PlayStation 4 General #379 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

Old Thread: ========================================

>Samurai Shodown VI for PS4 launches November 22

>Danganronpa Another Episode coming to PS4 in summer 2017

>Tekken 7 Golden Joystick Awards 2016 trailer

>Drive! Drive! Drive! for PS4, PC launches December 13

>Final Fantasy XV details Leviathan summon, main character skills, and guest characters

>Metal Slug for PS4 launches November 24 in Japan

>The Last Guardian CG trailer, Fumito Ueda Q&A

>Valkyria: Azure Revolution prologue trailer, Japanese box art

>Monster Hunter Frontier Z PS4 vs. PS3 comparison trailer

>Wild Guns Reloaded launches December 13 in Japan

>Digimon World: Next Order launche dates



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fetch's delicious ass is now viewable in glorious 4k resolution
What a time to be alive!


>no bigtitted animegirl in op
>a vitagame instead

First for trophies and kpop:

Write down your PSN profile.

Submit the post.

Friend/bully each other.

sorry user I don't have lewds of ps4girls

>tfw Dreams is literally never coming out

THANK you for making the thread
Still the best trophies/day itt.

There's literally a photo of nylonman's tits in the archive

>0 ultra rare

>tfw will never have the time to grind out the 200k+ armour boxes need to have enough HP to beat EDF solo on inferno

That's not a nice thing to say about my boywife.

You are welcome bruh

My incredible t/d will one day catch up to you and you'll apologize for that.


Please comment on the RoboAddy debacle.

>My incredible t/d

Sorry Johannes/Ahmed but that stat is irrelevant to real trophy enthusiasts

statistically it means I'll catch up to your platcount eventually yna

You can't catch up if you can't finish your games, my dude.

I'm having a ps3 problem. Trying to buy god hand but its giving me the "an error has occurred" message with no code.

Already tried signing out and back in, deleting and re entering my payment info. Any help?

Let it go, Addy.

try buying it through alternative way: website/ps3 store

desu platcount is a bit overrated too

It's all about rarity and I happen to have both.

Someone with 200 plats and no Wipeout HD plat or a higher ultra rare count would be literally beneath me.

Also you can easily increase the trophiess/day rate by unlocking easy bronze trophies.

rarity on psnprofiles isn't even accurate.
Literally a pointless statistic.

It's accurate enough to see the difference between 100 ultra rares and 0 ultra rares.

The psn rarity helps my argument a 100 times more m8

On PSN I have at least double the amount of ultra rares and even more plats with 0.1% rarity


yna responding to himself again with "kek"

Even if I was I'm still right :^)

Does this game still exist? Why do they announce games years before anything happens with them?

Im on ipad and the psn site is beyond shitty, it just doesn't load the store. I tried on the psn app and i got a similar error that read: "the purchase could not be read. Please check your transaction history" and it wasn't here.

well, buy it on pc/ps3 later then

>Why do they announce games years before anything happens with them?
Because hype

Why the fuck is psn so buggy. Now of ALL times right after i bought ps+. All i want to do is play god hand.

Hype fades away if you haven't seen anything for over 2 years.
Also what game?

You let it go, faggot.

Fetch is hot I don't care what anyone says

Would fug

Why you lyin

>he missed the only happening ever in ps4g

What is the best JRPG on ps4 that I should go play rn?


thats not a jrpg

Oh, yeah, I forgot that it is a real time strategy made in Ukraine by a couple of pipe hard hitting niggers.

I'm buying Elder Scrolls Online right now

Bully me pls

why cant you just suggest something that you know would fit what I'm asking for?

you know what? fuck you. just cause you're having a shit day doesn't mean you have to be a cunt

fuck off and kys yourself

oh shit i planned to do that too
kinda too lazy to download it

>63 GBs

How do I make trophy grinding fun?

Who cares about trophies

Play with other. What trophy?

>why cant you just suggest something that you know would fit what I'm asking for?

I just did. If you want something specific, like anime art direction or turn-based combat, then say so.

Listen to music/watch Youtube/watch Netflix

Pic related plat.

I do. Keeps me from impulse buying when I know I have trophy backlogs to finish.

Get trophies in games that aren't a chore to play

Well, a lot of people do.

What games would you suggest? I'm curious. I feel I'll eventually hit a grindy one sooner or later.

I have the game if you want to coop, though I'm only at phase 10 iirc

What are the chances Dragon Quest Builder & Sword Art Online go on sell digitally by Christmas.

About to pull the trigger but feel like they are going to be 50% off in some flash sale two weeks after I buy them.

I don't know, RPGs? I feel like you mostly get them pretty naturally outside of open world stuff.

DQB sale wouldn't surprise me

Infamous platinums are pretty fun, Rocket League, Sound Shapes if you want easy triple plat, Wolfenstein

Although I'm not interested in them, thanks for the suggestions. Not much of a trophy-hunter, just aiming to Plat the games I do purchase.

I don't play much RPGs but I've had to grind trophies in every one I've played.

Sorry, I failed you /ps4g/. I was sleeping and now we have a shit OP.

Vagina removal patch is out for WD2

Thank god

Now I can go back to senselessly murdering innocent people with easily accessible weaponry in peace




I hope other people pick this up, it looks cute

PS4 MOBA when?

This fucking game

What is it user?

MOBAs are shit

What the fuck? Do you have any idea what you're saying?

Not him but you aren't funny & should probably just shut the fuck up before you make us uncomfortable with your future posts.

this anniversary sale is so fucking bad


Here you go user


So it's another one of those remasters where they fuck everything up.

At this point that's just the default meaning of remaster

The number of actually good remasters is shamefully small

>quit Watch Memes 2 because boring mission with shitty characters
>game won't close
>can't do anything
>try to put PS4 into to rest mode
>freezes on the shutdown screen
>gonna have to unplug my PS4 and probably break it

I deserve this

The price of betraying Ubisoft

you mean the price of forcing your PS4 to even play that shit game

Actually the game is pretty fun when it's actually being a game

The characters are insufferable though. Literally an autistic character who is completely accurate because he's a boring monotone asshole. What were they thinking? I feel like the people who write Watch Dogs games are aliens who don't understand human culture

So the average corporate suit?

Come on user lets be honest

that's what you get for playing western trash

We get it, you haven't played it

>playing western trash

>playing non-western trash

Threadly reminder that you should be publicly banned.

kys fucking weebs

>everyone who plays a western game is a normie

Lemme see your profile

It's normalfag not normie you underage shitters. Normalfags got triggered and started spaming normie to make it sound nicer.

>Posting your profile on cuckgen
I hope none of you do this

Not them but I like to use normie over normalfag because it sounds cuter


Everyone enjoying Watch_Dogs 2?
It's gonna be so much more awesome once they get seamless multiplayer online.

Nice vita box.
