Are they? Seems like they've been well run at least, even if you personally might not be interested in the teams playing.
Jordan Adams
Why is there Handegg right now.
What happened to the formula 4CC?
Hunter Barnes
It's obviously from some Nanako doujin. Shouldn't be too hard to find. I seriously hope you don't do this though. She's not for lewd.
Michael Harris
When did anyone say there was going to be Formula 4CC on today?
Twinky's been at least advertising his handegg thing in /4ccg/ all week.
Adam Lee
While I still enjoy watching Invitationals I find it hard to get thoroughly excited for some fake team that someone made. Like I said they're still fun to watch but its not as fun as watching /myteam/ play since its the same group of fake teams that participate in invitationals; at least the test cup will be fun to watch.
Joshua Peterson
No one the Handegg just reminded me of it. Is it still a thing?
Caleb Moore
That's a pretty good explanation. I can see that and agree with you. I think people are nervous about submitting board teams for invitationals because of some of the shit they get if teams lose. It's hard to take anything seriously.
Gabriel Bailey
>twonky makes a complete fucking mockery of /pol/ and is largely responsible for their relegation to the fetus >he's still allowed to rig up a handegg invitational that's broadcast on the main channel HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
Eli Fisher
Caring about Handegg in the first place. In other news /block/ is the best team in the cup.
John Ward
thats in winter user
Alexander Cooper
Oh. Good if its still alive, I didn't see it in summer, but then again maybe I missed it.
Ethan Richardson
Asher Mitchell
I'm gay
Zachary Taylor
Is this okay?
Michael Peterson
Gave me a huge boner desu
Isaiah Hernandez
Jose Clark
We need to figure a way to transfer /block/'s luck to /co/.
Also when is the /block/ video going up on hitbox? I've been wanting to watch it all day.
Samuel Robinson
>We need to figure a way to transfer /block/'s luck to /co/ There's an easier way: sack Mantis.
Samuel Baker
>We need to figure a way to transfer /block/'s luck to /co/. Step 1: Sack Mantis/DocSax Step 2: Full /v/ except with /block/ and not /u/ Step 3: ??? Step 4: the /co/uth will rise
Jack Stewart
If it's the best team how come no one copies them?
Cooper Reyes
DocSax and Mantis are the two reasons /co/ are not running /block/ (or even /csa/) strats and winning babbies
Henry Scott
But why can't another team run /block/ if it's so good then?
Point is just because it beat a rigged /jp/ and it wins meme games no one cares about means it's good
Thomas Nguyen
It's almost as if /block/ and /csa/ weren't good vs actual cup tactics
Bentley Walker
1-Sack the /co/ managers 2-Copy block 3-???? 4-Stay in fetus because no Flash curse
Ian Jenkins
Because /block/ isn't actually good and we're all fucking with each other.
>Can shit out an export 3 weeks after seeing what works and doesn't work in the current cup >Can create an export specifically countering the current champion >Streams their own matches, so they can LITERALLY rig it by giving their opponent the wrong formation/export that couldn't advance from the Spring babbies
/block/ is a meme that we put up with because it seems to make Boris happy, and Boris is slowly turning into a miserable person. He needs all the happy he can get and we want to give him it.
It's supposed to happen for the Winter pre-show if I remember right.
Justin Sanders
Purple is good but only on Neptune/Purple Heart
Daniel Ross
You forgot: >Nobody can't test against them because the export isn't public
Carson Wright
>testing for fucking /block/
Jayden Gutierrez
>testing for a singular memegame that you probably have below 1% chance of actually getting
Joseph Price
god damn, who shat in your cereal today
Xavier Hill
But he's right.
Brayden Wilson
Hi Boris. I said that I wanted you to be HAPPY, that's why we don't call you out on it.
Just enjoy today's win, ok?
Tyler Wilson
10th of December or 15th of Janurary, or if can get another streamer to do it 24-26th of December.
Luke Rodriguez
It was a draw though. Or it would be if Tenko didn't tell him to turn on penalties
Daniel White
Get another streamer to do it, seriously I love you (no homo) as a person but there is not a single person in the cup who is more useless at everything he attempts to do
Ryder Ross
>Literally no public export >Boris can change everything he wants at any time to counter it >Even if you don't want to test, you still have zero idea against what you are playing And calm your autism
Gavin Brown
And it still doesn't matter because it is a meaningless game for >fun
Jeremiah Rogers
If you actually looked at the conversation, you will realize its about /block/ being unbeatable/good, not about >testing >for >fun
you have to dig deeper on this channel idk if klaxa puts it on the arcives
Michael Flores
Thanks senpai.
Brody Long
Shitposting aside, I've noticed Boris sounds a lot happier now than in the past. I think stepping down as commissioner has made this more fun for him.
Gavin Foster
Filename time?
Eli Peterson
What about >Twonky
Liam Thomas
Does >Twonky even stream anymore?
Zachary Taylor
eh, why not
Blake Watson
Joseph Reyes
Alexander Turner
Alexander Gonzalez
Benjamin Powell
>tfw phoneposter
Angel Wood
>buying apple products
Cooper Thomas
Why do other people to tell me not to be happy with what I have? Feels bad man
Jason Rodriguez
Because if what you have leaves you to posting your feelings on /4ccg/, it ain't much.
