Old: Bot Lane Edition
Old: Bot Lane Edition
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First for S L U T Fiora
xth for booty
post em and rate
>TFW actually a shyvana main
>TFW cant get an S even on perfect games
feels bad but I think im 8th or 9th ranked shyv in NA at least
zilean rank 7 is nice, so is veigar. are you mostly playing vieg mid or supp?
>someone tries to tell me Nids kit doesnt have way too much free shit
>Those jinx eyes
>Those tits on soraka
>Those bard/fiddle/azir costumes
Veigar mid, but support has been interesting since his rework
Nice lvl7 Braum and morde you got there friendo
i LOVE this game
So why does ivern have the highest jungle win rate all of a sudden?
Riot "indirectly" buffed him, and his kit was good to start with.
redemption memebuild
Is the snow map out on pbe or? Also when does the new champ go on pbe? Next week or longer?
But he doesn't use colossus, he uses windspeakers. Unless you're talking about something else.
riot directly buffed him you dingus
>He doesn't feel like a ninja
>So we give him a fuckhuge magic sword
Wow user! Don't you tell me!
>tfw lose 8 games in a row
What exactly makes karma so disgusting now when she's been doing the same shit since her release?
>nigri shows up
>that skinny skeltal janna
Also that Soraka looks familar. I'm fairly certain she got posted in some /v/ cosplay threads. I think she's Russian.
karma was buffed like 15 times before she was good
He got bunch of buffs and since SotA was removed that makes a lot of the competing jungles way worse.
You are like little baby, watch this.
Here she is:
hyperbolic statement
>tfw I found her Instagram
jebi se kurva
Post it.
>doggo sitting out in the cold waiting for grandma to come home
>dont want to queue up for a game before he comes back in
>he's been out there for like 30 minutes
how do i get my doggo to come back into the warm so i can play leggo legents
xth for yordle butts
dress up as your grandma and the dog will come inside.
Lure him with some food, always works.
looks like a human butt to me
>playing amumu past gold
for what purpose
turn off vsync
I want to slice off Riven's clitoris then force her to chew it and swallow while saying "mmmm!" :3
Fine, but only because she doesn't seem to have a gallery posted anywhere. Please don't be autistic about this guys.
Just lift doggo lmao
Whenever new champions are placed on pbe
there is usually a video on surr @ 20 showing their abilities
Guys how do i keep my cs a float ?
I kinda know how to dodge cc and right click but my minions always cuck me when i try to last hit
What if he's a dyel manlet?
>Please don't be autistic about this guys.
What about yordle bellies?
it's not much but I finally got veigar as my number 1 again and that's what counts for me.
Also how the fuck is she Croatian when she writes shit in Russian and she wrote Moscow at the top of the page?
it is a yordle butt
that's too much ice cream
you know damn well what I'm talking about
Why is Shyv so popular? Is she sleeper OP?
jesus christ my dick
It's something I heard last time she was brought up here. Oh well.
i miss akali and kalista
really thought my shit was already bad
She is cute!
>wanna spam ivern in clown queue
>literally cant because i get retarded niggers that dont know how to follow up on ganks or that have constant 2k ping instead
what champ can i play in jungle that can solo carry games until i stop getting bronze and silver retards on my teams
lolg tell me what to play
The magic man.
daily reminder THIS is what ahri should look like
I havent played since before they reworked Tristana
I just got this out of some free box or something
Any good?
VA-11 Hall-A, an user here told me to try it and it's great
>Naut is allowed to be unkillable with Shadow of the Collossus mastery
Where is the counterplay???
Have vayne on your team
Just don't let him CC you dummy
I just played him
I don't have him
Magic man it is
How do we fix him /lolg/
As someone who owns all of her skins
it's an ok skin
more novelty factor than to actually use it.
it's better than her worst skin which is guerilla
make his mines stop being fucking useless by doing all damage at once
increase aa range
Ok penis, here we go again
It's her best skin, in my opinion. She looks so adorable
Is that aka6?
I can play cuter junglers than Shyvana.
There is no reason to pick her then I guess
>Mushrooms now ignore 50% of the enemy's mag resist and has a chance to crit
Magic barrels
>shyvana is a dragonborn
>transforms into a wyvern
???????????????????? lolbabbs???????????????????????????????
My cs this game is not the best but always be activity looking for farm. Don't just group mid push bot/top farm jungle then go mid and hold it. It just take experience to know when to do what and when not to. My damage was shit this game but mainly posting so you can the ranks I go vs.
Liking sej is ok too, but I think Shyvana is hotter_______
Riot Girl looks more adorable.
Bandle please update the imgur
>facebook tristana
I am not bandle
Reminder to join EUNE Veeky Forums club
Add GlebLuluPmforERP
Speaking of Shyv, how is she this patch?
I'll prolly play her more when the mini-rework goes through next patch, but just for now.
is there an NA one i can join?
>lux in bot lane duos
fuck you op lux is a midlaner
Reminds me of the fact that dragons in skyrim are also wyverns.
>also here is your (you)
>there are people right now
>who think Illaoi has any reddeemable qualities outside of porn.
>tfw no syndra to step on face
btw any maths students here I need help with my maths homework
tfw fucking love feet and end up staring at them 90% of the time in anything lewd
shes busted below plat people dont understand you have to dodge her skills and disengage when she ults
i have a bachelor's in math and CS
The fact that her ult removes the indicators for her tentacles still baffles me.
It's just a giagantic pain to play against her since she just utls and you either have to blow a flash/mobility spell and leave or die, so you'll never kill her 1v1 unless it's pre-six or you're fed as fuck.