xth for Lotus cards will all be bad because they belong to good classes minus Rogue
Aiden Sullivan
Really makes you think
Levi Young
Are quests the only way to get gold? I'm trying to save up for the adventures.
James Peterson
zombiechow girl should be pretty good
Julian Richardson
Reminder that Shadowverse is a game by and for pedophiles
James Long
everydeck is boring the game has no mechs for gorilla bot and menagerie was a failure
Grayson Rogers
3 wins give you 10 gold, and that maxes at 30 daily wins. There's also arena if you are really good at it.
Jack Moore
Gtfo to Shadowverse fkin homo weeb
Michael Morales
you also get 10 gold every 3 wins and if you're good you can make gold on arena by averaging something like 6.7 wins
Dominic Evans
Sign me up.
Levi Thompson
>Muh politically correct CCG
Ayden Sanders
I want to marry this card
Levi Murphy
Friendly reminder that midrange Shaman is still going to shit all over every class after this expansion.
Luis Young
Fresh from Le reddit
Jason Lopez
Jack Baker
Really makes you think...
Hunter Perez
What cards are they losing?
Josiah Ward
play Shadowverse
Oliver Moore
>one is in the light >the other one is in the shadow
Isaac Thompson
Are you by chance pretending to be stupid to get the (You)'s or do you just don't know about "combos"?
Carson Gray
imagine being so anally devastated that you message someone after a lost
Easton Cox
Why would I play a game that's frequently decided by turn 4 and however got the better 4 drop/amulet?
I mean Hearthstone is kind of bad in this regard (manacurve/just play your cards), but at least all that RNG gives me a chance to come back. (see Pavel @Blizzcon)
Brandon Reed
but i'm currently shitting all over the meta with reno n'zoth dragon hunter
Sebastian Thomas
>not even mad >even though that was !@#$ed up >haha
Jace Davis
>Why would I play a game that's frequently decided by turn 4
huh ?
Jose Jones
I don't get it
Who was in the wrong here?
Aaron Morris
>niche example Cmon man, try a little harder on your baits
Jeremiah Johnson
OP. For being a retard who actually messages people after a game and then posting it on Leddit.
I thought his opponent was funny as hell: >idiot! I have book >stupid man >don't cry if you lose >gg What did he mean by this?
Angel King
Really makes you think
Xavier Turner
>tunnel trogg >totem golem >lightning bolt
Michael James
Let's hope with all the other online card games being released or already out (like 6-7?), Ben "HAHAHAHA" "MONEY" Brode tries a little harder this time and does't just reprint and corrupt previous cards (like Rag).
Brandon Thomas
new cards
Anthony Moore
rag was actually good though
Ian Thomas
>good warlock cards never
Ayden Barnes
really makes you think.
Its almost like every card game has these cards.
Jordan Johnson
how many reprints and new versions of old cards are in the new set?
ooze and leper gnome off the top of my head oh and the kirin tor mage for 1 mana
Dominic Smith
>so many different factions like fel/dalaran >will never get to make a deck full because it will be one or two per expansion and then they will be deleted from the game in two years
Colton Wilson
Because of her design or because she's a cute blue goat woman?
Leo Thomas
It's like the Shitverse card is a ripoff of a HS card.
Dominic Davis
Reminder we have 2 hours left to vote for warlock legendary for kabal!
Gavin Hall
>Elven Archer
Daniel Young
reveal is today or tomorrow ?
Jonathan Thomas
Those are not reprints you double nigger.
Dylan Long
I want to fuck that archangel!
James Powell
Carter Russell
Omg you saw censored characters for "fuck" and you automatically assumed that person was mad. I hate your kind of retarded niggers. I can insult enough to make a 30 page essay and not be mad.
Isaiah Edwards
i said reprints and new versions
its no different than blizzard making a copy of an existing card, and just increasing or decreasing its mana ans stats by X
Christopher Campbell
It's in 1 hour and 48 minutes.
Jaxon Perry
why even bother voting?
do you think they're going to say "oh yeah, there isn't enough interest so i guess we won't be revealing it, sucks that nobody gives a fuck about our expansion hehe"
its getting revealed regardless
Jaxon Carter
Man, someone recently played scouts in combo with this against me.
Never saw that before and nearly shat my pants.
Ethan Powell
i wanna fuck a goat
Oliver Diaz
/svg/ should be able to help you with that
Owen James
So you just won?
Angel Ortiz
Lethal is death touch, like Emperor Cobra has. Weird how Hearthstone doesn't yet have a keyword for this actually.
