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Smuglock Edition

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More like FARTstone kek

Can't wait for Priest to shet on everything. My main's time is coming ahwbahWBHAWBHAWBHAWBHAWBHABWHABWHAWBHABWHABW

Streaming Heroic Brawl Fedora Warrior

Will be pretty comfy


Xth for this expansion will be hot fucking garbage once people stop dicking around with Reno decks and everyone plays dragon curve stone decks

Prove me wrong( you can't)

Does the priest legendary still make your hero power cost zero if you change it someone? for example

You play the minion, hero power now costs zero
play finley, get a new hero power

does the second hero power still cost 0? or does it reset

I stopped playing shadowverse a while ago really, to much tilt from evolve spam on turn 4's


I'd feel sorry for the guy but he was a warrior

don't you all love how people just expect overall good cards for their class and then team 5 just go "here's a forced archetype, you will play it, and you will love it" like really, discard wasn't even a mechaninc, it was just like 2 card that had it, they a bunch of years later they try to make discardlock a thing

No one clarified this yet, but from what I can say, I think it lasts even if you change your hero power.

What I base this on is that the card text says "Your hero power" not "Your current hero power".

First for Beardo will be viable in Priest

dumb retard

how does it work with purify

Or you could just play 5 mana 5/5 that makes your hero power free for the rest of the game

Post some HS art requests, did this one last time.

Get in here faggots.

Support /hsg/ streaming and watch this nigga go 4-3 with Fedora Warrior.

That's the point retard, that you use them both together.

That's the point, without Justicar you can almost OTK. You just need more 0 cost spells.

3> Beardo
5>Embrace Shadow
5> Hero Power - 2
6> Flash Heal - 7
6> Hero Power- 9
8> Mind Blast - 14
8> Hero Power - 16
9> Holy Smite - 18
9> Hero Power - 20
10> Power Word Shield
10> Hero Power - 22
10> Circle of Healing
10> Hero Power 24

I think the point is to play both with a p.w shield and flash heal it's basically a second reno

i only watch and donate to female slavic streamers lad

Can you draw Barnes playing soccer?

Reno with his arms around all the new one of cards

play cunnyverse

fuck off with your inferior game

at least post some new lewds

Hmmm I can't watch forsen for more than 10 minute without getting the worst headache. What is wrong with me?

>10 mana 7 card combo that doesn't even deal 30
You need to stop this meme.

>Reno, Kazakus, Inkmaster, Chained dude all sharing a drink
aww man now I'm getting emotional

>there will never be another 6+ hour brainpower stream

It's not 7 specific cards. It's like Tempo Mage. I'm not saying it's the whole point of the deck. But if you run a Kazakus/Yogg Deck. Why not include it?
It's a finisher where you can dump your hand for free damage.

>He doesn't enjoy 6 hours of gay moaning sounds remixed

Will there ever be a meta where I can drop millhouse on 2

not until there's a card with counter/debuff to spells in hand.

Poor little white Gnome.

mages are gay

That female anatomy is so retarded.

Her ass is also her pussy ? How does this work ?

What's a good renolock deck?

I gotta start learning it soon I hope.

reno cthun or dragon are both alrigh t

one that also includes BGH, kodo and consecration murloc

I used to be on v4c a lot, so even sanic does not even make me jump.

v4c is almost 60% ear rape and memes.

Post dicks please?

I would try dragon, but blackrock's the only expansion I dont have (Aside from first wing).


I'm sad that the best one got removed. Bayonetta used to be a great one. Here the only other I found.

Oh I thought you had something specific you made, well alrighty then.

so was TGT only reason for existing the release of justicar?

TGT had other cards.

And Card games like Hearthstone need a ton of average cards.

Is renocthun the best or is renonzoth best?

Im only missing cairne from the nzoth list.

>Go 2nd
>draw extra cards
>additional evolution point
>can evolve before your opponent

Going first only matters in combo mirrors

>put acolyte of pain against flamewaker
>nigger mage draws you 3 cards

cthun is better against more decks, jaraxus alone wins control

Thinking about Reno Priest lists after Mean Streets Drops

>edwin is balanced
nice meme

>tfw inspire is finally viable

I'm expecting MSoG to be released between Dec 5th and the 9th.

