/vag/ - Vanilla General

Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie. We're currently waiting on server release.
>When is the release?
Beginning of December for Old PvP, end of December for Fresh PvP.

An announcement has been made on the valkyrie forums.
>OLD NOST PVP (Name: Nostalrius PVP)
will be released in a month. This has all your old level 60 chars for nostalgias sake.
>NEW NOST PVP (Name: Elysium PVP)
Brand new server, will be released 3 weeks after old nost.WE WILL BE ROLLING ON THIS SERVER !!!
>what faction are we rolling?

Most of us are going horde in
Some people are planning alliance and are discussing the guild name/new guild leader (not merove)


>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: nosg krog wpsg elyg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:



>You will never have a chubby horse wife

I am sick and tired of Glaston falseflagging as me and trying to make everyone think I hate Blacks I asked him to stop multiple times and he refuses.

This was the final straw I AM GOING ALLIANCE and together with Rhox will lead the Alliance guild to glory.

Who joining here?

reminder it's time to grow the fuck up and move on fags. we at /wowg/ will be doing everything in our power to bring your new server to blizzard's attention and having it shut down ASAP.

It's time to let go and acknowledge one of Blizzard's best expansions

So, should I roll hordes or ally? I plan on mainly shit posting in world chat and memeing pretty heavily.I will spend most of my time prob just trolling, popping adderall and drinking. I also lost my hand in the navy so I am not that great at raiding with my fake hand.

nth for alliance guild should be called

Glaston is fucking based

This is like poe's law. I can't tell the difference between salty retailcucks and nostfags pretending to be salty retailcucks for the fun of it.

Yeah he is

>open up wowg
>still panda butts
at least we arent that bad

enjoy being farmed by dont wake dad

what the fuck is this picture? at least pick something relevant


is this alexensual?


No its me

>Because this time they may actually kill themselves. Nostalfags are the biggest babies I have ever seen on this site. Meltdown from first shut down was glorious, the constant whining everywhere lmao.

how do we stop /wowg/

why stop them, theyre already in a living hell playing retail
they are their own worst enemies, etc.

Noone can. Paying for retail WoW in 2016 can only be achieved by creatures that are no longer human.

i bet you can't even squat 3 plates

Why would we try to stop them? It's all they have in this life.

>He doesn't fear Lord Jokermort

>sucks reddits cock
>our guy

Leave them be, there already being punished enough. They pay for retail WoW. It isn't there fault etc. Don't bully lesser people, be the better person


giant mantits mcgee

I don't know, user. Retail WoW just seem to be like a game to me. My little brother is playing it, but even if he's good, it's just another game on his list which he likes to kill some time with. Maybe something wrong with my head, but everyone I know who played WoW back then only played WoW and as much as they could when they had the time. It was really like a second life, but now it's really just another single player game with multiplayer options, and you can just leave it any time. So it's not bad, I see why people like it, but it's nothing spectacular either.

>Being this butthurt over a vanilla server.


Friendly reminder that
Is a gimmick. They are trying to make you think that "everyone" is going for YET ANOTHER FRESH SERVER just to get experienced players from old Nost PvP in their guild, otherwise they gonna stuck with 9/10 MC "progression".
If you really want to play from lvl 1 all over again - find yourself a nice normie guild like Team Blackout, Oceanics Thirteen etc Otherwise you are stuck with circlejerking drama and 0 progression

When I see posts like this I can tell that people actually were around in vanilla and not just pretending.

MMO-Champion has the most autistic retail fanboys bar none.

Am I the only one who ignores all this fucking server first pre raid best in slot theorycrafting shit and just plays the game and picks up cool shit that I like?

Fuck sucking all the fun out of it and turning it into a numbers game.

When I first started the game, I didn't give a damn about stats at all. I bought every shit from vendors to make my character look cool. Even when I started to get into it, I thought that armor is still very important, so I started to put those +armor thingies made by leather workers on my mage.

>tfw rhox is making the first good Veeky Forums guild

Looks > Stats

Fuck off Earwen. Stay mad that nobody will be able to carry you.

Doomed for failure

>good Veeky Forums guild
>core comprised of cliquecucks, /soc/rejects and furries

hey if you can't afford a proper enchant on your gear the armor kits are still alright. people underestimate armor.

t. Merove and Indi conjunction


Merove is a fucking retarded spazz.

Don't really care for Indi but he's a cool guy and leader.

Your guild is confirmed shit.

