>What is this? A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and monthly updates.
>Is it free? Yes, the game is free to play and offers microtransactions.
>Alliances: >Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp MFFG: new alliance Apply and leave in game name in thread.
>If you nerf our gold resource, at least do us a favor... NERF THE GOLD EXPENSES of upgrades, enhances, combines, fusions, etc..etc. Ya know, he ain't wrong.
Thomas Gray
I think they lowered AB gold because everyone was getting T2 too fast
Josiah Parker
We had one sale like this but didn't had a bioselectors.
Ayden Williams
Rifts when
Robert Hill
And as usual it's the conservative spenders/VIP0s that got fucked in the ass, seeing whales would have no problems T2ing anyone as long as MegaT2s and Anniversary package still in the shop.
As it is I just see it as an effort to widen the gap between the whales and everyone else.
Nathaniel Bailey
your worst case scenario is that they just don't do anything for black friday, tiered sales happen all the time
Isaac Watson
>tell myself I'll wait till iHIM day to do SL with the All Attack +10% buff >accidentally end up clearing 15 floors oops
That 2,600 shekel mega ticket tiered sale is exactly the same as always, my dear friendo
Joseph Green
Where do you even get Shang-Chi bios? I can't find a single place on the internets that tells me where. Not the pastebin or the reddit wiki or anywhere.
Also I have a choice of putting 8 bios in either Shang, Moon Knight, or the big ol HB and im not sure where to put it. I have no main combat hero yet, still working on my IF
Thomas White
Selectors only. Use the x8 Combat selectors on either MK or Shang-Chi. IF is farmable from Story.
Tyler Green
>tfw 400 crystals away from the mega tiered sale
Well I'll be damned, guess I'll have to resist the temptation to buy any unis during the next sale, considering it'll probably happen during the next update, if I want those mega tickets(never bought one, actually).
I don't really care that much about BF sales, last year they were all with real dosh, and as a vip0 I don't care about those.
You can only get his bios through selectors, and those 3 aren't your only choices for combat selector, just the ones people pick the most.
Ethan Young
should I go for this sale or wait until black friday/
Cameron Hernandez
>tfw this will happen today
Well, for those who T2'd BB at least, I haven't yet.
Tyler Rivera
>As it is I just see it as an effort to widen the gap between the whales and everyone else. More likely an effort to try to get people to spend a couple of bucks on the stark package and hit VIP1.
Cameron Russell
For all the VIP0/F2P players: why don't you spend money? Not even STASH? Just out of principle? Jew? Not an option in your country?
Isaac Morales
Mostly out of principle. If Google Rewards gave me any surveys to do, i'd spend cash because that's Google Play specific money anyways. But otherwise I feel like there are better things to spend money on. I feel like most mobile games are really just extensions of idle games; you play to be efficient. Playing efficiently while F2P is just another way to play.
Christian Wright
Y I run all T2 Carnage/YJacket/ANTS and I auto 5 days and only manually look for matches a day or two and stay between 50-79%
Chase Gray
Exactly what said, plus the last one. Google Rewards doesn't work in here, apparently.
Evan Bell
I will die VIP0.
I've made it this far without CHEATING TO WIN. Might as well keep going and see how far I get.
Aiden Stewart
It's the only mobile game that's kept me coming back for more than a month and I'd like to stretch the casual fun out for a bit longer
Oliver Moore
Just think how much better your life will be if for only a one time payment for $4 you could be earning a few million extra gold per day via co-op!
Ian Sullivan
>Google Rewards doesn't work in here, apparently. You're not alone senpai.
Adrian Harris
I use Nox, I've got a bunch of commands saved, one for BW, one for last stages of rifts/DD/MM/specials, one for repeating a specific story mission or rift/special stage. I used to only use tickets for coop, but i know another user has a reliable macro for coop.
Hunter Ward
Cal, you gonna do crazy and do rift right after reset again?
Nathan Lopez
I actually wouldn't mind after reset rifts at all.
Joshua Smith
I'm the user who uses a macro to run through my entire roster in Co-Op each day but I'm about to go to sleep so I'll post the "guide" tomorrow. I also run a macro for offline BW. Couldn't manage to get one to work for live BW. I just use tickets for Rifts, Story, Specials since I have over 6,000. I still use a lot but Co-Op was the major drainer.
