/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[App v1.16.0]
Can use 20 EXP at a time
Cumulative CE leveling
Cold-storage for unused servants/CEs
Can refresh support list and filter by bonus CEs

>[Around a Week with Santa Alter Lite]
11/16 - 11/22
4* Santa Alter Available again
Christmas gacha limited to 7 resets

-Event CE
5* Holy Night Sign -Quick up 8%, Crit Damage 15%, Stocking drops +20%
5* Present for My Master -Crit Weight 100%, HP recovered 40%, Star drop +1
4* March of Saints -200 HP each turn, 3% NP each turn, Silver bell drop +1
3* Lightning Reindeer -Buster 15% (3 turns) Ribbon Drop +1

[Christmas Rerun Gatcha]
5* Jack
4* Nursery Rhyme
4* Marie
3* Jing Ke
3* Robin Hood

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game

>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 12/6
-Babylon in December
-New Christmas event in December
-FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:



Cleo a cutie.


Haha time for thread wars


Nobu a CUTE.


She's trying her best.

Would you /fgog/?


remember to treat your 3* servants kindly

Loli adventures.

They're locked up in the new storage


>tfw cold storage

Sita when?

5* Yoshitsune when?


you people are terrible

Admit that rolling the bait gacha was a mistake.

I know, was just hoping for a little more, at least a word.
I still love her all the same though.

She looks pretty flustered.
Of course I would.


also not soon enough

I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

Bryn is the best and the prettiest and she has her own battle theme music.

I made 2 servants gold
and I only used the storage for CEs, maybe for EXP too.



but which two?

>get a ticket for the seventh day reward
>fuck it, roll them bones
>Silver Rider
>turns Gold
>get this
First Jack, now Cake. Should I try for Book too?

Scat theme music was pretty good I hope the quality is consistent kinda hyped for i t

I want Nursery Rhyme to take a ride on me.

>5* Lancer Adolf Hitler
>5* Berserker/Caster Joseph Stalin
>4* Rider Winston Churchill
>4* Berserker Benito Mussolini
>4* Caster Franklin Roosevelt
>3* Archer Hideki Tojo
>3* Caster/Archer Harry Truman

WWII singularity soon, lads.

Rolled Jack in february


I'm free, /fgog/

Just because you are correct doesn't mean that you are Right

>500 left for me
I'll just wait for an event to hand then out.

My favorite 2 3*s.
I'm sorry, I still need to max ascend Ushi.


ah, that's fair enough
well get to it then

Scathach will be the superior heroine with a superior theme

Cu Alter being an emo big brother, cute.

Who is the best non Gold Berserker?


Well, for comparison.

This is Brynhildr's theme:

This is Scathach's theme:

I gotta go with Shishou on this one.


maybe Lu Bu for his NP damage output or Bloodaxe for his skills

What's a good CE for Helena, /fgog/?

Should I keep the Lunchtime on my Jeanne Alter or not?
Is it worth keeping her in my all slot in general since everybody has her? Or should I put Nero in Saber and Okita in all?


Fuck off.


Spartacus after his buff.

I hope Shishou gets good h-scenes with lots of kissing

Is this an educated prostitute

servant when?

She's Waver lite so Twice 2030. And yes you should considering that's the only reason anyone will use her since friendlist's are filled with Jeanne Alter.

My navel folder expends each day.

Just Grail Caligula to level 100, max his skills and feed him Fous until he's full. Then post screenshots of meme damage.

What CE is best for Bride?

Is that supposed to be Obama Alter?

LB Lunchtime.

>non damaging np
>meme damage


>so 2030
Boy I would if I had it. In that case I wouldn't be asking.

Been playing since day 1, no IA, no Formalcraft.
But 3 Leo CEs and 3 Limited Over Zero and can't forget that sweet Mikiya CE.
I fucking hate this gacha. I'd trade my L/OZ copies for a single IA.

Formal Craft, Twice or Any Stars-Arts CE.

It's been a while since I last checked. Since when Cirnopedia is kill?

Twice, +50 Bond or anything that helps you team as you don't use her for her own damage.