>Sandwich store in town that sells amazing, great sandwiches closes down
>The new owners make shit sandwiches and charge the same price
>some guy comes into town intermittently and sells the original, amazing sandwiches, wait, he actually gives them away
>the old store's sandwiches keep getting shittier and shittier
>there is a group of people who now eat great burgers, hot dogs, mexican, indian, thai, chinese, and all sorts of food from other places
>there is a group of people who exclusively eat the shit sandwiches, not only that, but also constantly deride the people who prefer to only eat the good sandwiches every so often when they are available


you can't make this shit up

and of course it's a food metaphor, they are the easiest to think of

>search Earwen on realmplayers
>see result
Lmao even this pleb is geared better than you losers
I can already see at least 5 people /gquit if sorc dagger would went to a tank warrior

I'm going to level as a marksman hunter!

You idiots are so dead! Good luck trying to get through Dun Garok retard! Aimed Shot from the rafters! Bang! Your healer is dead!

Literally t. Indi

fuck off animefaggot

Yes I said that.

It's not that simple, user. To be really honest, I kinda understand Blizzard.

Like imagine that you are a craftsmen. Of course, other people can tell you if your stuff is good or not, but after all, you have to meet your own standards, and furthermore, you have to develop your skills and knowledge. Like your first kindergarten drawing won't be your best.

I think Blizzard don't want to launch vanilla servers, because they think they have surpassed it. This might not be true for us, but it is for them.

Like imagine that you draw porn to get attention to yourself and to get started, but after a while, you think you are better than that, and start to draw something else. You feel happier that you don't have to draw for furries for cash, and that you finally do something which you are proud of, yet you constantly hear the beggaring of the furry community to come back. Would you? Keep in mind, that you don't need their money anymore, but even if that would be handy, you just don't have the human resources (since you are alone and a day is also 24 hours for you).

So even if Blizzard tells us that if there would be a magical button press, they would bring back vanilla instantly, in reality, they don't give a damn. They think it was good for it's time, but now they want to move on and try other things.

who the fuck cares about the morality of it.
Blizzard panders to people whos view on what makes a decent game are nearly the complete opposite of mine.
Ill get my "fix" from anywhere i want. If blizzard/blizzdrones dont like it they can either pandeer to my tastes in some way or blow me.

You are far from correct though, The whole point of an MMO is to Progress not Regress so logically the game always needs to move forward and not go back, So even if people feel vanilla is shit and legion is gods gift to man or the other way around logically speaking it makes no sense to go backwards for Blizzard.

And that is why they will never do Vanilla servers, But if blizzard actually cared about their player base like they did in Vanilla and BC they would release it but its been clear they are only interested in the money.

im looking for the most redpilled /pol/ filled guild out there. can anybody point me in the right direction?

when blizzard had a IPO it became beholden to the stockholds, and to support nost would to imply that wows best ip is long past, and they dont want to drop that gravy train.




The sandwich post was really good and this one is a convoluted mess.

I might have been persuaded but I read the whole thing and was just like "wtf is your point"?

No offence, I do the same shit all the time when posting on Veeky Forums but I'm just saying yknow

Alliance guild led by Merove

Pretty much this.

>No we're not going to make the thing you really want
>W-what? S-stop making it yourselves!


>logs onto vanilla wow
>instead of having fun, spends his time typing to people about how much he hates black people and the government

looking for a guild that isnt populated by trumpcucks and trannies

never said i'd talk about any of that bullshit. i just don't wanna be in a guild with a bunch of sjwcucks that type faggish sentences that i have to read

His post makes more sense from blizzards perspective. They like the sandwhiches they make now and think you're a wierd pervert for liking their old sandwhiches and they don't want to indulge you just cause you keep crying.

It's vanilla WoW, not tumblr. You're not gonna be exposed to any of that shit.

My advice would be try and use WoW as an escape from real life, don't bring your RL bitterness with you. It's whatever though.

Mfw all the hype will be dead by the time fresh rolls out

I've only ever player WotLK PvE, and played that for 5 fucking years.

What am I in for with Vanilla. I'm thinking Warlock PvE? What gathering professions should I bother with while leveling, assuming I'll do Tailoring + Enchanting at 60.

Are fishbots legal here? (Or will they be on Elysium

>People still want to play old game from 10 years ago and are going to ridiculous lengths to do so
>thinking a 30 day wait is going to stop that happening


retail shill
pay him no mind


tailoring is pretty much required for warlock because of robe of the void. if you're going to join the server while it's new then don't even bother with gathering professions unless it's skinning since every node will be camped by 10k + players.

