their asses.
No real character development pass, "Trist is stronk"
I thought they became memes. Living ideas.
Or riot is fucking awful at lore or character design so things get rehashed and reused?
Anyone got sauce on this?
They're retconned as the infant hellspawns of the void, their twee mary sue elf bullshit is all just a ruse to be racist towards humans and cuck them when they least expect it.
Riot Games
it was posted in the last thread
For fucks sakes you ignorant fuck. The original post was that Galio can benifit from zz rot from his passive which makes it a pretty nice idea. Also Galio can push just about as well as Nasus can even if his Q is smaller and his E does less damage. You can say Nasus and no one is saying that's wrong. You can't say that it's a retarded point because of the obvious synergy that it has with Galio.
Either way, there is really no point in this argument as nothing you or I are saying makes any difference as well as you just typing in all caps and not being able to read. Whether or not it works to your liking it was just a suggestion.
Mod please
Can yordle females be safely fucked by human dicks or are they too big for them?
Well, we know that something has been tampering with their species since prehistoric times.
Post your favorite qt weapon of mass destruction
Only adult male yordles can take human cocks (and so much more)
yordles reproduce asexually via budding
tristana now looks down on humans and "mortals" and stealth camos as an old bat so "inferior species" can't perceive her true nature.
wonder how Bandle's gonna deal with the new lore
>A new chart was made some time ago that is better than this one and made a lot more sense
>No one uses it and instead just uses this one because it has Sona on the top even though MF has the same cup size even if they are very slightly smaller
I'm so tired of this stupid list
>“You’re no old woman” he said.
>“I kept telling you that” said Tristana.
Yordles look like humans to other humans. In this case Trist looked like an old lady to these bandit assholes.
Magic shenanigans.
Also like said their language seems more advanced and their lives at Bandle City are pretty much a paradise.
Yeah I guess it makes sense but they're in such a position that they have been that way for ages and nothing bad has happened so far.
i forgot about this
holy shit
Rape porn, obviously
That is quite fucking stupid.
Male yordles are like male Draenei, nobody gives a fuck about them.
What the fuck? That's fucking utter garbage. Jesus christ I'm fine with a lot of the lore changes they've done but this is COMPLETELY nonsensical.
nah its just one faggot who waifufags sona and puts her on a pedestal. most of us agree she's tier 2
well fuckin hell i didn't remember this
Literally a bio-weapon army of highly intelligent and sentient godzilla-sized alien abominations.
Can you imagine the forces that had to fight hundreds and hundreds of these things? Makes me shudder what kind of terrible alien race created them.
what about whatever alien race was fighting them?
who says the void won?
Reminder that Mordekaiser is being reworked some time in 2017.
Here's a checklist of shit he'll probably have:
>a passive on top of his ultimate's active and at least one of his basics as well, the passives will be intensified/stronger when the actives are in effect and never not in effect
>his actual passive will be multiple passives
>no AP ratios
>no bonus AD ratios and all total AD ratios, most likely all 120% or above
>%max hp true damage which also scales with total AD
>among the highest base stats in the game, Darius levels or potentially more
>free bonus stats, both flat and percentage based, that allows him to gain more potential strength both at and before full build than other champions with the same build typically could
>point per point, he'll also have effects which make his raw stats more efficient on him than on other champions, despite the fact he also has more of them
>stat interactions will make items extra gold efficient on him
>he'll deliberately be designed with unique and advantageous item interactions in mind, like how Gangplank's barrels can proc an AoE Sheen
>masteries would also follow this philosophy
>at least 2 displacements
>one unique element that ensures he's useful at all stages of the game as well as viable regardless of future nerfs, like Poppy's W/E/R or Tahm/Bard/Thresh in general
>nobody gives a fuck about male yordles
So what's the deal with Poppy?
Did the human she fell in love with just see a really fucking hot muscle girl?
What do humans see Heimer as, he clearly interacts with humans daily in piltover.
And Kennen?
The humans also KNEW what yordles were when she told them.
weird as fuck
you forgot
>a fucking stupid lore rewrite where he's yorick's brother/father or something
at this point it would've been fine if yordles were just bargain bin gnomes or moogles that tinker with guns and shit but they had to go full "superior species" we're so much more in tune with magic and nature shit that some teenage asshole misanthrope would write in their creative writing class. But then look at who've they been hiring for a while and it makes some fucking sense.
is that fucking vel'koz?
>kog'maw is a refugee babbu
too clever for riot
Clearly they won because they're still around wreaking havoc across the universe with with nobody to stop them, except for some hesitant yet independent cosmic entities like Aurelion Sol or Bard.
