Final Fantasy General CCCXLIV - /ffg/

100% Whale Mastery Edition

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I wonder if I should drop Lapis to run dunes/CoA in order to max out my CoD? Keep in mind that I have access to the 100 gigantuars for the Karma I have.

I need 10 more sacreds to awaken CoD to 5*. My goal is to get Maxwell and I can't afford my Cecil to lose 50% of his light resistance to get to Diablos. I'll worry about the no dying get later.

>Still missing November update for XI
November Update:

Who else do you have? If it's just Cecil and CoD, that won't be enough.

added to my template, gonna be fixed in the next OP if I maneg to create it again.

Don't worry about not dying, there is no situation where 15% dark res will ever be worth equipping, you're better off adding more HP/DEF/SPR.

15% will never be enough to put you at 100% res either, so it's totally useless.


Toblerone/Refia/Vaan all maxed out and I'll use a whalefriend CoD so that I can keep up Onmi-Veil and Full Break. I might take some time off as well to get the Muscle Belt recipe as well for Maxwell so that Vaan can survive it. I'm also forging DEF+10% for any spare slots.

8th for Jessie

Threadly reminder that Gumi SG did nothing wrong

oh wait

I hate you, but yes, that team will likely be able to survive if you're careful. Van and Refia are going to be the most likely to drop.

how do you even do this, i can beat maxwell easily, but I cant tank the damage long enough to fill the esper gauge.

I bet scumi didnt nerf it on purpose so people wouldnt be getting a free 5 star unit

Vaan is actually the tankiest 5* max, so he's likely to survive a lot. Not as tanky as WoL would be in this fight, though.

Theres time you need to defend, dispel, and just do auto attack

So is it worth the Lapis for the grind then? I got everything I wanted off of the banner(already had Garland before the banner, drew a CoD and second Exdeath off of the banner with 3 tickets) and I have 15.8K lapis(with the entirety of Lanzelt/Kolobos/Chambers of EXP/Gil/Creation to farm for free Lapis if need be) sitting around for a likely Light Guardians banner.

>I can beat maxwell easily, but I cant tank the damage long enough to fill the esper gauge
I know this feel.

Thinking of changing Refia to Garnet for increased Esper gauge chance, but how am I to survive without Embolden I really don't know.

Anyone not six stars is dropping. Even the six stars are taking pretty obscene damage if they're not named Cecil.

If you drop her below 50% HP before you can summon, you're not going to be able to summon. That's all there is to it. Once she hits that point, she starts bringing out 4+ actions per turn, huge AoEs, and huge debuffs.

Grinding up CoD alone will be worth it, yes.

>I anticipate a very thought out response
What do you want to tell them?
>Why did you remove 6* Maxwell and Tilith? How are we supposed to fight Maxwell unless we give you all our money? Why was she not nerfed accordignly to our state of the game when JP at the time of her release had acess to 3 strongest characters in the game: Orlandu, Eileen and Tidus?
The only answer you get is
>We want to remind you that global and japanese versions are separate games and as such there will be differences, please keep an eye on our facebook and twitter for future news regarding Maxwell
They used the EXACT same excuse for everything, even the nerfed mission lapis

I am going to book the soonest flight to singapore and shit on their entire fucking country

I will not stop until every man woman and child is just covered in shit

doesnt fill for shit.

>daily summon and 5 ticket summons
>Cecil, Penelo, Penelo, Roselia, Penelo, Duane


Thank god for being rank 61, which means a total of 71 energy, much better than the deal they have with 60 energy for 100 lapis. After I get CoD to 6* and some levels under her belt, I'll expend enough Karma to get her maxed out at 6*.

Easy, their shit food will give you the squirts anyway

One day I'm going to actually do the Heavensward content, the jumping from zones to zones for quests in that game was brutal.

Holy shit why is Maxwell so ridiculous?

>want tilith
>get 4 serias
>alt gets shitzuru, cod, garland refia

As long as you have cheer+omniveil+full break+heal+defend on 4th turn+dispel after that, you are good at all times with auto attacking

Wait, is 6* Tilith canceled? Where's that announcement?

>second CoD


if you have a complaint about Brave Exvius, you need to contact SE, not Gumi

Well it's not "cancelled" but when do you expect them to add her seeing as they also added Maxwell and stuck her at 5* and there are NO BF events after this

FFBE's kekbook page is down

Gee, I wonder why

And SE will not even bother responding, user, they shit out mobages, they aren't going to slap gumi's hand for fucking it up

>there are NO BF events after this
He said, not realizing that the only reason the events are structured like this is so they have an excuse for the second event to exist because they realized it was reliable to milk.

That seems extremely bizarre to release such a later game trial. I thought it was going to be a nerfed Maxwell.

