/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #801

>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - 11/14 - Rise of the Beasts (Four Celestials)
11/14 - 11/21 - Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope (Redux)
11/21 - 11/28 - Defender's Oath (Redux and Renewal)
11/25 - 12/2 - Four Knights of a Fallen Land (Redux and Renewal)
11/30 - 12/8 - Scenario Event

11/21 - 11/30 - Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English

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alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread

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December schedule.

>someone saved my collage
Oh gosh.


Why can't GBF be a full MMO damnit

> finally get flip from marduk
> it's fucking SSR weapon...

I need that last summon so I can't forget about that event... fucking token box

>now responsible to four (4) meme
>people are trying to emulate your memes but failed because of lack of originality
Keep trying dudester, I'll keep getting these free (You)s


I can understand quartz, but why'd you ever want to MLB it?

good call (it will stack with h, eustace buff), good aura (I don't have magna grid yet so no reason to use yugu as main summon atm specially that her aura is garbage) and it will give bunch of flat stats

It has a winning formula. Too bad Cygames won't ever take advantage of that.
>basically one piece in the sky
>guild/player housing in the form of skyships
>have to travel from island to island with your guild ship
>be able to navigate the skies freely
>6 man party content
>18 and 30 man raid content
>the classes are varied and interesting
>races are simple but servicable
>the aesthetic is gorgeous (imagine the Phantagrande Skydome in glorious 4k HD
>can customize your own doraf shortstack, bara or loli erun
>make popular characters (like Naru/Vira/etc) lore characters you can interact with in game or make them class guild leaders or something

>implying nips are using PC

Why bother with all that effort when you can just make a mobile game?

>Implying it would make even 25% of what it currently makes them
MMOs are dead.


Because Cygames are creatively bankrupt and they can't come up with end game rewards that go beyond marginal improvements to your current weapons so you do a little bit more damage.

>spending all that money to develop a fully fledged game which has huge maintenance costs rather than using the money making trap they have now

Shut up

Is there a new quest for Ancient Cloth farming?

Yeah, I know. And it was the devs trying to cater to a wider, casual audience that killed them.

Name even one MMO that has more than 10 players running around each zone.
Even in WoW you're basically playing solo when leveling. You're lucky if you even encounter a few bots on your way.

I assume most of the grind will be getting those things that only drop in nightmare. In Idol event I could do the lvl 90 Pinya because I had Volemia. With amazing hp because of sl10 chev guns.

I need to do about 30 lvl 60 nightmare Fenrirs for the mats to mlb 1 bow, right? I think I could manage 2 bows.


I said shut up.
stop hurting me ;_;

why the fuck Raikiri have to be katana instead of sword or dagger

>weapon with ODA in ougi and big ATK for water and fire


FF XIV? I mean, the only game that you aren't soloing when leveling is GW2

You're blaming the community for playing the games the way the devs intended them. MMOs aren't built to function like old RO/Tibia/Ultima style games anymore where you need to form a party to go out hunting.

They're designed to appeal to Bethesda/Bioware faggots who just want a single player RPG with the occasional 5 man content where they don't actually have to interact to progress.

Somewhere along the lines they forgot what the 2nd M in MMO stood for.

And who's to say that a GBF MMO wouldn't be the first one in a decade or more to break the WoW formula and build a game where you need at least 4 player parties (in the style of current GBF) to take on any content at your level.

Give a better combination than Big backwater/Small attack

Where's the best place to get the original OST? Nyaa torrent is dead and google leads to FREEVIRUS.COM download sites.

Big frontwater/small attack

One that exists


no, it wont stack they fixed it you cunt

Pretty much this.
If you want to be a social outcast don't buy a fucking MMO in the first place

The R gacha weapons are just free to use as skill fodder, right? Can't reduce them as you can the SR ones.. unless I'm retarded and missed something.,


I hoard them in my box to know my sins of paying in a F2P game

Yeah. Use them to skill up you precious SR skill fodder.

I think they sell for more rupees than regular weapons too, if you're desperate for cash.

Thank you, user.

I hope you are lying you piece of shit

I want to be a samurai and get Octo-sama to notice me

You're welcome, user. Don't forget that I love you and am always here for you.

What is she saying?

>Warlocks would be in and be just as OP as they are in the mobage

Do you think I'll be able to cap without using seeds/pots before the reset?

You know the week doesn't reset until next daily reset, not this one coming up in 7 and a half hours, right?


Hit co-op and acquire pots

>do it for her in 2016

Then why would you think you have anything but plenty of time?

Because shut up.

I'm kinda curious. How do you farm renowns? you host magnas with 1 R/2 SR characters, open it and then go afk? or leech whole week and try to get 10k honors every fight you join?


