League of legends general /lolg/

Talon a shit edition



God damn it I almost did it.

why aint there lolg streamers?

Talon doesnt care what you think!

hes got a cute boy to love!

You fucking faggot laners are pathetic pieces of shit, For the first time in god knows how long supports have been given some love with new items and a whole mastery keystone just for the CC bots that give their all to get the ADC fed.

But NOOOOOOO , every champion with an ounce of CC wants to run our new mastery and some are even building our items. At this rate Rito will nerf everything and leave ebin champs like Leona worse than when the season started. You jealous fucks cant see us have anything nice,

Fuck all of you, and fuck your high gold income. Next time a Leona or Alistar leaves you to die instead of helping you get that quadra kill know that thats me making you pay for ruining OUR items, just like you did with frost queens.

Seriously, fuck all of you. I hope you get Yasuo and Riven mains in every one of your games for the next year.

trash op with no links. someone make a not shit op

No there isnt you lied

xth for booty

i miss the times when they existed and eyeosonsomething tracked them

>no detective champion


Still waiting on somebody to prove that doubelift isn't the best non-KR ADC

Literally the only responses so far are memes and "doublelift is reddit therefore he is shit XD" posts

Fertile ghosts.

Metroid streams I think.

Meant to link

Qt used to come here.
Every stupid ass link is there god damn it


when i'm shaved yes

>shyvana passive gutted
>ap ratios gutted
>in return we get an exploding fireball and a small heal upon casting ult

What the fuck riot? You took a champion that was already in a bad spot in the meta and made them worse? What the fuck was that supposed to accomplish?

When did this become popular.

Also why is talon jungle so popular now?

is hashinshin the highest ranked player that posts here?


Ultimate breeding body


Kalista is fertile? Has this been confirmed?

no, I am


>tfw lost all my matt "jimmy neutron" "brainblast" "benny bananas" "felipe fresas" mangos pics

what happened to that guy either way, i stopped coming here for some time and when i returned i never saw him again

Poppy pretending to be human in order to fit in!

Poppy struggling with basic human activities in order to fit in!

Poppy's boyfriend struggling to stick his dick inside Poppy's strangely tight vagina!

I'll never complain about my favorite champions not getting attention again
all riot does is fuck them up

So you're saying doublelift is the best non korean at right clicking on his mouse?

Who cares?

>ywn shitpost with nagi and smochi ever again

CoC is for junglers and top laners dipshit

It was a direct nerf to Nidalee and Graves so they couldn't put out ridiculous damage AND be retardedly tanky.

You wanna play support tanks so bad pick up Bond of Stone already

xth for yordle butts

She's a big gal.

t. Tarzaned


what is the average lolg elo

Guess all 4

I don't want to go swimming in Lulu anymore.

>forgetting league's esports supervillain

Here's your (You) friend, good reaction image :)

He tried to bully our crop of drawfags at the time and we chased him off by spamming pictures of his obese girlfriend

>upgrade to new client
>lags like shit in select
>4 fucking processes for some reason

3 draven champions shards and a nightmare tryndamere skin shard.

1 project skin and poor ass skin at least.

How heavy would sona be if this depiction was accurate ?

What's a relaxing champion to play? Want to chill out after a stressful day.

Imaqtpie was Veeky Forums

why do people spend 5 minutes in lobby after a game shit talking each other
this one was a glorified version of 'you're bad!' 'no you're bad!'

silver NA

plat EUW

i mixed it up and frgot he was actually from KR instead of CN, i'm a fucking imbecile sorry.

Nasus, the comfiest

>Liking fatties

Veeky Forums girls are LITERALLY da best.

What would you say to Bandle if she was sat with you right now?


Arent't retarded people stronger and heavier than normal people to begin with?

I would imagine sona something near 200 pounds with her disability already,

140-150 lbs? I'm not sure, I'm awful at gauging weight by glance, but that feels right.

Nasus after muting all
or any farm jungler

>Are you a trap?

>no muscle tone

kys yourself

vladfag is better

What's the difference?