I just got Cerius, is he ok?

It's not

Did you already have a Cecil? That's a nice draw if you don't have him or if you want multiple Excaliburs if you do.

Maxwell is only ridiculous if you go over 4 turns since she hits you with Rune and Dispelgas your entire team.

That's good then. I'm going to take it slow and gather summon orbs with auto attacks and let Cecil Provoke to draw fire. I just got to complete the CoD I have so that she can be the Diablos summoner and let Toblerone have Ifrit for a neutral-attack boost friendly esper.

So the gist of the Maxwell fight for those who want to get her is to Full Break her every 3 turns and defend every 4th turn with Omniveil/Enbolden(in my case since I have Refia) and dispel afterwards and have lots of Ethers and Turbo Ethers and Elixirs and Phoenix downs?


>Maxwell is only ridiculous if you go over 4 turns since she hits you with Rune and Dispelgas your entire team
Good luck getting your esper gauge built up in 4 turns

Well shit

You just don't drop her below 50% until you do. Once you do however, then go all out with the damage.

First she's ridiculous when you go past turn 4, now she's ridiculous below 50%. Make up your mind.

75 fucking NRG wasted while trying to tank Maxwell long enough to get LB or Diablos summon trophy.

CoD and Goth Donut's LB just don't do enough damage and this absolute nigger always heals gangbangs when in low health

Fucking end me already.

That's the thing user
She's ALWAYS ridiculous

>She's ALWAYS ridiculous
>Maxwell is only ridiculous if you go over 4 turns

I can't even get to 4 turns with Maxwell.
I can't even get her past 25% HP.
I don't have fucking lightnings dual wielding deathbringers or anything over here.

Your template is shit, user.

Gacha in this game is so fucking stupid dude. Summon tickets are fucking worthless. People spend hundreds and don't get the units they want. And then busted fights like Maxwell come out, or events like this horseshit crossover where the powerful (usually paid) players get more powerful.

I thought this game was different but I was wrong. I don't think I'm ever going to play another gacha reliant game after BE.

I already managed to summon diabolos but I can't deal enough damage afterwards.
any help from a buffed Toblerone or CoD?

>I don't have fucking lightnings dual wielding deathbringers or anything over here.
Well then look around for hacks/people enabling TMR injection, roll the dark banner until you get say...4 DCecil's, pay for injection and have 4 deathbringers to rape Maxwell with!

Four turns? FOUR TURNS? I can't even get her to 60% when my only 6*s are Cecil, Refia, and a friend unit, fuck four turns. This is fucking appalling.

Actually you want to have Focus up instead of Cheer/Embolden since most of her attacks other than being light attribute is that they are Magic attacks. Just make sure to keep both up alongside onmiveil when she Runes your party since that will keep her manageable until the 50% threshold.

you fucking wot

>just get banned

Why are esper mechanics so fucking shit in this game? The only damage I've done to her has been from auto attacks and Full Break and my summon gauge is nowhere near full yet.

>waste piles of energy trying and trying
>they nerf it halfway through again
I gave it my one compulsory try and will wait it out until a possible nerf. If they don't, I just won't touch her until the final day in a crazy last ditch effort. She is not worth more than that.

I got her down to 30ish%. Did you cucks know that she heals as well?

What are the chances of getting at least some sort of bardarkra for free tomorrow

well some people just dont give a damn

>FFBE isn't p2w

Wouldn't it need to be barlightra?

>said no one

So does anybody know what the fuck disease actually does?

I know that it "lowers stats," but is it enough to make a difference against this slut?

it reduces the amount of stats that target has

Anyone else feels like BE has taken over their lives?
I HAVE to connect every few hours so I don't waste energy.

Yeah, it isnt.

This is Scumi fucking up by releasing a boss half a year before it shoudve been released, resulting an it being nigh unkillable because
1) we dont have the powerful units japan has
2) we dont have the powerful equipment japan has

alright fuckers, sparks chain helps filling evoke bar faster

Yes user we all know scumi's to blame for this, when one version gives you 5k for the tutorial to start out andthe other one doesn't, you know something is wrong

Fucking YES! This fight is totally fair guys: I just needed Full Break, 3 6* characters (including the best tank, best healer, the best attacker for this fight with Dual Wield) and a Refia friend with Dualcast plus 5 Elixirs and 4 Turbo Ethers. What a fair and fun battle, especially with that Diabolos condition since espers are so easy to evoke!

Go choke on a dick Scumi.

3) we don't have the esper that grants 50% light resistance japan has
Even though it should be out in about a week, just in time for us to not be able to use it.

I dont know if you're sarcastic or not, but yes, Scumi IS to blame for this.

Scumi decided to not give you the 5K lapis, and Scumi released a boss that global realistically cant kill.

