/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>[App v1.16.0]
Can use 20 EXP at a time
Cumulative CE leveling
Cold-storage for unused servants/CEs
Can refresh support list and filter by bonus CEs

>[Around a Week with Santa Alter Lite]
11/16 - 11/22
4* Santa Alter Available again
Christmas gacha limited to 7 resets

-Event CE
5* Holy Night Sign -Quick up 8%, Crit Damage 15%, Stocking drops +20%
5* Present for My Master -Crit Weight 100%, HP recovered 40%, Star drop +1
4* March of Saints -200 HP each turn, 3% NP each turn, Silver bell drop +1
3* Lightning Reindeer -Buster 15% (3 turns) Ribbon Drop +1

[Christmas Rerun Gatcha]
5* Jack
4* Nursery Rhyme
4* Marie
3* Jing Ke
3* Robin Hood

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game

>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 12/6
-Babylon in December
-New Christmas event in December
-FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

> Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:




Megane thread.

Left or right?

When did they add new music to rome?

Extella pastebin



>tfw it won't be Jeanne Alter

post yfw Emiya becomes Grand Archer and BTFOs Primate Murder

Thank god, I don't want a reddit pandering character clogging up my inventory.


Nervous DM from last weekend checking in. About to start my first HGW campaign in an hour, wish me luck.

For those who asked last time, my player's Heroes are:
Nennius of Britain (Saber)
Odysseus (Archer)
Medb of Connacht (Rider)

And yeah, I didn't expect that last one either - had to double check to see if her players was a fan of the series, but she still says she's never heard of it.

What servants will be in Babylon?
Gil and Enkidu as villains and Semi, Achilles and Shlomo on our side. Maybe King Hassan and lolIvan yet.

Why isn't Gilles summoning Lovecraftian demons to serve as Jannu's reindeers?

I did it

Which servant is with which master and what are each of them like?

I mean fuck user, give us some details at least.

DW literally do not know or care about the reddit you care about.
They do not pander to them because they do not care about them or us as foreigners to begin with.
Your association of everything you don't like with Reddit is petty and a sign of your weak emotional state.

Sweet. Grats user.


I want to HUG Mo-san.


who do you want for santa

Nice Popo

Nero or Jeanne Alter

or Tamamo Cat

I have him NP2, git gud scrub

Post cute


Fill me in on Odysseus senpai.

My wyfoo jalter LOL

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

Anyone but not another fucking Saberface or Liz. It would be cool it the showed some love for the other characters

Tamamo or Jeanne Alter.

Medea or Banana oni.

This is a sign of your weak emotional state.

GILF Santa


It's already in it right under the TL pastebin

>Who are the best servants for this other than fluffy tail?
Double Tamamo + Art damage dealer (Vlad, Archuria, Orion or Bride) is actually pretty damn amazing, though you can't go wrong with Waver.
Tamamo-Waver-NR is a really good stall team as well.
>Also how does it work? When should I use Tamamo's third skill to buff arts?
The nice thing with Tamamo is that you can use skills more freely, but I generally keep the Art boost for the last wave anyway. Essentially: Build np during the mook waves.1st turn of final wave, Arts boost + np chain ending on Tamamo. 2nd turn build the Np of your damage dealer. Third turn second NP.

Gilles is kill.

But Liz and Nero are the best.

Nobu a CUTE.

Jeanne Alter and Astolfo are likely because both had references to "Next year" in their participation in the last event. Jeanne even has a MyRoom line referencing how she appeared during Christmas.

The Halloween event demonstrated that they don't mind doubling down on the same servants. If I had to pick I would prefer another Alter, especially if it's with her older bodytype. But now I'm sour on it because we had another freaking Liz, and I'd like to see other servants get some attention.

Scathach, I still require sodium.


How is this a question?


Thanks dude, anyway I don't have many 5* arts oriented servants. I have Raiko, Scat, Tesla and Shuten. As 4* I have almost all the 4* casters and Saberlot as an option for art teams.
So who should I use and who shoud I always borrow fomr my friend list?


Hey here's the best suggestion.
Santa Claus.

Saberlot and Tamamo are obligatory in your case, you can throw in a Waver support for more retarded crit damage and faster NP generation.

I wish there was at least one good amputation doujin featuring Saber.

Fucking Nero won't let me protect his smile


Fuck off, she's an annoying shit and stupid character.
Also for Ner you could just pretend that Santa Alter is her, after all they are almost the same

You'll get coal this year too, user.

I agree Liz and Nero are annoying but this

Makes you way more of a piece of shit than any of their fans could ever be short of replicating that behavior themselves.

There's no reason for you to act like a retard.

What's up with the weird tattoos?