Seeing way more people because nobody is flying around ignoring everyone else. 1-60 takes a long time, you focus on having fun rather than "speedrunning" it.

Botting and quest marker addons are gay, if you don't want to play the game then just don't play it.

I'd advise affliction for levelling to get the best efficiency, but destro has really nice pvp burst and demonology is great utility.

Overall just take it slow, have fun and chat to people. Vanilla was about fun not completing the game as fast as possible.

>ridiculous lengths
>change your wtf file

Actually in my experience, because the amount of nodes is limited and there are more players levelling profs, each material's value is way higher so it evens out and is still worth it.

I was talking about all the teams coding vanilla so it works again.

But even so, most normal people don't understand downloading and unpacking a 1.12.1 client and changing the realmlist and using WoW.exe. A lot of the people who played back in vanilla were the kind of people with 12 different toolbars on internet explorer and shit like that.

i miss Insaniax

found the troll

Damn, guess I'm a hardcore hacker.

tfw I found out about the internet hate machine while in a deadmines run when I was 12

>tfw don't understand how a 1.12.1 client can run patches up through Naxx

the vanilla ui looks so nice except for those FUCKING gryphons. gotta use bartender because those things take up so much empty space

They just mod it server side to lock out content and change item stats/specs events to what they should be.

Think of your game files like a big mess of pictures, fonts, textures etc. and the server is full of all the information for how to put those together to form what happens in the game.

I like them, it makes the ui look more integrated and less bland imo.

I'm not really a super efficient theorycrafter though, I play for fun and actually enjoy the levelling experience.

>old wow memes from 2004-2006

What you got guys?

So everyone stopped playing on Kronos?
I have to start new AGAIN? fuck this

If you can't be arsed to participate in Veeky Forums guilds, there's this one by a YouTuber that was/is called and it's about finding and exterminating the chinese cancer.

He has tips on identfying and killing chinese players in his other videos.

Why chinks? Some commenter put it like this (pic related)

I didn't join when it was on Nost and Kronos and I'm not sure if I'll join on Nost 2.0, but it was pretty interesting to me when I saw it first posted on Veeky Forums and it seems like a noble cause

dont worry kronos will get a huge influx of players when everyone who has been waiting to play on nost realizes that 100k people are being funneled on one server that has a 5 yard view distance, chinese win traders, and crashes every hour due to the load.

Except not or k1 wouldn't have been dead for the later half of nost. People were more than willing to deal with chink lag.

k1 wasnt dead it was at the very least medium pop by retail standards.

I'll probably join them, hunting chinks for the greater good of mankind seems like a great way to stay motivated during the initial grind. Hopefully I can get my normie friends on board as well.

>stress test
>entire population of mainland China connects at once
>server falls apart in a matter of minutes
>instead of banning China, Nost staff delays the server launch by another two months to figure out how to handle the "unexpected rise in popularity"

>if you can't figure out basic ass mechanics - the most basic mechanics that have been out for 12 years, I dunno what to say, how are you going to take on China?

Yeah it was. I multiboxed a bunch of chars during the 7x. It was barely hitting 300 per faction after it was over.

How can someone play on alliance? How can you be allied with gnomes and other midgets? Stupid fucking scandinavian waifufag neets

I didn't wanted to use the A word, but I'll do it.

They are artists, or at least I like to think that they are, even thou deep inside I know that is right.

Sometimes as an artist, you might think that X is your best work, while your fans think that Y was far better and you should do more stuff like that. So: what do you do? Do you please the guys who wants Y even thou it won't make you happy, or you do what you want, you make more X despite the fact that fewer and fewer people will like you?

Blizzard thinks they are doing good and they are getting better and better, while I (and I assume many of us here) think they are not that good anymore, changed too much etc. So to be totally honest, if I were Blizzard, I would do the exact same thing. With only one difference: I would tell people to fuck off, and wouldn't keep them in the false illusion that once there might be a legacy server.

Because humans are the best race in the game and the heroes of Warcraft.

kronos didn't release their online count so idk where the fuck you're getting that from

literally how are they best and why are they heroes of warcraft? the only relevan human , Arthas, was cucked by lich king

if anything the only real races are orcs and night elves

My character does backflips when I jump


Uhh.. doing /whos like how everyone else in the world gauges pop.