It'll be one month away from the announcement, which is how they usually do it. It allows one extra week after the Jade Lotus get their turn. It qualifies as "early December".

his fault for not hacking lightbomb into his hand

N'Zoth allows you to play better minions than C'Thun buffers, but I don't think it's that important in the end. Versus control your win condition is Jaraxxus, versus aggro your win condition is somehow not dying and being able to bounce back from playing Reno, and versus combo you're pretty fucked anyway unless you manage to hit a perfect curve and pressure them without answer.

>somehow got nut draws against a shaman with bad draws and brags about it

With you at 21hp on turn 10+ against a shaman, he did NOT have a good hand

Really makes you think

Too bad no ones voting to see what he does
>tfw being a warlock main is suffering

his hand was absolute trash having no minions
mine wasn't perfect early but his plays were so slow that it didn't really matter

edwin is such a devastating card though
against hunters and paladins you just end the game on the spot if you can get like an 8/8 or a 10/10 turns 2-4

Drop Millhouse and Cho on turn 4, enjoy the memes.

>forsen about to go 2 wins brawl AGAIN

At least post the new one.

blizzard didn't boost his RNG like everyone else's so he's playing by the same rules as normal people

>never ever fucking lucky


huh ?

no, they stopped boosting streamers after the first day

and now only good people are playing instead of people scammed into it

>against hunters and paladins
deadly shot m8, also follow de rules if you don't conceal
Early big Vancleef is the most devastating vs. druid because not all of them run double mulch and they often mulligan it away for ramp.

no one runs deadly shot
aldor is great though forgot about him
druid is about as screwed as hunter but druid can often taunt to slow it down while for hunter it's freezing or bust

fucking stream snipers I swear

There's still untill mid saturday. People always get this sort of shit done. Some fag on reddit will make a script and spam vote it or something if nothing else

mysterious challenger was a decent card

Still streaming fedora warrior, currently 1-1

Still pretty comfy

so far no radiohead but it might be played at some point

>get pyroblast generated from cabalist's tome
>enemy warrior plays fucking yogg-saron instead of walling up on 10 hp

thanks for win I guess.

Still streaming fedora warrior, currently 1-1

Still pretty comfy

so far no radiohead but it might be played at some point


i was about to quit after an abysmal arena run and this happens

>Tech in Harrison Jones
>Shamans, Hunters and Warriors suddenly stop using weapons
>Take him out
>Win Claws, Fiery Win Axe, Win Bows Galore

Why do I keep playing this un-fun, rigged, piece of shit game?

got memed on by a dragon mage

feels bad

what's the new hotness for midrange shaman? it's got like rag and WIIIIINDS in it right? and not 477 i think. this is what i'm still using.

Wait until you play it, you'll want to quit even more. Xaril is so disappointing.

I'm sorry to say this dude, but I don't think I've seen anyone play control Warrior this badly before.

Duskboar was a real MVP in the Dorothee Brawl, glad I kept one copy of it.

Imagine being warrior/druid/mage, playing wild and somehow getting the new priest legendary and the next turn somehow playing Coldarra Drake

Lucky cunt

>dusting commons

How poor can you be

I've got Hallazeal in mine which helps a lot with freeze scum.

None of those except mage would ever run a reno deck.

Now, consider a priest discovering Coldarra off of Kabal Courier with the new legendary

When did you realize that Hearthstone was making you unhappy?

>hurr durr all the healing belongs to one class
>and all the effects that make healing useful belong to a different class
>in a game with no cross-classing

This is why Hearthstone's deckbuilding will always be complete trash. True wild with no class card restrictions when?

Kripp just posted another 15 minute video of him moaning about randomness

>complaining about randomness in a card game

He should play the Pokemon TCG instead.

>priest with aldor
>rogue with innervate

yeah man that wouldn't be frustrating at all

I dont like youtube Kripp for some reason

i'm guessing he didn't do too well in heroic brawl

HS is by far THE most RNG card game out there. It's hardly surprising people are complaining.

>not knowing Dice Masters

What if Blizzard chose a random card each week and buffed it just for a week?

>Priest is going to be the new Shaman

The amount of Auchenai bullshit you're going to see with this, I swear on me mum.