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we free weekend now boiss

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Best ship forever



This is literally the most casual FPS of all time. How you don't manage to have all gold medals and win nearly every game is beyond me

>Keep getting heroes I suck at in 1v1


I approve

Mei needs that BWC


stop using this term, we already look bad getting salty about BLACKED as it is

>tfw no qt blueberry smug to hug
It hurts.

Sombra is a gimmick hero just like Symmetra.

A good player can fuck over a team, only for a certain amount of time, before even the shit players become privy to the gimmick and don't rely on important health packs, or sit far away from teammates, etc.

Chinese invented it

also nothing is as bad as indian guys doing it so until they stop nobody else has to

Did it die because Rein's fingers are too big to press the buttons?

Anybody who plays more zarya/is actually good at her, do you feel her laser can actually hit more easily now?

I remember some user saying they did something to her laser.

What does the free weekend say about the state of this game?

Pharah is best

>the story will never be completed

Ghosting up behind a Bastion, hacking him out of turret mode, and then shooting the fuck out of him is the most satisfying fucking feeling ever.


why would you hack him? if you shoot at least half your clip into his headbit you'll kill him with less hassle

Nothing, it's just about standard these days. It's like questioning paid cosmetics.

So I want to weeb it up. Genji or Hanzo? I'm on ps4

I've messed around with them, but I suck at both right now.

I can melt heroes with small hitboxes much better now.

Before I just used her right click to hit them because the laser was shit against their tiny hitboxes, but now its way better.


I disagree. Hacking a Tracer, then not even giving her the dignity of killing her yourself, but rather watching her run around in a panic for a few seconds before your team gangbangs her, is the most satisfying feeling.

I didn't do placement matches yet, if I do them will I still get end of season bonus comp points?

sorry, im not merican or eastern european so i dont need to care about guns

I wonder how genji's voice actor feels right now, knowing that all the internet is deservingly making fun of him

if you do them, then yeah

Homofags on suicide watch.

he probably doesnt care because he has millions


I've never understood the hover meme. What is it supposed to mean? The guy is a beta? Or the girl is ugly?

Holy shit it's real

Because shooting him in turret mode gives him a chance to turn around and ventilate you, especially since Sombra's weapon isn't the most accurate thing. Getting too close may alert his teammates who are near him.

homos on suicide watch

Usually hoverhand is for girls so hot that the guy feels uncomfortable touching her cause he feels like shes going to feel awkward cause he isn't attractive enough or something

>play overwatch in morning as a wake up
>meeting at 10am, it is 9:35am right now
>need to log off or else I arrive late and get laid off
>this happens

I don't think VA make millions user

That... wow. I'm so sorry, November user. So what does this mean for "soon," then? More focus on Zarya's storyline, maybe?

even people with millions still care about their public image. And secondly I think you greatly overestimate how much voice actor make

the first one

>we've basically finished the comic
>we spent hours working on it
>we paid everyone
but in the last second they went through it again and were
>You know dude, we just retcon that shit!
...Blizzard writing 10/10

if you're in hack range on a bastion, you're either visible to the enemies or they have no idea you're there
getting closer wont make a difference

hacking just adds more time. just shoot his head, fuck off and hack a healthpack

>tfw homofags BTFO

Fucing top kek. End yourselves homos.


If you're reading this dont forget to do those squats.

Is HotS similar to Smite at all? I have a few thousand hours experience in that and wondering if it will help.


>the state of First Strikefags


This BTFO might be bigger than amputee fag's

This free weekend doesn't exist. It was created by the Chinese as a method to slow down our progression towards Grand Master in Overwatch.

I am terrified of this free weekend

What happened? Did he actually do this or something?

How cute, he still thinks the story matters.

Can't wait for the slow drip feed over 15 years until they just soft reboot it anyway.

>hots servers are becoming unstable as millions of new players rush to join the server like black friday for oni genji
>hots was never ready for this because the game was so bad there weren't a lot of servers to handle this load
>hots will be forgotten after early Jan 2017

>reinhardt's voice actor
This guy is so cool he obviously really loves his job.
Mercy's voice actress is hot

M-maybe they're just adding in the Reaper76. Maybe it wasn't going to be in there at first and they're putting it in... right?

dude. yes. Girl on the left is dva's va, dude on the right is gengu's

Wait, haven't been in the loop; what was in store and why did they cut it at the last second?

Reminder that 3v3 should be random mirror matches

>pay writers money
>pay artists money
>cancel novel

blizz business decisions are truly amazing


Isn't that some form of kindness in Japan?

For what felt like forever, there was an avid Gabriel x Reyes poster that kept reminding everyone everyday in every thread about NOVEMBER.

Which was the release date for the First Strike novel which would be about early Overwatch. He was 200% convinced that it would have Gabriel and Reyes fucking each other.


In Japan you pretty much never talk to the opposite sex other than your family. Part of why imouto fetish is so popular there

We don't know one way or another, I'm just saying. I expected nothing to begin with, though.

>Gods doesn't have a team
>Tailspin doesn't have a team
>IDDQD doesn't have a team

Shipping is a mental illness

hell if I know, but looks awkward as fuck since he's living in the usa now. Unless he's stealthily showing his disdain for gooks by refusing to touch one

that's hot

I didn't expect them to outright cancel it but I also forgot Michael Chu is the story director now.

Remember this is the guy who couldn't even remember who has robot limbs or not

Oh. Thanks for the info.

Post Mercy actress

iddqd is still affiliated with fnatic somehow. So i don't think there's anything there.

?? is this a meme or something retarded?
what? Reaper was going to fuck himself?

Genji's voice actor is actually pretty attractive.

I think he meant Morrison and Reyes.

>Pursuing the stream monster career

1/3 seem to be doing fine in this department

Genji x Roadhog confirmed canon

please stop reminding me she's dead

>I don't even play Genji

how long till November-user kills himself and streams the suicide for everyone to watch?

Im so happy now that those faggot fucks will stop spamming. I dont mind gay people but dont be an autistic spastic about it, fuck off. Same for the widow poster.


So far every VA looks the way I expected them to

where's Junkrat's and what nationality is he

Not surprised that First Strike was cancelled since Chu is the lead writer but didn't seem to have any involvement with the story.

The oni skin has allowed for a whole new group of people to see just how awful HoTS is

no, user, homoposters won't stop posting. Only november-user will. If anything homoposting will intensify since we'll need to find some outlet for our sexual frustration now that we can't fap to first strike. So expect a lot of homo-related greentext in the future

Chris Parson? Pretty sure he's American. I know he was there but I've only seen him in a couple of group photos, nothing with individual VAs.

>that dude in the background trying to escape the gravitational force

He's the only one I don't know anything about

why do gaming companies get people from X country to do a Y country accent when they could just get a Y countryman

Just played 5 QP games with no Sombra.

How is she dead already

what a waste of shields

>he didn't save Malik

cause sometimes they can't get a Y countryman

>reapers voice actor actually looks like him

I don't know. Maybe they couldn't find an Australian voice actor who sounded like what they wanted, or maybe none auditioned.

>he doesn't like homo/widow posting
>triggered this hard
Why don't you use a filter?

>not fucking yourself