/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #799


>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - 11/14 - Rise of the Beasts (Four Celestials)
11/14 - 11/21 - Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope (Redux)
11/21 - 11/28 - Defender's Oath (Redux and Renewal)
11/25 - 12/2 - Four Knights of a Fallen Land (Redux and Renewal)
11/30 - 12/8 - Scenario Event

11/21 - 11/30 - Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop
12/25 - Christmas Stream

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Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English

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Bring back the toot

Harvins are not loli

What the fuck did they do to her?

There will be a cowtitted Harvin soon.


And a flatchested Doraf

It's only fair.


RIP Toot

Both would look fucking weird.


One would look like Hallessena without horns.

Now this is a waste.

>gbfg says new hairy potato is shit
So, SS tier confirmed?

She's ridiculously strong

No, she's shit, just like Gawain and Wind Metera

No, she's shit, just like Korwa and Izmir.

She got removed from the trial so eh.

I love Jeanne!

always (never) listen to /gbfg/

Dark without S. Zoi.


>tfw no gf like vira

You want your gf to cuck you with her lesbo friend?

If he's a shota doraf then what is this

A gelding.


What was it?

Why do sages have bunny ears

Shines the most with Lecia. No idea about outside of Lecia teams. Depends if you want a pure attacker and nothing else or not I guess.

A female. That's why she's wearing that huge cloak, so that people don't know she has huge breasts.

>Translation when?

How are you all with your Aster?


just shitty baha

>wake up
>still no Monika

His mother was a Harvin. He's actually pushing 30.

Yeah, the cloak probably has nothing to do with the frost island he lives on.

Me and my wife.

>join Tia raid
>do fuck all but cast the Jew skill and send summon
>get 5 golden chests, one with my very first Tia gun
wtf I love bounty hunter now

You think Dorafs fear the cold? They RELISH IT. THICK BOVINE SKIN.

When will I actually be able to play the game, as in solo anything?
Right now my grid consists of 7 Chev Guns, 1 Harp, a GW dagger and a Baha dagger.
I can't even bring Celeste down to 70% HP by myself.

What quests with daily limits should i make sure to run? Outside of levi, colossus etc


I am been using that team but it is actually kinda pain in the ass to get ice cow stack up to 5 without gimping Kat and Naru
the other two benefit greatly from using their Ougi as fast as they can and that will kinda force her to use Ougi as well
and if you decide to hold it out and trying to build the stack up then you are gimping out their damage.


>Hosted and mvp'd at least 50 Marduks
>Not a single summon drop
Fuck this event

dat kat

What do you even need translated about this? It's exactly what it looks like.

>KMR takes away toot's toots
>Also takes away our Surprise Tickets
>And takes away Fenrir Bows but let's Dark keep their goodies while also giving them more and then rubs his hands maliciously as he devised a way to "nerf" a character by making it a global nerf instead of a character nerf

This man is the devil.


>know he's gonna fuck everybody in the ass and kill the game
>gives 3k gems as bribe in order to give people hope
>kill that hope little by little

literally satan incarnate

what skill levels?

What a stupid example. Celeste is easy to mvp if you know what you're doing, because you can trick her to doing silly stuff. Read a guide.

I have pretty much the same pool as you, with everything at sl 10 except harp at 5 and one gun is a baha sword at 2. Only event SRs in frontline. I can kill Tia most of the time alone, though it takes time.

Is Ayer any good? And if so - what does he need to actually work? I just use as an auto-attacker with him sitting on half-hp, and results are... well... not spectacular.

oh boy, a new meme picture for shitposters

Fucker has ougi-tier damage counters, use those, not autoattacks


windpotato sucks but looks too cute


Can i keep cosmo gun Spec or should replace it with BAL?

One of the best Earth units


>Wind is the blonde element
I feel dirty

Japs are rating her an 8 out of 10. High burst and short CD's because of her CD cuts.