He's not

hosting magnas with casino animas daily is how most people do it iirc

It'd be cool if you started with the Class I jobs and had to branch out to new jobs as you level up. Work your way down a tree.

Do your hards

You host magnas with whatever and MVP them. You bring your renown team to level 100 raids with your BP, get 50k honors, and collect 25 renown + bonus renown.

that's why we need HRT back... they are fixing stuff that shouldn't be fixed

I just wasted lots of materials to level up Marduk..at least I will have summon that gives bonus earth dmg when h. eustace buff goes off

I host every magna using the casino omegas you get so it's usually a gain since most red boxes are freaking omegas anyway. That'll equal about 280 Renown a day. I then you my BP to hit HLs until I get 500 Renown and then switch to using Omegas for BP as well which will net me about 360. All of this is done with 2 R/SR teams except Yugu (I want to MVP her since I'm building an Earth pool) and HLs.

a mahou shoujo that uses a dagger is no better than a thug in compton

>t. still didn't get it
like pottery

They fixed it. It is just a 20% buncle buff now. It was on Petra's buff type but I guess it was too good for free summon.
Still stack with Eustace though.

>still no sideM rerun event

I want my wind harps

I don't get why people want a MMO of this game so much. The MMO market is a radioactive wasteland, most of these games have less social features than fucking mobages, including this one. Plus, everybody have this wet dream game on their heads, but people often forget that MMOs aren't designed for one person and his 127 clones. That is why all hype trains for the next "Y Online" end up crashing and burning to death.
"But it would be different for GBFOnline/Cygames, the game would have all these features from different games that I once loved because I want to believe!" Why would you even believe that? That is "ideaguy solo-developing his XAS/aRPG project on RPG Maker" tier shit. Fucking SquareEnix tried to recreate FFXI with FFIXV 1.0, but even their stubborn chink heads noticed what a waste of time and money (especially money) the whole thing is compared to a simple online-only single player game with multiplayer features inspired by WoW and with cutscenes developed by amateur gmod users.
Nobody is retarded enough to take risks and try something different in this dead market, Cygames is no different. If anything, the game would be just like Ragnarok II: some generic colorful "hit these pieces of shit 10 times and bring back their asses to me" game trying his best to ride on some popular game's name by adding random features inspired by it, but will die eventually because it's just another title in this godawful "ocean of piss" genre. And because it is also mediocre as fuck for dozen of reasons.
GBF works because, among other reasons, it is a mobage. Making it "bigger" won't make it magically better and generate more profit.

I want him

Where did you get this pasta


Why? Wind doesn't even use it.

That's pretty much Allods Online, the only problem is that they went full throttle on the pay to win.


Playable when


What characters will get SSRs next Summer? Seems pretty hard to top those two in terms of popularity.

This beautiful young lass

SR team doing hard 3 days, doing magna the rest of week
leech with R team.

Beatrix, Aliza, Forte, Charlotte, Magisa, Metera, Cog all come to mind as characters that would make money hand over fist.

Ferry Jeanne Vampy any new waifu

>used gacha ssr as fodder before knowing how needed their wep stones are

Crap. 200 isn't a small number.


Vampy, Magisa (if she isn't getting a Christmas skin), Feena, Minigobu (will get an SR but whatever), Vaseraga, JK and Rakamu will get SRs, Sophia, Charlotta, Yuel

Can you get Kaguya with a surprise ticket?

poor bastard. the most I used were a few SR weapons and summons. Now I keep them sorted into gatcha stashes for when I need the stuff.



>Double Kaguya + Moon dagger + Esser
The dream that I'll never get

Double kaguya + Esser + Oliver + JD is my setup

Assuming I don't get drunk, I'll probably get gaybulge in 25 moons....but that placebodagger is tempting

Shut up /gbfg/, I hate you, your face, your team, your luck, and all your pets too.

>luckshitter pulling SSR weapons from gacha before finding out value of stones
Pottery justice. I got my first SSRs at rank 70.

Why didn't you reroll?

>that filename
Damn right I did.

Which placebodagger?

But my dog is so cute. I named him Beato.



>Which placebodagger?
The gold moon one.

Now stop avatarfagging.

What even is the rate on that placebo?

10% at Slv10

OP Summer Ferry when

10% according to that japanese source, 15% on another random source

but it might all be bullshit, the real rate is all in your mind

I didn't know about /gbfg/ and wasn't subjected to its harsh but fair peer pressure when I started. I played very casually and rarely for the first 3 months, but after that I got serious, but still felt I had already gone too far to reroll. I now realize I wasn't. I pulled really great last 2 legfests and on Halloween rolls, though, so it's not all bad.

user it's not my fault I have few pictures on my phone.

Now that's what I call placebo. I would like to see someone use that dagger + all the placebos that can be shoved in, even more so with Kaguya getting changed in a few days.