official /owg/ graph for all the free weekend newcomers
Brayden King
I want them to add a Scottish character.
Aiden Richardson
Is it true that you don't even have to win the HOTS games to get the genji skin?
Jason Phillips
>tfw no mercy gf
Ethan Taylor
Hana is for bullying.
Benjamin Wilson
Yeah, you can also just spam 15 easy AI games. You can finish most games in 5-7 minutes. If someone has Sylvanas you can finish in 3-5 mins
Isaiah Butler
>people actually believe this
Owen Long
Mako Rutledge!
Samuel Hernandez
What is this "spray pattern" you niggas keep talking about?
Jose Nelson
where the bullets go when you hold down fire
Charles Davis
>Symmetra that low uw0tm8
Lincoln Long
Cutest and best pairing
Isaac Long
D.Va + Winston + Genji is CANCER Winston leaps and starts Zapping D.Va follows and starts shooting The Defense Matrix goes up and if getting MATHED by zap gun and Winston HP/Shield wasn't enough there's now 4 seconds you can't do shit Then Genji does his stupid deflect and if any one of them even remotely had a chance to get low with all that alternating protection, they just Leap / Boost / Superman away and regenerate for a few seconds
Levi Rivera
literally kys
Jose Sullivan
How the FUCK do you get a positive mentality for competitive mode?
There is next to nothing you can do to carry a game, at the very best all you can do is force a stalemate, otherwise it's a fucking gamble on your teammates being competent or at least good enough to not have a shit-fit 10 seconds into the first round.
I played for 6 hours and get 4 draws, 2 wins and 2 losses. All of that for just -12 points.
How the fuck are you meant to keep going without being emotionally drained
John Murphy
>he still hasn't figured out sombras spray pattern
no wonder people think she sucks
Gavin Scott
I haven't even played as her yet.
Lucas Hughes
first you need to git then you need to gud
Robert Hernandez + winston is currently my favorite combo. it's better than the old duo winston, in my opinion.
add in a zarya, an ana and some dps and you should be able to destroy teams with ease. 3 tank meta, best meta.
Nolan Miller
>zarya's beam now penetrates players
i think i just fixed her.
Caleb Evans
I only play 3 heroes and I main a single hero. When the game starts I lock my hero as fast as I can then I alt-tab and doodle until we're ready to go. Then I focus 100% on my own performance and hope the rest of my team offers enough for us to win.
Oliver Ross
there should be a support hero that can cancel stuns/sleep/freeze. those mechanics are really unfun to play against. i think taking away control from a player for that long is never a good idea. waiting to die while being defenseless is not very entertaining.
Adrian Johnson
Anyone else genuienly find Lucio fun as fuck?
Especially on koth and payload attack.
>healing everyone >giving sanic speed to mates at crucial moments >being elusive as fuck >that mobility >tactical boops >primary fire enough to defend yourself >best boy >cute af
Jaxon Martin
Anyone else think Azucar and Los Muertos are Sombra's best skins?
The others just make her look like an Eggplant Marshmallow.
Cameron Wright
>it's a "go 52/2 KD and have 15+ objective kills and still be taken to a game 5" episode Nets you maybe one extra win out of every ten.
Jaxon Gray
Good taste
and Im not just saying that because I got Los Muertos from the first loot box the day sombra came out
Lincoln Wilson
how did pharah x mercy ship become a thing
Eli Rogers
Anyone else pissed that Ecopoint: Antarctica is a 1v1 and 3v3 map only?
Chase Rivera
I won plenty of games with just playing roadhog while my whole team is useless.
Evan Baker
The problem is that you're playing a skill-based hero that can't be abused, see Widowmaker, Hanzo, Torbjorn, Genji and Roadhog are free wins with how stupid they are
Justin Morales
>that disgusting tumblr art
Lincoln Diaz
John Johnson
Their abilities complement each other perfectly, that's how it started. Seeing a Pharah and Mercy in the sky with a beam inbetween them, raining rockets below is a spectacular sight.
Andrew Wright
Mercy and Lucio are boring pieces of shit that should be removed. I rather play fucking Ana/Zen and still do more healing and damage then they could ever do.