Seems likely that they overthrew their own creators as well and are now just a cancer to whatever dimensions or parallel universes they happen to come across.
It's also incredibly fucking stupid o game because there is NOTHING hinting to yordles being sneaky (hell Tristana is fucking Rambo, Heimer is a scientist, Ziggs makes shit explode for a pastime) and suddenly you just have to believe every other champion are seeing them as something different except we never see what they look like for everyone else.
Lazy and shitty lore at its best
Riot needs to stop writing lore.
they probably reproduce via magic shenanigans.
jesus fuck
what a mess
maybe they just decide if they wanna reveal themselves as yordles to other species.
like, maybe tristana decided to look like a harmless old lady because she already knew some assholes were surrounding her to gain some advantage from their surprise
or maybe tristana is just an asshole because why should anyone know she's a superior yordle
i don't fucking know
what a mess
>Noticing Riot is bad at writing
what year is it
i think your're all overreacting
from tristana's reaction we can fucking clearly tell this isn't normal
New Yordle lore is trash along with Taliyah and the majority of Targonian lore. I also don't like the fact that Piltover was retconned into a generic steampunk setting.
Other than that, the rest has been pretty good or decent though.
When you want to go to work, but you wanna fap just 1 time to that glorious picture and music
now im late for 30 min
Do I have a problem?
>Majority of the Targonian lore
The only one I think they fucked up with was Pantheon. Diana, Leona, Aurelion, and Taric are fine
I think I found my jungle main
too bad all her skins suck ass
If anything, they need to do more with it. I'd take lore over more esports and streamer shit any day of the week.
Will Zyra ever FUCK OFF
Remember he is full build tank with 5000+ HP and 40% CDR
Because every time they try to write lore it goes badly. They need to outsource their lore writing to India.
THERE IS AN -EXTREMEE-----------------
Aurelion and Taric are the only saving graces of that mess.
Pantheon is definitely the biggest offender though; it's even more offending after the release of the baker skin.
I press R 3 times and maybe E and completely avoid him
What will I get in return?
Well you are a nobody :^)
>shitting on baker panth
opinion discarded
Sona hugs you as hard as she can because she loves you and doesn't realize you can't breath while stuck in marshmallow hell so you die in pure bliss.
The End.
So what about that new piltover comic?
>went from mastery 5 to mastery 7 in the same day as sion
Cait did have a "steampunk" aesthetic since the beginning lad.
That said this user is right, it's magic technology but I also think it does have a bit of whateverpunk influence.
It's got the generic steampunk aesthetic though. Even the citizens are wearing generic steampunk shit.
Camille is my wife.
>Nasus and Renekton are no longer aliens
>Rito literally confirmed that furries are ascended human
>Except midget furries they are different XDDD
>Skarner no longer miss his kind and is some kinda shitty security guard now
>Only you can hear me, summonwho?
>Skarner no longer miss his kind and is some kinda shitty security guard
He's guarding his kind from something, taliyah confirms this
I'm not shitting on Baker Panth, I'm shitting on the fact that Riot released Baker Panth AFTER his shitty lore retcon.
hell, I know MTG is a dirty word on this board but they should do what wizards did in the eatherlight era and have a locked down continuity team that doesn't blow ass, knows good story telling conventions, and doesn't lifts their writing skills from the worst of DC or Marvel. Even MTg now reads like a dickhead millennial version of superhero comics now.
I want Miss Fortune's splash arts update
All of them must be hot
And they have to remake the pool party splash art
>maybe if i KEEP pretending this is steampunk aesthetic i'll be right
Damn right I'm watching you
It is Stream Punk styled
I like it.
Camille understands the need for order.
It doesn't seem like something they control, Kled certainly doesn't do it on purpose, but some people see him as a regular soldier/knight, and it didn't sound like Trist had a clue what the bandits would see her as until they told her in that story. Might be something like in Berserk, where people with rigid worldviews can't see things like elves.
My real question is what's going to happen with Lulu's lore if all the Yordles are immortal, fey-style creatures now living in their own world.
I'm the guy he replied to, it's fucking shit because they completely remade his lore.
Pantheon is no longer human, he is a zombie-like being possessed by the god of war, showing absolutely no emotion or any indication that the human that he was previously was still there. He's an emotionless killing machine.
This is why I thought he was the worst of them. Even if they changed Leona's personality she was still Leona, Diana was still Diana. They just have some symbiotic being infusing them with god-like power and immortality. Taric is the same though he got redone as it was a full rework. Pantheon is a dead body being dragged around by that being.
There is nothing left of old Pantheon now, which is why baker pantheon is fucking stupid