universal edition
>Useful links
>Patch Notes
universal edition
>Useful links
>Patch Notes
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good job making this thread 20 posts early stupid
>16 (SIXTEEN) posts early
lol hey
What if I told you Master Yi unironically needed buffs?
np :)
>Pool party fiora splash
Xth for booty
Tell me a secret
I actually use the random button
I'd agree
What does everyone think of the new champ?
I don't care about petty lore crap.
I only play Aram.
The fighter/diver update needs to be pretty huge, unless they're going to do a separate melee carry update with the tank update inbetween them
Then we can get juggalo and AD baby updates again
interested in how her personality will be expressed and also interested if she will be a new yasou.
from what I've seen so far I'm liking her
>ywn be a hot slutty girl who whores herself out and gets boosted by thirsty anons on lolg in exchange for nudes
It's not fucking fair bros.
She has a nice butt
Can't wait for cripple porn with her knife knees removed
>tfw to dumb to build a robot like rumble and set everything on fire
Our hand holding is beyond your control
I had a fantasy earlier of Vi and Cait having passionate sex. Overcome with loneliness, lust, and envy Jinx secretly watches and pleasures herself to it. Deep down she wishes she had someone to love like that
S-shut up
you can still be a slutty femboi
The comic was horrendously bland. I'm feeling pretty anti-hype about Camille but I'll reserve further judgement until we see her splash art and kit, animations, VO, etc.
Also, I realized the main problem with her design for me is the ugly ass hair. It adds like 30 years to her appearance.
bipedal walkers are failure bound anyway user
aim for tracked vehcile
>being a lonely fuck and masturbating to the thought of someone else being a lonely fuck and masturbating
As soon as you barafaggots stop sexualizing everything. He's a fucking gargoyle for goodness sakes.
If you're under 25 you can still take steps towards being a cuteboy
Just make sure there's actual lavender in your soap+lotion before you start squatting and running every day
how do I spectate bronze games lolg? I know I can use op.gg for challenger etc, but what about bottom of the barrel?
I don't know how to ride a bike. I'm also black so its double funny.
Saltyteemo if it still exists
Which legal legend has the qtest feet ?
oh right I forgot about that
I was asking more about in client, but that works for me too
imagine his rock solid dick pumping your ass
I've been thinking about the same girl everyday for over 5 years.
Rate my el Prankavera /lolg/
is karthus any good right now? or does all the mobility assasins rape him?
Dumb, google male statues and gargoyles sometime
>he flashed
lol what elo?
decent play.
im in love with 2 girls:one who lives literally in another continent but i cant contact her for unknown reasons since 3 months and im thinking the worst and one who lives quite near and she likes me but wont admit it...im so lonely ;_;
I have a huge pregnancy fetish
I also realized that my secrets are kind of boring.
This reminds me so much of that bug of that global Lee Sin dash where he dashes from bot to top and kicks WW at mid tower and the poor guy is so confused on what the fuck is going on he just flashes away just to be sure.
I want to bang this robot booty like a screen door in a hurricane.
Jesus user, let go.
post that shit nigga
>online relationships
lol losers
delete this camille is pure >:(
i'm trans but keep being lazy about things i'd need to do
>get into promos
>instantly get a feeding botlane + midlane
every fucking time
these fucking things are rigged 100%
>not putting on a dress and calling it a day
this will hurt.
what elo were you before?
Whoever drew this picture did a really good job because they managed to make Camille look attractive instead of an old miserable hag who wants to take down the patriarchy.
I'll tell you what you need to do, you need to go to the goddamn psych ward and get your dysphoria treated.
how tight's that bp bby?
Is there anything juicier than seeing someone play a champ to a level that you know you'll never achieve?
>That fucking 1 v 3 when he lives against syndra karma and zac
Fucking crazy.
you gotta start early senpai, you don't want to be a hon, do you?
>overload a champion with cancer kit
>game is seriously lacking in point and click stuns
i used to be good at music/singing and tried out for american idol but i never kept up with it after high school and im too shy and ashamed to do it in front of others anymore after regressing so much
is there no Veeky Forums chat on the new client? or any chats? im confused
knowing when to smash buttons is not being skilled.
why is this thread already filling up when the previous one has hit neither the post or image limit
solo/duo fucking when
Why did this pop up if I've won several ranked games yesterday and this week?
unranked I am just genuinely bad
>braindead champ who no matter what you do is always relevant because of his kit
>wow le plays
>Lolbabs implying they could pull off a quarter of the plays in this vid because LUL NOSKILL CHAMP
I think it warns you for decay in the solo/duo queue (which elo is ironically what you ended up with last season's DYNAMIC QUEUE)
The matches you're talking about are flex queue I assume but the two queues are different
Pick one, silver surfer.
>that ultimate positioning him out of turret range
>this is intended
Every time
do me that with wukong and I say you are good
its already up on OCE :^)
Solo/duo is currently unavailable, and has ben all season so far. What am I supposed to do lol
because he is a shit character doesnt mean he takes skills, all look no mechanics at all.
>not braindead
b-blease resbond
literally fucking warwick takes more skill tahn yasuo
I'm engaged to a DFC brown tomboy. she looks 10/10 when dressed as a guy and would impregnate/10 when I saw her wearing a backless gown. Her back's beautiful and smooth, I want to rub my dick on her spine. She also ate alot more pussy and more GFs than me. I love my waifu more though than her tho, I see her as a friend now.
get fucked kid
im in love with someone but ill never admit it to them for various reasons
ill probably be alone forever
how do you manipulate yasuo's ult so its just outta turret range?
I once took my friend's sister's underwear and used them to masturbate
54 or dubs picks summoner name
its automatic since yasuo getting attacked by a turret while ulting someone under it would be toxic :^)
ask riot.
>tfw really like ez as a champ
>tfw can't land skillshots for shit
>tfw literally me on the right
>Things lolg says.
>everyone trying to bait saying he is braindead
That was a cool montage I wish I could perform at that level.
thanks riot
>in trouble for not playing a mode they disabled
Good reaction times are a nice skill to have, user.
i love being a healslut, and i masturbate when my adc bully me
>Veeky Forums chat will be gone with new client
wtf where am i going to be autistic now?
>has to actually chose his ulti targets
>doesnt have any dashing cancer shit
>high skillcap q mechanics
>dashes around like a fucking monkeys and gets kills
>FREE cc
>just ults anyone and gets 50% armorpen
>balanced wall of stopping every projectile in the game
>2 / 100 chance
fuck off
in case I got it MEMEQUEEN
Yasuo mains thing that they actually know how to play because they do flashy things, that is my complain.
I only wanted to show off the video because he actually does some really cool plays, beyond just the normal lel pressed r killed everyone yasuo.
Why do people get so salty when it comes to yasuo/riven/vayne/zed etc etc?
Just tell them you fucking faggot. Don't make the same mistake I did. What's the worst that could happen? Now think about the best that could happen.
Post 'em
Say something nice and something mean about the person before you
>Why do people get so salty when it comes to yasuo/riven/vayne/zed etc etc?
Just like how people get "salty" when we get shoved gay fur porn down our throat in those threads: Because we don't want your kind here.