Jason Rivera
are there good lewds of them together
Xavier Gonzalez
But you can't make the entire enemy team go UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH by hiding behind a wall and resurrecting 4-5 of your teammates with no cast time :)
Leo Nguyen
>literally anyone >doing more healing than Lucio
Yeah, nah.
Maybe Ana, if you have more than two tanks.
Mason Ross
Widow and Hanzo are a free loss.
Ian Young
>like an Eggplant Marshmallow.
Sebastian Sanders
Alexander Lopez
Does a bear shit in the woods?
John Gutierrez
Not if you're prime autistic and play it yourself
I've been destroyed by more than enough widowmakers who have chink names that go unscathed by my team's winston/genji/dva to know their communistic flicking abilities can win a game solo
Caleb Cruz
when is blizzard going to butcher Genji
Parker Russell
When they start playing their own game and realise how exhausting and boring he is to go against, alongside Mercy and Zarya.
Nicholas Powell
Julian Bell
That's just what Brits actually look like.
Cameron Peterson
there should be some kinds of pickups like health, armor, something that gives you more damage/defense or something that fills your ult meter a bit, in a visible space with little cover and on a timer. something that gives you the advantage, with high risk/high reward. one or two pickups is all i'm asking for.
that way people would not play passively and camp, but actually try to be offensive. it would also make movement prediction of the enemy easier and stop those boring games where you all just run around, searching for each other.
it would also raise the skill cap of 1v1 and 3v3, as you would have to learn the timers and decide if it's worth to try and get a pickup when you're at 50 health.
this is what made unreal tournament and quake duels so interesting. it's like blizzard learned nothing from those games.
why have a game mode where you can win or at least force a draw by camping in a corner for 3 minutes while listening for the enemies footsteps?
Justin Taylor
You are talking about if everyone does their job which most Lucio don't even do. Let's say if you are doing good on healing you are still super dependent on your team unless the enemy is stupid enough to stand near a ledge.
Daniel Allen
Sorry but that's what your waifu acually looks like.
Blake Collins
how the FUCK do you kill pharah + mercy? i get pharah low easily but i cant outdamage the heal and i get 2 shotted
Eli Rogers
>it's like blizzard learned nothing from those games. I mean, where did they say Quake and UT were an inspiration?
Overwatch is just a garbage mix of a moba ability meme and TF2, and they fail to recognised what even made those games good.
Adrian Wilson
McCree, kill the healer first
Justin Reyes
since blizzard rarely listen to the community, pro players or even balance based on the stats and only make changes based on their internal playtests, i think it's safe to say that whoever plays genji and widowmaker in those playtests fucking blows at those heroes. that's why they don't get nerfed or get buffs, because blizzard employees can't play them for shit.
they should balance the game around the top 2000 of players, not around the mediocre majority. don't make a hero stronger than others just because they're 'hard to play' for gold players, when some people have already mastered them.
William Campbell
Mcree/Soldier do well or you could make it easier and just pull them down as Roadhog.
Luis Cook
they didn't say that those games where an inspiration, but they're claiming that 1v1 and 3v3 are arena fps modes. if you're going to make an arena fps, you really should look at the games in the genre that have been popular for like 20 years, there's no reason not to take the concepts that made those games great and implement them in your game in a way that fits. i know, it's blizzards first fps, but they still should have taken a closer look at the established competition.
Jack Garcia
Is D.Va meta now? Will practicing with her be worth my time instead of practicing, say, Soldier or Zarya?
Jeremiah Martin
I don't see them nerfing Zarya after they already set her up in trailer and made her a hots character for some fucking reason.
>Only need a bit of exp to reach next level >Decide to play 3 v 3 >Get smashed 0-3 because idiots think Genji is a good choice and don't remotely understand the concept of a half decent 3 man team. Seriously pick Zarya you fuckheads. You literally shield 2/3 of your team that way and if you have Mei, gg some cunt is frozen. >Open lootbox >3 dupes and coins
Getting real tired of this shit.
Brandon Gomez
Every time I queue in the morning everyone on my team is fucking horrible. Is this normal?
Justin Phillips
zarya is already nerf
David Hall
Skins you want that will never be in the game
>VDV Zarya >Egyptian MiG livery for Pharah
Nathan Price
Wearing that coat on her torso (not to mention her hair) makes her look puffy.
