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way too fucking early so here have some waifu

Anyone for HotS farm for Oni Genji Skin?


Have Sylvanas for fast wins

Previous thread:

Widowmaker is puirple

This thread is for beautiful pure caramel girls only

posting in inferior thread

No, YOU'RE purple!

>mfw if they don't buff symmetra main weapon and keep her dependent on some shitty turrets


>hots right now

When will they change the menu hero bsack to a random one? This is getting real fucking old seeing the same disgusting hero design over and over and it just ruins the mood for a game every time.

In a week or so. Same happened during Ana update. Just wait a bit more till the sombra hype calms down.

When are they going to buff the other Offensive heroes to 76's level?

"soldier is OP" but cant cancel ults?? not OP, not even viable in my opinion. Mcree is just better in every FUCKING way.

soldier is now as good as mcree dmg-wise but id chose a good mcree ten out of ten times instead of a fucking soldier.


>team getting destroyed 0-2 on koth
>teammate finally goes rein with me as ana
>what a surprise, we do well when i just pocket him
>switches from rein to zarya on the last map
>literally does nothing but run in alone
>loses and blames the team for not helping him

>steamroll attack
>match gets cancelled

fuck off, matches shouldn't be allowed to get cancelled after first point is taken.

>that perfect skin color and body

Why is Soldier allowed to be this good? Only tanks should be allowed to kill people fast!

Reinhardt charge insta-killing and Roadhog hook combo insta-killing is fine by me, but Soldier being able to do a quick burst + missiles to kill is UNACCEPTABLE!


just deflect it

use this first since it was created earlier

after this genji skin expires, don't know how they're gonna keep that game alive.

earlier thread

they are both equally shit and dead, so who cares.

Here's a shota husbando to make it a little less unbearable

your thread is gay go away

Hanbok D.Va when

Soldier is overhyped as fuck and only viable with ana, his abilities do nothing that can possibly impact the outcome of a teamfight.

So I just started playing the game again after almost 5 months since it's free on PS4 and I'm currently getting over been bedridden. Holy shit this game is still a fucking blast to play! Sombra is fucking amazing! The new Arcade mode is great! Everything is beautiful and I'm in love again. I just have a few really important questions though.

After a long Overwatch match, would you rather bury your face between:
>Widowmaker's hot, sweaty ass
>Tracer's cute, sweaty feet
>Mei's Awesome, sweaty breasts?

Also I hear they are going to be announcing who the gay character(s) is/are. Why? Who?

That one is too autistic.

Jamison Fawkes!

>faggots triggered that their early shit thread is dead

I can't find the Sombra SFM

>teammate doesn't realize they're being healed
>desperately searches for a health kit at full health
just another day in gold

That one is bad, though.

Perfect for licking

Is picking Torb a reportable offense?

when you work for blizzard and make it

try being less autistic next time

>they STILL haven't fixed the mercy res under Eichenwalde bridge
How incompetent can you be blizzard
had to push last 10 meters 4v6

what's the bug?

>play free weekend
>dominate everyone, even players who are high level
the good players aren't even playing the game heh. embarrassing

Everyone knows that D.va wants Genji's robocock (which belongs to Mercy).

She has the cutest smile

What do your statistics look like for your favorite hero, /owg/?

>1v1 Genji vs Soldier
Who should win?
you get stuck if ressed after dying from falling down

No where is the blue?

I want to hug the smug.


Too bad she belongs to tracer.

Cutest girl. They've done a great job there.

>posting quick play stats
can't believe i even considered replying

>enemy play torb
>teammates always ignore it
>one sentry enough to solo all 6 of us

>be torb
>sentry gets destroyed before I even put it down

teach me to git gud with this dwarfman

>Mfw I have every health pack on the KotH level locked down because the enemy Sombra is retarded.

it's just blizzard's passive aggressive way of saying "mercy is shit, don't fucking pick her, you brain dead mongoloids"

let's mix up this waifu fagging with some of the dankest reaper memes around
give them and no-one gets hurt

She's perfect.

Whoops, my bad, hadn't even known there was a second tab.

Soldier at all ranges.

reaper's memes are the best

pretty ok i think

I'd post competitive stats but I rarely play competitive and the few times I did, I only got to play Mei like twice.

>reaper says he carried

Like shit sadly

Gimme those buffs.

Caramel > Blue

fuck off gabe

can't get enough of best boy

>when your team willingly throws the game by choosing a horrendous comp despite telling your team why it's bad, what we need, and offering to play anything

>korean art designer works for OW
>no traditional design for D.Va

I have to confess I like Show your support because I can play Attack Symm and don't need an excuse

is that a pro symmetra

worst genji eu reporting in

The Origins Edition is now $23 if you buy the game on an Argentina Battle.Net account. It's usually $26 for the regular copy.

You can probably gift these although I haven't done it. If you want a smurf account well there you go.



only play him against clinical retards otherwise he's dead weight,
your ult can turn a 1v1 around easily,
learn the arc of your m1,
don't forget your m2,
you turret is there for deterring flankers,
try to keep some armour packs in case of emergencys

First the french lady, then korean girl

>still not nerfed or buffed
what's his secret

Superior blue > inferior brown
An objective fact.

Not worst, just average.

So not releasing First Strike pretty much BTFO of all R76 and Ana76 fags didn't it?

I guess it's for the best.

gee i'm sorry gabe i'm not that good with death-threats

they aren't friends
they're just forced to work with each other because some higher-up- Talon thinks it's funny to see her fail
>damn it Widowmaker, you failed again
>It's not my fault it was my teammates

I think Sombra, Reaper and Widow in 3 vs 3 would probably get roasted

>reaper vore
i could probably get behind it, even though vore is disgusting

>359 ARS
wew that's rough.

Why not both?

You're going to come with me

I wish Hana Song was real

>tfw AnaxReinhardt is going to be canon

My only redeeming quality is my ability to land headshots.

>he studied fashion before the war

>climb from 2.3 to 2.8
>literally +500 mmr with 48% winrate
either stats are retarded or the mmr system is

I mostly just do nothing and win more than I lose anyway.
Thanks Quick play.

>waifu OP
>single gabe-posters evolved into memes
ur the best

She stinks

He's great if the other team don't have a good team comp

Daily reminder that quick play winrate is worthless because won fill-in matches count and lost don't

>doritos smell is stinky

kys senpai

>it's a free weekend player tries to fit in by posting reddit memes episode

not even bait gets this many (you)'s LUL
sleep tight reap tight