Aiden Reyes
After watching a lot of PES, I've got to say, the stories in most of these games are really getting dull as fuck. The first 10 or so times all the goals and spaghetti are pretty amazing, but soon thy all start repeating and the scenes start following a pattern and damn, it's like FIFA does this football stuff just as good as half these PES matches but without tens of hours of retarded defenders. I don't know if I can muster up the will to watch any more PES matches if they're all going to be this repetitious.
And I mean, holy shit. There's all this big drama about Veeky Forums getting her first time in summer, how wonderful and exciting, here's a hype goalhorn... but dudes, I've watched HUNDREDS of PES matches, this isn't "my" first time, this is just another board staining my cum rag among hundreds of others, so what if it is Veeky Forums's year, I've seen like a hundred other wins.
Ryder Lee
What game was this originally about, anyway?
Carson Bell
It's pretty funny how accurate this is
Colton Martin
>page 9 Three Mermaids
Hudson Richardson
>Winter is gonna be worse than 1.12 Which PES are we gonna use in Spring? 15?
Nathaniel Hernandez
Jace Turner
>page 10 LGTSS, VGL edition >/yourteam/ >other teams you're rooting for (if any) >teams you're rooting against (if any)
Zachary Russell
>/hsg/ >/xcg/, /lolg/, /twg/, /gsg/, /llsifg/, /hanny/ (BIG DOG RANCE WOOF WOOF) >/vn/ I guess. I don't like the concept of visual novels and waifufaggotry in general. Maybe the team will make me flip sides.
Dominic Brown
>doesn't like visual novels and waifufaggotry >roots for /hanny/, /llsifg/, and /lolg/
wew lad. e w
Brandon Clark
/hanny/'s got RANCE his suit is GREEN and that makes it COOL
/lolg/ has the funny esports maymays that I always get a kick out of and /llsifg/ is more of a "I watch those matches with my brother because he's a weebshitter".
Elijah Long
God I hate gman so much
David Campbell
James Kelly
Well, Mr. Freeman, you did get the choice.
Jack Torres
Rance is a HRPG series not a visual novel series
Daniel Ramirez
I was going to post something similar to be desu
Julian Gonzalez
>/feg/ >/hanny/, /gsg/ >/pg/, /pg/, /pg/, /pg/, /pg/, /pg/, and /pg/ Anyone who likes #FE can die, please. In a fire
Isaac Jenkins
>Twonky I very badly want a /feg/-/pg/ match in the VGL group stage
>have to root for /llsifg/, even though the general itself is cancer and the memes in the roster shit, because I like LL
Benjamin Wright
All the roster memes are made by me. AMA
Mason White
With how much I've been going on about it, it's going to happen and /feg/ is going to lose.
Ian Lewis
Is this okay?
Leo Clark
About as much as this
Jonathan Ortiz
Jack Wood
Luis King
Chase Robinson
Leo Thompson
Consistent Consecutive Elite Cup Combo Club
Most active consistently winning teams, by staying in consecutive elite cups. In other words, it's been a long ass fucking time since they've been in the Babbies.
Status renewed (Counts include Winter 2017): /asp/ - 7 since Winter 2014 /f/ - 7 since Winter 2014 /mlp/ - 5 since Winter 2015
Applications accepted (Counts include Winter 2017): /gd/ - 4 since Summer 2015
Looking to apply (Counts include Winter 2017): Veeky Forums - 3 since Winter 2016 /d/ - 3 since Winter 2016 /an/ - 3 since Winter 2016
Honorary mention: /mu/ and Veeky Forums have played in every Elite Cup so far. But Veeky Forums drops off from this mention too.
NOTE: All barring anyone fucking up the confirmation process for Winter 2017. >anyone retarded enough to fuck that up
Current record stands at 8 consecutive by /mu/. Both /asp/ and /f/ have the opportunity to tie this record in Winter 2017.
Will anyone make it to 9 consecutive elite cups?
Mason Anderson
Do memes from your board hurt others?
Isaiah Ward
pushing out a tentative version of the PES Mesh Tools that should be compatible with blender versions greater than or equal to 2.73 for the next 24 hours please let me no if there are bugs in it. I lifted it from one of my working copies so it may contain experimental code I've forgotten about
WARNING: this is an update to the "weight paint" development branch of the face tools I have plans for migrating people from the older non "weight paint" version of the tools but I need to rework a bunch of stuff under the hood so I can make the export UI friendlier
This version *should* support a few extra models types, that had been release in limited circulation, between summer and autumn
Eli Mitchell
It's been passed on to /AesCo/, I'd try it out myself but I've not got the free time to properly test anything out
Brody Sullivan
Thank you
Landon White
Any managers besides >Art that play football in their free time?
Christian Johnson
SDA is a striker for some Aussie team
Xavier Reyes
VGL draw when
Sebastian Nelson
never ever
Ryan Perry
Resolink plays either winger or striker and is available on transfer market