Aaron Robinson
Much appreciated, it'll be worth the wait I'm sure.
Colton Collins
Hudson Richardson
You aren't finished until you get his uniform.
Kevin Rivera
The only way to finish is to get his uniform AND get him to T2, with fully awaken isos and maxed skills.
Go do it, that Lash ain't gonna finish itself.
Jonathan Mitchell
posted in dead, please help
Noah Cooper
get hulkling to 60 just for the 60 crystals
Thomas Bailey
why are people so against spending $3.42?
Nicholas Hernandez
How can they top the tiered sale? maybe they will add a new pack for black friday or something. Anyone knows what did they did last year?
Evan Morris
>25 modok bios from AB thanks
Ryder Hall
>1+3 crystal sale >tiered MEGA T2 ticket money based >mega selectors: works on any character (carnage, hyperion, clea, BO etc)
Gavin Williams
I'm not against it, I'm just indifferent
Austin Jones
Because they're cheap bastards who will come up with any excuse to avoid doing so?
>>I'm playing this over 6 months already, but I won't spend 4 dolaridos because of my principles.
>>goes on to spend who knows how much on stuff that doesn't last 1 week
Aaron Thomas
thats my thought If I wasn't going to spend money on this game I would probably buy a console and play other vidya
Benjamin Howard
>1+3 crystal sale will this even make crystals worth buying?
Matthew Foster
>food is the same as a mobile game microtransaction
Jonathan Ortiz
Yep, nothing like comparing something you need in order to survive with a game.
Here's to (you)
Ryder Clark
The +3 wouldn't even count towards VIP, so I'd say no. Others may disagree.
Tyler Torres
>stuff that doesn't last 1 week
Christopher Brooks
Person you quoted didn't even mention food.
Xavier Gonzalez
Stuff that usually doesn't last a week: Almost every single piece of media you can consume.
Angel Russell
>+3 wouldn't count to vip
the 1100 3300 and so on crystal packs are an exception
the common 550+550 crystal pack gives only 550 pts towards the vip meter, but the 1100, that is almost the same price as the 550+550 gives you 1100 pts to vip
Ryan Murphy
why are the people who spend money on a mobile game so against people who don't spend money on a mobile game?
Lincoln Hughes
Probably just wondering why you wouldn't drop a couple of bucks for something that makes the game significantly better.
Samuel Russell
why does anyone spend money on anything ever?
Austin Cruz
Because people value other people's time for providing goods and services that they can't be assed to or can't provide themselves.
Dylan Howard
Starks stash is cheaper than any meal at a fast food place
Really activates my almonds...
Adam Bennett
They think it's make them special snowflakes
Ayden Flores
but you can get those things for free so why pay money?
Parker Rogers
I feel like this is the rationale of a madman, but if I can spend $5 on a sandwich at lunch, or $25 at the movies, I can spend $4.69 + $11.99 for a Stash + Bio Selectors for 30 days, which roughly translates to 60 cents a day.
But that's about it for me, I won't buy the other items in further tiers just because now it really is a waste.
Luis Russell
Convenience, realizing that if you enjoy something and the people making it make money they will be able to keep providing you with the things you like. As opposed to them going to make something you don't give a shit about and don't consume. Basically, if you value your own time enough to charge/get paid for what you do then the same thing should apply to people you consume things from even if they're "free".
Christian Garcia
>buy AAA game >play it for 10 hours >play this shit everyday >no money now I think my rule now is going to be pay for only stuff you will use/play.
Luis Anderson
Nicholas Davis
I just made it to mordo on the epic quest, can someone explain to me the clea controversy? some f2p already have the quest completed.
Colton Davis
>if I can get one hour out of a game for every dollar I spent on it, I'm happy rule I've had for years, it hasn't let me down yet. Play a f2p game for 10 hours, I have no problem spending 10 bucks on it especially since f2p games "pay up front" so to speak.
MFF is great because I've sunk god knows how many hours into it and haven't spent all that much. Pretty much just stark stash and a single bio sub; haven't even got the starter pack yet.
Adrian Ortiz
how important is mastery on proximass? Just got her to lv 60. Do I need to max her gear asap?
Zachary Jackson
go for 17
Justin Baker
max her first gear, and leave the rest on 17 she is only known because of her damage, take it away from her and she is shit
Isaiah Rogers
I've been reading about the game and seems that I missed a lot of good stuff this month or the previous one, lot's of free tickets. Fuck.