I'm expecting them to realize their fuckup and nerf it in a day or 2

EVERYTHING is secondary to the Energy Bar, user

>they won't give us maxwell this early dumbass
>okay but they won't give us maxwell un-nerfed dipshit
>yeah b-but they'll surely fix it in a couple days dipass

Just accept it
Accept your death

>I dont know if you're sarcastic or not
How did you even gather took it as sarcasm when I clearly mention just ONE of the reasons why JP is superior
>Accept your death

>leveling refia 4 star base to 6 star 100
rip 2k lapis

>tfw you have Lightning, Luneth, refia, cecil, wol, two cods
>and you STILL can't handle this shit
Has there been a scummier event in the history of gacha games?

I'm genuinely curious, I haven't heard of something this awful happening before.

Yeah, I wake up in the middle of the night to spend energy. Don't even know what I do most of the time, so as long as it's not capped

Good, then you'll have something to brag about when you beat it.
Sorry your whale team can't auto win without thought like I assume it usually can.

not even that guy but fuck off with this attitude

I'm not a whale, I'm a reroller.
If I were a whale I'd have TMRs, which WOULD let me beat it.

So far, nobody has beat this and gotten maxwell withouth TMs. It doesn't matter how lucky you are, if you don't have TMs then you aren't going to win.

I pretty much skipped out on this event now that I realize how bullshit Maxwell is.

Whew someones having a rough night at maxwell
>Has there been a scummier event in the history of gacha games?
Actually yes, and it's on gumi again, just the biggest fuck up they ever did, back in Chain Chronicle they had this type of event where "demons" would attack and you had like 3 orbs(like arena stamina) to fight them, the event was made so that you would be guaranteed to get the demon character after (x) battles but even with that, you could only get 3 copies of the character, but you needed 4 to fully power her up, that's why the battles COULD drop the character at any point, but gumi removed that so people would have to pay to refresh their orbs and get all guaranted ones, there wasn't even one recorded instance of anyone getting the character, the person that was behind faceshit account for the game tried to interrogate the ONE person that said he got the character drop(except he was a seanigger that could barely speak english so he never got a drop but the guaranteed one for (x) battles) to defend themselves, then kept saying they made no mistake only to backtrack on that a week later, afterwards the only compensation people got was a new quest that would give you said character but the quest was hard as balls anyway

So I just learned about tmr injection and I'm actually kind of pissed. Fucking ridiculous. People are spending money to buy tmrs from a hacker, which is 99% why the guy in OP's image has Maxwell's tmr, and a full loadout of tmr gear and materia.

Between hacking and spending thousands of dollars, I'm astonished at the lengths people go to to winmore in games like this.

I'm still going at it. Got CoD to 5* level 38 as soon as I drew her and used up 2 lapis refreshes to get her to this point. Just got the Muscle belt recipe as well so that I can give Vaan/Refia an extra 10% HP for them to survive the Maxwell onslaught.

I really need to start doing Westersands for the Earth/Fire Megacrysts for Muscle Belts/Hero Rings. I only have two right now and Toblerone/CoD are going to compete for them.

Going to take a nap though right now to save some lapis.

>a stack of 99 sacred crystals for $4
sign me up baby

I'll also take 2 dual wields and two excaliburs to pad out my mandatory 5 item minimum purchase.

Which kind of defeats the entire point in my opinion, I like to gamble, yeah that's why I play this type of games but I also enjoy taking what I got and going as far as possible with it

No wonder the game died.

Fuck that's worth it

Aw shit I heard about that.

And people trusted gumi to nerf maxwell. Multiple people. Multiple people in this very thread.

>"read" guide
>just use these units whose 6*s aren't in global
>or these units that don't exist in global yet

gumi dropped the ball big time

For existing customers it's only $3 per item stack / TMR, so you only have to blow $20 the first time.

It's going to a better place than gumi, that much is certain.

Remember guys, this is a trial and not a quest. Trials are supposed to be hard, just look at the dictionary you dummies!

Any elza/CoD whales interested in helping? It's rough waiting for my one decent CoD friend to attempt maxwell every three hours and get her frustratingly close to the diabolos kill every time.

Yeah no you're full of shit kid.

Gumi fucked up royally in chain chronicle; but the tripe you're spouting is nonsense

They have however;
released a new banner, and forgot to rate up the units on banner
released a new banner and forgot to put the new units in
released a new banner and fuck up so hard the premium gacha rewarded friend point units

And they still refused to fully refund players that rolled during those banners

Enjoy the ban, assuming he doesnt just steal your account

Wow, was this game even worth playing? Worth getting scammed so hard?

Brave Frontier injection has been going strong for years and it's literally undetectable.

Enjoy being a poorfag and a loser.