How does ranked work exactly? Does it reset? Will I have to fight back up from D again next month?
Landon Perez
he gon die
Jayden Long
Bouncing Tia up and down and getting her off a bunch!
Matthew Morales
Adam Gutierrez
Your rank will not reset. Only the points you earn (that gets you rewards) in the month will reset.
If you're in Master rank your ranking will reset to 0
Isaac Thomas
So how does this Hare deck work? It seems fun.
Ian Diaz
blood fucking lost
Hunter Hill
Why does it evolve WHY DOES IT EVOLVE
John Lewis
>healing prayer proc on 4 amulets Jesus Christ
Brandon Sanchez
>just fought a sword craft that had all 3 in hand Not happy desu.
Alexander Campbell
I need this haven player's decklist
Nathaniel Russell
Wow Sword is even more broken than I thought
Landon Myers
Shouldn't have burnt my playset.
Michael Reyes
I hope theres a ptp or two somewhere in his deck
Leo Moore
She's not even that hot?
Brody King
Is this divine punishment?
Eli Rodriguez
i have complained about haven nonstop since starting to play i hate them the most and i hate playing them the most but right now i really want to play this fucking hare deck
Sebastian Howard
This shits already hilarious and way more exciting than anything on ladder
This is hilarious. How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Anthony Myers
>4-0 run >last match is against Master rank with Selector Supreme >beat him
David Sullivan
This, it's amazing and i bet he has a PTP in hand too
Tyler Powell
>animated rise of the dead causes the card it returns to be animated neat
Grayson Reyes
This seems way too slow to be efficient though.
Aiden Evans
Liam Evans
Oliver Jenkins
spoiler; went first
Kevin Bell
I wonder what the format was like. I'm really curious if the guy running built knowing he'd face Bats.
Jackson Bennett
>HE WON So how many of you are building Hare Haven RIGHT NOW
Christian Stewart
That's Eve, not Tia.
Austin Ortiz
>Elf Master flair >Master of Shadowverse flair
Joshua Foster
Admittedly, he was facing a bloodcraft
Dominic Lewis
>build hare deck >get ready to try it on the ladder >play against elana first game >immediately regret building deck
Nicholas Barnes
Colton Collins
Adrian Powell
She's cute, user. CUTE!
Henry Lewis
Why can't we see the top guy's hand? this kind of sucks, I want to see what he's playing around
Colton Davis
Does Arena get even harder later in the day? I am starting to fight these ridiculous Shadow/Sword decks with answers for literally everything I play or turn 6-7 win aggro.
Eli Watson
>playing a tournament deck on ladder
Alexander Jenkins
you are supposed to self insert as the bottom player
Lincoln Richardson
what would her belly look like after eating all that icecream?
Noah Barnes
Anyone have a decklist for it?
Also I doubt it works on ladder since you'll just lose to all the Rune on ladder.
I'm wondering if I could run it with Seraph
Tyler Young
>you are supposed to self insert as the bottom
Stopped reading there.
Nathaniel Flores
I'm going to dump my golds for either Blood or Shadow.
Which class is more likely to be better in the future?
Carter Morris
the fuck is hare haven? also anyone have a link for the tournament sounds entertaining
Nolan Sanchez
is there an archetype that matches well against midrange forest / storm haven ?
Noah Young
Don't do it, faggot.
Jaxon Murphy
But the bottom player lost last game and it reminds me of my 30% winrate I don't want this
Joseph Nelson
but that's the whole sentence.
Samuel Allen
Thomas Watson
Jose Perry
try ctrl+f "stream" user.
Asher Young
>can't see other person's hand
They need to fix this shit.
Cooper Wright
Ian Morgan
Angel Sanchez
I there a worse feeling than drafting the dream arena deck, then losing your first game by one turn to a OTK gimmick?
Nathaniel Perez
It is possible, but I guess Cygames hasn't made it publicly available yet.
Ian Wilson
Looking at the stream chat, sure is a lot less rowdy than twitch chat
Jace Harris
Aaron Ortiz
Leo Bailey
havenshitters BTFO
John Gutierrez
Cooper Morales
>Altered Fate into Altered Fate into Altered Fate
Isaac Wilson
>Altered Fate >Altered Fate >Altered Fate
Daniel Johnson
>altered fate into altered fate into altered fate
Jeremiah Reed
so they're playing against AIs or real people? i don't understand moon.
I don't care if that was rogue tech against top meta deck, I'm glad the Haven player lost.
Brayden Russell
Fuck i left for a second because my cat shit right outside her litterbox and i missed PTP shenanigans
Jordan Cooper
>T2 run >Opponent has Mordecai and Olivia
XDDDD Boy, what hard-earned victory that was for him! I habe been clearly outskilled and outwitted by le superior player here xxx333333
Chase Cruz
it's 2500 people watching top players go up against google deepmind
Sebastian Reyes
>how to spot a /hsg/ refugee
William Rodriguez
he did 14 damage with roach, then activated ptp with 3x altered fate next turn
Liam Morgan
I beat a Mordecai into Olivia in arena once.
But it wasn't so much masterful skill as much as I drafted fifteen 2-drops in sword.
Elijah Martin
I saw the roach return part and it was just as disgusting as when it happens to me
Jacob King
Quit defending the poorly designed cards by just parroting memes
Zachary Moore
>Trying to play meme bunny vs hard win combo like forest purg
Colton Robinson
>tfw 28 shadows by turn 4 from chaining Altered Fates with PTP in hand for turn 5
PTP is truly disgusting when the draws are right.
Jordan Wilson
He did his job beating Blood to make his teammate's Dshift better
Lincoln Martin
>Hai >Hai >Hai >Hai >Hai
Do they have to repeat this every 3 fucking seconds? Im at my limit here
Bentley Harris
Man, the top player really got some bad mulligans.
Elijah Kelly
>that sheer fucking surprise at Sword not playing a 2-drop
Hunter Campbell
Does anyone use PTP in shadow? It seem like you could easily accelerate into it faster than anyone else.
Nicholas Barnes
Michael Morales
Henry Lee
All of my 4-1 runs seem to be caused by a shadowcraft player who drafts insane amounts of clears/removals, bane minions, and top tier legendaries/golden
They'll pull bullshit like lord of flies into mordecai, double fucking cerberus, or top deck phantom howl lethal.
Robert James
>inb4 the ptp treefucker sweeps all the remaining opponents
Jacob Long
You really can't. I've tried it and too many of your good cards use necromancy so your choice in cards is severely gimped. Forest getting a bunch of fairies in hand + altered fate is faster and more efficient by far
Bentley Torres
And that was prolly their only game where they drew their cards in the right order.
Jaxson Gray
Shadow doesn't have an awful time hitting 30 if you focus on it but you have to leave out a lot of the best cards in the craft and run a lot of otherwise mediocre stuff. It's not worth running over PtP Forest or even PtP Rune because those decks don't sacrifice anything for the wincon.