Chase Flores
So the biggest problem for f2p is the gold? and VIP 1 is the closest solution?
Noah Hughes
I forgot how much a DD sink upgrading gears is. I went from 6k to 2k in a couple of days and that is with daily rifts. Plus Satana takes 200 a day.
Luke Wilson
Do the biometrics you get from the epic quest last forever or are they like Shadowland? I wanna know so I can save the bios for any potentialnew characters from the next update.
Parker Nelson
I think they are limited to 2-6 days
Dominic King
Do mega ticket's work on carnage and hype? if so I guess there is a way to get them to *6 (no t2 tho). I'm asking because there is only kingpin for villain AB unless they introduce new villains.
Robert King
Yes but you still need to unlock them first, so at least ten subscription bios are needed
Lincoln Howard
That's what most players do. Unlock them (gotta use the subscription, no other way around).
And then use the Mega Rank Tickets to put them both to 6* instead of actively using the subscription on them.
Jack Gomez
I already unlocked them with the universal bios you get your first 3 days.
Alexander Adams
Ideally VIP 3, but yeah. Other than gold, the only thing you're really missing out on without spending any money is crystal restrictions, but other than unis, crystals are just used to lessen the grind.
Also Carnage and Hyperion being paywall'd. You can go without Hyperion but T2 Carnage is extremely helpful.
Luke Ward
>Strange kills HIM in 1:00 >Nico kills HIM in 1:04 She's pretty good senpai
William Lopez
what does VIP 3 give that changes the game so much?
Josiah Perry
It gives you one more potential gold slot for Co-Op.
Joshua Edwards
No, VIP1 is the gold slot. VIP3 is the DD slot.
Dylan Hernandez
Only the first slot is random. All the other slots are guaranteed. Slot 2 is always gold, slot 3 is always DD, slot 4 is always boost ISO-8, and so on for the next slots being GUKs, norns, ISO-8, and biometrics.
Camden Hernandez
You're right, I was just having a brain-fart.
Kayden Sullivan
>still no interim reports
Michael Roberts
What? I'm VIP 1 and I always get the gold.
Brandon Allen
Tell us user what do you want for: >Black friday >implying>Today interim report >next update
Matthew Wright
Unless they are for some reason offering discounts on stark stash and/or bio sub (or things in game that cost crystals) I can't see black friday shit being any good. The prices on any else is kind of absurd for any non-whale, even a 75% off T2 mega ticket wouldn't be something I even consider. My expectations for black friday are really low.
I'd actually rather have some black friday giveaway/log in event over any kind of "sales" tbqh
Josiah Rodriguez
sorry man, I was out, just got back. I can try for tomorrow if you want one then?
Yeah I can't see m to get one to work for live BW either.
Brayden Brown
Interim Report 1 on Monday.
David Ramirez
Honestly, I've played MFF almost more than I have my ps3 this year, and I've absolutely played it more than a lot of my games for it. Especially if I'm at uni or home and their different countries, it's much easier and safer to just take mff on a phone or laptop.
I'd rather no interim report until next week The Strange update seemed rushed enough, I'd rather them hold off til this is actually finished Then I'd like to see Thor, Jane, Loki, etc get T2s, hopefully a uni and rework for Thor. Also BRB pls and team ups edited/added.
>BF Cheaper tiered mega rank sales, and/or some tiered t2 ticket sales or even tiered mega t2? also a t2 ticket giveaway. And the old bio packs with gold back but with more gold for the current price.
Kevin Perry
I agree the game does need some sort of low price pack. The gap is too high between subscriptions and anything else. I really hope BRB is it's own character. Pretty sure thor t2 will make him the next meme.
Adam Hall
are we ded?
Landon Garcia
Almost dead as marvel heroes.
Connor Roberts
not much to say
we're only alive when newbies come to ask questions
Connor Morgan
but the update will save us
Luis Reyes
There is no update. It's over.
Alexander Roberts
>tfw you are an ex-mugga >not in the mobile muggas
Nicholas Davis
>ex-mugga 64? is that you?
Dylan Kelly
>want to be a mugga here too >mobile muggas is full
Hunter Peterson
There's a handy new alliance for you: mffg
Jacob Parker
Or you can join Ocean, an alliance that is already leveled up.