/ksg/- Katawa Shoujo General

Katawa Shoujo General #3205

2013 Was a Pretty Good Year Edition

Previous thread: Official website: katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free)
About Katawa Shoujo: katawa-shoujo.com/about.php
Summer's Clover (Unofficial Miki route by Lilly's writer): ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=9996
KS Alpha (Pre-release version: pastebin.com/weL41ehu
Chess Play/Ladder Info and more: pastebin.com/ST2512G8
Pastebin: pastebin.com/syJHnDCB
Writebin: pastebin.com/jUpSAYZE
KSG FAQ: pastebin.com/fFCGBSdi
Shimmie: shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
New KSG Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=1834162
Flockdraw: skycow.us/whiteboard
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
/ksg/ exclusive 3DS themes: mega.nz/#!3hkznbaR!Zu_0gWDvitQspHUaEhtUeLG7iJhK4Q_79MpXaASkrQo
Katawa Shoujo Lite: newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881
KS Interactive Shrink: writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1858014-Katawa-Shoujo-shrink

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First for first waifu.

for reporting and ignoring the shitposter

2nd for >Hey Poland the leading image is actually a .gif

A lot. Your Polish friend spoke up earlier. A friend is having a rough night so we squishy posted in hopes of making him feel better.
It's quite literally the worst thing that has ever graced this planet. Wait, are we talking about 2013 or the discord?

For best advice ever!


>I'm confused

Bros, and Rin coverage.

I was afraid so. Try to get some rest in today if you need it.

I'll be doing that sort. Bedtime for me, goodnight ksg.

Gee I wonder if there was someone knowledgeable with past KSG imagery that you could ask.

Morning lads

Does MAGA-Suzu exist?

G'morning, doods!
How are we all today?
What fun and interesting things do we all have planned?
Oh come now, it's not that complicated. Do you think I'd silently sit by as fat posting went on?

Fuck off, Kenji.

Do you think I'd try and justify my inaction?

Morning lads.

Happy Saturday. Sleepy mood today.
Any Austria-lads here? I'm placing money on your elections.
Good morning Kiwi. You just wake up too?


Fixed my fuck up. Here ya go.

kek i was the one who posted the cameltoe pic he's talking about

Ooo President, we hardly knew ye.
Oh. That was anti-climatic.



>actually a .gif
A mean one as well!

Night Kenji

Even more confused.

I will postpone my Mish post for a greater cause.

Look at me. Look at me. I am the Suzu poster now.

I hate the number filing system you people use. It makes no sense to me, and I choose not to even attempt to emulate it.
A master ruse! Also, dat booty

Suzu posting is great. Using my greeting and talking about the things I talk about is going to get confusing ;_;

Will it be more confusing for you or for me?


Well how about I take the word Suzu file names, and you can have the numbers? Otherwise, it's going to look like you're talking to yourself again like that time when we fell asleep on the train.

I guess that works.

I will think this over.

Until then... nap.
Good luck! Win us lots of money!

It doesn't matter anyway.
What did you think of FCD's latest creation?

>He doesn't know how the shimmie works

>dat booty

>FCD's latest creation?
Point it out, I might have missed it

... The gif. The opener gif, Poland. With the Poland balls.

Literally the OP.


He already saw it.

>hisao's fw he's cumming in his pants again


Dear fucking lord this place is a mess at the moment.

One to 4 numbers it means it's from the Shimmie. shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/post/list Any picture you download comes with it's number.

There is also the Veeky Forums automatic numbering, anything starting with 14x is from after 2014 (I think?), 13x is from before that, you can know when people downloaded the stuff they did. We are now on 147x. It's pretty simple, actually.

>Read FCD
>Think Undertaker
Yep, it's saturday morning alright. I'm good to go and I'm going nowhere fast.
Pretty damn cute if you ask me, aside from, you know, kurwa.

Already seen it in the previous thread

It is indeed

Undertaker is busy killing himself me thinks

Don't say that man

what happened?