Ethan Flores
Joshua Davis
mtg didnt have keywords for death touch, lifelink etc for like 6 years
Nathan Fisher
Yet it actually has a specific custom made icon, the green little pot, while keyworded abilities like battelcrys or charge don't.
But what do you expect from a game that cant even use consistant language for discarding 2 cards from hand.
Daniel Parker
Recurring abilities that they do not want to print a lot do not get a keyword
Charles Johnson
Is there anything more cancerous than secret hunter?
Ayden Thompson
In your opinion, which class is looking like the best once MSOG comes out?
Brody Parker
>significantly weaker than a shadowverse counterpart
Thomas Smith
definitely not priest
John Wright
Juan Martin
Can you show decklist so far?
David Martin
show your curve/deck
the boar is the best choice otherwise
Dylan Hernandez
name ONE curd
Brayden Peterson
>le Blizzard loves aggro meme I've been telling people this shit isn't true since all the they is nerf charge or direct face damage cards and this is full proof that blizzard doens't give a shit about aggro since it doenst make them any money.
Wyatt Rivera
Reported for spam, you unfunny weeb.
Jason Gomez
How isn't NZoth basically one of the most design constricting cards in the game?
Sebastian Gomez
>half my decks are removals >5 games in a row where I don't draw a single removal Jesus fucking Christ this shit is unreal.
Jayden Hall
>Nerf half of the original face hunter deck >Justicar gives hunter hero power +1 instead of double like every other class >Control warrior is viable and never lost their tier 1 status in any expansion >Receive only a nerf on execute that affect literally nothing
Blizzard likes control (actually they like midrange more but whatever). Literally all viable legendaries are viable in control decks while we see little to no legendary that is viable and game changing for aggro.
Jordan Parker
How's Freeze Mage holding up? I haven't played since they introduced standard.
Cameron Kelly
good matchup against mid range shammy, so that's good. Tho Warriors (C'thun, N'Zoth, control) and hunters (secret and mid range secret) are fairly popular on ladder right now and both shit on freeze mage
Nathan Murphy
wow I really fucking don't want to but tracking in my high value reno hunter deck but tempo mage just does not give me enough time to draw it fucking roaring torch and pyroblast book
Parker Parker
What time is warlock leggo reveal?
Jordan Clark
I had never noticed this much shadowverse posting in /hsg/ before i started playing it
What happened?
Joshua Sullivan
They link this general in the OP of every shadowverse general.
I'm going to make the next OP for them so it doesn't happen again.
Dylan Clark
I still don't understand why people cried bloody murder at Yogg-Saron yet Ragnaros who is included in basically 80% of meta decks, decides games with RNG swings all the fucking time and has been OP since beta is totally fine in everybody's minds.
Andrew Davis
Noah Reyes
>playing wild priest >enemy summons Baron Whatever >change his mind and trade my Shifting Shade with his damage Belcher >get Assassins Blade and Deadly Poison >trade Cairne >get two 4/5
Sometimes the gods just smile upon the priest player. But mostly they laugh at you if you're trying to play standard.
Zachary Gomez
>priest in wild
even secret pally is not that scummy
Hunter Lewis
In mage arena dominace pick Boar?..are want him to autolose?
Camden Harris
>the strongest deck that is simultaneously the most brain dead play on curve shit in the game >not scummier
Uther get the fuck out
Angel Stewart
if mage ping on turn 3 to kill your 2 it's not that bad.
Aiden Moore
anyone here going to watch the red bull team brawl.
team Srifecro ftw
Brandon Cooper
Blaster, Ruler of Infernos
Caleb Sanders
Zoo, Hunter, and Patron are all better than Priest in wild.
Grayson Long
who is playing in it and what are the rules / format?
Samuel Thomas
1 hour until every other deck starts sucking warlock dick
Alexander Powell
Am I missing something or are some cards are just straight up better than others?
Grayson Cook
rooting for my nigga Dog
Juan Long
>inb4 1 mana 2/3 taunt, deathrattle deal 3 damage to your hero
Asher Sullivan
wasnt this the priest legendary?
Ryder Lopez
It's almost certainly going to be a no duplicate something costs (0) card.
Logan Russell
starts in 2 mins there are 4 teams of 3 strife and firebat are on a team eloise and reynad are on a team savijz is on a team with some people
Henry Gonzalez
when is it
Jordan Butler
True. Priest is getting 2 legendaries this expansion.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>savijz is on a team with some people zeriayh? is this a meme stream
Matthew Sanchez
Any EU bros on? Got Watch & Learn on my f2p EU account.