If you want to be efficient it should be on a Rider or Berserker since the map people farm has a Caster at the end, but Vlad sucks dicks so I'd put it on Okita.

Your Jeanne Alter isn't even fully maxed and there are a lot of them so I'd just put Okita there. Looks better to have a Level 100 10/10/10 there.


Then put formalcraft on her, why didn't you roll the Extella gacha? Twice was on the rate up.

>Relying on NP for memedamage
>Not just going full BBC with over 100% Buster bonus

Then post what CEs you have available.

>Why didn't you roll the bait gacha

I wonder why.

>vlad sucks dicks

Fuck off Rad Vlad is a good Berserker, he took on almost every boss that was in the Illya collab by the end with his endless spam of NP.

I don't have that either man, I even said that.

I got the Illya Buster CE maxed and 3 additional copies, 3 L/OZ copies but jackshit for the other categories

Like 2 of the Projection Magic CEs and 3 Gandrs.

I'm getting fucking Buster memed on. And I didn't wanna waste my Quartz on a bait gacha. Not gonna roll for a single CE.


>I don't have any CE's
>I would put them if I had it
>nah I don't wanna roll the bait gachas

Oh well I guess you are stuck with no good CE's then.

Impossible, you have to have at least one Arts CE if you claim you started since day 1. Even the Luvia CE from the Illya event should be in your Arts CE pile.

>Rolling for CEs
>Rolling the bait gacha

So much wrong in this post, besides, You'd get another ending or hotdog from the moon instead of 2030 either way.

We're talking about picking supports here. If I'm going to kill a 300k Caster, I'd choose Kintoki or Cu Alter to get it done faster. I have Vlad on my alt and he does fine, but I'd never pick him from the support list unless I had a team tailored for him, which you can bet most people don't have. And even there he has awful NP gain so it'll be a pain to get his NP up from scratch due to him having Lunch CE.

I end my bond farming runs in 3 to 4 turns and if I had to rely on Vlad that would be impossible.

Yeah even if I like Bryn better as she is the one I love I gotta admit Scat's battle theme is better, not by much though. Great art and great music if this game can deliver on story and H scenes I will off myself for being an EOP

No. Your prison has just become slightly bigger.

So does your favorite fate servant has any memes about him/her?

Not with that attitude, I rolled the Nero gach and got another 2030 which got me up to two.


I'unno. You tell me.

I'm the one asking the questions here pink lemonade

But I'm ignorant to the art of memes.

Pretty much all the ones I got. Below are some minor 3* CEs which don't really matter.

Hey I'm having those loli adventures for stockings


Fuck off.

Imperator Lucius Hiberius, the Emperor of Swords, the Bear of Rome. He wields Florent, finest of swords, granting him the divine blessing of the goddess Flora and signifying his claim of lordship over the continent Europa, and he fights with the strength of Brachium ex Gigas, the arms of giants. Sir Bedivere could not stand before him and Sir Gawain could not contain him. As a warrior he strikes fear even into the rakshasa under his command. His army is gathered from three continents and is commanded by several great kings, among them: Epistrophius, King of the Greeks; Mustansar, King of the African peoples; Aliphatma, King of the Hispanics; Pandras, King of Egypt; Micipisa, King of Babylonia; and, Polydetes, King of Bithynia. Among his soldiers he counts a number of impregnable giants riding great beasts, and tens thousands of powerful magi, shamans and abnormal people who hail from as far away as the Far East.

And one day it will be his time.

>take pics
>use ps to put them together
>get called fb fag either way

I'm playing on a phone and good luck getting them from your phone to your pc without fucking up the quality.

Time for what exactly?

How do I know if a Servant is my favorite Servant?

When is DW giving us Morgan, Vortigern, Tiberius and the rest of the Knights?

Lets complete the Arthurian wank circle already

Don't even try to save face now, faggot.

>something I don't like is facebook boogieman


Hyde. I really want to use a level 100 Hyde and see how stupid his damage is.

Just fuck off, I'm not helping you anymore.

Of course.
I love a lot more silver/bronze servants but this game only gives you so many grails.

>literally nothing that'd imply I'd even go anywhere near facebook
>"lol facebook"

Yeah, great going there