Not sure I understand their point about not synergizing with Lecia tho, she has two attack abilities that average to 4T cd's or less which should be great for attack order.

>Get shit damage
>Advicing someone to make him just counter tool

You guys are sucks and embrassement for dirtbro
Better to kill yourself


Can't wait for someone to shop this on a vagina

>I just use as an auto-attacker with him sitting on half-hp, and results are... well... not spectacular.
Then you have a shit pool, he's one of the best dirt attackers in the game.

When I messed with her yesterday she gets out of sync with Lecia really quick with gawain, melissa and Lecia. Sure you can get back in but you do these weird 1-2 person ougis and it's a lot of button pressing. She should work well but it feels clunky. If her cds were like 6t to 4t reduce, 1higher or 4t reduced to 2t it would align better. Hell 2t reduced with her would be so nice, just lower the damage of the abilities and she'd be perfect.

I might just get her for Lecia attack order

Ah so it's a sync issue. Makes sense. Does her two attack skills and ougi at least do more damage than TA would?

If it does she would still fit in with Korwa+Monki til I get Nio from GW..

what do you suggest people do then?

That image clearly says the opposite.

As an addendum I think another issue lies in being stuck to use gawain since his cds are quite long. Wind needs an H. Eustace character with like 5t double offensive abilities and some da buff to maximize gw dagger / echoes. For Lecia anyway, she's just annoying to set up for her damage in general when wind already has such nice buffers like Rosetta and Korwa. Hell if they ever patch up Rosetta's rose barrier to give stacks when hit by blinded unit and a stronger taunt we wouldn't even be talking about this.


Just reduce the HP to 50% and keep autoattacking and some ougi between it for 8 turns

Repeat it until you got bored
Its simple and seems like nearly everyone not knowing this


Huh so /gbfg/ wasn't as wrong as I thought they would be. She's almost as better than Fire Socie.

I don't haave harbin baha so her damage looks lower, hard to use monkey since no offensive abilities and for wind teams it's surprisingly difficult to get red abilities on your team. Korwa works well because korwa but you have to supplement both with like armor break lock, Gao or something like Metera since why bother using attack order if you won't do the 5stack.

I had fun and good success with a Lecia / Korwa / Metera on titan. Metera complements Leci well with low cd offensives but they do low damage too, if she gets the 5* it'd be so nice.

Use him for his basic attacks and only use his taunt/counter as a desperate measure.

If you seriously think built in enmity, a massive damage boost on his ougi for 5 turns and a way to survive fatal hits is bad then you're wrong.

>Set all allies' HP to 1. All allies gain Status Repel.pngUnchallenged, damage immunity for 1 turn; and Status Heal.pngDrain, healing up to 15% HP from normal attacks and charge attacks for 4 turns.

Why is this allowed? I hate low risk, high reward bullshit like this

Well I was wondering outside of using Lecia since I don't have her. I'm not rich enough to spark a limited and 80 pulls is all I could manage on her banner with no luck (or any other limited).

>500 Weapon Rs and 1000 Summon Rs sitting in gift box

S-someday I'll clear it

Sell that shit

Oh sure, use whatever you want. She'd be pretty neat to feed Korwa ougi on the regular.

>its another round of fire Sochi is bad meme
Kill yourself nao.

It's plenty of a risk in HL when lacking healers, and not very effective in HL if you have enough healers where it isn't a risk.

I sure as fuck didn't say Socie was bad. Kill yourself or suck my dick, your choice.

Sell them

I need official clarification on whether harvins grow pubic hair or not.


quick and dirty

wind will rise again someday

Literal zero (0) effort

Does she not get it back in the second fate episode? I'm surprised they didn't have her second sprite get it back honestly.

where full version of this halp

I am literally triggered, that scene was in The Shining, not Psycho.

This is a cavewoman.

Kill yourselves

I didn't actually expect anyone to pick up on that.

What was Balmung's skill? Fire big damage?


Large HP Up.