League of legends general /lolg/

High quality ship containing only high quality waifu and husbano material edition


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What's your opinion about courage of the colossus? Op? Needs a nerf?
Imho it's just too strong, the shield is absolutely stupid and I mostly play tanks.

hohoho and a tree full of dead niggers yoho!

Definitely OP. It can be procced waaaaay too easily and what it gives is too strong. I'm even seeing CotC on non-tanks, like full AD Renekton or Jax and it's STILL fucking annoying to break through.

Shields in general just need more counters. It absolutely baffles me League STILL doesn't have shield piercing attacks in its 7th season.

Just needs a nerf.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

I don't want to go swimming in Lulu anymore.

But that's not Guu.

is there a /lolg/ discord?

Can we protest these VxV threads too?

I want to feel like a young Liberal.

>Watch twitch
>Ads still go through


but protesting against actually autistic things doesnt make you a liberal, just a normal person

Looks nothing like Katarina. Katarina looks like a middle aged woman who dyed her hair to look young again.

God I hate League fanart, because it's almost NEVER true to the character.

I'm starting to think we should aswell. Vladfag needs to stop this shit. She could just wait until the thread is pass bump limit.

dubs, 98, 54 or 27 chooses my new summoner name


Sona is the Breast Waifu!

>middle aged

muh dikk

Just go with Lebelont.

Renegade renekton

Guu? More like WHO!? lmao
Why don't you use Katarinas old splash as reference if you're going to be a stickler for such things? She's a virtual character her status on identity flows based on patchnotes user, everything you love will come to die, it is best to accept it now and be happy with what you have than to complain about change


>still no league anime/cartoon/comic/novel

That's literally her current splash art you mouth breather.

Reminder that the Mordekaiser rework will make him tankier than Poppy while having more damage than Brand



Talk shit about Guu again and I swear.

Someone should make an update of pic related including the newer female champs like Kalista and Illaoi.


Why did Riot ruin Talon

no basedamage

His passive sucks

no real gapcloser

His E is shit

these are the correct runes for everyone cept mages

7%->5% and it will be fine

Why do you think Sona is connected to Ryze in the new lore thing?

I'm guessing he's one of the people who tries to take the etwahl. I bet there will be a story of how it gets back.

Roll, I guess.

I would be fine with that nerf.

>check december sale
>pool party mf for 900
>arcade mf chromas for 190
what do? should i get pool party or arcade? i can't decide


That's neat, I was aware of that.
more like

fuck off you colossal faggot
4 seconds is way too long, it needs to get halved

Isn't Ryze like, connected to any powerful wizard in the League?

Roll 4 Janna



>still no ez bf


Then the cooldown should be halved then.

>something should be nerfed
>buff it instead

welcome to riot

No it shouldn't.

You can't keep suggesting compensation buffs when we nerf shit or else you don't get anywhere.

>got braum in aram
>most fun I've ever had playing a support character

Is this what a fun support feels like?

Kat was built for ________

Yeah,that shit is annoying af. The tank meta is really boring.

Good thing you don't do the balancing for keystones.
Indeed most fun Support are tanky and not beta supports like janna.

>Implying I won't just protest the result of the vote.

spinning like garen

garen x kat is canon

>mfw this shit on naughtylust

that's so fucking annoying because his passive procs it

trading with him is a nightmare with that and his E

I wonder if this worth using on sion too, I feel like his CC isn't reliable enough

Let's look at Camille's actions and values in the comic:

>delusionally believes that her viewpoints and ideals are the only right ones for Piltover and Zaun at large; if you disagree with them, then you're either childishly ignorant or scum that deserves to die or be cut off
>is vehemently against Piltover and Zaun's social classes, customs and cultures intermingling with each other
>will not tolerate on Zaunites attempting to climb up the social hierarchy into wealthy Piltie territory, instead maintains this corrupt and rigid social class system by only killing the Zaunites off
>this means that she's completely for the wealthy and one-percents of Piltover parasiting off of the harsh work of Zaun's impoverished citizens and wants it to stay that way
>she destroys a young woman's life, dreams and happiness by murdering her true love and fiance, which in turn is forcing said young woman to return back to her old restrictive and overly-protective past with her father constantly dictating her future. This is anything but pro-feminism or pro-SJW.
>on top of that, her fiance was a physically-disabled man of a different race. Initially, we're led to believe that he's just some mobster scum who wanted to marry her for money. But he looked fairly wealthy by all standards and he was initially protecting her when Camille barged in. Who's to say that his body wasn't disfigured by Piltie police in the past, or that he and his fiance had plans to better Zaun and Piltover's relations in the future?

She's not feminist propoganda, but she's definitely leftist propoganda, as her actions and values expose just how retarded, biggoted and ignorant most righty ideals truly are. Yet it flew over most of your minds because she happened to be a woman. If she was initially designed to be a man - especially a white man - then it would've been easy as day for all of you to see. But instead you mistake it as feminist propaganda. It's laughable.

Assassinating targets and taking out to nice dinners. Private lives are none of your concern
garen isnt real kiddo

I want to impregnate this beauty!

Yard work.


Best waifu get


post cute

Hi guys I work for Riot.

Warwick's auto attacks deal 125% of his AD.

>no option for "i dont give a fuck"


it's called not voting


I can't look at Talon's portrait without seeing him as bald.


>new champ design is literally battleborn tier shit
and they said Anthony Burch wouldn't ruin the game

Hahahahahahahahahahaha she's sucking Jinx's cock now! Cute, more like SLUT!

Any Eurofags want to play?

>Jinx's cock

Dumb futa poster

what do twitch's butthole smell like
i bet it actually has a sweet odor and taste

lol, chances are that the new champion was in development long before Burch was hired. I doubt he had any influence whatsoever, game development doesn't happen THAT quickly.

>implying Anthony Burch did any of this
You're retarded.

Hanging for the crimes she committed

jinx is a trap, bro

It aint my waifu who's a turned into a whore. Stay mad


>she's sucking Jinx's cock now!
Post more

>Still no 42 inch Kled plush with fuckable asshole and ability to have a dildo attached to it
Why even life?

>Your favorite champion trades his R ability with your most hated champion.

What would be the result?

maybe i am, maybe not
but that doesn't changes the fact that Anthony "please fuck my wife!" Burch is working at Riot

What does /lolg/ think of Jax?

>yasuo with syndra R
man id taker that all day.

Nubile waifus are the best for breeding

It's sweaty and has a mind-melting odder that will make you desperate to taste it. It has hints of lime and piss, left over from Zac.

xth for Leona is aplha and gives no fucks about your bullshit

Hi Veeky Forums, I have a question, Is there a way to automatic mute everyone in game? I don't wanna be tempted again to read this toxic community I'm too sensible for this

>Udyr losing his R
Dropped harder than a sack of shit

>likes Yasuo
>hates Syndra
checks out

/mute all is the closest it comes. I feel for you user, don't expect the rest of the autists to.



being sad about :(
i hate how she is now :(

filthy cretins

sauce man 420

Camille is Ori