And her default footwear is terrible.
Liam Garcia
>VDV Zarya
James Diaz
Jackson Evans
>>cute af Especially his Halloween spray. He looks like a cute shota and I like that.
Anthony Wilson
>MiG paintjob
Xavier Brown
Cooper Cooper
>have yet to lose a 1v1 on my smurf due to free weekend
wew lad i feel bad
Hudson Bell
From the "pros": >The big thing that makes Genji hard to play is how difficult it is to hit his shurikens consistently.
They're twice the speed and size of Pharah's rockets and they're thrown in multi-shuriken patterns, with 8 throws per reload.
Carter Walker
Australian Liberation Front Roadhog Pirate Junkrat Professor Mei-ndeleev Disco Lucio Junker Symmetra Matador Genji Jackal Reaper Talon Tracer
Charles Adams
>tfw I just bought griefhardt on his death patch How can anyone tolerate playing Zarya without Champion/Weightlifter?
Austin Young
Is this like an alternate universe Overwatch? I like the Tony Stark style arc reactor chronal accelerator embedded in the chest.
Gavin Gutierrez
She is still a top pick because how useful she is.
Brody Ramirez
when is mccree getting a buff
he is gun do so less damage without headshot and headshoting is so hard against heros like genji and tracer because they keep mmoving very fast evrywhere
i hope they give mccree some bonus my idea is >double gun >can roll further >flashbang can hit aoe (like incsgo)
Easton King
Xavier Gomez
>Junker Symmetra
No delete this.
Owen Fisher
Yeah, if Tracer had been recovered by Talon instead of Overwatch, and if Widowmaker was an Overwatch agent.
Usually referred to as Talon!Tracer AU. It's a fairly popular AU, but almost entirely reserved for the Widowtracer ship
Zachary Cook
>tfw every game has a wannabe MLG widow in it now fuck you blizz
Jaxon Perry
how does time gained from capturing a point work?
When I play, it seems we get like ~1:30, then the enemy team gets a point and they go from 1 minute left to 5. do you get more time for sucking ass or something? I just don't get it.
Thank god desu. wouldn't have felt good to have one of the three tanks I can play not pickable. Now just wait two months and watch people resuming bitching about how zarya is op.
Jackson Reed
Welp, I'm done smurfing. This just feels dirty.
Console players not knowing how to aim still. New people who have no idea what an FPS is. Gold/Plat smurfs who think they're the shit but still end up feeding.
Dylan Gonzalez
even conceding eggplant = purple, that's still a pretty big leap to marshmallow
Nicholas Cox
>be me, east eu, slavic >descide to change my name to slavic in hope of finding people speaking the same language >100% of the people instantly descide im russian >fucking russian report him >in all chat "well gg guys we have a russian troll" >what happens is it makes me the default excuse for losing games >4 dps, no tanks or only 1 healer are allowed >they all go meme picks and throw the game >descide to go for the hipster zarya only climb >new season high >"we have a russian zarya - instant win xDD" Didn't know this side of the internets.
Tyler Richardson
thoses are the guys that curbstomp an omnic in the soldier short. And they let their women cuck them for cyberdick?
Zachary Nguyen
Skin for Hanzo where he is a little Dutch boy. Skin is called Hans.
Kayden Thomas
No you also get a shitty sombra now.
Sebastian Bailey
Look at how puffy she looks in her Hero Gallery and Menu displays because of that collar.
Parker Perry
Naw man, that motherfucker? He's a fucking badass. He's fucking crazy. They let him in because he's one of the good ones and helps beat up on his own kind. You don't wanna know what he had to do to get into that gang.
Dylan Cook
yes please.
Wyatt Peterson
>boot up free weekend on xbox >29:42 later and still no match
Xavier Garcia
>Not right wing death squad Hans
Grayson Cruz
>tfw everyone liked ace mccloud but you loved max ray
Joshua Foster
>xbox wowlad
Dylan Powell
Tracer is clearly male in this picture, which is appropriate, as she identifies as a man
Sebastian Allen
How does Zen fit into this current meta?
I keep hearing how he can be a total monster on damage. But can he carry?