I'd tell her to ignore the fucking autists in this thread holy fuck.

>tfw we can't just appreciate a drawfag without weirdos chasing them off

>flat, plain looking slavstacey


>cute, thicc drawfriend

xth for kindred

results. not my day at all

is there a rotating gamemode this weekend?

Whats with that pain on her mask?
why is it wet?

I'm glad that you know how to draw yordles

This man is a faggot.

Is graves jg bad rn or am I just a shitter?

That's the best irelia skin.

Aye corporate mundo is a pretty cool skin.

you gotta have opposites dark and light, white knights and black knights

Does Kindred bleat when she gets creampied?

190 pounds i'd say, assuming she's the average height for a woman

I'd probably ask to play league. Or for an autograph w/a doodle.

in a perfect world, I'd ask her to show me her tummy and she'd not only not get mad but do it

wake up


From my Bandle album, for you

did they fix the flex matchmaking?
i've got 2 plats, 1 gold and 1 silver in my lobby, it used to be all silver/gold/unranked

Xin Zhaos is pretty comfy to play toplane in a normals.
>Sit on their minions and keep wave towards you.
>Any time they want to cs auto + Q for instant 200 damage harass.
>If they're half health when you get level 2 dash + auto reset Q and ignite means they're dead if they don't flash.
>Farm wave or take ignite and farm your lane opponent too.
>Get triforce + mobis. Deadmans and spirit visage for tankiness and extra sanic.
>Run around the map pushing in lanes and getting your teammates or yourself fed as fuck.
>Always be with your jungler to take objectives or drag him kicking and screaming to them.
>If the ADC ever dares show their face at you go ham and murder their ass.
>Push their faces in on all sides and win.
The best part is he's so simple to utilize. Comfy as fuck but always fun.
Obviously don't try on initiate on ranged toplaners with escapes like Quinn.

>le plats are same as silver maymay


never mind the enemy team is bronze, silver, silver, silver, unranked
matchmaking is still screwed

>implying she doesn't bleat the entire time

Holy shit. They didn't even give Shyvana infinite scaling on her passive. It only works for elemental dragons.

That means that even if you get all 5 dragons you still end up with lower resistances than you had before.

This shyvana update is fucking terrible. They didn't do anything to improve the champion at all. They made her worse at all stages of the game for no reason. This champion was already bad. What the fuck could justify making it worse?

>TFW we'll never see a bare bandle belly

Feels bad man.

thanks its practically an antique

Also, NEVER pick him into Trundle. I'm a Xin autist but holy fuck that lane feels like I'm getting raped. And not the nice kind of rape, I mean prison rape by a 7 foot tall black man named Big John in the prison showers while the other prisoners mock me and call me a bitch.

more like second worse after nightblade

no it's confirmed to work with elder (you get +10 in each for that)

it still isn't much better

Did you not see the fucking buffs they gave her fireball and ultimate?
They said themselves Shyvanna was becoming far too tanky in testing so her passive was the first thing they looked to nerf down.
Of course its fucking worse, that's the intention.

>implying you can even SEE yordle butts in this canon.

I'll probably play him jungle, I forgot how comfy he was there. Best ganks ever. Thanks user!

Don't forget that her E stops at the first champion it hits now, so you can't have it proced on multiple champions anymore, and people can block your attempts to farm at range if your playing AP or top Shyv.

He's taken a definite hit this patch, he takes fucking forever to do a full clear even if you E-max like a cuck.

Yeah I'd imagine Xin has a rough time against Trundle.
Illaoi though is a really fucking fun matchup to play, you both can easily kill each other if the other misplays.

>TFW no frostblade Poppy/Lulu/Tristana

>implying the lore matters anymore

we're extra dimensional beings who can peer into their realm from beyond reality user, we can see as many goddamn yordle butts as we want.

>btw i cant read

>tfw i am a black guy that wishes his name was john so I can be called by big john by anons on an anonymous anime image board

All new lore is bullshit. Disregard all new lore riot posts.

Does new Shyvana have 110% smite damage?