>after all they are almost the same
Literally nothing in common but the face at this point

Try Tamamo/Shuten/Lancelot. If you have any CEs that give stars like 2030 or the various event ones those are great for that sort of team. Waver, Bride, or other Tamamo supports might be useful too. I'd also recommend leveling your skills, teams with Tamamo really benefit from lower cooldown.

> That bottom left face
What is it with Good male characters and crazy faces?

Nah, Liz is adorable. Youre just more of s pessimistic bitchy asshole than I am..

He probably is a retard.

ded seiyuu

It's not my fault that she'd look good as a limbless torso.

Stacking art buffs on Saberlot is a pretty foolproof strategy. With his crit, you're pretty much garanteed to get full refund of his NP bar on an Art chain.


Void cells.

>yfw the welfare Servant this year is Ruler Saint Nicholas

In the next game he'll have his own route and we will be able to heal him r-right?

Edgy, savage, twisted and epic. Do you like Insane Clown Party too bro?

>abit more and I can make my friends farm bond more easily

Or I could save it up to buy more XP and fous I'll never use and 3* CEs

She always look good. It's her burden.

But being a naughty user is all you.

I would rather have another Rider than that memeclass

>Orleans gets animated
>no Taneda Cake
>no Taneda Kiyo

I still won't use your support


The last SSR I rolled was Mordred, that was way back since Saber-only gacha. I've rolled at least 5 times since then.

What's a void cell?

>they got shit rie as the tanechan replacer

why not just get nana?



Thank you guys, also last things. I have 4 formalcrafts, should I give them to someone or should I just stick with star gen CE?
Also I presume to max Tamamo's third skill for first, after that which should I max?

She's with the alcoholic Russian soldier who wants to Make The USSR Great Again.

Her main trick is that she can make a man her champion by fucking thim, which gives them near servant tier physical stats and proficiency with many types of weapons so long as he's loyal to her. She can also summon the Bull of Cooley, who is a semi-divine beast that is tanky as a motherfucker.

Her own stats are kinda shit aside from Riding and Agility, but I gave her Golden Rule for fun too.

He's with the Brit enforcer from the Clocktower who wants to take the Grail for research.

He's got good stats, okay magic resistance, and two NPs. The first is a B rank shield that he can sacrifice while blocking an attack to steal the enemy's weapon. The second is the A rank sword Crocea Mors, which he stole from Caeser in life with the aforementioned shield and used to then butcher his army.

I've rewrote CM to just have good crit odds and a big bonus on attack roles since the canon one is OP.

He's stuck with a gypsy illusionist from a minor family that wants the Grail for personal gain.

He's got A rank strength, and C rank everything else aside from E rank Luck. His NPs are stronk.

First is his A rank bow, which ignores resistance to piercing damage and bonuses gained from cover for a target's Armor Class. It also has a roll on hit to see if it over-penetrates, meaning if multiple targets are in a row it can potentially hit all of them.

His second is the A rank Blessings of Athena. Since the favor she granted him was an innate charm, the end of the Age of the Gods hasn't degraded it like his curses have. As a result, he can:
>Innately know the general direction of any place he has previously visited compared
>Suffers no movement or accuracy penalties from rough terrain
>Can roll luck checks using this as his bonus modifier instead, and non-magical traps automatically fail against him

>That would actually be pretty awesome.

Never gonna happen.

Because Rie is cheaper than Nana. And Nana wouldn't be a good fit for the roles anyway.

That would be pretty wild.

Gilko is dangerous.

I just like some Fatalpulse stuff, nothing wrong with that.

Let's be honest, there's a little bit wrong with that. But no more than is wrong with the average person.


>Can't put mashu in the storage

Literally whats the point, there's no reason to use her anymore now that Tane-chan is gone.

Does Medusa actually have some time to shine in the game or it's just another wasted chance?
from this it seems like she's quite popular, but she's always underused and ignored by TM

Oh, and his bow's range is just "wherever the horizon is". If he can see it, he can hit it.


or Shuten because I can't get her yet

Anybody else hoping that newer Servants get some more spotlight when it comes to welfares?

The most fun welfares we've gotten so far were all kinda new-ish.
Nobu, Kintoki, Mashu, Kuro etc

Recycling older characters is kinda meh. I don't want the x-th Saberface to be a welfare yet again, same with Liz, Ass Scat etc.

5 times is 50 rolls, you have 1/100 chances to get a 5*, so no, it's normal.

Not even a gold servant. Shit SR CEs.

damn thats neat, was expecting som skills from his voyage

I'm pretty sure the chances to get at least 1 SSR servant every 100 rolls is 60% percent.

If anything Kintoki was an older character than Scathach in Fate terms wasn't he?

>not Avenger Saint Nick who exacts righteous gruesomeness on naughty children

Kintoki is an exception.
He's fun.