I love how rtil always draws thicc girls. It's amazing

Okay I'm scared now, what the fuck

>It is indeed
Here's hoping we achieve some semblance of order before bed.

Nothing happened.

He really is something.

Not as thicc as FCD!

FCD is a differemt kind of thicc.

But it's a good kind of thicc!

Aye, but different none the less.

True, true

You were meant to post FCD! Dammit, now we're all back to front....

>tfw you will never smell Misha's gym shorts after she's been working out for hours

>That feel when you will never taste the french vanilla flavor of Lilly's lips
>That feel when you will never give a sleeping Emi a piggyback ride home
>That feel when you will never feel Rin's lips caress your hands as you feed her oranges
>That feel when you will never gaze at the stars with Shizune
>That feel when you will never wake up next to Hanako and take her into a loving embrace
>That feel when you will never feel a sleeping Misha press her soft body against you as you kiss her candy scented hair

> wahaha~!

Even I am not that perverted...

So you're saying you wouldn't take a whiff if she left them lying around and went to go shower?

Don't lie to me


>Even I am not that perverted...
You're right, you'd at least ask for permission first.


I'd be taking them off myself.

so you wont even sniff them while you take them off or are you going straight for the sweaty goldmine?

>wahahaha, polchan. How'd you get stuck in the laundry basket?

No. Constant eye contact must be maintained.

Okay, I kek'd audibly.



>implying you cant sniff her shorts or eat her out while maintaining eye contact

Knowing myself I'd greet her back home one day wearing her panties on the head just for shits and giggles. Fresh ones though!

That's the whole point. I could, and I would.

Yes... Clean ones...

Really. Really! I need to take care of my hair, can't dip them in sweat and... stuff!

Are you trying to imply Misha shits herself?

fat fetishist disguised as troll or troll disguised as fat fetishist?

>clean panties

dont lie, you want them nice and dirty

No ye dingus, I'm implying there's an occasional discharge, menstrual blood, snail trail or whatever.
Real human issues you know!


Anyway, I'm going to bed.
G'night, doods!
See you all tomorrow.
God damn this Lilly alpha route is shit.

Night kiwi, sleep well!

Nth for a happy Hana!

I just don't understand why everyone is a fat fetishist now?
What is happening?
Why do you all attack me for questioning using the general as /obesecripplegeneral/?


Is a slippery slope

Seems more like people trying to fit in. How else could so many people suddenly develop a disgusting fetish like that?

>disgusting fetish
said the shemale

I don't think a guy with a mauled dick classifies as a shemale though


You can fling gossip and memes all you like, newtrip, I know it's important to fit in, even at the expense of people you don't know, but it doesn't really change the fact that you develop disgusting fetishes based on what is trendy.

Let's just call it a 'mutilated fag' then

>fit in
Your vocabulary is really poor, isn't it?

That would be proper.

Irrelevant, lazy post.

Stubborn ignorance is a sign of low intellegence..
The truth is more important than fitting in with your /b/ros, user.

>Stubborn ignorance is a sign of low intellegence..
Tell us more about yourself please! Tell us something we don't know though. That's old news.

>no you
I really do understand that you want to fit in, but if you're going to direct an ugly attitude at me, please try a little harder than "no you".

>fit in
Nice meme
>"no you".
If this is a "no you" post for you then I have some bad news.

It was literally a "no you" post, anonymous.

Are you dense?

well I mean it was

Am I? I dunno, you tell me, you are the expert on that matter

>no you

No, you!

Goodnight, KSG.
I love each and every one of you.

Yeah, it's pretty awful.

Rin is cool.


90th for Rin!

this threads finished


Thread's dead and it's all Rin's fault

but i posted rin and thats the only reason that this thread got bumped enough to survive

If the thread dies while the last post is Rin then it is Rin's fault. That's why it must live.

why is she so perfect?

Hey all, hope you all have a great weekend!

Same to you!