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>transmogging over your artifact

>trying to get the elemental hidden artifact appearance
>the rares in sewers won't even spawn for 10 minutes+

fun grind

Vendetta Relics are significantly better with Agonizing Poison, since it lets you line up every second Vendetta with a Vanish and drastically increases your Vendetta uptime in general. If you have the Duskwalker legendary boots they get even better since you can get nearly 50% uptime on Vendetta.

shut the fuck up, at least yours is accessible more than once every 3 months
t. fury warrior


You forgot "This Game is SO Hard" Illidan

no one cares about your avatarfagging shit guild

i just tried to do cos +6 but our tank and dps kept flaming each other, pulling pats and killing unnecessary trash because the couldn't find the enforcers

it's awful when my tank isn't good, it makes it so much harder for me

Most artifacts look like ass though and the alternative skins are usually just lazy re-colors

I am arcane mage Do I use my conserve Rotation before or After invocation?

>farming marks of honor

The pvp weekly quest can't come soon enough

you fuck off and seek the help of reputable guides on learning how to play instead of asking for help in the designated shitting street

Whats the Most revealing cloth then?

>RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Not a /wowg/ guild, remove this please.


black mageweave bottom, buccanneer's vest top

anyone got 4 legendaries yet? feel like my 3rd killed my bad luck protection

what race for horde warrior?

Space goat or Nelf for DK?

female orc

Stand togethet or DIE ALONE!



Orc is the only acceptable one

But I'm a WW, and our only good appearance is behind prestige 1, level 50.

Male Troll is the patrician option.

If I'm healing mythic+, how do I know whether people die because they did something wrong, or if I just wasn't healing enough?

dont jape me user

As much as I like trolls, plate armor just doesn't look good on them

I'd molest those horns.

post your toons

I go male troll everything except warrior which i went female troll :3

Warcraftlogs has an entire section for Keystone Dungeons. Log it and go over your logs to see what did what and why.

troll males' hunchbacks and lanky posture ruin plate armor
go female troll or orc

zug zug

Now I know why PvP is called minigame. What a shitshow. Unless you have paladin or MW on your team you can just lube up, take it in the ass and hope it will be over quick
>surrender to memeness

Why always female boys?

>it's an avatarfag uses a loophole in the system episode

So what do i do now?

>be affliction
>hit top 10 on a fight in warcraftlogs
>ilvl bracket 8%


I don't mind as long as I can use her hole.

M+, WQs, LFR..

>uses a loophole
huh? what do you mean

>no ToV HC or mythic
What do you think?

I've had some solid matches this past week, but yeah if you're up against a team stacked with monks and holy paladins you usually just lose.

I just wish I could spam a specific battleground without losing out on the rewards, really not a fan of MoP / WoD BG's.

the post you quoted explained why male troll warriors look bad
orc and tauren male warriors are generic 12year old musclemen fantasy
both forsaken also look horrible in plate because of the exposed bones
so unless you want to be le ironic strongman tiny race meme as a goblin or a pandafag you don't have much choice

more qts

>Tov hc and m still unlocked
LMAO S/hitter

hey qt!

please don't touch them.

AQ robes
legion leveling robes
crimson/azure silk vest

and polychromatic visionwrap

am I wrong for always sticking with default appearance Ashbringer?

i feel like the campaign upgrade one is just taking ashbringer and shitting on it

>he doesn't play male troll DK in the anub'arak PVP armor so he can be an EVA unit

>not in a mythic raiding guild
>unlikely to ever make it into one because I don't want to apply to it like it's a job
>why am I even bothering any more

we're discussing warriors you mong

it's ok because any guild that has you apply with a copy pasted form from 2005 is absolute fucking garbage

that post is purely about plate armor and male trolls. Whatever else is in the chain of replies, I'm sure you meant DK, too.

I'll never understand how blizzard fucked up PvP balance so badly when they went out of their way to give everyone fixed stat templates

I mean shit, just about every melee dps eats casters alive because, surprise, blizzard pruned all the abilities used for kiting because they were too confusing for soccer moms. Fuck this game.

i'm not getting an invite for M+ unless i switch to holy, which is fucking boring to play

LVL 60 here.

When does the game get fun?

>rogue class hall has worgen guards walking around
>female worgen walk animation has their hips swaying and tits jiggling


What an opinion. No wonder Blizzard doesn't listen to people posting online.

>post character RIGHT MEOW XD

>in a mythic raiding guild
>they ask if I want to come next week

At 865

>only 2 guilds have killed helya
>only about 29~ guilds have even killed guarm
>rest are being gatekeepered thinking they were good for clearing an undertuned launch raid
based fucking blizzard

Unban service legit?

Looks like you'll have to work out the epic mysteries of starting your own group user


Are your zugg zuggs bigger than Gruxx's?


despite what you think those guilds are not all 890/35

post your hooves

I was talking about arena specifically tho. Hpala and MW monks are impossible to kill. I managed to kill some palas but zero MW monks

Could be worse, could be one of the guilds that spam trade chat.

Blizzard could at least let you list groups for mythic raids in the group finder (and when searching for mythic, only display the groups on your realm you could join). Or do something about that utterly useless guild finder.

I don't know. I got one MW doing weekly on my alt. Got swarmed and fucked up in an instant. But you probably mean ranked.

helya would look pretty hot if she didn't have this dumbshit dyke haircut blizzard has been obsessing with lately

why are you so obsessed with my hooves

>mad that you can't run and cry to /qa/

yeah, just avoid arenas

pic related

>it's a screamer calling tov overtuned episode

You know where the dykes got it doe

just post them please

it's nordic, retard...

I meant the guilds that killed Guarm not the ones struggling.


She might look a lot nicer if she wasn't just Kil'jaeden reskinned for the second time

Undead Male. I could use some more Undead bros

i didn't know kil'jaeden had boobs


I want to lick those hooves

qt overload in this thread

chromosome overload in this thread

honestly i just want my mouth full of your delicious hooves

rolling a fem dwarf paladin
is she cute?
i think shes pretty cute

brewmaster buffs when?

>Have 2 mages in M+ run with titanforged flamewreath trinket
>Pull entire trash
>Both trinkets proc along with Living Bomb
>Everything melts and entire fight didn't even last 10 seconds
Now this is what I call fun video game

>tfw kinda wanna level my blood elf mage because she's cute and frost looks kinda fun this time around

Is this a terrible idea considering 7.1.5 nerfs?

I also wish she was Night Elf or Draenei but my friends all play Horde.

No I'm going to touch the fuck out of them they look like they'd be so nice to touch. so i will, don't worry my hands are clean.